
Defines functions nobs.speedglm add1.speedglm drop1.speedglm extractAIC.speedglm AIC.speedglm deviance.speedglm vcov.speedglm coef.speedglm print.logLik.speedglm print.speedglm

Documented in add1.speedglm AIC.speedglm coef.speedglm drop1.speedglm extractAIC.speedglm nobs.speedglm vcov.speedglm

summary.speedglm <- function (object, correlation = FALSE, ...) 
  if (!inherits(object, "speedglm")) 
    stop("object is not of class speedglm")
  z <- object
  var_res <- as.numeric(z$RSS/z$df)
  dispersion <- if (z$family$family %in% c("poisson", "binomial")) 1 else var_res
  if (z$method == "qr") {
    z$XTX <- z$XTX[z$ok, z$ok]
  inv <- solve(z$XTX, tol = z$tol.solve)
  covmat <- diag(inv)
  se_coef <- rep(NA, length(z$coefficients))
  se_coef[z$ok] <- sqrt(dispersion * covmat)
  if (z$family$family %in% c("binomial", "poisson")) {
    z1 <- z$coefficients/se_coef
    p <- 2 * pnorm(abs(z1), lower.tail = FALSE)
  } else {
    t1 <- z$coefficients/se_coef
    p <- 2 * pt(abs(t1), df = z$df, lower.tail = FALSE)
  dn <- c("Estimate", "Std. Error")
  if (z$family$family %in% c("binomial", "poisson")) {
    param <- data.frame(z$coefficients, se_coef, z1,p)
    dimnames(param) <- list(names(z$coefficients), c(dn, 
                                                     "z value", "Pr(>|z|)"))
  } else {
    param <- data.frame(z$coefficients, se_coef, t1,p)
    dimnames(param) <- list(names(z$coefficients), c(dn, 
                                                     "t value", "Pr(>|t|)"))
  eps <- 10 * .Machine$double.eps
  if (z$family$family == "binomial") {
    if (any(z$mu > 1 - eps) || any(z$mu < eps)) 
      warning("fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred")
  if (z$family$family == "poisson") {
    if (any(z$mu < eps)) 
      warning("fitted rates numerically 0 occurred")
  keep <- match(c("call", "terms", "family", "deviance", "aic", 
                  "df", "nulldev", "nulldf", "iter", "tol", "n", "convergence", 
                  "ngoodobs", "logLik", "RSS", "rank"), names(object), 
  ans <- c(object[keep], list(coefficients = param, dispersion = dispersion, 
                              correlation = correlation, cov.unscaled = inv, cov.scaled = inv * 
  if (correlation) {
    ans$correl <- (inv * var_res)/outer(na.omit(se_coef), 
  class(ans) <- "summary.speedglm"

print.summary.speedglm <- function (x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...) 
  x$coefficients$"Estimate" <- if (any(na.omit(abs(x$coefficients$"Estimate")) < 1e-04)) 
    format(x$coefficients$"Estimate", scientific = TRUE, digits = 4)
  else round(x$coefficients$"Estimate", digits = 7)
  x$coefficients$"Std. Error" <- if (any(na.omit(x$coefficients$"Std. Error") < 1e-04)) 
    format(x$coefficients$"Std. Error", scientific = TRUE, digits = 4)
  else round(x$coefficients$"Std. Error", digits = 7)
  if (x$family$family %in% c("binomial", "poisson")) {
    x$coefficients$"z value" <- round(x$coefficients$"z value", digits = 4)
    ip <- !is.na(x$coefficients$"Pr(>|z|)")
    x$coefficients$"Pr(>|z|)"[ip] <- as.numeric(format(x$coefficients$"Pr(>|z|)"[ip], digits = 3))  
    x$coefficients$"Pr(>|z|)" <- if (any(na.omit(x$coefficients$"Pr(>|z|)") < 1e-04)) 
      format(x$coefficients$"Pr(>|z|)", scientific = TRUE, digits = 4)
    else round(x$coefficients$"Pr(>|z|)", digits = 4)
  else {
    x$coefficients$"t value" <- round(x$coefficients$"t value", digits = 4)
    ip <- !is.na(x$coefficients$"Pr(>|t|)")
    x$coefficients$"Pr(>|t|)"[ip] <- as.numeric(format(x$coefficients$"Pr(>|t|)"[ip], digits = 3))  
    x$coefficients$"Pr(>|t|)" <- if (any(na.omit(x$coefficients$"Pr(>|t|)") < 1e-04)) 
      format(x$coefficients$"Pr(>|t|)", scientific = TRUE, digits = 4)
    else round(x$coefficients$"Pr(>|t|)", digits = 4)
  cat("Generalized Linear Model of class 'speedglm':\n")
  if (!is.null(x$call)) 
    cat("\nCall: ", deparse(x$call), "\n\n")
  if (length(x$coef)) {
    cat(" ------------------------------------------------------------------", 
    sig <- function(z){
      if (!is.na(z)){
        if (z < 0.001) 
        else if (z < 0.01) 
          "** "
        else if (z < 0.05) 
          "*  "
        else if (z < 0.1) 
          ".  "
        else "   "
      } else "   "
    sig.1 <- sapply(as.numeric(as.character(x$coefficients[,4])), 
    est.1 <- cbind(format(x$coefficients, digits = digits), 
    colnames(est.1)[ncol(est.1)] <- ""
    cat("Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1", 
  else cat("No coefficients\n")
  cat("null df: ", x$nulldf, "; null deviance: ", round(x$nulldev, 
                                                        digits = 2), ";\n", "residuals df: ", x$df, "; residuals deviance: ", 
      round(x$deviance, digits = 2), ";\n", "# obs.: ", x$n, 
      "; # non-zero weighted obs.: ", x$ngoodobs, ";\n", "AIC: ", 
      x$aic, "; log Likelihood: ", x$logLik, ";\n", "RSS: ", 
      round(x$RSS, digits = 1), "; dispersion: ", x$dispersion, 
      "; iterations: ", x$iter, ";\n", "rank: ", round(x$rank, 
                                                       digits = 1), "; max tolerance: ", format(x$tol, scientific = TRUE, 
                                                                                                digits = 3), "; convergence: ", x$convergence, ".\n", 
      sep = "")
  if (x$correlation) {
    cat("Correlation of Coefficients:\n")
    x$correl[upper.tri(x$correl, diag = TRUE)] <- NA
    print(x$correl[-1, -nrow(x$correl)], na.print = "", digits = 2)

print.summary.speedglm <- function (x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...) 
  cat("Generalized Linear Model of class 'speedglm':\n")
  if (!is.null(x$call)) 
    cat("\nCall: ", deparse(x$call), "\n\n")
  if (length(x$coef)) {
    cat(" ------------------------------------------------------------------", 
    sig <- function(z){
      if (!is.na(z)){
        if (z < 0.001) 
        else if (z < 0.01) 
          "** "
        else if (z < 0.05) 
          "*  "
        else if (z < 0.1) 
          ".  "
        else "   "
      } else "   "
    sig.1 <- sapply(as.numeric(as.character(x$coefficients[,4])), 
    est.1 <- cbind(format(x$coefficients, digits = digits), 
    colnames(est.1)[ncol(est.1)] <- ""
    cat("Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1", 
  else cat("No coefficients\n")
  cat("null df: ", x$nulldf, "; null deviance: ", round(x$nulldev, 
                                                        digits = 2), ";\n", "residuals df: ", x$df, "; residuals deviance: ", 
      round(x$deviance, digits = 2), ";\n", "# obs.: ", x$n, 
      "; # non-zero weighted obs.: ", x$ngoodobs, ";\n", "AIC: ", 
      x$aic, "; log Likelihood: ", x$logLik, ";\n", "RSS: ", 
      round(x$RSS, digits = 1), "; dispersion: ", x$dispersion, 
      "; iterations: ", x$iter, ";\n", "rank: ", round(x$rank, 
                                                       digits = 1), "; max tolerance: ", format(x$tol, scientific = TRUE, 
                                                                                                digits = 3), "; convergence: ", x$convergence, ".\n", 
      sep = "")
  if (x$correlation) {
    cat("Correlation of Coefficients:\n")
    x$correl[upper.tri(x$correl, diag = TRUE)] <- NA
    print(x$correl[-1, -nrow(x$correl)], na.print = "", digits = 2)

print.speedglm <- function(x,digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3),...)
  cat("Generalized Linear Model of class 'speedglm':\n")
  if (!is.null(x$call)) cat("\nCall: ", deparse(x$call), "\n\n")
  if (length(x$coef)) {
    print.default(format(x$coefficients, digits = digits), print.gap = 2,
                  quote = FALSE)
  } else cat("No coefficients\n")

print.logLik.speedglm <- function(x, digits = getOption("digits"), ...) {
  cat("'log Lik.' ", paste(format(logLik(x), digits = digits), collapse = ", "), 
      " (df=", format(attr(x, "df")), ")\n", sep = "")

logLik.speedglm <- function (object, ...){
  if (!missing(...)) 
    warning("extra arguments discarded")
  fam <- family(object)$family
  p <- object$rank
  if (fam %in% c("gaussian", "Gamma", "inverse.gaussian")) 
    p <- p + 1
  val <- p - object$aic/2
  attr(val, "nobs") <- object$n
  attr(val, "df") <- p
  class(val) <- "logLik"

coef.speedglm <- function(object,...) object$coefficients

vcov.speedglm <- function(object,...) object$dispersion*solve(object$XTX)

deviance.speedglm <- function(object,...) object$deviance

AIC.speedglm <- function(object,...) {
  if (!(length(list(...)))) object$aic else { 
    aic<-function(x) x$aic
    object <- list(object,...)
    val <- sapply(object, aic)

extractAIC.speedglm<-function(fit, scale=0, k=2,...) 
  n <- fit$n
  edf <- n - fit$df
  aic <- fit$aic
  c(edf, aic +  (k - 2) * edf)

drop1.speedglm <- function(object, scope, scale = 0, test = c("none", "LRT", 
                            "Chisq", "F"), k = 2, ...) 
  if (is.null(object$model)) stop("object must be fitted with options model=TRUE, y=TRUE and fitted=TRUE")
  test <- match.arg(test)
  if (test == "Chisq") 
    test <- "LRT"
  x <- model.matrix(formula(object),object$model)
  n <- nrow(x)
  asgn <- attr(x, "assign")
  tl <- attr(object$terms, "term.labels")
  if (missing(scope)) 
    scope <- drop.scope(object)
  else {
    if (!is.character(scope)) 
      scope <- attr(terms(update.formula(object, scope)), 
    if (!all(match(scope, tl, 0L) > 0L)) 
      stop("scope is not a subset of term labels")
  ndrop <- match(scope, tl)
  ns <- length(scope)
  rdf <- object$df
  chisq <- object$deviance
  dfs <- numeric(ns)
  dev <- numeric(ns)
  score <- numeric(ns)
  y <- object$y
  m <- model.frame(object)
  if (is.null(y)) {
    y <- model.response(m)
    if (!is.factor(y)) 
      storage.mode(y) <- "double"
  wt <- model.weights(m)
  if (is.null(wt)) 
    wt <- rep.int(1, n)
  for (i in seq_len(ns)) {
    ii <- seq_along(asgn)[asgn == ndrop[i]]
    jj <- setdiff(seq(ncol(x)), ii)
    z <- speedglm.wfit(y,x[, jj, drop = FALSE], intercept=T, wt, offset = object$offset, 
                       family = object$family)
    dfs[i] <- z$rank
    dev[i] <- z$deviance
    if (test == "Rao") {
      r <- object$y-predict(object,newdata=object$model,type="response")
      w <- weights
      zz <- speedglm.wfit(r,x,TRUE, w, offset = object$offset)
      score[i] <- zz$nulldev - zz$deviance
  scope <- c("<none>", scope)
  dfs <- c(object$rank, dfs)
  dev <- c(chisq, dev)
  if (test == "Rao") {
    score <- c(NA, score)
  dispersion <- if (is.null(scale) || scale == 0) 
    summary(object, dispersion = NULL)$dispersion
  else scale
  fam <- object$family$family
  loglik <- if (fam == "gaussian") {
    if (scale > 0) 
      dev/scale - n
    else n * log(dev/n)
  else dev/dispersion
  aic <- loglik + k * dfs
  dfs <- dfs[1L] - dfs
  dfs[1L] <- NA
  aic <- aic + (extractAIC(object, k = k)[2L] - aic[1L])
  aod <- data.frame(Df = dfs, Deviance = dev, AIC = aic, row.names = scope, 
                    check.names = FALSE)
  if (all(is.na(aic))) 
    aod <- aod[, -3]
  if (test == "LRT") {
    dev <- pmax(0, loglik - loglik[1L])
    dev[1L] <- NA
    nas <- !is.na(dev)
    LRT <- if (dispersion == 1) 
    else "scaled dev."
    aod[, LRT] <- dev
    dev[nas] <- safe_pchisq(dev[nas], aod$Df[nas], lower.tail = FALSE)
    aod[, "Pr(>Chi)"] <- dev
  else if (test == "Rao") {
    dev <- pmax(0, score)
    nas <- !is.na(dev)
    SC <- if (dispersion == 1) 
      "Rao score"
    else "scaled Rao sc."
    dev <- dev/dispersion
    aod[, SC] <- dev
    dev[nas] <- safe_pchisq(dev[nas], aod$Df[nas], lower.tail = FALSE)
    aod[, "Pr(>Chi)"] <- dev
  else if (test == "F") {
    if (fam == "binomial" || fam == "poisson") 
      warning(gettextf("F test assumes 'quasi%s' family", 
                       fam), domain = NA)
    dev <- aod$Deviance
    rms <- dev[1L]/rdf
    dev <- pmax(0, dev - dev[1L])
    dfs <- aod$Df
    rdf <- object$df
    Fs <- (dev/dfs)/rms
    Fs[dfs < 1e-04] <- NA
    P <- Fs
    nas <- !is.na(Fs)
    P[nas] <- safe_pf(Fs[nas], dfs[nas], rdf, lower.tail = FALSE)
    aod[, c("F value", "Pr(>F)")] <- list(Fs, P)
  head <- c("Single term deletions", "\nModel:", deparse(formula(object)), 
            if (!is.null(scale) && scale > 0) paste("\nscale: ", 
                                                    format(scale), "\n"))
  class(aod) <- c("anova", "data.frame")
  attr(aod, "heading") <- head

add1.speedglm <- function(object, scope, scale = 0, test = c("none", "LRT", 
                          "Chisq", "F"), x=NULL, k = 2, ...) 

  if (is.null(object$model)) stop("object must be fitted with options model=TRUE, y=TRUE and fitted=TRUE")
  Fstat <- function(table, rdf) {
    dev <- table$Deviance
    df <- table$Df
    diff <- pmax(0, (dev[1L] - dev)/df)
    Fs <- diff/(dev/(rdf - df))
    Fs[df < .Machine$double.eps] <- NA
    P <- Fs
    nnas <- !is.na(Fs)
    P[nnas] <- safe_pf(Fs[nnas], df[nnas], rdf - df[nnas], 
                       lower.tail = FALSE)
    list(Fs = Fs, P = P)
  test <- match.arg(test)
  if (test == "Chisq") 
    test <- "LRT"
  if (!is.character(scope)) 
    scope <- add.scope(object, update.formula(object, scope))
  if (!length(scope)) 
    stop("no terms in scope for adding to object")
  oTerms <- attr(object$terms, "term.labels")
  int <- attr(object$terms, "intercept")
  ns <- length(scope)
  dfs <- dev <- score <- numeric(ns + 1)
  names(dfs) <- names(dev) <- names(score) <- c("<none>", scope)
  add.rhs <- paste(scope, collapse = "+")
  add.rhs <- eval(parse(text = paste("~ . +", add.rhs), keep.source = FALSE))
  new.form <- update.formula(object, add.rhs)
  Terms <- terms(new.form)
  y <- object$y
  if (is.null(x)) {
    fc <- object$call
    fc$formula <- Terms
    fob <- list(call = fc, terms = Terms)
    class(fob) <- oldClass(object)
    m <- model.frame(fob)
    offset <- model.offset(m)
    wt <- model.weights(m)
    x <- model.matrix(Terms, m, contrasts.arg = object$contrasts)
    oldn <- length(y)
    y <- model.response(m)
    if (!is.factor(y)) 
      storage.mode(y) <- "double"
    if (NCOL(y) == 2) {
      n <- y[, 1] + y[, 2]
      y <- ifelse(n == 0, 0, y[, 1]/n)
      if (is.null(wt)) 
        wt <- rep.int(1, length(y))
      wt <- wt * n
    newn <- length(y)
    if (newn < oldn) 
      warning(sprintf(ngettext(newn, "using the %d/%d row from a combined fit", 
                               "using the %d/%d rows from a combined fit"), 
                      newn, oldn), domain = NA)
  else {
    wt <- object$prior.weights
    offset <- object$offset

  n <- nrow(x)
  if (is.null(wt)) 
    wt <- rep.int(1, n)
  Terms <- attr(Terms, "term.labels")
  asgn <- attr(x, "assign")
  ousex <- match(asgn, match(oTerms, Terms), 0L) > 0L
  if (int) 
    ousex[1L] <- TRUE
  X <- x[, ousex, drop = FALSE]
  z <- speedglm.wfit(y, X, int, wt,offset = offset, family = object$family)
  dfs[1L] <- z$rank
  dev[1L] <- z$deviance
  r <- z$residuals
  w <- z$weights
  sTerms <- sapply(strsplit(Terms, ":", fixed = TRUE), function(x) paste(sort(x), 
                                                                         collapse = ":"))
  for (tt in scope) {
    stt <- paste(sort(strsplit(tt, ":")[[1L]]), collapse = ":")
    usex <- match(asgn, match(stt, sTerms), 0L) > 0L
    X <- x[, usex | ousex, drop = FALSE]
    z <- speedglm.wfit(y,X, , wt, offset = offset, family = object$family)
    dfs[tt] <- z$rank
    dev[tt] <- z$deviance
    if (test == "Rao") {
      zz <- speedglm.wfit(r,X, , w, offset = offset)
      score[tt] <- zz$null.deviance - zz$deviance
  if (scale == 0) 
    dispersion <- summary(object, dispersion = NULL)$dispersion
  else dispersion <- scale
  fam <- object$family$family
  if (fam == "gaussian") {
    if (scale > 0) 
      loglik <- dev/scale - n
    else loglik <- n * log(dev/n)
  else loglik <- dev/dispersion
  aic <- loglik + k * dfs
  aic <- aic + (extractAIC(object, k = k)[2L] - aic[1L])
  dfs <- dfs - dfs[1L]
  dfs[1L] <- NA
  aod <- data.frame(Df = dfs, Deviance = dev, AIC = aic, row.names = names(dfs), 
                    check.names = FALSE)
  if (all(is.na(aic))) 
    aod <- aod[, -3]
  test <- match.arg(test)
  if (test == "LRT") {
    dev <- pmax(0, loglik[1L] - loglik)
    dev[1L] <- NA
    LRT <- if (dispersion == 1) 
    else "scaled dev."
    aod[, LRT] <- dev
    nas <- !is.na(dev)
    dev[nas] <- safe_pchisq(dev[nas], aod$Df[nas], lower.tail = FALSE)
    aod[, "Pr(>Chi)"] <- dev
  else if (test == "Rao") {
    dev <- pmax(0, score)
    dev[1L] <- NA
    nas <- !is.na(dev)
    SC <- if (dispersion == 1) 
      "Rao score"
    else "scaled Rao sc."
    dev <- dev/dispersion
    aod[, SC] <- dev
    dev[nas] <- safe_pchisq(dev[nas], aod$Df[nas], lower.tail = FALSE)
    aod[, "Pr(>Chi)"] <- dev
  else if (test == "F") {
    if (fam == "binomial" || fam == "poisson") 
      warning(gettextf("F test assumes quasi%s family", 
                       fam), domain = NA)
    rdf <- object$df.residual
    aod[, c("F value", "Pr(>F)")] <- Fstat(aod, rdf)
  head <- c("Single term additions", "\nModel:", deparse(formula(object)), 
            if (scale > 0) paste("\nscale: ", format(scale), "\n"))
  class(aod) <- c("anova", "data.frame")
  attr(aod, "heading") <- head

nobs.speedglm <- function(object, use.fallback = FALSE,...) 
  if (!is.null(w <- object$weights)) sum(w != 0) else object$n

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speedglm documentation built on May 31, 2023, 7:58 p.m.