# Helper functions--------------------------------------------------------------
#' Builds models formulae with every combination of control variables possible.
#' @param y A string containing the dependent variable name.
#' @param x A string containing the independent variable name.
#' @param controls A vector of strings containing control variable names.
#' @param fixedEffects A string containing the name of a variable to use for
#' fixed effects, defaults to `NA` indicating no fixed
#' effects desired.
#' @return A vector of formula objects using every possible combination of
#' controls.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' formula_builder("dependentVariable", "independentVariable",
#' c("control1", "control2"));
#' formula_builder("dependentVariable", "independentVariable",
#' c("control1*control2"), fixedEffects="month");
formula_builder <- function(y, x, controls, fixedEffects=NA){
# Get all combinations of controls
powerset <- unlist(lapply(1:length(controls),
x = controls,
simplify = FALSE),
# Remove duplicate controls that are already in the interaction
powerset <- unique(sapply(X=powerset, FUN=duplicate_remover, x=x))
# Build right hand side of the formulae
RHS <- unique(sapply(powerset, paste_factory, x))
RHS <- paste(unique(sapply(powerset, paste_factory, x)), fixedEffects,
sep=" | ")
# Build formulae
formulae <- sapply(paste(y, RHS, sep=" ~ "), formula)
#' Paste together controls and independent variable
#' @description
#' `paste_factory()` constructs the right hand side of the regression as a
#' a string i.e. "x + control1 + control2".
#' @inheritParams formula_builder
#' @returns A string concatenating independent and control variables separated
#' by '+'.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' paste_factory(controls = c("control1", "control2"),
#' x = "independentVariable");
paste_factory <- function(controls, x){
if(T %in% str_detect(controls, x)){
return(paste(controls, collapse=" + "))
else return(paste(x, paste(controls, collapse=" + "), sep=" + "))
#' Removes duplicate control variables
#' @description
#' Removes duplicate control variables from user input.
#' @inheritParams formula_builder
#' @return A vector of strings containing control variable names
#' @export
#' @examples
#' duplicate_remover(controls = c("control1", "control2*control3"),
#' x = "independentVariable");
duplicate_remover <- function(controls, x){
# Check for interactions
if(T %in% str_detect(controls, "\\*")){
# Find interaction terms
indices <- which(T==str_detect(controls, "\\*"))
# Find controls that are in interaction terms
extraTerms <- str_replace(str_replace(controls[indices],
# Remove controls that are already present in interaction
return(controls[!controls %in% extraTerms])
else return(controls)
#' Extracts the control variable names and coefficients from an lm model
#' summary.
#' @description
#' Extracts the control variable names and coefficients from a model summary.
#' @param model A model summary object.
#' @param feols_model An indicator for whether `model` is a `fixest::feols()`
#' model. Defaults to `FALSE`.
#' @inheritParams formula_builder
#' @return A dataframe with two columns, `term` contains the name of the control
#' and `coef` contains the coefficient estimate.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' m <- summary(lm(Salnty ~ STheta + T_degC, bottles))
#' controlExtractor(model = m, x = "STheta");
#' m <- summary(lm(Salnty ~ STheta*T_degC + O2Sat, bottles))
#' controlExtractor(model = m, x = "STheta");
controlExtractor <- function(model, x, feols_model=F){
input <- model$coeftable[,1]
input <- model$coefficients[,1]
r <- %>%
mutate(term=row.names(.)) %>%
filter(!row.names(.) %in% c("(Intercept)", x))
names(r) <- c("coef", "term")
#' Removes the `AsIs` class attribute from the input.
#' @description
#' Removes the `AsIs` class attribute from the input. Taken from:
#' <>
#' @param x An object with the `AsIs` class attribute.
#' @return An object without the `AsIs` class attribute.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' unAsIs(x = I(c(1:4)));
unAsIs <- function(x) {
if("AsIs" %in% class(x)) {
class(x) <- class(x)[-match("AsIs", class(x))]
#' Prepares the output of `sca()` for plotting.
#' @description
#' Takes in the data frame output by `sca()` and returns a list with the data
#' frame and labels to make a plot to visualize the controls included in each
#' spec curve model.
#' @param sca_data A data frame output by `sca`.
#' @return A list containing a data frame, control coefficients, and control
#' names.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' scp(sca(y = "Salnty", x = "T_degC", controls = c("ChlorA", "O2Sat"),
#' data = bottles, progressBar=TRUE, parallel=FALSE));
scp <- function(sca_data){
if("control_coefs" %in% names(sca_data)){
df <- sca_data %>%
select(-terms, -coef, -se, -statistic, -p, -sig.level) %>%
pivot_longer(-c(index, control_coefs),
names_to="control", values_to="value") %>%
filter(value==1) %>%
mutate(controlID = with(.,match(control, unique(control)))) %>%
df <- sca_data %>%
select(-terms, -coef, -se, -statistic, -p, -sig.level) %>%
names_to="control", values_to="value") %>%
filter(value==1) %>%
mutate(controlID = with(.,match(control, unique(control)))) %>%
df_labels <- df %>% select(control, controlID) %>% unique()
return(list(df, setNames(as.character(df_labels$control),
# This function takes the following arguments:
# data = a dataframe with our data
# formula = a formula object with our regression formula
# n_x = the number of x variables we have in the model
# n_samples = the number of times to estimate the model with a random subset
# of the data
# sample_size = the number of observations to include in the subset of data
# It returns a list of bootstrapped standard errors
#' Estimates bootstrapped standard errors for regression models
#' @description
#' Takes in a data frame, regression formula, and bootstrapping parameters and
#' estimates bootstrapped standard errors for models with and without fixed
#' effects.
#' @param data A data frame containing the variables provided in `formula`.
#' @param formula A string containing a regression formula, with or without
#' fixed effects.
#' @param n_x An integer representing the number of independent variables in
#' the regression.
#' @param n_samples An integer indicating how many times the model should be
#' estimated with a random subset of the data.
#' @param sample_size An integer indicating how many observations are in each
#' random subset of the data.
#' @param weights Optional string with the column name in `data` that contains
#' weights.
#' @return A named list containing bootstrapped standard errors for each
#' coefficient.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' se_boot(data = bottles, formula = "Salnty ~ T_degC + ChlorA + O2Sat",
#' n_x = 3, n_samples = 4, sample_size = 300)
#' se_boot(data = data.frame(x1 = rnorm(50000, mean=4, sd=10),
#' x2 = rnorm(50000, sd=50),
#' ID = rep(1:100, 500),
#' area = rep(1:50, 1000),
#' y = rnorm(50000)),
#' formula = "y ~ x1 + x2 | ID",
#' n_x = 2, n_samples = 10, sample_size = 1000)
se_boot <- function(data, formula, n_x, n_samples, sample_size, weights=NULL){
# Check for fixed effects in the formula
FE <- ifelse(grepl("|", formula, fixed=T), T, F)
# Create a list of NAs to return for cases when bootstrapping fails
fallback_list <- as.list(rep(NA, n_x + 1))
# Create a matrix to store the coefficient estimates, each row contains
# coefficients estimated from a different subset of the data
# ncol=n_x+1 when fixed FE aren't present because
# we are also storing the intercept estimate
# ncol=n_x when FE are present because feols() does not report the
# intercept
coefs <- matrix(nrow=n_samples, ncol=ifelse(FE, n_x, n_x+1))
# Loop n_samples times, i.e. how many times we want to re-estimate the model.
# In the future this should be vectorized.
for(i in 1:n_samples){
# Estimate the model with a random subset of the data
# sample_n is a function from the dplyr package that gives us random
# rows from a dataframe
model <- tryCatch(
sample_n(data, sample_size)))
sample_n(data, sample_size),
sample_n(data, sample_size)))
fmla <- as.formula(formula)
environment(fmla) <- environment()
sample_n(data, sample_size),
message(paste0("Estimation failed during bootstrap for fixed effects
model with n_samples=",
n_samples, " and sample_size=", sample_size,
".\nConsider respecifying bootstrap parameters or model
message(paste0("Estimation failed during bootstrap for non-fixed effects
model with n_samples=",
n_samples, " and sample_size=", sample_size,
".\nConsider respecifying bootstrap parameters or model
# If the model can't be estimated then return NULL
if(is.null(model)) return(fallback_list)
# Catch instances where coefficients aren't estimated due to
# collinearity. We can't in good conscience estimate bootstrapped SEs
# from different numbers of coefficients, it could bias the SEs.
else if(FE & length(model$coefficients) != n_x){
message(paste0("Estimation failed due to collinearity for ",
paste(model$collin.var, collapse=", "),
" during bootstrap of fixed effects model with n_samples=",
n_samples, " and sample_size=", sample_size,
".\nConsider respecifying bootstrap parameters.\n"))
else if(!FE & length(model$coefficients) != n_x+1){
message(paste0("Estimation failed due to collinearity for ",
collapse=", "),
" during bootstrap of non-fixed effects model
with n_samples=",
n_samples, " and sample_size=", sample_size,
".\nConsider respecifying bootstrap parameters.\n"))
# Store the coefficient estimates in row i of our matrix
coefs[i,] <- model$coefficients
# Use apply to get the std dev of each column in the matrix, i.e. our
# bootstrapped standard errors
retVal <- apply(coefs, FUN=sd, MARGIN=2)
names(retVal) <- names(model$coefficients)
if(FE) retVal <- c("(Intercept)"=NA, unlist(retVal))
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