
Defines functions .spc.ylab readSPC loadAllSPCFiles

Documented in loadAllSPCFiles readSPC

# Project: Spectral Analysis
# Description:
# Collection of the internal function of the read.spc function of the hyperSpec package + 
# a working version (readSPC) of the read.spc function (we don't use objects of the 
# 'hyperSpec' class but we use objects of the 'spectralInTime' class).
# Author: Robin Van Oirbeek 
# Maintainer: adriaan blommaert <adriaan.blommaert@openanalytics.eu> 
# Version: 3.1
#  changes:
#       *  allow for user set time axis  
#       *  extraInfo slot as list 

#' @include objectSpectraInTime.R dataManagementTools.R

#' Load all or a selection of SPC files from a given directory.
#' This function automatically recognizes all the files bearing an '.spc' extension and returns a list in which each element corresponds to a different xml file.
#' @param directoryFiles Character vector indicating the directory from which the files needs to be downloaded. Note that files with an other extension than '.spc' can be stored in this directory.
#' @param selectedFiles Character vector listing which files of the chosen directory (as expressed by the 'directoryFiles' argument) should be processed. This argument is used when one wants to process a subset of the spc files of the selected directory only. Note that one should add the complete file name to this list, including the file extension! This is an optional argument with as default value NULL, meaning that by default all files of the selected directory are considered. 
#' @return A list is returned of which each element contains a processed SPC file
#' @export 
loadAllSPCFiles                   <- function( directoryFiles, selectedFiles = NULL ){
  if( is.null( selectedFiles ) ) { 
    selectedFiles                 <- list.files( directoryFiles , include.dirs = FALSE , recursive = FALSE )
  } else {
    allFiles                      <-  list.files( directoryFiles , , include.dirs = FALSE )
    for( iFile in seq_along( selectedFiles ) ) {
      differentPartsFileName      <- unlist(strsplit(selectedFiles[iFile], ".", fixed = T))
      if(tolower(differentPartsFileName[length(differentPartsFileName)]) != "spc") selectedFiles[iFile] <- paste(selectedFiles[iFile], '.spc', sep = "")
      positionSelectedFile        <- which( allFiles == selectedFiles[iFile] )  
      if(length(positionSelectedFile) == 0) stop(paste(paste("File '", selectedFiles[iFile], sep = ""), "' is not part of the directory specified by the 'directoryFiles' argument. Please check for spelling errors and do not forget to add its file extension.", sep = ""))
  numberOfSplits                  <-  strsplitVectorLength(selectedFiles, splitter = ".")
  fileNames                       <-  selectPartsStrings(selectedFiles, splitter = ".", alply(numberOfSplits-1, 1, function(xx) 1:xx))
  fileExtensions                  <-  selectPartsStrings(selectedFiles, splitter = ".", as.list(numberOfSplits))
  selectedFilesSPC                <-  selectedFiles[which(fileExtensions == "spc")] 
  experimentNames                 <- fileNames[which( fileExtensions == "spc" ) ]
  spcFiles                        <- list()
  for( iRun in seq_along(selectedFilesSPC) ) {
    spcFiles[[ iRun ]]              <-  readSPC( file.path( directoryFiles ,  selectedFilesSPC[ iRun ] ) ) 
    setExperimentName( spcFiles[[ iRun ]] ) <- experimentNames[iRun] 

#' Read-in of a SPC file.
#' This function is an adaptation of the 'read.spc' function of the 'hyperSpec' package :
#'   Claudia Beleites and Valter Sergo: `hyperSpec: a package to handle
#'   hyperspectral data sets in R, R package version 0.98-20161118.
#'   http://hyperspec.r-forge.r-project.org.    
#' @param filename Character vector expressing the name of the SPC file (just the name, not the directory).
#' @param keys.log2data Logical vector indicating whether the full information (consisting of additional information on the experimental conditions) needs to be parsed from the SPC file or not (TRUE indicates that the full information should be parsed from the SPC file). The default value is FALSE.
#' @param  keys.hdr2data a character vector of header object to add to backgroundInformation 
#' @return \code{\link{SpectraInTime-class}}
#' @importFrom  utils str head tail modifyList
#' @export 
readSPC              <- function( filename , keys.log2data = TRUE ,  keys.hdr2data = FALSE){
  ## Setting not to vary for hyperspec, keep fixed here, other settings than specified in function
    keys.hdr2log  <- FALSE
    keys.log2log  <-  FALSE
    log.txt  <-  TRUE
    log.bin  <-  FALSE
    log.disk  <-  FALSE
    no.object  <-  FALSE
    hdr                           <-   list() # initialize header fiel 
    ## f contains the raw bytes of the file
  ## fpos marks the position of the last read byte
  ## this is the same as the offset from beginning of the file (count 0) in the .spc definition  	
#  cat("Robin's version", "\n")
  ## 1) read in binary file 
  f                         <-  readBin (filename, "raw", file.info (filename)$size, 1)
  hdr                       <-  modifyList( .spc.filehdr(f), hdr  )
  fpos                      <-  hdr$.last.read
  ## 2)  Extract wavelengths 
  if (! hdr$ftflgs ['TXYXYS']) {
    if (! hdr$ftflgs ['TXVALS']) {
      ## spectra with common evenly spaced wavelength axis
      wavelength            <-  seq( hdr$ffirst , hdr$flast , length.out = hdr$fnpts )
    } else {
      ## spectra with common unevenly spaced wavelength axis
      #	if (! hdr$ftflgs ['TMULTI']) { # also for multifile with common wavelength axis
      tmp                   <- .spc.read.x( f , fpos, hdr$fnpts )
      wavelength            <- tmp$x
      fpos                  <- tmp$.last.read
  ## otherwise (TXYXYS set) hdr$fnpts gives offset to subfile directory if that exists
  ## 3) labels/unitcs  obtain labels from file hdr or from parameter	
  if( hdr$fwplanes > 0 )
    label                   <-  modifyList (list (w = hdr$fwtype), label)
  label                     <-  list (.wavelength = hdr$fxtype, spc = hdr$fytype,
      z = hdr$fztype, z.end = hdr$fztype)
  ## prepare list for hyperSpec log and data.frame for extra data
#  data <- list (z = NA, z.end = NA)
#  if (hdr$fwplanes > 0)
#    data <- c ( data, w = NA )
#	## 4) extract backgroundInformation ( process the log block )
  logInformation            <-  .spc.log( f ,  hdr$flogoff,
      log.bin , log.disk , log.txt , keys.log2data ,  keys.log2log )

  backgroundInfo            <-  c( logInformation$extra.data , getbynames( hdr , keys.hdr2data ) )
  # convert expressiions in to character 
  backgroundInformation  <- sapply ( backgroundInfo, function (x) {
      if (mode (x) == "expression")
        as.character (x)
  ## 5) Extract spectral data and timepoints 
  ## if multispectra file with separate wavelength axes, prepare a list
    # preset object sizes
    nTimePoints               <-  hdr$fnsub
    nWavelenghts              <-  hdr$fnpts
    spc                       <-  matrix( NA , nrow = nTimePoints , ncol = nWavelenghts )
    timeMeasurements          <-  vector(  , length = nTimePoints )
    z.end                     <-  vector(  ,  length = nTimePoints )
    for ( s in seq_len( hdr$fnsub ) ) {
      hdr                     <-  .spc.subhdr( f , fpos , hdr )
      fpos                    <-  hdr$.last.read
      tmp                     <-  .spc.read.y( f , fpos , npts = hdr$subhdr$subnpts , exponent = hdr$subhdr$subexp,
          word = hdr$ftflgs ['TSPREC'])
      subhdr                  <-  hdr$subhdr 
      spc[ s , ]              <-  tmp$y
      timeMeasurements[ s ]                  <-  as.numeric( subhdr[ "subtime" ] )
      fpos                    <-  tmp$.last.read # change reading possition  
#      data [s, c('z', 'z.end')]  <- unlist ( hdr$subhdr[c('subtime', 'subnext')])
#      if (hdr$fwplanes > 0)
#        data [s, "w"]         <- hdr$subhdr$w
	## 6) process time variable 
	if(length(backgroundInformation) == 0){
		startDateTime         <-   NA
		nTimePoints           <-   dim( spc )[1]
		dummyTimeInterVal 	<-   60*60 
		timePoints            <-   seq( from = 0 , by = dummyTimeInterVal ,  length.out = nTimePoints )
		warning( "User defined time axis is set instead of instrument recorded time axis" ) 
	} else {
		startDateTime            <-  unname(as.POSIXct(backgroundInformation["Acquisition_Date_Time"], tryFormats = c("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S", "%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p")))
		timePoints               <-  timeMeasurements   
	## update start time
	if(!inherits(startDateTime, "POSIXct") || is.na(startDateTime)) {
		if(length(hdr$fdate) > 0) {
			startDateTime <- hdr$fdate
		} else {
			startDateTime <- as.POSIXct( "1/01/1900 00:00:00" ,  format = "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S" )
	# Make sure data are always in order of ascending wavenumber
    if(wavelength[1] > wavelength[2]){
		wavelength <- rev(wavelength)
		spc <- spc[,ncol(spc):1, drop = FALSE]
    ##  7) construct data elements in spectral data object 
    new( "SpectraInTime", spectra = spc, spectralAxis = wavelength, extraInfo = as.list(backgroundInformation) , timePoints = timePoints , timePointsAlt = timePoints  , startTime  =  startDateTime , units = label )

#####  SPC parser functions from hyperSpec (do not adapt)

## Define constants ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

.nul <- as.raw (0)

## header sizes 
.spc.size <- c (hdr = 512, subhdr = 32, subfiledir = 12, loghdr = 64)

.spc.default.keys.hdr2data <- c('fexper', 'fres', 'fsource')
.spc.default.keys.hdr2log  <- c('fdate', 'fpeakpt')
.spc.default.keys.log2data <- FALSE
.spc.default.keys.log2log  <- TRUE

## axis labeling ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

## x-axis units .....................................................................................
.spc.FXTYPE <- c (expression (`/` (x, "a. u.")),                      #0
    expression (`/` (tilde (nu), cm^-1)),
    expression (`/` (lambda, (mu * m))),
    expression (`/` (lambda, nm)),
    expression (`/` (t, s)),
    expression (`/` (t, min)),
    expression (`/` (f, Hz)),
    expression (`/` (f, kHz)),
    expression (`/` (f, MHz)),
    expression (`/` (frac (m, z), frac (u, e))),        
    expression (`/` (delta, ppm)),                      # 10
    expression (`/` (t, d)),
    expression (`/` (t, a)),
    expression (`/` (Delta*tilde (nu), cm^-1)),
    expression (`/` (E, eV)),
    NA, # old version file uses label in gcatxt
    'Diode No',
    expression (`/` (x, degree)),
    expression (`/` (T, degree*F)),
    expression (`/` (T, degree*C)),                     # 20
    expression (`/` (T, K)),
    'Data Point',
    expression (`/` (t, ms)),
    expression (`/` (t, micro*s)),
    expression (`/` (t, ns)),
    expression (`/` (f, GHz)),
    expression (`/` (lambda, cm)),
    expression (`/` (lambda, m)),
    expression (`/` (lambda, mm)),
    expression (`/` (t, h))                             # 30

.spc.xlab <- function (x) {
  if (is.character (x))
  else if (x <= length (.spc.FXTYPE) + 1)
    .spc.FXTYPE [x + 1]
    ## x = 255 is for double interferogram and supposed not to have a label.
    ## Thus, returning NA is appropriate

## y-axis units .....................................................................................
.spc.FYTYPE <- c (expression (`/` (I[Ref], "a. u.")),                      # -1
    expression (`/` (I, "a. u.")),
    expression (`/` (I[IGRM], "a. u.")),
    expression (frac ((1 - R)^2, 2 * R)),
    expression (`/` (U, V)),
    expression (`/` (y, degree)),
    expression (`/` (I, mA)),
    expression (`/` (l, mm)),
    expression (`/` (U, mV)),
    expression (-log (R)),                              # 10
    expression (`/` (y, '%')),
    expression (`/` (I, 'a. u.')),        
    expression (I / I[0]),                             
    expression (`/` (E, J)),
    NA, # old version file uses label in gcatxt
    expression (`/` (G, dB)),
    NA, # old version file uses label in gcatxt
    NA, # old version file uses label in gcatxt
    expression (`/` (T, degree*F)),
    expression (`/` (T, degree*C)),                     # 20
    expression (`/` (T, K)),
    'K', # extinction coeaffictient
    expression (Re (y)),
    expression (Im (y)),
    'y (complex)', # complex
    expression (`/` (I, 'a. u.')),
    expression (`/` (I[Emission], 'a. u.'))
.spc.ylab <- function(x){
  if (is.character (x))
  else if (x <= 26)
    .spc.FYTYPE [x + 2]
  else if (x %in% 128 : 131)
    .spc.FYTYPE [x - 99]

## helper functions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
### raw.split.nul - rawToChar conversion, splitting at \0
raw.split.nul <- function (raw, trunc = c (TRUE, TRUE), firstonly = FALSE, paste.collapse = NULL) {
  # todo make better truncation
  trunc <- rep (trunc, length.out = 2)
  if (trunc [1] && raw [1] == .nul)
    raw <- raw [-1]
  if (trunc [2]) {
    tmp <- which (raw > .nul)
    if (length (tmp) == 0) 
      return ("")
    raw <- raw [1 : tail (tmp, 1)]	
  if (raw [length (raw)] != .nul)
    raw <- c (raw , .nul)
  tmp <- c (0, which (raw == .nul))
  out <- character (length (tmp) - 1)
  for (i in 1 : (length (tmp) - 1))
    if (tmp [i] + 1 < tmp [i + 1] - 1)
      out [i] <- rawToChar (raw [(tmp [i] + 1)  : (tmp [i + 1] - 1)])
  if (length (out) > 1L){
    if (firstonly){
      message ("multiple strings encountered in spc file ", paste (out, collapse = ", "), ": using only the first one.")
      out <- out [1]
    } else if (! is.null (paste.collapse)){
      if (hy.getOption ("debuglevel") > 2L)
        message ("multiple strings encountered in spc file ", paste (out, collapse = ", "), " => pasting.")
      out <- paste (out, collapse = paste.collapse)

## file part reading functions ----------------------------------------------------------------------

## read file header .................................................................................

.spc.filehdr <- function (raw.data) {
  ## check file format
  ## NEW.LSB = 75 supported,
  ## NEW.MSB = 76 not supported (neither by many Grams software according to spc doc)
  ## OLD     = 77 not supported (replaced by new format in 1996)
  if (raw.data [2] != 75)  
    stop ("Wrong spc file format version (or no spc file at all).\n",
        "Only 'new' spc files (1996 file format) with LSB word order are supported.") 
  hdr <- list (ftflgs   = readBin          (raw.data [        1], "integer", 1, 1, signed = FALSE),
      ## byte 2 is already interpreted
      fexper   = readBin       (raw.data [        3], "integer", 1, 1, signed = TRUE ),
      fexp     = readBin       (raw.data [        4], "integer", 1, 1, signed = TRUE ),
      fnpts    = readBin       (raw.data [  5 :   8], "integer", 1, 4                ),
      ffirst   = readBin       (raw.data [  9 :  16], "double",  1, 8                ),
      flast    = readBin       (raw.data [ 17 :  24], "double",  1, 8                ),
      fnsub    = readBin       (raw.data [ 25 :  28], "integer", 1, 4                ),
      fxtype   = readBin       (raw.data [       29], "integer", 1, 1, signed = FALSE),
      fytype   = readBin       (raw.data [       30], "integer", 1, 1, signed = FALSE),
      fztype   = readBin       (raw.data [       31], "integer", 1, 1, signed = FALSE),
      fpost    = readBin       (raw.data [       32], "integer", 1, 1, signed = TRUE ),
      fdate    = readBin       (raw.data [ 33 :  36], "integer", 1, 4                ),
      fres     = raw.split.nul (raw.data [ 37 :  45], paste.collapse = "\r\n"),
      fsource  = raw.split.nul (raw.data [ 46 :  54], paste.collapse = "\r\n"),
      fpeakpt  = readBin       (raw.data [ 55 :  56], "integer", 1, 2, signed = FALSE),
      fspare   = readBin       (raw.data [ 57 :  88], "numeric", 8, 4                ),
      fcmnt    = raw.split.nul (raw.data [ 89 : 218], paste.collapse = "\r\n"),
      fcatxt   = raw.split.nul (raw.data [219 : 248], trunc = c (FALSE, TRUE)        ),                
      flogoff  = readBin       (raw.data [249 : 252], "integer", 1, 4), #, signed = FALSE),
      fmods    = readBin       (raw.data [253 : 256], "integer", 1, 4), #, signed = FALSE),
      fprocs   = readBin       (raw.data [      257], "integer", 1, 1, signed = TRUE ),
      flevel   = readBin       (raw.data [      258], "integer", 1, 1, signed = TRUE ),
      fsampin  = readBin       (raw.data [259 : 260], "integer", 1, 2, signed = FALSE),
      ffactor  = readBin       (raw.data [261 : 264], "numeric", 1, 4                ),
      fmethod  = raw.split.nul (raw.data [265 : 312]),
      fzinc    = readBin       (raw.data [313 : 316], "numeric", 1, 4), #, signed = FALSE),
      fwplanes = readBin       (raw.data [317 : 320], "integer", 1, 4), #, signed = FALSE),
      fwinc    = readBin       (raw.data [321 : 324], "numeric", 1, 4                ),
      fwtype   = readBin       (raw.data [      325], "integer", 1, 1, signed = TRUE ),
      ## 187 bytes reserved
      .last.read = .spc.size ['hdr'] 
  ## R doesn't have unsigned long int .................................
  if (any (unlist (hdr [c ("flogoff", "fmods", "fwplanes")]) < 0))
    stop ("error reading header: R does not support unsigned long integers.",
        "Please contact the maintainer of the package.")
  ## do some post processing ..........................................
  experiments <- c ("General", "Gas Chromatogram", "General Chromatogram", "HPLC Chromatogram",
      "NIR Spectrum", "UV-VIS Spectrum", "* reserved *", "X-ray diffraction spectrum",
      "Mass Spectrum", "NMR Spectrum", "Raman Spectrum", "Fluorescence Spectrum",
      "Atomic Spectrum", "Chroatography Diode Array Data")
  hdr$fexper <- factor (hdr$fexper + 1, levels = seq_along (experiments))
  levels (hdr$fexper) <- experiments
  hdr$ftflgs <- .spc.ftflags (hdr$ftflgs)
  hdr$fdate  <- ISOdate (year  = hdr$fdate %/% 1048560,
      month = hdr$fdate %/% 65536 %%  16,
      day   = hdr$fdate %/% 2048 %% 32,
      hour  = hdr$fdate %/% 64 %% 32,
      min   = hdr$fdate %% 64,
	  tz = "CET")
  ## interferogram ?
  ## if not, hdr$fpeakpt is set to NULL
  if (hdr$fytype == 1){ 
    if (hdr$fpeakpt != 0)
      hdr$fpeakpt <- hdr$fpeakpt + 1
  } else {
    hdr$fpeakpt <- NULL
  ## set the axis labels
  if (hdr$ftflgs ['TALABS']) {
    # TODO: find test data
    tmp <- rep (0, 4)
    tmp [seq_along (hdr$fcatxt)] <- nchar (hdr$fcatxt)
    if (tmp [1] > 0) hdr$fxtype <- hdr$fcatxt[1]
    if (tmp [2] > 0) hdr$fytype <- hdr$fcatxt[2]
    if (tmp [3] > 0) hdr$fztype <- hdr$fcatxt[3]
    if (tmp [4] > 0) hdr$fwtype <- hdr$fcatxt[4]
  hdr$fxtype <- .spc.xlab (hdr$fxtype)
  hdr$fytype <- .spc.ylab (hdr$fytype)
  hdr$fztype <- .spc.xlab (hdr$fztype)
  hdr$fwtype <- .spc.xlab (hdr$fwtype)
  ## File with subfiles with individual x axes? 
  ## Then there should be a subfile directory:
  if (hdr$ftflgs ['TXYXYS'] && hdr$ftflgs ['TMULTI']){ 
    ## try to reject impossible values for the subfiledir offset
    if (hdr$fnpts > length (raw.data) || 
        (hdr$fnpts > hdr$flogoff && hdr$flogoff > 0) ||
        hdr$fnpts < 512)
      .spc.error (".spc.read.hdr", list (hdr = hdr),
          "file header flags specify TXYXYS and TMULTI, ",
          "but fnpts does not give a valid offset for the subfile directory.\n hdr$ftflgs = ",
          paste (names (hdr$ftflgs)[hdr$ftflgs], collapse = " | "),
          " (", sum (2^(0:7) [hdr$ftflgs]) , ")\n",
          "You can try to read the file using hdr$ftflgs & ! TXYXYS (",
          sum (2^(0 : 7) [hdr$ftflgs & c (TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)]),
          "). This assumes that all subfiles do have the same x axis.\n\n")
    hdr$subfiledir <- hdr$fnpts
    hdr$fnpts <- 0
  } else {
    hdr$subfiledir <- 0
  ## some checks ......................................................
  if (hdr$ftflgs ['TMULTI']){
    ## multiple spectra in file
    if (hdr$fnsub <= 1)
      if (hy.getOption ("debuglevel") >= 2L)
        message ("spc file header specifies multiple spectra but only zero or one subfile.")
  } else {
    ## single spectrum file
    if (hdr$fnsub == 0)
      hdr$fnsub <- 1
    if (hdr$fnsub >  1) {
      warning ("spc file header specifies single spectrum file  but ", hdr$fnsub,
          " subfiles (spectra).\nOnly first subfile will be read.")
      hdr$fnsub <- 1
    if (hdr$ftflgs ['TRANDM']) 
      message ("spc file header: file type flag TRANDM encountered => Enforcing TMULTI.")
    if (hdr$ftflgs ['TORDRD'])
      message ("spc file header: file type flag TORDRD encountered => Enforcing TMULTI.")
    if ((hdr$ftflgs ['TRANDM'] || hdr$ftflgs ['TORDRD']) && hdr$fnsub > 1)
      hdr$ftflgs ['TMULTI'] <- TRUE
  if (hdr$ftflgs ['TXYXYS'] && ! hdr$ftflgs ['TXVALS']) {
    warning ("spc file header: file type flag TXYXYS encountered => Enforcing TXVALS.")
    hdr$ftflgs ['TXVALS'] <- TRUE
  if (hdr$fwplanes > 0)
    warning ("w planes found! This is not yet tested as the developer didn't have access to such files.\n")

## read sub file header .............................................................................
## needs header for consistency checks

.spc.subhdr <- function (raw.data, pos, hdr) {
  subhdr <- list (subflgs   =          raw.data [pos + (      1)],
      subexp    = readBin (raw.data [pos + (      2)], "integer", 1, 1, signed = TRUE),
      subindx   = readBin (raw.data [pos + ( 3 :  4)], "integer", 1, 2, signed = FALSE),
      subtime   = readBin (raw.data [pos + ( 5 :  8)], "numeric", 1, 4),
      subnext   = readBin (raw.data [pos + ( 9 : 12)], "numeric", 1, 4),
      subnois   = readBin (raw.data [pos + (13 : 16)], "numeric", 1, 4),
      subnpts   = readBin (raw.data [pos + (17 : 20)], "integer", 1, 4), #, signed = FALSE),
      subscan   = readBin (raw.data [pos + (21 : 24)], "integer", 1, 4), #, signed = FALSE),
      subwlevel = readBin (raw.data [pos + (25 : 28)], "numeric", 1, 4))
  ## 4 bytes reserved
  ## R doesn't have unsigned long int .................................
  if (any (unlist (subhdr [c ("subnpts", "subscan")]) < 0))
    stop ("error reading subheader: R does not support unsigned long integers.",
        "Please contact the maintainer of the package.")
  hdr$.last.read <- pos + .spc.size ['subhdr']
  ## checking
  if (subhdr$subexp == -128 && hdr$fexp != -128)
    message ("subfile ", subhdr$subindx,  " specifies data type float, but file header doesn't.",
        "\n=> Data will be interpreted as float.")
  if (subhdr$subnpts > 0 && subhdr$subnpts != hdr$fnpts && ! hdr$ftflgs ['TXYXYS'])
    message ('subfile ', subhdr$subindx, ": number of points in file header and subfile header ",
        "inconsistent. => Going to use subheader.")
  if (subhdr$subnpts == 0){
    if (hdr$ftflgs ['TXYXYS'])
      message ('subfile ', subhdr$subindx, ': number of data points per spectrum not specified. ',
          '=> Using file header information (', hdr$fnpts, ').')
    subhdr$subnpts <- hdr$fnpts
  if (! hdr$ftflgs ['TXYXYS'])
    if (hdr$fnpts != subhdr$subnpts) {
      .spc.error (".spc.read.subhdr", list (hdr = hdr, subhdr = subhdr),
          "hdr and subhdr differ in number of points per spectrum, ",
          "but TXYXYS is not specified.\n hdr$ftflgs = ",
          paste (names (hdr$ftflgs)[hdr$ftflgs], collapse = " | "),
          " (", sum (2^(0:7) [hdr$ftflgs]) , ")\n",
          "You can try to read the file using hdr$ftflgs | TMULTI | TXYXYS (",
          sum (2^(0 : 7) [hdr$ftflgs |
                      c (FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE)]),
#  str (subhdr)
  ## according to .spc file documentation:
  if (! hdr$ftflgs ['TMULTI'])
    subhdr$subexp <- hdr$fexp
  else if (hdr$fexp == -128 && subhdr$subexp != -128) {
    message ("Header file specifies float data format, but subfile uses integer exponent. ",
        "=> Using file header settings.")
    subhdr$subexp <- -128
  ## the z values
  if (hdr$fzinc == 0) # should only happen for the first subfile...
    hdr$fzinc = subhdr$subnext - subhdr$subtime
  if (subhdr$subindx == 0)
    hdr$firstz <- subhdr$subtime
  if (subhdr$subtime == 0)
    subhdr$subtime = subhdr$subindx * hdr$fzinc + hdr$firstz
  ## the w values
  if (hdr$fwplanes > 0) {
    if (subhdr$subwlevel != 0) {
      subhdr$w <- subhdr$subwlevel
    } else if (subhdr$subindx %% hdr$fwplanes == 1)
      subhdr$w <- hdr$subhdr$w +  hdr$fwinc
      subhdr$w <- hdr$subhdr$w
  hdr$subhdr <- subhdr

## read subfile directory ...........................................................................

.spc.subfiledir <- function (raw.data, pos, nsub) {
  dir <- data.frame (ssfposn = rep (NA, nsub),
      ssfsize = rep (NA, nsub),
      ssftime = rep (NA, nsub))
  for (s in seq_len (nsub)){
    dir [s,] <- c (readBin (raw.data [pos + ( 1 :  4)], "integer", 1, 4), # , signed = FALSE),
        readBin (raw.data [pos + ( 5 :  8)], "integer", 1, 4), # , signed = FALSE),
        readBin (raw.data [pos + ( 9 : 12)], "numeric", 1, 4))
    pos <- pos + .spc.size ['subfiledir']
  ## R doesn't have unsigned long int .................................
  if (any (dir [, 1:2] < 0))
    stop ("error reading subfiledir: R does not support unsigned long integers.",
        "Please contact the maintainer of the package.")
#	dir$ssfposn <- dir$ssfposn

## read log block header ............................................................................

.spc.log <- function (raw.data, pos, log.bin, log.disk, log.txt, keys.log2data,  keys.log2log,
    replace.nul = as.raw (255), iconv.from = "latin1", iconv.to = "utf8") {
  if (pos == 0) # no log block exists
    return (list (data = list (),
            log = list ()))
  loghdr <- list (logsizd = readBin (raw.data [pos + ( 1 :  4)], "integer", 1, 4), #  , signed = FALSE),
      logsizm = readBin (raw.data [pos + ( 5 :  8)], "integer", 1, 4), # , signed = FALSE),
      logtxto = readBin (raw.data [pos + ( 9 : 12)], "integer", 1, 4), # , signed = FALSE),
      logbins = readBin (raw.data [pos + (13 : 16)], "integer", 1, 4), # , signed = FALSE),
      logdsks = readBin (raw.data [pos + (17 : 20)], "integer", 1, 4), # , signed = FALSE),
      ## 44 bytes reserved
      .last.read = pos + .spc.size ['loghdr']
  ## R doesn't have unsigned long int .................................
  if (any (unlist (loghdr) < 0))
    stop ("error reading log: R does not support unsigned long integers.",
        "Please contact the maintainer of the package.")
  log <- list ()
  data <- list ()
  ## read binary part of log
  if (log.bin) 
    log$.log.bin <- raw.data [loghdr$.last.read + seq_len (loghdr$logbins)]
  ## read binary on-disk-only part of log
  if (log.disk) 
    log$.log.disk <- raw.data [loghdr$.last.read + loghdr$logbins + seq_len (loghdr$logdsks)]
  ## read text part of log
  if (log.txt & loghdr$logsizd > loghdr$logtxto) {
    log.txt <- raw.data [pos + loghdr$logtxto + seq_len (loghdr$logsizd - loghdr$logtxto)]
    if (tail (log.txt, 1) ==  .nul)   # throw away nul at the end
      log.txt <- head (log.txt, -1)
    log.txt [log.txt == .nul] <- replace.nul
    log.txt <- readChar (log.txt, length (log.txt), useBytes=T)
    log.txt <- gsub (rawToChar (replace.nul), '\r\n', log.txt)
    log.txt <- iconv (log.txt, iconv.from, iconv.to)
#		log.txt <- paste (rawToChar (log.txt, multiple = TRUE), collapse = "")
    log.txt <- split.string (log.txt, "\r\n") ## spc file spec says \r\n regardless of OS
    log.txt <- split.line (log.txt, "=")
    ## lapply (keys, function (x)
    ##         gsub (sprintf ("^.*\r\n%s\\s*=([^\r\n]+)\r\n.*$", x), "\\1", log.txt))
    data <- getbynames (log.txt, keys.log2data)
    log <- c (log, getbynames (log.txt, keys.log2log))
  list (log.long = log, extra.data = data)

## read y data ......................................................................................

.spc.read.y <- function (raw.data, pos, npts, exponent, word) {
  if (exponent == -128) { # 4 byte float
    list (y = readBin (raw.data [pos + seq_len (npts * 4)], "numeric", npts, 4),
        .last.read = pos + npts * 4)
  } else if (word) { # 2 byte fixed point integer = word
    list (y = readBin (raw.data [pos + seq_len (npts * 2)], "integer", npts, 2, signed = TRUE) *
            2 ^ (exponent - 16),
        .last.read = pos + npts * 2)
  } else { # 4 byte fixed point integer = dword
    list (y = readBin (raw.data [pos + seq_len (npts * 4)], "integer", npts, 4) *
            2 ^ (exponent - 32),
        .last.read = pos + npts * 4)

## read x data ......................................................................................

.spc.read.x <- function (raw.data, pos, npts) {
  list (x = readBin (raw.data [pos + seq_len (npts * 4)], "numeric", npts, 4),
      .last.read = pos + 4 * npts)

## error .............................................................................................
.spc.error <- function (fname, objects, ...) {
  cat ('ERROR in read.spc function ', fname, '\n\n')
  for (i in seq_along (objects)) {
    cat (names (objects) [i], ":\n")
    str (objects [[i]], vec.len = 20)
  stop (...)

.spc.ftflags <- function (x) {
  ftflgs <- as.logical (x %/% 2^(0 : 7) %% 2)
  names (ftflgs) <- c ('TSPREC', 'TCGRAM', 'TMULTI', 'TRANDM',

getbynames <- function (x, e) {
	x <- x [e]
	if (length (x) > 0) {
		if (is.character (e)) 
			names (x) <- e
		x [sapply (x, is.null)] <- NA
	} else {
		list ()

split.string <- function (x, separator, trim.blank = TRUE, remove.empty = TRUE) {
	pos <- gregexpr (separator, x)
	if (length (pos) == 1 && pos [[1]] == -1)
		return (x)
	pos <- pos [[1]]
	pos <- matrix (c (1, pos + attr (pos, "match.length"),
					pos - 1, nchar (x)),
			ncol = 2)
	if (pos [nrow (pos), 1] > nchar (x))
		pos <- pos [- nrow (pos), ]
	x <- apply (pos, 1, function (p, x) substr (x, p [1], p [2]), x)
	if (trim.blank){
		blank.pattern <- "^[[:blank:]]*([^[:blank:]]+.*[^[:blank:]]+)[[:blank:]]*$"
		x <- sub (blank.pattern, "\\1", x)
	if (remove.empty){
		x <- x [sapply (x, nchar) > 0]

split.line <- function (x, separator, trim.blank = TRUE) {
	tmp <- regexpr (separator, x)
	key   <- substr (x, 1, tmp - 1)
	value <- substr (x, tmp + 1, nchar (x))
	if (trim.blank){
		blank.pattern <- "^[[:blank:]]*([^[:blank:]]+.*[^[:blank:]]+)[[:blank:]]*$"
		key <- sub (blank.pattern, "\\1", key)
		value <- sub (blank.pattern, "\\1", value)
	value <- as.list (value)
	names (value) <- key

## add missing function to avoid hyperSpec depency 

hy.getOption   <-  function (name){
	.options [[name]]

.options       <-  list( debuglevel =  0 , 

gc =

file.remove.emptyspc =

file.keep.name =

tolerance =
 1.490116e-08 ,

wl.tolerance =
  1.490116e-08 )

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spectralAnalysis documentation built on Jan. 11, 2023, 5:15 p.m.