if (!isGeneric("stplot"))
setGeneric("stplot", function(obj, ...)
stplot.STFDF = function(obj, names.attr = trimDates(obj), ...,
as.table = TRUE, at = NULL, cuts = 15, scales = list(draw = FALSE),
animate = 0, mode = "xy", scaleX = 0,
auto.key = list(space =, main, = "right", type = 'l', do.repeat = TRUE,
range.expand = 0.001) {
ind = sp.ID = NULL # keep R CMD check happy
z = names(obj@data)[1]
seq.expand = function(min, max, length.out, expand) {
r = max - min
max = max + r * expand
min = min - r * expand
seq(min, max, length.out = length.out)
if (missing(at) && !is.factor(obj[[z]]))
at = seq.expand(min(obj[[z]], na.rm = TRUE), max(obj[[z]], na.rm = TRUE),
length.out = ifelse(length(cuts) == 1, cuts + 1, length(cuts)), range.expand)
if (missing(main)) {
if (ncol(obj@data) == 1)
main = names(obj@data)
main = NULL
if (mode == "ts") { # multiple time series
if (!is.null(scales$draw) && scales$draw == FALSE)
scales$draw = TRUE
if (length(names(obj@data)) > 1) # , stack, add | which.var
xyplot(values ~ time | ind, stack(obj), groups = sp.ID,
type = type, auto.key = auto.key, as.table = as.table,
scales = scales, main = main, ...)
xyplot(as.formula(paste(z, "~", "time")),, groups = sp.ID,
type = type, auto.key = auto.key, as.table = as.table,
scales = scales, main = main, ...)
} else if (mode == "tp") { # time series in multiple panels
if (ncol(obj@data) == 1)
xyplot(as.formula(paste(z, "~ time | sp.ID")),, type = type, auto.key = auto.key,
as.table = as.table, main = main, ...)
else {
n = names(obj@data)
df =
st = stack(df, n) # values ~ ind
st$time = df$time
st$sp.ID = df$sp.ID
xyplot(as.formula(paste("values ~ time | sp.ID")),
st, type = type, groups = ind,
auto.key = auto.key, as.table = as.table,
main = main, ...)
} else if (mode == "xt") { # space-time cross section == Hovmoeller
if (missing(scales))
scales = list(draw = TRUE)
scales$draw = TRUE
s = longlat.scales(obj@sp, scales = scales,
xlim = bbox(obj@sp)[1,], ylim = bbox(obj@sp)[2,])
cn = coordnames(obj@sp)
if (scaleX == 1) {
scales["x"] = s["x"]
f = as.formula(paste(z, "~", cn[1], "+ time"))
} else if (scaleX == 2) {
scales["x"] = s["y"]
f = as.formula(paste(z, "~", cn[2], "+ time"))
} else
f = as.formula(paste(z, "~ sp.ID + time"))
dots = list(...)
dots$scales = scales
dots$main = main
dots$at = at
dots = append(list(f,, as.table = as.table), dots)
if (!is.factor(obj[[z]])) {
dots$cuts = cuts
dots$at = at
}, dots)
} else { # multiple spplots: panel for each time step.
if (mode != "xy")
stop("unknown value for argument mode")
df = data.frame(reshape([c(z, "time", "sp.ID")],
timevar = "time", idvar = "sp.ID", direction = "wide"))[, -1, drop=FALSE]
x = addAttrToGeom(geometry(obj@sp), df, match.ID = FALSE)
## OR:
## x = as(obj, "Spatial")
## x@data = data.frame(x@data) # cripples column names
scales = longlat.scales(obj@sp, scales = scales,
xlim = bbox(obj@sp)[1,], ylim = bbox(obj@sp)[2,])
if (animate > 0) {
names.attr = rep(names.attr, length = ncol(df))
i = 0
while (do.repeat || i < ncol(df)) {
timeStep = (i %% ncol(df)) + 1
args = list(x[,timeStep], main = names.attr[timeStep],
as.table = as.table, auto.key = auto.key, scales = scales, ...)
if (!is.factor(obj[[z]])) {
args$cuts = cuts
args$at = at
print(, args))
i = i + 1
} else {
args = list(x, names.attr = names.attr, as.table = as.table,
auto.key = auto.key, scales = scales, main = main, ...)
if (!is.factor(obj[[z]])) {
args$cuts = cuts
args$at = at
if (is(obj@sp, "SpatialPoints"))
args$ =, args)
#stplot.STIDF = function(obj, names.attr = index(obj@time), ...)
# stplot(as(obj, "STFDF"), names.attr = names.attr, ...)
panel.stpointsplot = function(x, y, col, sp.layout, ...) {
sppanel(sp.layout, panel.number())
panel.xyplot(x, y, col = col, ...)
stplot.STIDF = function(obj, ..., names.attr = NULL,
as.table = TRUE, scales = list(draw=FALSE), xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
type = 'p', number = 6, tcuts, sp.layout = NULL,
xlim = bbox(obj)[1,], ylim = bbox(obj)[2,])
if (ncol(obj@data) > 1)
warning("plotting only the first mark or attribute")
tix = index(obj)
if (missing(tcuts))
tcuts = seq(min(tix), max(tix), length.out = number + 1)
number = length(tcuts) - 1
timeclass = findInterval(tix, tcuts, rightmost.closed = TRUE) # EJP, Mon Aug 17 12:07:12 CEST 2015
data = obj@data[,1,drop=FALSE]
if (number > 1) for (i in 2:number) {
data = cbind(data, obj@data[,1])
data[timeclass != i, i] = NA
if (i == number)
data[timeclass != 1, 1] = NA # deal with first time class
names(data) = make.names(names(data), TRUE)
d = addAttrToGeom(obj@sp, data, FALSE)
if (is.null(names.attr))
names.attr = trimDates(tcuts[1:number])
spplot(d, 1:number, names.attr = names.attr, as.table = as.table,
scales = scales, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, sp.layout = sp.layout,
xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, ...)
stplot.STI = function(obj, names.attr = NULL, ...,
as.table = TRUE,
scales = list(draw=FALSE), xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
type = 'p', number = 6, overlap = 0, asp,
col = 1, panel = panel.stpointsplot, sp.layout = NULL,
xlim = bbox(obj)[1,], ylim = bbox(obj)[2,]
) {
f = paste(rev(coordnames(obj@sp)), collapse=" ~ ")
# further control time here?:
f = paste(f, "| time")
if (missing(asp))
asp = mapasp(obj@sp)
scales = longlat.scales(obj@sp, scales = scales, xlim, ylim)
obj =
if (is.numeric(number) && number > 1)
obj$time = equal.count(obj$time, number = number, overlap = overlap)
xyplot(as.formula(f), obj, asp = asp, type = type,
as.table = as.table, scales = scales, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
panel = panel, sp.layout = sp.layout, ...)
panel.sttrajplot = function(x, y, col, sp.layout, ..., GRP, lwd, lty = 1) {
sppanel(sp.layout, panel.number())
if (length(GRP) == 1 && length(lwd) == 1 && length(col) == 1)
llines(x, y, lwd = lwd, col = col)
else {
ug = unique(GRP)
lug = length(ug)
lwd = rep(lwd, length.out = lug)
lty = rep(lty, length.out = lug)
col = rep(col, length.out = lug)
for (i in ug) {
sel = (GRP == i)
llines(x[sel], y[sel], lwd = lwd[i], col = col[i])
stplot.STTDF = function(obj, names.attr = NULL, ...,
as.table = TRUE, by = c("none", "burst", "id", "time"),
scales = list(draw=FALSE), xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
type = 'l', number = 6, overlap = 0, asp,
col = 1, lwd = 1, lty = 1, panel = panel.sttrajplot, sp.layout = NULL,
xlim = bbox(obj)[1,], ylim = bbox(obj)[2,]
) {
if (missing(asp))
asp = mapasp(obj@sp)
scales = longlat.scales(obj@sp, scales = scales, xlim, ylim)
GRP = rep(1:length(obj@traj), times = sapply(obj@traj, length))
f = paste(rev(coordnames(obj@sp)), collapse=" ~ ")
by = by[1]
if (by != "none")
f = paste(f, "|", by)
obj = as(obj, "data.frame")
if (is.numeric(number) && number > 1)
obj$time = equal.count(obj$time, number = number, overlap = overlap)
xyplot(as.formula(f), obj, asp = asp, type = type,
as.table = as.table, scales = scales, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
panel = panel, sp.layout = sp.layout, col = col, lwd = lwd,
lty = lty, ..., GRP = GRP)
setMethod("stplot", signature("STTDF"), stplot.STTDF)
setMethod("stplot", signature("STT"), stplot.STTDF)
setMethod("stplot", signature("STFDF"), stplot.STFDF)
setMethod("stplot", signature("STSDF"),
function(obj, ...) stplot.STIDF(as(obj, "STIDF"), ...))
setMethod("stplot", signature("STIDF"), stplot.STIDF)
setMethod("stplot", signature("STI"), stplot.STI)
stackST = function(x, select, ...) {
nc = ncol(x@data)
df = stack(x@data)
g =
gf =, lapply(1:nc, function(x) g))
data.frame(gf, df)
stack.STFDF = stackST
stack.STSDF = stackST
stack.STIDF = stackST
trimDates = function(x) {
if (is(x, "ST"))
x = index(x@time)
it = as.character(x)
if (identical(grep("-01$", it), 1:length(it))) # all: day
it = sub("-01$", "", it)
if (identical(grep("-01$", it), 1:length(it))) # all: month
it = sub("-01$", "", it)
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