Nothing <- function(y, X, intercept = FALSE, offset = NULL, row.chunk = NULL,
sparselim = 0.9, camp = 0.01, eigendec = TRUE,
tol.solve = .Machine$double.eps, sparse = NULL, tol.values = 1e-07,
tol.vectors = 1e-07, method=c('eigen','Cholesky','qr'), ...)
method <- match.arg(method)
nvar <- ncol(X)
nobs <- nrow(X)
if (is.null(offset))
offset <- rep(0, nobs)
colnam <- colnames(X)
if (is.null(sparse)) sparse <- is.sparse(X = X, sparselim, camp)
if (sparse) X <- as(X, "dgCMatrix")
A <- if (sparse | is.null(row.chunk)) crossprod(X) else cp(X, , row.chunk)
y <- y - offset
Xy <- if (sparse) crossprod(X, y) else t(crossprod(y, X))
X1X <- colSums(X)
names(X1X) <- colnam
yy <- crossprod(y)
method <- match.arg(method)
if (method=="eigen"){
ris <- if (eigendec) control(A, , tol.values, tol.vectors, , method) else
list(XTX = A, rank = nvar, pivot = 1:nvar)
ris$XTX <- if (sparse) as(ris$XTX, "dgCMatrix") else
as(ris$XTX, "matrix")
ok <- ris$pivot[1:ris$rank]
coef<-as(solve(ris$XTX, Xy[ok]), "numeric")
coefficients <- rep(NA, nvar)
coefficients[ok] <- coef
RSS <- yy - 2 * crossprod(coef, Xy[ok]) + t(coef) %*% ris$XTX %*% coef
} else
if (method=="Cholesky"){
ris <- if (eigendec) control(A, , tol.values, tol.vectors, , method) else
list(XTX = A, rank = nvar, pivot = 1:nvar)
ris$XTX <- if (sparse) as(ris$XTX, "dgCMatrix") else
as(ris$XTX, "matrix")
ok <- ris$pivot[1:ris$rank]
coef<-as(solve(ris$XTX, Xy[ok]), "numeric")
coefficients <- rep(NA, nvar)
coefficients[ok] <- coef
RSS <- yy - 2 * crossprod(coef, Xy[ok]) + t(coef) %*% ris$XTX %*% coef
} else
if (method=="qr"){
if (inherits(A,'dsCMatrix')) {
A <- as(A,'matrix')
Xy <- as(Xy,'matrix')
ris <- qr(A, tol.values)
ris$coefficients <- drop(qr.solve(ris, Xy, tol.values))
ord <- ris$pivot
RSS <- yy - 2 * crossprod(coefficients, Xy[ris$pivot]) + t(coefficients[ord]) %*% ris$XTX %*% coefficients[ord]
if (ris$rank < nvar)
coefficients[(ris$rank + 1L):nvar] <- NA
} else
stop(' Unknown method value')
col.names <- colnames(X)
names(coefficients) <- if (is.null(col.names)&(!is.null(coefficients)))
if (intercept) {
if (length(coefficients)>1) c("(Intercept)",paste("V",1:(length(coefficients)-1),sep=""))
else "(Intercept)"
} else paste("V",1:length(coefficients),sep="")
} else col.names
dfr <- nrow(X) - ris$rank
rval <- list(coefficients = coefficients, coef = coef, df.residual = dfr,
XTX = as(ris$XTX, "matrix"), Xy = Xy, nobs = nrow(X),
nvar = nvar, ok = ok, A = as(A, "matrix"), RSS = as.numeric(RSS),
rank = ris$rank, pivot = ris$pivot, sparse = sparse,
yy = yy, X1X = X1X, intercept = intercept,method=method,
class(rval) <- "speedlm"
speedlm.wfit <- function(y, X, w, intercept = FALSE, offset = NULL, row.chunk = NULL,
sparselim = 0.9, camp = 0.01, eigendec = TRUE,
tol.solve = .Machine$double.eps, sparse = NULL, tol.values = 1e-07,
tol.vectors = 1e-07, method=c('eigen','Cholesky','qr'), ...)
nvar <- ncol(X)
nobs <- nrow(X)
if (is.null(offset))
offset <- rep(0, length(y))
if (any(
stop("some weights are NA")
if (any(w < 0))
stop("weights must not be negative")
colnam <- colnames(X)
if (is.null(sparse))
sparse <- is.sparse(X = X, sparselim, camp)
if (sparse)
X <- as(X, "dgCMatrix")
pw <- sum(log(w[w != 0]))
sqw <- sqrt(w)
sqwX <- sqw * X
SW <- sum(w)
yy <- crossprod(sqw * y)
X1X <- colSums(sqwX)
names(X1X) <- colnam
XW1 <- crossprod(w, X)
A <- if (sparse)
else cp(sqwX, , row.chunk)
y <- y - offset
Xy <- if (sparse)
crossprod(X, (w * y))
else t(crossprod((w * y), X))
method <- match.arg(method)
if (method=="eigen"){
ris <- if (eigendec) control(A, , tol.values, tol.vectors, , method) else
list(XTX = A, rank = nvar, pivot = 1:nvar)
ris$XTX <- if (sparse) as(ris$XTX, "dgCMatrix") else
as(ris$XTX, "matrix")
ok <- ris$pivot[1:ris$rank]
coef <- as(solve(ris$XTX, Xy[ok]), "numeric")
coefficients <- rep(NA, nvar)
coefficients[ok] <- coef
RSS <- yy - 2 * crossprod(coef, Xy[ok]) + t(coef) %*% ris$XTX %*% coef
} else
if (method=="Cholesky") {
ris <- if (eigendec) control(A, , tol.values, tol.vectors, , method) else
list(XTX = A, rank = nvar, pivot = 1:nvar)
ris$XTX <- if (sparse) as(ris$XTX, "dgCMatrix") else
as(ris$XTX, "matrix")
ok <- ris$pivot[1:ris$rank]
coef <- as(solve(ris$XTX, Xy[ok]), "numeric")
coefficients <- rep(NA, nvar)
coefficients[ok] <- coef
RSS <- yy - 2 * crossprod(coef, Xy[ok]) + t(coef) %*% ris$XTX %*% coef
} else
if (method=="qr") {
if (inherits(A, 'dsCMatrix')) {
A <- as(A,'matrix')
Xy <- as(Xy,'matrix')
ris <- qr(A, tol.values)
ris$coefficients <- drop(qr.solve(ris, Xy, tol.values))
RSS <- yy - 2 * crossprod(coefficients, Xy[ris$pivot]) + t(coefficients[ord]) %*% ris$XTX %*% coefficients[ord]
if (ris$rank < nvar)
coefficients[(ris$rank + 1L):nvar] <- NA
} else
stop(' Unknown method value')
col.names <- colnames(X)
names(coefficients) <- if (is.null(col.names)&(!is.null(coefficients)))
if (intercept) {
if (length(coefficients)>1) c("(Intercept)",paste("V",1:(length(coefficients)-1),sep=""))
else "(Intercept)"
} else paste("V",1:length(coefficients),sep="")
} else col.names
zero.w <- sum(w == 0)
dfr <- nrow(X) - ris$rank - zero.w
rval <- list(coefficients = coefficients, coef = coef, weights = w,
df.residual = dfr, XTX = as(ris$XTX, "matrix"), Xy = Xy,
nobs = nrow(X), nvar = nvar, ok = ok, A = as(A, "matrix"),
RSS = as.numeric(RSS), rank = ris$rank, pivot = ris$pivot,
sparse = sparse, yy = yy, X1X = X1X, SW = SW, XW1 = XW1,
zero.w = zero.w, pw = pw, intercept = intercept,
method=method, offset=offset)
class(rval) <- "speedlm"
speedlm <- function(formula, data, weights = NULL, offset = NULL, sparse = NULL,
set.default = list(), method = c('eigen','Cholesky','qr'), model = FALSE,
y = FALSE, fitted = FALSE, subset = NULL,...)
target <- y
call <-
M <- = FALSE)
m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "weights", "na.action",
"offset"), names(M), 0L)
M <- M[c(1L, m)]
M$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
M[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame)
M <- eval(M, parent.frame())
y <- M[[1]]
tf <- attr(M,"terms")
X <- model.matrix(tf, M)
weights <- as.vector(model.weights(M))
offset <- model.offset(M)
if (is.null(offset))
offset <- rep(0, length(y))
set <- list(sparselim = 0.9, camp = 0.01, eigendec = TRUE,
row.chunk = NULL, tol.solve = .Machine$double.eps, tol.values = 1e-07,
tol.vectors = 1e-07, method = method)
nmsC <- names(set)
set[(namc <- names(set.default))] <- set.default
if (length(noNms <- namc[!namc %in% nmsC]) > 0)
warning("unknown names in set.default: ", paste(noNms,
collapse = ", "))
if (!is.null(weights))
rval <- speedlm.wfit(y, X, offset = offset, w = weights,
camp = set$camp, sparselim = set$sparselim, eigendec = set$eigendec,
row.chunk = set$row.chunk, tol.solve = set$tol.solve,
sparse = sparse, tol.values = set$tol.values, tol.vectors = set$tol.vectors,
method = set$method, intercept = attr(tf, "intercept"))
else rval <-, X, offset = offset, row.chunk = set$row.chunk,
camp = set$camp, sparselim = set$sparselim, eigendec = set$eigendec,
tol.solve = set$tol.solve, sparse = sparse, tol.values = set$tol.values,
tol.vectors = set$tol.vectors, method = set$method, intercept = attr(tf,
rval$terms <- tf
rval$call <- call
if (ncol(M)>1) {
for (i in 2:ncol(M)) {
if (is.factor(M[, i]))
eval(parse(text = paste("rval$levels$'", names(M)[i],
"'", "<-levels(M[,i])", sep = "")))
rval$model <- M
if(target) rval$y <- y
rval$xlevels <- .getXlevels(tf, M)
class(rval) <- "speedlm"
if (fitted) {
if (missing(data)) data <- get_all_vars(M)
rval$fitted.values <- predict.speedlm(rval, newdata=data)
rval$formula <- eval(call[[2]])
formula.speedlm <- function (x, ...)
form <- formula(x$terms)
environment(form) <- environment(x$formula)
# update.speedlm <- function(object, formula, data, add=TRUE, evaluate=TRUE,
# subset=NULL, offset=NULL, weights=NULL,...) {
# if (!inherits(object, "speedlm"))
# stop("object must be of class speedlm")
# if ((!missing(formula))&(!missing(data))&(add))
# stop('cannot specify a formula while adding new data')
# if ((!missing(data))&(add)) {
# mod <- updateWithMoreData(object, data=data, subset=subset, formula=formula.speedlm(object), offset=offset, weights=weights,...) }
# else{
# mod <- if (missing(data)) update.default(object, formula, evaluate=evaluate, offset=offset, weights=weights,...) else
# update.default(object, formula, data=data, evaluate=evaluate,subset=subset,offset=offset, weights=weights,...)
# }
# mod
# }
update.speedlm <- function(object, formula, data, add=TRUE, evaluate=TRUE,
subset=NULL, offset=NULL, weights=NULL,...) {
if (!inherits(object, "speedlm"))
stop("object must be of class speedlm")
if ((!missing(formula))&&(formula!=object$formula)&(!missing(data))&(add))
stop('cannot specify a new formula while adding new data')
m[[1L]] <- if ((!missing(data))&(add)) quote(updateWithMoreData) else
mod <- eval(m,parent.frame())
updateWithMoreData <- function(object, data, weights = NULL, offset = NULL,
sparse = NULL, all.levels = FALSE,
set.default = list(), subset=NULL,...){
if (!inherits(object, "speedlm"))
stop("object must be of class speedlm")
if (is.null(call <- getCall(object)))
stop("need an object with call component")
M <- = F)
formula <- eval(object$call[[2]])
M$formula <- formula
m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "weights", "na.action",
"offset"), names(M), 0L)
M <- M[c(1L, m)]
M$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
M[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame)
M <- eval(M, parent.frame())
y <- M[[1]]
weights <- as.vector(model.weights(M))
set <- list(sparselim = 0.9, camp = 0.01, eigendec = TRUE,
row.chunk = NULL, tol.solve = .Machine$double.eps, tol.values = 1e-07,
tol.vectors = 1e-07, method = object$method)
nmsC <- names(set)
set[(namc <- names(set.default))] <- set.default
if (length(noNms <- namc[!namc %in% nmsC]) > 0)
warning("unknown names in set.default: ", paste(noNms,
collapse = ", "))
fa <- which(attributes(attributes(M)$terms)$dataClasses=="factor")
if ((!(all.levels))&(length(fa)>0)) {
flevels <- list()
j <- 0
for (i in 1:length(fa)) {
j <- j + 1
eval(parse(text = paste("flevels$'", names(M)[fa[i]],
"'", "<-levels(M[,fa[i]])", sep = "")))
a <- c(object$levels[[j]][!(object$levels[[j]] %in% flevels[[j]])], flevels[[j]])
flevels[[j]] <- a
if (!is.null(subset)){
M <- model.frame(formula, data, subset=subset, drop.unused.levels=T,xlev = flevels,offset=offset)
X <- model.matrix(formula, M)
object$levels <- flevels
} else {
M <- model.frame(formula, data, xlev = flevels,offset=offset)
X <- model.matrix(formula, M, xlev = flevels)
object$levels <- flevels
} else {
X <- model.matrix(object$terms, M)
flevels <- object$levels
pw <- if (is.null(weights)) weights else
sum(log(weights[weights != 0])) + object$pw
w <- weights
zero.w <- sum(w == 0)
offset <- model.offset(M)
if (is.null(offset)) offset <- rep(0, length(y))
y <- y - offset
colnam <- colnames(X)
if (is.null(sparse))
sparse <- is.sparse(X = X, set$sparselim, set$camp)
if (sparse)
X <- as(X, "dgCMatrix")
if (!is.null(w)) {
if (object$rank == ncol(X)) {
XTX <- if (sparse) crossprod(sqrt(w) * X) else cp(X, w, set$rowchunk)
XTX <- as(XTX, "matrix") + object$XTX
A <- XTX
Xy <- as(object$Xy, "matrix") + as(crossprod(X, (w * y)), "matrix")
rank <- object$rank
ok <- 1:ncol(X)
nvar <- object$nvar
} else {
A <- if (sparse) crossprod(sqrt(w) * X) else cp(X, w, set$rowchunk)
A <- as(A, "matrix")
A[rownames(object$A), colnames(object$A)] <- A[rownames(object$A),
colnames(object$A)] + object$A
ris <- control(A, , set$tol.values, set$tol.vectors,, set$method)
XTX <- ris$XTX
ok <- ris$pivot[1:ris$rank]
Xy <- as(crossprod(X, (w * y)), "matrix")
Xy[rownames(object$A), ] <- Xy[rownames(object$A), ] + as(object$Xy, "matrix")
rank <- ris$rank
nvar <- length(ris$pivot)
sqw <- sqrt(w)
coef <- solve(XTX, Xy[ok], tol = set$tol.solve)
yy <- object$yy + crossprod(sqw * y)
X1X <- crossprod(sqw, X)
names(X1X) <- colnam
X1X[names(object$X1X)] <- X1X[names(object$X1X)] + object$X1X
XW1 <- crossprod(w, X)
names(XW1) <- colnam
XW1[names(object$X1X)] <- XW1[names(object$X1X)] + object$XW1
SW <- sum(w) + object$SW
dfr <- object$df.residual + nrow(X) - zero.w
} else {
if (object$rank == ncol(X)) {
XTX <- if (sparse)
crossprod(X) else cp(X, w = NULL, set$rowchunk)
XTX <- as(XTX, "matrix") + object$XTX
A <- XTX
Xy <- as(object$Xy, "matrix") + as(crossprod(X, y), "matrix")
rank <- object$rank
ok <- 1:ncol(X)
nvar <- object$nvar
} else {
A <- if (sparse) crossprod(X) else cp(X, w = NULL, set$rowchunk)
A <- as(A, "matrix")
A[rownames(object$A), colnames(object$A)] <- A[rownames(object$A),
colnames(object$A)] + object$A
ris <- control(A, , set$tol.values, set$tol.vectors,,set$method)
XTX <- ris$XTX
ok <- ris$pivot[1:ris$rank]
Xy <- as(crossprod(X, y), "matrix")
Xy[rownames(object$A), ] <- Xy[rownames(object$A),
] + as(object$Xy, "matrix")
rank <- ris$rank
nvar <- length(ris$pivot)
coef <- solve(XTX, Xy[ok], tol = set$tol.solve)
yy <- object$yy + crossprod(y)
X1X <- colSums(X)
names(X1X) <- colnam
X1X[names(object$X1X)] <- X1X[names(object$X1X)] + object$X1X
dfr <- object$nobs + nrow(X) - rank
XW1 <- SW <- NULL
RSS <- yy - 2 * crossprod(coef, Xy[ok]) + crossprod(coef,
XTX) %*% coef
coefficients <- rep(NA, nvar)
coefficients[ok] <- coef
names(coefficients) <- colnames(X)
rval <- list(coefficients = coefficients, coef = coef, df.residual = dfr,
X1X = X1X, Xy = Xy, XW1 = XW1, SW = SW, yy = yy,
A = as(A,"matrix"), nobs = object$nobs + nrow(X), RSS = as.numeric(RSS),
rank = rank, ok = ok, nvar = nvar, weights = weights,
zero.w = zero.w + object$zero.w, pw = pw, XTX = as(XTX,"matrix"),
sparse = sparse, "intercept"=object$intercept,method=set$method,
rval$terms <- object$terms
rval$call <- call
rval$levels <- flevels
class(rval) <- c("speedlm","updateWithMoreData")
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