
Defines functions add_duration

Documented in add_duration

#' Add duration variables to panel data
#' Builds a duration version of a data frame representing panel data.
#' @param data Data frame representing panel data.
#' @param y A binary indicator of the incidence of some event, e.g. a coup.
#' @param unitID Name of the variable in the data frame identifying the 
#' cross-sectional units, e.g. \code{"country"}.
#' @param tID Name of the variable in the data frame identifying the time unit, 
#' preferably as class \code{\link{Date}}. E.g. \code{"year"}.
#' @param freq Frequency at which units are measured in \code{tID}. Currently 
#' yearly, monthly, and daily data are supported, i.e. \code{"year"}, 
#' \code{"month"}, or \code{"day"}.
#' @param sort Sort data by unit and time? Default is \code{FALSE}, i.e. return
#' data in original order.
#' @param ongoing If \code{TRUE}, successive 1's are considered ongoing events
#' and treated as \code{NA} after the first 1. If \code{FALSE}, successive 1's 
#' are all treated as failures.
#' @param slice.last Set to \code{TRUE} to create a slice of the last time 
#' period; used with \code{\link{forecast.spdur}}. For compatibility with CRISP 
#' and ICEWS projects.
#' @details 
#' This function processes a panel data frame by creating a failure 
#' variable from \code{y} and corresponding duration counter, as well as 
#' risk/immunity indicators. Supported time resolutions are year, month, and
#' day, and input data should be (dis-)aggregated to one of these levels.
#' The returned data frame should have the same number of rows at the original. 
#' If \code{y} is an indicator of the incidence of some event, rather than an 
#' onset indicator, then ongoing spells of failure beyond the initial event are 
#' coded as NA (e.g. 000111 becomes a spell of 0001 NA NA). This is to preserve
#' compatibility with the base dataset. Note that the order of rows may be 
#' different though.
#' There cannot be missing values ("\code{NA}") in any of the key variables 
#' \code{y}, \code{unitID}, or \code{tID}; they will stop the function.
#' Furthermore, series that start with an event, e.g. (100), are treated as 
#' experiencing failure in the first time period. If those events are in fact 
#' ongoing, e.g. the last year of a war that started before the start time of 
#' the dataset, they should be dropped manually before using 
#' \code{buildDuration()}.
#' \code{t.0} is the starting time of the period of observation at \code{tID}. 
#' It is by default set as \code{duration - 1} and currently only serves as a 
#' placeholder to allow future expansion for varying observation times.
#' @return
#' Returns the original data frame with 8 duration-specific additional 
#' variables:
#' \item{failure}{Binary indicator of an event.}
#' \item{ongoing}{Binary indicator for ongoing events, not counting the initial 
#' failure time.}
#' \item{end.spell}{Binary indicator for the last observation in a spell, either
#' due to censoring or failure.}
#' \item{cured}{Binary indicator for spells that are coded as cured, or immune
#' from failure. Equal to 1 - \code{atrisk}.}
#' \item{atrisk}{Binary indicator for spells that are coded as at risk for 
#' failure. Equal to 1 - \code{cured}.}
#' \item{censor}{Binary indicator for right-censored spells.}
#' \item{duration}{\code{t}, counter for how long a spell has survived without
#' failure.}
#' \item{t.0}{Starting time for period observed during \code{t}, by default
#' equals \code{duration} - 1.}
#' @seealso \code{\link{panel_lag}} for lagging variables in a panel data frame 
#' before building duration data.
#' @examples
#' # Yearly data
#' data <- data.frame(y=c(0,0,0,1,0), 
#'                    unitID=c(1,1,1,1,1), 
#'                    tID=c(2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004))
#' dur.data <- add_duration(data, "y", "unitID", "tID", freq="year")
#' dur.data
#' @export
#' @importFrom plyr ddply
add_duration <- function(data, y, unitID, tID, freq="month", sort=FALSE,
                          ongoing=TRUE, slice.last=FALSE) {
  ##    Check input
  # valid frequency
  supported.freq <- c("day", "month", "year")
  if (!freq %in% supported.freq) {
    stop("frequency must be 'day', 'month' or 'year'")
  # convert to date if possible
  if (class(data[, tID])!="Date") {  
    data[, "temp.tID"] <- attempt_date(data[, tID], freq)
    tID <- "temp.tID"
  # check for missing keys
  if (any(is.na(data[, c(y, unitID, tID)]))) {
    stop("There are NA's in y, unitID, or tID")
  # check that y is binary and has failures
  if (!all(unique(data[, y]) %in% c(0, 1))) {
    stop(paste(y, "must be binary (0, 1)"))
  } else if (all(data[, y]==0)) {
    stop(paste0("No failures occur in data (", substitute(data), "[, \"", y, 
  ##    Begin duration build code
  # Keep track of original order
  data$orig_order_track <- 1:nrow(data)
  # Need to order by date to id and drop ongoing spells
  keep <- c(y, unitID, tID, "orig_order_track")
  res <- data[order(data[, unitID], data[, tID]), keep]
  # Mark failure (0, 1, NA for ongoing)
  if (ongoing==TRUE) {
    failure <- function(x) return(c(x[1], pmax(0, diff(x))))
    res$failure <- unlist(by(res[, y], res[, unitID], failure))
    res$ongoing <- ifelse(res[, y]==1 & res$failure==0, 1, 0)
    res$failure <- ifelse(res$ongoing==1, NA, res$failure)
  } else {
    res$failure <- res[, y]
    res$ongoing <- 0
  # Mark end of a spell and create unique ID
  # A spell can end 3 ways: failure, right-censor because last observation
  # period, or right censor because state ceased to exist.
  res$temp.t <- res[, tID]
  res <- ddply(res, .variables=unitID, transform, end=max(temp.t)) 
  if (freq=="year") {
    cond <- (format(res[, tID], '%Y')==format(as.Date(res$end), '%Y'))
  } else if (freq=="month") {
    cond <- (format(res[, tID], '%Y-%m')==format(as.Date(res$end), '%Y-%m'))
  } else if (freq=="day") {
    cond <- (format(res[, tID], '%Y-%m-%d')==
               format(as.Date(res$end), '%Y-%m-%d'))
  # Mark if month is equal to last month for spell
  res$end.spell <- ifelse(cond, 1, 0)
  # Mark if failure
  res$end.spell <- ifelse(res$failure==1, 1, res$end.spell)
  # Hack to correct ongoing spells, then create spellID
  spellIDhelper <- ifelse(is.na(res$end.spell), 0, res$end.spell)
  # Create spellID
  res$spellID <- rev(cumsum(rev(spellIDhelper)))
  res$spellID <- ifelse(res$ongoing==1, NA, res$spellID)
  # Was there a failure at the end of a spell?
  failedspells <- res$spellID[res$failure==1 & res$ongoing==0]
  helper <- cbind(failedspells, 0)
  colnames(helper) <- c("spellID", "cured")
  # Create cure (c) variable
  res <- merge(res, helper, by=("spellID"), all.x=TRUE)
  res$cured[is.na(res$cured) & res$ongoing==0] <- 1
  res$atrisk <- 1 - res$cured
  # Create censor variable
  res$censor <- ifelse(with(res, end.spell==1 & failure==0), 1, 0)
  # Create duration variable, need to order by spell ID and date!!!!
  helper <- 1 - res$ongoing
  res <- res[order(res$spellID, res[, tID]), ]
  res$duration[!is.na(res$spellID)] <- unlist(
    by(helper[!is.na(res$spellID)], res$spellID[!is.na(res$spellID)], cumsum)
  res$t.0 <- res$duration - 1 ## previous duration
  ##    Slice option for forecast data; for CRISP/ICEWS
  if (slice.last==TRUE) {
    dataend = max(data[, tID])
    pred.data <- res[res[, tID]==dataend, ]
    missing <- setdiff(unique(data[, unitID]), unique(pred.data[, unitID]))
    if (length(missing)==0) {
      missing <- data[data[, tID]==dataend & data[, unitID] %in% missing, ]
      missing <- cbind(spellID=rep(NA, dim(missing)[1]), missing)
      missing$failure <- 0
      missing$ongoing <- 1
      missing$end <- NA
      missing$end.spell <- NA
      missing$cured <- 0
      missing$atrisk <- 1
      missing$censor <- 1
      missing$duration <- 1
      res <- rbind(pred.data, missing)
  ##    Clean up result
  # Reformat dates
  if (freq=="year")  res[, tID] <- format(res[, tID], format="%Y")
  if (freq=="month") res[, tID] <- format(res[, tID], format="%Y-%m")
  if (freq=="day")   res[, tID] <- format(res[, tID], format="%Y-%m-%d")
  # Merge back with original data
  keep <- c("failure", "ongoing", "end.spell", "cured", "atrisk", "censor",
    "duration", "t.0")
  if (sort==FALSE) {
    res <- res[order(res$orig_order_track), ]
    res <- subset(res, select=keep)
    res <- cbind(data, res)
  } else {
    res <- res[order(res[, unitID], res[, tID]), ]
    res <- subset(res, select=keep)
    data <- data[order(data[, unitID], data[, tID]), ]
    warning(paste0("Data are sorted by ", unitID, ", ", tID))
    res <- cbind(data, res)

  # Drop utility columns in original data
  res <- res[, !(colnames(res) %in% c("orig_order_track", "temp.tID"))]

  # Done

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spduration documentation built on May 1, 2019, 6:32 p.m.