
Defines functions rCauchyHom

Documented in rCauchyHom

#'    rcauchy.R
#'   $Revision: 1.7 $ $Date: 2023/01/24 23:31:38 $
#'   Simulation of Cauchy cluster process
#'   using either naive algorithm or BKBC algorithm
#'   rCauchyHom    Interface to C code for stationary case (BKBC algorithm)
#'   rCauchy       General case (naive or BKBC)
#'    Original code for naive simulation of Neyman-Scott by Adrian Baddeley
#'    Original code for simulation of rCauchy offspring by Abdollah Jalilian
#'    Bug fixes by Abdollah, Adrian Baddeley, and Rolf Turner
#'   Implementation of BKBC algorithm by Adrian Baddeley and Ya-Mei Chang
#'   Copyright (c) 2000-2023 Adrian Baddeley, Abdollah Jalilian, Ya-Mei Chang 
#'   Licence: GNU Public Licence >= 2

rCauchyHom <-function(kappa, mu, scale, W=unit.square(), ..., nsim=1, drop=TRUE,
                      inflate=NULL, saveparents=FALSE, maxinflate=10) {
  check.1.real(kappa) && check.finite(kappa)
  check.1.real(mu) && check.finite(mu)
  check.1.real(scale) && check.finite(scale)
  stopifnot(kappa >= 0)
  stopifnot(mu >= 0)
  stopifnot(scale > 0)
  if(!is.null(inflate)) {
    check.1.real(inflate) && check.finite(inflate)
    stopifnot(inflate >= 1)
  ## trivial cases
  if(nsim == 0) return(simulationresult(list()))
  if(kappa == 0 || mu == 0) {
    ## intensity is zero - patterns are empty
    empt <- ppp(window=W)
    if(saveparents) {
      attr(empt, "parents") <- list(x=numeric(0), y=numeric(0))
      attr(empt, "parentid") <- integer(0)
      attr(empt, "cost") <- 0
    result <- rep(list(empt), nsim)
    return(simulationresult(result, nsim=nsim, drop=drop))
  ## shift window to convenient origin
  oldW <- W
  oldcentre <- as.numeric(centroid.owin(Frame(oldW)))
  W <- shift(oldW, -oldcentre)
  ## enclose it in a disc
  rD <- with(vertices(Frame(W)), sqrt(max(x^2+y^2)))
  ## optimal inflation
  if(is.null(inflate)) {
    a <- if(mu == 0) 1 else (1 + (1-exp(-mu))/mu)
    b <- (rD^2)/(2*a*scale^2)
    if(b <= 1) {
      inflate <- 1
    } else {
      delta <- scale * (b^(2/3) - 1)
      inflate <- 1 + delta/rD
      inflate <- min(inflate, maxinflate)
  ## Prepare for C code
  storage.mode(kappa) <- "double"
  storage.mode(mu) <- "double"
  storage.mode(scale) <- "double"
  storage.mode(rD) <- "double"
  storage.mode(inflate) <- "double"
  resultlist <- vector(mode="list", length=nsim)
  for(isim in 1:nsim) {
    ## call C code
    if(saveparents) {
      z <- .Call(SR_rcauchyAll,
                 kappa, mu, scale, rD, inflate,
    } else {
      z <- .Call(SR_rcauchyOff,
                 kappa, mu, scale, rD, inflate,
    ## unpack
    xo <- z[[1]]
    yo <- z[[2]]
    if(saveparents) {
      xp <- z[[3]]
      yp <- z[[4]]
      parentid <- z[[5]]
    ## shift back to original window
    xo <- xo + oldcentre[1L]
    yo <- yo + oldcentre[2L]
    if(saveparents) {
      xp <- xp + oldcentre[1L]
      yp <- yp + oldcentre[2L]
    ## restrict to original window
    retain <- inside.owin(xo, yo, oldW)
    if(!all(retain)) {
      xo <- xo[retain]
      yo <- yo[retain]
      if(saveparents) {
        parentid <- parentid[retain]
        retainedparents <- sort(unique(parentid))
        parentid <- match(parentid, retainedparents)
        xp <- xp[retainedparents]
        yp <- yp[retainedparents]
    ## save as point pattern
    Y <- ppp(xo, yo, window=oldW, check=FALSE)
    if(saveparents) {
      attr(Y, "parents") <- list(x = xp, y = yp)
      attr(Y, "parentid") <- parentid
      attr(Y, "cost") <- length(xo) + length(xp)
    resultlist[[isim]] <- Y
  result <- simulationresult(resultlist, nsim, drop=drop)

## ================================================
## Neyman-Scott process with Cauchy kernel function
## ================================================

## scale / omega: scale parameter of Cauchy kernel function
## eta: scale parameter of Cauchy pair correlation function
## eta = 2 * omega

rCauchy <- local({

  ## simulate mixture of normals with inverse-gamma distributed variance
  rnmix.invgam <- function(n = 1, rate) {
    V <- matrix(rnorm(2 * n, 0, 1), nrow = n, ncol = 2)
    s <- 1/rgamma(n, shape=1/2, rate=rate)
    return(sqrt(s) * V)

  ## main function
  rCauchy <- function(kappa, scale, mu, win = square(1),
                         nsim=1, drop=TRUE,
                         algorithm=c("BKBC", "naive"),
                         thresh = 0.001,
                         expand = NULL,
                         saveparents=FALSE, saveLambda=FALSE,
                         kappamax=NULL, mumax=NULL) {
    ## Cauchy cluster process
    ## scale / omega: scale parameter of Cauchy kernel function
    ## eta: scale parameter of Cauchy pair correlation function

    stopifnot(nsim >= 0)
    if(nsim == 0) return(simulationresult(list()))
    ## Catch old scale syntax (omega)
    dots <- list(...)
    if(missing(scale)) scale <- dots[["omega"]]
    stopifnot(scale > 0)
    ## Catch old name 'eps' for 'thresh':
      thresh <- dots[["eps"]] %orifnull% 0.001
    ## determine the effective maximum radius of clusters
    ## (for the naive algorithm, or when kappa is not constant)
        expand <- clusterradius("Cauchy", scale = scale, thresh = thresh, ...)
    } else if(!missing(thresh)){
      warning(paste("Argument ", sQuote("thresh"),
                    "is ignored when", sQuote("expand"), "is given"),

    #' validate 'kappa' and 'mu'
    km <- validate.kappa.mu(kappa, mu, kappamax, mumax,
                            win, expand, ...,
                            context="In rCauchy")
    kappamax <- km[["kappamax"]]
    mumax    <- km[["mumax"]]
    ## detect trivial case where patterns are empty
    if(kappamax == 0 || mumax == 0) {
      empt <- ppp(window=win)
      if(saveparents) {
        attr(empt, "parents") <- list(x=numeric(0), y=numeric(0))
        attr(empt, "parentid") <- integer(0)
        attr(empt, "cost") <- 0
        attr(empt, "Lambda") <- as.im(0, W=win)
      result <- rep(list(empt), nsim)
      return(simulationresult(result, nsim=nsim, drop=drop))

    #' determine algorithm
    algorithm <- match.arg(algorithm)
    do.parents <- saveparents || saveLambda || !is.numeric(kappa)
    do.hybrid <- (algorithm == "BKBC") && nonempty 

    if(do.hybrid) {
      ## ........ Fast algorithm (BKBC) .................................
      ## run BKBC algorithm for stationary model
      result <- rCauchyHom(kappamax, mumax, scale=scale,
                           W=win, ..., nsim=nsim, drop=FALSE,

      ## thin 
        result <- solapply(result, thinParents,
                           P=kappa, Pmax=kappamax)
        result <- solapply(result, rthin,
                           P=mu, Pmax=mumax,
                           na.zero=TRUE, fatal=FALSE)
    } else {
      ## .......... Slower algorithm ('naive') ..........................
      ## trap case of large clusters, close to Poisson
      if(is.numeric(kappa) && 1/(pi * kappamax * scale^2) < poisthresh) {
        if(is.function(mu)) mu <- as.im(mu, W=win, ...)
        kapmu <- kappa * mu
        result <- rpoispp(kapmu, win=win, nsim=nsim, drop=drop, warnwin=FALSE)
        result <- fakeNeyScot(result, kapmu, win, saveLambda, saveparents)
    ## simulate
      result <- rNeymanScott(kappa=kappa,
                             rcluster=list(mu, rnmix.invgam),
                             rate = scale^2/2, # formal argument of rnmix.invgam
                             nsim=nsim, drop=FALSE,
                             saveparents = do.parents,
                             kappamax=kappamax, mumax=mumax)


      BW <- Frame(win)
      for(i in 1:nsim) {
        parents <- attr(result[[i]], "parents")
        BX <- boundingbox(BW, bounding.box.xy(parents))
        parents <- as.ppp(parents, W=BX, check=FALSE)
        Lambda <- clusterfield("Cauchy", parents, scale=scale, mu=mu, ...)
        attr(result[[i]], "Lambda") <- Lambda[win, drop=FALSE]
    return(simulationresult(result, nsim, drop))


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