# sparsebnUtils-generate.R
# sparsebnUtils
# Created by Bryon Aragam (local) on 4/22/16.
# Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Bryon Aragam. All rights reserved.
# random.dag
# random.spd
# random_householder
# allBlocks
#' Generate random DAGs
#' Generate a random graph with fixed number of edges.
#' @param nnode Number of nodes in the graph.
#' @param nedge Number of edges in the graph.
#' @param acyclic If \code{TRUE}, output will be an acyclic graph.
#' @param loops If \code{TRUE}, output may include self-loops.
#' @param permute If \code{TRUE}, order of nodes will be randomly permuted.
#' If \code{FALSE}, output will be ordered according to its
#' topological sort, i.e. with a lower-triangular adjacency matrix.
#' @return An \code{\link[sparsebnUtils]{edgeList}} object containing a list of parents for each node.
#' @export
random.graph <- function(nnode, nedge, acyclic = TRUE, loops = FALSE, permute = TRUE){
max_nnz <- nnode*(nnode-1)/2
if(nedge > max_nnz){
stop(sprintf("A DAG with p = %d nodes can have at most p*(p-1)/2 = %d edges! Please check your input for nedge.", nnode, max_nnz))
if(nnode == 1){
as.edgeList(matrix(0, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)) # special case of 1x1 DAG
} else{
# Sample a random edgeList
### First use natural ordering 1,...,p
node_order <- seq_len(nnode)
### Get all pairs of off-diagonal indices in a pxp matrix
indices <- allBlocks(node_order)
### Eliminate self-loops
indices <- indices[indices[,1] != indices[,2], , drop = FALSE]
### If acyclic, select pairs in the lower triangular portion
indices <- indices[indices[,1] > indices[,2], , drop = FALSE]
### Randomly sample nedge of these pairs
edges <- sample(seq_len(nrow(indices)), size = nedge)
indices <- indices[edges, , drop = FALSE]
### Convert from sparse representation to child-parent edge list
edgeL <- lapply(node_order, function(x) unname(indices[indices[, 2] == x, 1, drop = TRUE]))
### Name the cols/rows according to the current top sort
### This is useful since it gives quick access to a
### top sort for the graph even after permuting
names(edgeL) <- paste0("V", node_order)
### Create edgeList object
edgeL <- edgeList(edgeL)
### Permute the nodes and return result
if(permute) edgeL <- permute.nodes(edgeL)
### Return final results
### Generate a vector of parameters compatible with generate_mvn_data
gen_params <- function(graph, FUN = NULL, ...){
nedge <- num.edges(graph)
nnode <- num.nodes(graph)
coefs <- stats::runif(nedge)
vars <- stats::runif(nnode)
} else{
FUN <-
coefs <- replicate(nedge, FUN(n = 1))
vars <- replicate(nnode, FUN(n = 1))
c(coefs, vars)
#' Generate random DAGs
#' Generate a random DAG with fixed number of edges.
#' FUN can be any function whose first argument is called \code{n}. This
#' allows for both random and deterministic outputs.
#' @param nnode Number of nodes in the DAG.
#' @param nedge Number of edges in the DAG.
#' @param FUN Optional function to be used as a random number generator.
#' @param permute If \code{TRUE}, order of nodes will be randomly permuted.
#' If \code{FALSE}, output will be ordered according to its
#' topological sort, i.e. with a lower-triangular adjacency matrix.
#' @return An (weighted) adjacency matrix.
#' @export
random.dag <- function(nnode, nedge, FUN = NULL, permute = TRUE){
graph <- random.graph(nnode, nedge, acyclic = TRUE, permute = permute)
amat <- as.matrix(graph)
### Randomly sample values for nonzero coefs
coefs <- stats::runif(nedge)
} else{
FUN <-
coefs <- replicate(nedge, FUN(n = 1))
### given these indices, update the values in amat with random values
amat[amat!=0] <- coefs
### Final output
#' Generate a random positive definite matrix
#' @param nnode Number of nodes in the matrix.
#' @param eigenvalues Vector of eigenvalues desired in output. If this
#' has fewer than nnode values, the remainder are filled in as zero.
#' @param num.ortho Number of random Householder reflections to compose.
#' @export
random.spd <- function(nnode,
eigenvalues = NULL,
num.ortho = 10){
stopifnot(nnode > 1)
len_eigenvalue <- length(eigenvalues)
if(len_eigenvalue > nnode){
stop(sprintf("A %dx%d matrix cannot have more than %d eigenvalues! Please check your input.", nnode, nnode, nnode))
} else if(len_eigenvalue < nnode){
num_zero <- nnode - len_eigenvalue
eigenvalues <- c(eigenvalues, rep(0, num_zero))
ortho_matrices <- lapply(1:num.ortho, function(x) random_householder(nnode))
Q <- Reduce("%*%", ortho_matrices)
if(is.null(eigenvalues)) eigenvalues <- stats::runif(nnode)
m <- Q %*% diag(eigenvalues) %*% t(Q)
random_householder <- function(nnode){
v <- stats::rnorm(nnode)
v <- v / sqrt(sum(v^2))
householder <- diag(rep(1, nnode)) - 2 * v %*% t(v)
allBlocks <- function(nodes){
blocks <- lapply(nodes, function(x){
row <- (nodes)[nodes != x]
col <- rep(x, length(col))
cbind(row, col)
blocks <-"rbind", blocks)
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