
Defines functions LPG SPC.Hauberg SPC Dist.pt Proj.Hauberg PGA GenerateCircle PrincipalCircle IntrinsicMean ExtrinsicMean Cal.recon Kernel.Gaussian Kernel.indicator Kernel.quartic Rotate.inv Rotate Crossprod Expmap Logmap Trans.sph Trans.Euclid

Documented in Cal.recon Crossprod Dist.pt Expmap ExtrinsicMean GenerateCircle IntrinsicMean Kernel.Gaussian Kernel.indicator Kernel.quartic Logmap LPG PGA PrincipalCircle Proj.Hauberg Rotate Rotate.inv SPC SPC.Hauberg Trans.Euclid Trans.sph

### Spherepc R package: dimension reduction methods in a sphere

### install rgl, sphereplot, and geosphere packages--------------------------


# Define functions

  Trans.Euclid <- function(vec){                # Input: 'vec' is 2-dim spherical coordinate (longitude, latitude). Output: 3-dim Euclidean coordinate.
    vec <- as.numeric(vec)
    if (length(vec) != 2) stop("length of vector is not 2")
    return( c(cospi(vec[1]/180) * cospi(vec[2]/180), cospi(vec[2]/180) * sinpi(vec[1]/180), sinpi(vec[2]/180)) )

  Trans.sph <- function(vec){                  # Input: 'vec' is 3-dim Euclidean coordinate. Output: 2-dim spherical coordinate (longitude, latitude).
    vec <- as.numeric(vec)
    if (sum(vec^2)  < 1e-15) stop("Input should not be (0, 0, 0)")
    if (length(vec) != 3) stop("length of vector is not 3")
    vec <- vec/(sum(vec^2))^(1/2)               # Normalize so that 'vec' is in the unit sphere.
    if ((vec[2] >= 0) && (vec[1] >= 0)){
      if (vec[1]^2 + vec[2]^2 == 0){
        if (vec[3] > 0){
          return(c(0, 90))
        } else {
          return(c(0, -90))
       } else {
         return (c(atan(vec[2]/ vec[1]), asin(vec[3])) * 180/pi)
    if ((vec[2] >= 0) && (vec[1] < 0)){
      return (c(pi + atan(vec[2]/vec[1]), asin(vec[3])) * 180/pi)
    if ((vec[2] < 0) && (vec[1] >= 0)){
      return (c(atan(vec[2]/vec[1]), asin(vec[3])) * 180/pi)
    if ((vec[2] < 0) && (vec[1] < 0)){
      return (c(atan(vec[2]/vec[1]) - pi, asin(vec[3])) * 180/pi)

  Logmap <- function(vec){                                                                                 # Input: 3-dim Euclidean coordinate. Output: 2-dim Euclidean coordinate.
    if (sum(vec^2) < 1e-15) stop("Input is not the zero.")
    vec <- as.numeric(vec)
    vec <- vec/(sum(vec^2))^(1/2)                                                                           # Normalize so that 'vec' is in the unit sphere.
    if (length(vec) != 3) stop("length of vector is not 3")
    if (sum(vec == c(0, 0, -1)) == 3) stop("input is the cut locus of (0, 0, 1)")                           # Input should not be (0, 0, -1).
    z <- vec[3]
    x <- vec[1]
    y <- vec[2]
    result <- c(x * asin((1 - z^2)^(1/2))/(1 - z^2)^(1/2), y * asin((1 - z^2)^(1/2))/(1 - z^2)^(1/2))
    if (is.nan(result[1]) == TRUE){
        return (c(0, 0))
        return (result)

  Expmap <- function(vec){                                                                                 # Input: 2 dim-Euclidean vector. Output: 3 dim-Euclidean vector.
    vec <- as.numeric(vec)
    if (length(vec) != 2) stop("number of vector component is not 2")
    if(sum(vec^2) < 1e-15){
      return(c(0, 0, 1))
    } else {
      norm <- (sum(vec^2))^(1/2)
      return( c(vec[1] * sin(norm)/norm, vec[2] * sin(norm)/norm, cos(norm)) )

  Crossprod <- function(vec1, vec2){                                                                      # Cross product of 3-dim two vectors.
    if (length(vec1) != 3 | length(vec2) != 3) stop('number of vector component is not 3')
    x <- vec1[2] * vec2[3] - vec1[3] * vec2[2]
    y <- vec1[3] * vec2[1] - vec1[1] * vec2[3]
    z <- vec1[1] * vec2[2] - vec1[2] * vec2[1]
    result <- c(x, y, z)
    return (result)

  Rotate <- function(pt1, pt2){                                                                           # Input 'pt1', 'pt2': spatial locations (longitude, latitude). Output: 3 dim-Euclidean coordinate.
    pt1 <- as.numeric(pt1)                                                                                 # Rotation function: Rotate 'pt2' by the extent from which rotate 'pt1' to spherical coordinate (0, 90) (= (0, 0, 1) Euclidean coordinate.)
    pt2 <- as.numeric(pt2)
    a <- Trans.Euclid(pt1)
    v <- Trans.Euclid(pt2)
    axis <- Crossprod(a, c(0, 0, 1))                                                                       # Rotation axis.
    if (sum(axis^2) < 1e-15){
    axis <- axis/(sum(axis^2))^(1/2)                                                                       # Normalized unit axis.
    theta <- abs(pi/2 - pt1[2] * pi/180)                                                                   # Rotation angle.
    v.rot <- v * cos(theta) + Crossprod(axis, v) * sin(theta) + axis * (sum(axis * v)) * (1 - cos(theta))  # Rodrigues' rotation formula.
    return (v.rot)
  Rotate.inv <- function(pt1, pt2){                                                                       # Input 'pt1', 'pt2': measurements of angular form of (longitude, latitude). Output: 3-dim Euclidean vector.
    pt1 <- as.numeric(pt1)                                                                                 # Inverse Rotation function: inverse rotation of the 'Rotate' function.
    pt2 <- as.numeric(pt2)
    a <- Trans.Euclid(pt1)
    v <- Trans.Euclid(pt2)
    axis <- Crossprod(c(0, 0, 1), a)
    if (sum(axis^2) < 1e-15){
    axis <- axis/(sum(axis^2))^(1/2)                                                                       # normalized unit axis
    theta <- abs(pi/2 - pt1[2] * pi/180)                                                                   # rotation angle.
    v.rot <- v * cos(theta) + Crossprod(axis, v) * sin(theta) + axis * (sum(axis * v)) * (1 - cos(theta))  # Rodrigues' rotation formula
    return (v.rot)

  Kernel.quartic <- function(vec){                                     # kernel function; if 'vec' is a vector, it returns a vector
    result <- c()
    for (i in 1:length(vec)){
      if (abs(vec[i]) <= 1){
        result[i] <- (1 - vec[i]^2)^2
      } else {
        result[i] <- 0

  Kernel.indicator <- function(vec){                                   # Kernel function. If 'vec' is vector, it returns vector.
    result <- c()
    for (i in 1:length(vec)){
     if (abs(vec[i]) <= 1){
       result[i] <- 1
     } else {
       result[i] <- 0

  Kernel.Gaussian <- function(vec){                                    # Kernel function. If 'vec' is a vector, it returns a vector.
    result <- c()
    for (i in 1:length(vec)){
      if (abs(vec[i]) <= 1){
        result[i] <- exp(-vec[i]^2)
      } else {
        result[i] <- 0

  Cal.recon <- function(data, line){                                  # calculating reconstruction error from data to line.
    r <- 6378137                                                      # earth radius (m)
    rownames(data) <- NULL                                            # 'data' and 'line' should be n * 2 matrix or data frame.
    if (nrow(line) == 0){
       return (0)
    } else if (nrow(line) == 1){
       return (sum((geosphere::distGeo(data, line)/r)^2))
    } else {
       proj <- geosphere::dist2Line(data, line, distfun = geosphere::distGeo)
       return (sum((proj[, 1]/r)^2))

  ExtrinsicMean <- function(data, weights = rep(1, nrow(data))){                        # 'data': longitude/latitude matrix or dataframe with two column
    if (sum(weights^2)^(1/2) < 1e-15) stop("weight should not be the zero vector.")     # 'weights': a weight vector whose length is the rownumber of points
    weights <- weights/sum(weights)                                                     #  normalize 'weights' so that its components add up to 1
    mean.Euc <- c(0, 0, 0)
    for (i in 1:nrow(data)){
      mean.Euc <- mean.Euc + Trans.Euclid(data[i, ]) * weights[i]
    if (sum(mean.Euc^2)^(1/2) < 1e-15){
      stop("extrinsic mean is not well-defined. Data should be more localized.")
    mean.Euc <- mean.Euc/sum(mean.Euc^2)^(1/2)
    mean <- Trans.sph(mean.Euc)

  IntrinsicMean <- function(data, weights = rep(1, nrow(data)), thres = 1e-5){         # 'data': longitude/latitude matrix or dataframe with two column.
    if (sum(weights^2)^(1/2) < 1e-15) stop("weight should not be the zero vector.")     # 'weights': n-dimensional vector.
    mu <- data[1, , drop = F]                                                          # Initialize mean as a point.
    delta.mu <- c(1, 0)
    while (sum((delta.mu)^2)^(1/2) > thres){
      weights.normal <- weights/sum(weights)                                           # Normalize of 'weights' so that its components add up to 1.
      summation <- c(0, 0)
        for (m in 1:length(weights)){
          rot <- Rotate(mu, data[m, ])
          summation <- summation + weights.normal[m] * Logmap(rot)
      delta.mu <- summation
      exp <- Expmap(delta.mu)
      mu.Euc <- Rotate.inv(mu, Trans.sph(exp))
      mu <- Trans.sph(mu.Euc)

### PrincipalCircle
  PrincipalCircle <- function(data, step.size = 1e-3, thres = 1e-5, maxit = 10000){
    # 'data': a matrix or data.frame of data points represented by angular form of (longitude/latitude)
    # To convergence of this algorithm, step.size is recommended below 0.01.
    circle <- IntrinsicMean(data) * pi/180                                          # Initialized by center of data to avoid being trapped at local minima. (radian measurement)
    circle[3] <- pi/2
    data <- data * pi/180                                                           # Transformation from angle into radian.
    delta <- 1
    iter <- 0
    while ((delta > thres) && (iter < maxit)){
      iter <- iter + 1
      grad <- c(0, 0, 0)
      for(i in 1:nrow(data)){
        temp <- sin(circle[2]) * sin(data[i, 2]) + cos(circle[2]) * cos(data[i, 2]) * cos(circle[1] - data[i, 1])
        names(temp) <- NULL
        if (temp == 1){
        grad[1] <- grad[1] + (acos(temp) - circle[3]) * 1/sqrt(1-temp^2) * cos(data[i, 2]) * cos(circle[2]) * sin(circle[1] - data[i, 1])
        grad[2] <- grad[2] - (acos(temp) - circle[3]) * 1/sqrt(1-temp^2) * (cos(circle[2]) * sin(data[i, 2]) - sin(circle[2]) * cos(data[i, 2]) * cos(circle[1] - data[i, 1]))
        grad[3] <- grad[3] + circle[3] - acos(temp)
      grad[1:2] <- grad[1:2] * pi/180
      circle <- circle - step.size * 2 * grad
      if (circle[3] > pi) stop("step.size should be lowered.")
      delta <- sqrt(sum((step.size * 2 * grad)^2))
    circle[1:2] <- circle[1:2] * 180/pi
    return(circle)                                                                 # Output: angular form of (longitude, latitude)

  GenerateCircle <- function(center, radius, T = 1000){
    # center should be an angular form of (longitude, latitude).
    # the radius r is in [0, pi]
    # the number of points in circle is T
    lon <- seq(0, 360, length.out = T + 1)
    generate.circle <- matrix(nrow = T, ncol = 2)
    for (i in 1:T){
      generate.circle[i, ] <- Trans.sph(Rotate.inv(center, c(lon[i], (pi/2 - radius) * 180/pi)))

  PGA <- function(data, col1 = "blue", col2 = "red"){
    # 'data' should be a matrix or data frame with 2 column (longitude/latitude)
    center <- IntrinsicMean(data)
    ant <- Trans.sph(-Trans.Euclid(center))
    cov <- matrix(c(0, 0, 0, 0), nrow = 2)
    for (i in 1:nrow(data)){
       z <- Rotate(center, data[i, ])
       y <- Logmap(z)
       cov <- cov + y %*% t(y)
    eivec <- eigen(cov)$vectors[, 1]
    direc <- eivec/(sum(eivec^2))^(1/2)
    pt <- Expmap(direc)
    pt.sph <- Trans.sph(pt)
    Euc <- Rotate.inv(center, pt.sph)
    mid <- Trans.sph(Euc)
    mid.ant <- Trans.sph(-Euc)
    line <- geosphere::makeLine(rbind(center, mid, ant, mid.ant, center))
    # plot
    sphereplot::rgl.sphgrid(col.long = 'black', col.lat = 'black', radaxis = TRUE)
    sphereplot::rgl.sphpoints(data, radius = 1, col = col1, size = 12)
    sphereplot::rgl.sphpoints(line, radius = 1, col = col2, size = 9)
    fit <- list(line = line)

  Proj.Hauberg <- function(data, line){
     # this function performs the approximated projections
     # each data point is projected onto the nearest points of line (not exactly)
     proj <- matrix(nrow = nrow(data), ncol = 2)
     for (i in 1:nrow(data)){
       proj[i, ] <- line[which.min(geosphere::distGeo(data[i, ], line)), ]

  Dist.pt <- function(data){
     # this function calculates the number of distinct points
     # 'data': matrix or data.frame of data points represented by angular form of (longitude, latitude).
     num <- nrow(data)
     if (num == 1){
     dist.num <- 1
     for (i in 2:num){
       temp <- c()
       temp <- colSums(t(data[1:(i - 1), , drop = F]) == data[i, ]) < 2
       prod <- 1
       for (j in 1:(i - 1)){
         prod <- prod * temp[j]
       dist.num <- dist.num + prod

  ### Spherical Principal Curves (global)
  SPC <- function(data, q = 0.1, T = nrow(data), step.size = 1e-3, maxit = 10, type = "Intrinsic", thres = 0.1,
                 deletePoints = FALSE, plot.proj = FALSE, kernel = "quartic", 
                 col1 = "blue", col2 = "green", col3 = "red") {
    # 'data': matrix or data.frame of data points represented by angular form of (longitude, latitude).
    # 'q': Smoothing parameter in Expectation step.
    # 'T': The number of points making up circle.
    # 'step.size': It is recommended below 0.01 owing to convergence of this algorithm.
    # 'maxit': The maximum number of iterations
    # 'deletePoints': TRUE or FALSE. If it is TRUE, then for each expectation step delete the points which do not have adjacent data.
    # if 'deletePoints' is FALSE, leave the points which do not have adjacent data for each expectation step
    # 'col1' is color of 'data' and 'col2' is that of points making up the principal curves; in addition, 'col3' is the color of the principal curves.

    r <- 6378137                                                # earth radius (m)
    PC <- PrincipalCircle(data, step.size = step.size)
    prin.curves <- GenerateCircle(PC[1:2], PC[3], T = T)        # initialize principal curves as principal circle
    if (nrow(prin.curves) == 1){
      rss <- sum((geosphere::distGeo(data, prin.curves)/r)^2)   # residual sum of squares (rss)
    } else {
      proj <- geosphere::dist2Line(data, prin.curves, distfun = geosphere::distGeo)
      rownames(data) <- NULL
      rss <- Cal.recon(data, prin.curves)
    rss.new <- rss.old <- rss
    relative.change <- 1
    iter <- 0                                                   # iteration of principal curve algorithm
    while ((relative.change >= thres) && (rss.old != 0) && (iter < maxit + 1)){
      ## projection step
      T.temp <- nrow(prin.curves)
      if (T.temp > 1){
        proj.temp <- geosphere::dist2Line(data, prin.curves, distfun = geosphere::distGeo)
      } else {
        proj.temp <- cbind(cbind(geosphere::distGeo(data, prin.curves), rep(prin.curves[, 1], nrow(data))), rep(prin.curves[, 2], nrow(data)))
      curve.length <- 0
      for (t in 1:(T.temp - 1)){
        curve.length <- curve.length + geosphere::distGeo(prin.curves[t, ], prin.curves[t + 1, ])/r
      if (deletePoints == FALSE){
        curve.length <- curve.length + geosphere::distGeo(prin.curves[T.temp, ], prin.curves[1, ])/r         # length of principal curves
      ## Expectation step
      for (t in 1:T.temp){
        choice <- weights <- c()
        choice <- geosphere::distGeo(proj.temp[, 2:3], prin.curves[t, ])/r < q * curve.length
        adjacent <- as.data.frame(data[choice, , drop = F])                                                  # adjacent points
        if (is.na(sum(choice)) == TRUE) {warning("Errors, 'choice' have not a number or non available.")}
        if (sum(choice) == 0){                                                                               # If a point dosen't have adjacent data, there are two options: deleting and leaving the point (deletePoints)
          if (deletePoints == FALSE){
            prin.curves[t, ] <- prin.curves[t, ]                                                             # delete the points which do not have adjacent data each expectation step
          } else {        # deletePoints == TRUE
            prin.curves[t, ] <- c(NA, NA)                                                                    # leave the points which do not have adjacent data for each expectation step
        } else {
          if ((kernel == "quartic") | (kernel == "Quartic")){
            weights <- Kernel.quartic(geosphere::distGeo(proj.temp[choice, 2:3], prin.curves[t, ])/(r * q * curve.length))
          } else if ((kernel == "Gaussian") | (kernel == "gaussian")){
            weights <- Kernel.Gaussian(geosphere::distGeo(proj.temp[choice, 2:3], prin.curves[t, ])/(r * q * curve.length))
          } else if ((kernel == "indicator") | (kernel == "Indicator")){
            weights <- Kernel.indicator(geosphere::distGeo(proj.temp[choice, 2:3], prin.curves[t, ])/(r * q * curve.length))
          } else {
            stop("Errors, kernel should be quartic, Gaussian, and indicator.")
          if ((type == "Intrinsic") | (type == "intrinsic")){
            mean <- IntrinsicMean(adjacent, weights)                                                         # calculating intrinsic mean of adjacent pts
            prin.curves[t, ] <- mean
          } else if ((type == "Extrinsic") | (type == "extrinsic")){
            mean <- ExtrinsicMean(adjacent, weights)                                                         # calculating extrinsic mean of adjacent pts
            prin.curves[t, ] <- mean
          } else {
            stop("Errors, type should be Intrinsic or Extrinsic")
      prin.curves <- prin.curves[!is.na(prin.curves[, 1]), , drop = F]
      rss.new <- Cal.recon(data, prin.curves)
      relative.change <- abs((rss.old - rss.new)/rss.old)
      rss.old <- rss.new
      iter <- iter + 1
    if (deletePoints == FALSE){
      proj <- geosphere::dist2Line(data, rbind(prin.curves, prin.curves[1, ]))
    } else {
      proj <- geosphere::dist2Line(data, prin.curves)
    distnum <- Dist.pt(proj[, 2:3, drop = F])                                              # The number of distinct projections
    if (nrow(prin.curves) > 1){
      if (deletePoints == FALSE){ 
        line <- geosphere::makePoly(prin.curves)
      } else {     # deletePoints == TRUE
        line <- geosphere::makeLine(prin.curves)     
    } else {
      line <- prin.curves
    if (iter < maxit){
      converged <- TRUE
    } else {
      converged <- FALSE 
    sphereplot::rgl.sphgrid(col.long = "black", col.lat = "black", radaxis = FALSE)                                                             # plot the data and principal curves.
    sphereplot::rgl.sphpoints(data[, 1], data[, 2], radius = 1, col = col1, size = 12)
    sphereplot::rgl.sphpoints(prin.curves[, 1], prin.curves[, 2], radius = 1, col = col2, size = 4)
    sphereplot::rgl.sphpoints(line[, 1], line[, 2], radius = 1, col = col3, size = 6)
    if (plot.proj == TRUE){
      line.proj <- matrix(ncol = 2)
      for (i in 1:nrow(proj)){                                                            # plot the projection line
        if (abs(sum((data[i, ] - proj[i, 2:3])^2)) > 1e-10){
          line.proj <- geosphere::makeLine(rbind(data[i, ], data[i, ], proj[i, 2:3]))
        } else {
          line.proj <- data[i, , drop = F]
        sphereplot::rgl.sphpoints(line.proj[, 1], line.proj[, 2], radius = 1, col = "black", size = 4)
    fit <- list(prin.curves = prin.curves, line = line, converged = converged, iteration = iter,
                recon.error = rss.new, num.dist.pt = distnum)

 SPC.Hauberg <- function(data, q = 0.1, T = nrow(data), step.size = 1e-3, maxit = 10, type = "Intrinsic",
                         thres = 1e-2, deletePoints = FALSE, plot.proj = FALSE, kernel = "quartic",
                         col1 = "blue", col2 = "green", col3 = "red") {
   # 'data': matrix or data.frame of data points represented by angular form of (longitude, latitude)
   # 'q': smoothing parameter in expectation step
   # 'T': the number of points in initial circle
   # 'step.size': step size of the 'PrincipalCircle' function. It is recommended to be below 0.01 owing to convergence of the algorithm of 'PrincipalCircle' function
   # 'maxit': the number of iterations
   # 'deletePoints': TRUE or FALSE. If it is TRUE, then for each expecatation step delete the points which do not have adjacent data
   #  if 'deletePoints' is FALSE, leave the points which do not have adjacent data for each expectation step
   # 'col1' is color of data and 'col2' is that of points making up the resulting principal curves; in addition, 'col3' is that of principal curves.

   r <- 6378137                                                        # earth radius(m)
   PC <- PrincipalCircle(data, step.size = step.size)
   prin.curves <- GenerateCircle(PC[1:2], PC[3], T = T)                # principal circle is set to be an initialization of principal curves.
   if (nrow(prin.curves) > 1){
     proj <- Proj.Hauberg(data, prin.curves)
     rss <- sum((geosphere::distGeo(data, proj)/r)^2)                  # residual sum of squares (approximated rss)
   } else {
     rss <- sum((geosphere::distGeo(data, prin.curves)/r)^2)
   rss.new <- rss.old <- rss
   relative.change <- 1
   iter <- 0                                                           # iteration of principal curve algorithm.
   while ((relative.change >= thres) && (rss.old != 0) && (iter < maxit + 1)){
     ## projection step
     T.temp <- nrow(prin.curves)
     if (T.temp > 1){
       proj.temp <- Proj.Hauberg(data, prin.curves)
     } else {
       proj.temp <- cbind(geosphere::distGeo(data, prin.curves), rep(prin.curves[, 1], nrow(data)), rep(prin.curves[, 2], nrow(data)))
     curve.length <- 0
     for (t in 1:(T.temp - 1)){
       curve.length <- curve.length + geosphere::distGeo(prin.curves[t, ], prin.curves[t + 1, ])/r
     if (deletePoints == FALSE){
       curve.length <- curve.length + geosphere::distGeo(prin.curves[T.temp, ], prin.curves[1, ])/r         # length of principal curves
     ## Expectation step
     for (t in 1:T.temp){
       choice <- weights <- c()
       choice <- geosphere::distGeo(proj.temp, prin.curves[t, ])/r < q * curve.length
       adjacent <- as.data.frame(data[choice, , drop = F])                                                  # adjacent points
       if (is.na(sum(choice)) == TRUE) {warning("Errors, object 'choice' have not a number or non available.")}
       if (sum(choice) == 0){                                                                               # If a point dosen't have adjacent data, there are two options: deleting and leaving the point. (deletePoints)
         if (deletePoints == FALSE){
           prin.curves[t, ] <- prin.curves[t, ]                                                             # leave the points which do not have adjacent data for each expectation step
         } else {
           prin.curves[t, ] <- c(NA, NA)                                                                    # delete the points which do not have adjacent data for each expectation step
       } else {
         if ((kernel == "quartic") | (kernel == "Quartic")){
           weights <- Kernel.quartic(geosphere::distGeo(proj.temp[choice, , drop = F], prin.curves[t, ]) / (r * q * curve.length))
         } else if ((kernel == "Gaussian") | (kernel == "gaussian")){
           weights <- Kernel.Gaussian(geosphere::distGeo(proj.temp[choice, , drop = F], prin.curves[t, ]) / (r * q * curve.length))
         } else if ((kernel == "indicator") | (kernel == "Indicator")){
           weights <- Kernel.indicator(geosphere::distGeo(proj.temp[choice, , drop = F], prin.curves[t, ]) / (r * q * curve.length))
         } else {
           stop("Errors, kernel should be quartic, Gaussian, and indicator.")
         if ((type == "Intrinsic") | (type == "intrinsic")){
           mean <- IntrinsicMean(adjacent, weights)                                                         # calculating intrinsic mean of adjacent pts
           prin.curves[t, ] <- mean
         } else if ((type == "Extrinsic") | (type == "extrinsic")){
           mean <- ExtrinsicMean(adjacent, weights)                                                         # calculating extrinsic mean of adjacent pts
           prin.curves[t, ] <- mean
         } else {
           stop("Errors, type should be Intrinsic or Extrinsic")
     prin.curves <- prin.curves[!is.na(prin.curves[, 1]), , drop = F]                        # deleting NA rows
     proj.temp <- Proj.Hauberg(data, prin.curves)
     rss.new <- sum((geosphere::distGeo(data, proj.temp)/r)^2)
     relative.change <- abs((rss.old - rss.new)/rss.old)                                     # relative change (stop when it is below 'thres')
     rss.old <- rss.new
     iter <- iter + 1
   if (deletePoints == FALSE){
     proj <- Proj.Hauberg(data, rbind(prin.curves, prin.curves[1, ]))
   } else {              # deletePoint == TRUE 
     proj <- Proj.Hauberg(data, prin.curves)
   distnum <- Dist.pt(proj)                                                                  # the number of distinct projections
   if (nrow(prin.curves) > 1){
     if (deletePoints == FALSE){ 
       line <- geosphere::makePoly(prin.curves)     
     } else {            # deletePoints == TRUE
       line <- geosphere::makeLine(prin.curves)   
   } else {
     line <- prin.curves
   if (iter < maxit){
     converged <- TRUE
   } else {
     converged <- FALSE
   sphereplot::rgl.sphgrid(col.long = "black", col.lat = "black")                                                                                # Plot the data and principal curves.
   sphereplot::rgl.sphpoints(data[, 1], data[, 2], radius = 1, col = col1, size = 12)
   sphereplot::rgl.sphpoints(prin.curves[, 1], prin.curves[, 2], radius = 1, col = col2, size = 4)
   sphereplot::rgl.sphpoints(line[, 1], line[, 2], radius = 1, col = col3, size = 6)
   if (plot.proj == TRUE){
     line.proj <- matrix(ncol = 2)
     for (i in 1:nrow(proj)){                                                                               # Plot the projection line
       if (abs(sum((data[i, ] - proj[i, ])^2)) > 1e-10){
         line.proj <- geosphere::makeLine(rbind(data[i, ], data[i, ], proj[i, ]))
       } else {
         line.proj <- data[i, , drop = F]
       sphereplot::rgl.sphpoints(line.proj[, 1], line.proj[, 2], radius = 1, col = "black", size = 4)
   fit <- list(prin.curves = prin.curves, line = line, converged = converged, iteration = iter,
               recon.error = rss.new, num.dist.point = distnum)

  ### Local principal geodesics (Local)

  LPG <- function(data, scale = 0.04, tau = scale/3, nu = 0, maxpt = 500, seed = NULL,
         kernel = "indicator", thres = 1e-4, col1 = "blue", col2 = "green", col3 = "red") {
     # 'Data': a matrix or data.frame of data points represented by angular form of (longitude, latitude).
     # 'scale' is a scale parameter (LPG scaleing region).
     #  For each LPG step, the curve proceed by 'tau'. (step size of the algorithm)
     # 'nu' represents viscosity of the given data.
     # 'thres' is a threshold in the 'IntrinsicMean' function.
     set.seed(seed)                                                        # Set seed number.
     nu <- nu
     h <- scale
     tau <- tau                                                            # Step size of the algorithm.
     r <- 6378137                                                          # Earth radius(m).
     H <- r * h                                                            # scaleing distance on earth(m).
     num.curves <- 0                                                       # The number of the resulting curves.
     # create blank matrix and list
     dim.redu <- line <- line2 <- matrix(NA, nrow = 10000, ncol = 2)
     dim.redu.LPG <- list()
     data.raw <- data
     ### start LPG
       if (nrow(data) == 0){

       # first step-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       num.data <- nrow(data)                                              # The number of data.
       X <- Y <- matrix(nrow = 10000, ncol = 2)                                # Limit nrow set 10000.
       ran.num <- sample(1:num.data, 1)                                    # Choose initial number randomly.
       Y[1, ] <- X[1, ] <- as.matrix(data[ran.num, , drop = F])            # Random sampling X1 from data.
       cov.local <- S <- matrix(c(0, 0, 0, 0), nrow = 2)
       num.related <- ker <- ker.sum <- 0
       direc <- direc2 <- matrix(nrow = 10000, ncol = 2)                       # Limit of repeat is 10000.
       cohesive <- matrix(0, nrow = 2, ncol = 1)
       mean.initial <- c(0, 0, 0)
       adjacent <- data[geosphere::distGeo(X[1, ], data) < H, , drop = F]  # Find the center (intrinsic mean) of adjacent points.
       X[1, ] <- Y[1, ] <- IntrinsicMean(adjacent, rep(1, nrow(adjacent)), thres)

       for (i in 1:num.data){
         dist <- geosphere::distGeo(X[1, ], data[i, ])
         if (dist < H){
           adj <- Rotate(c(X[1, 1], X[1, 2]), c(data[i, 1], data[i, 2]))
           adj.plane <- Logmap(adj)
           if ((kernel == "indicator") | (kernel == "Indicator")){
              ker <- Kernel.indicator(dist/H)
           } else if ((kernel == "quartic") | (kernel == "Quartic")){
              ker <- Kernel.quartic(dist/H)
           } else if ((kernel == "Gaussian") | (kernel == "gaussian")){
              ker <- Kernel.Gaussian(dist/H)
           } else {
              stop("kernal should be either quartic, indicator or Gaussian")
           cohesive <- cohesive + adj.plane * ker                          # Cohesive force.
           S <- S + adj.plane %*% t(adj.plane) * ker
           num.related <- num.related + 1
           ker.sum <- ker.sum + ker
      if (num.related == 0){
        dim.redu.temp <- t(as.matrix(X[1, ]))
        dim.redu  <- rbind(as.matrix(na.omit(dim.redu)), dim.redu.temp)
        line <- rbind(as.matrix(na.omit(line)), dim.redu.temp)
        data <- data[-ran.num, , drop = F]
      } else {
         cov.local <- S/ker.sum                                           # Locally kernel-weighted tangent covariance at scale h.
         eivec <- eigen(cov.local)$vectors[, 1]                           # Leading eigen vector of local tangent covariance.
         if (sum(cohesive^2) > 0){
           cohesive <- cohesive/(sum(cohesive^2))^(1/2)                    # Making cohesive unit vector.
         } else {
           cohesive <- c(0, 0)
         force <- (cohesive * nu + eivec)                                  # Summation of cohesive and maximal variation and 'nu' is viscous parameter.
         direc[1, ] <- force/(sum(force^2))^(1/2)                          # Normalized forward first direction.
         direc2[1, ] <- -direc[1, ]                                        # Normalized backward first direction.
         forward <- tau * direc[1, ]
         backward <- tau * direc2[1, ]
         pt <- Expmap(forward)
         pt.sph <- Trans.sph(pt)
         pt.2 <- Expmap(backward)
         pt.2.sph <- Trans.sph(pt.2)
         Euc <- Rotate.inv(X[1, ], c(pt.sph[1], pt.sph[2]))                # Euclidean points(R^3) of X[2, ].
         Euc2 <- Rotate.inv(X[1, ], c(pt.2.sph[1], pt.2.sph[2]))
         X[2, ] <- Trans.sph(Euc)                                          # Get spherical coordinate (longitude / latitude).
         Y[2, ] <- Trans.sph(Euc2)

      # forward diriection step---------------------------------------------------------------------------
      j <- 2                                                            # Iteration of forward direction step.
        num.related <- ker <- ker.sum <- 0
        cov.local <- S <- matrix(c(0, 0, 0, 0), nrow = 2)
        cohesive <- sum.adj.plane <- c(0, 0)
        for (i in 1:num.data){
          dist <- geosphere::distGeo(X[j, ], data[i, ])
          adj.plane <- c(0, 0)
          if (dist < H){
            adj <- Rotate(c(X[j, 1], X[j, 2]), c(data[i, 1], data[i, 2]))                 # Adjacent data of X[j, ].
            adj.plane <- Logmap(adj)                                                      # Tangent plane coordinate of the adjacent data.
            if ((kernel == "indicator") | (kernel == "Indicator")){
               ker <- Kernel.indicator(dist/H)
            } else if ((kernel == "quartic") | (kernel == "Quartic")){
               ker <- Kernel.quartic(dist/H)
            } else if ((kernel == "Gaussian") | (kernel == "gaussian")){
               ker <- Kernel.Gaussian(dist/H)
            } else{
               stop("kernal should be either quartic, indicator or Gaussian")
            cohesive <- cohesive + adj.plane * ker
            S <- S + adj.plane %*% t(adj.plane) * ker
            ker.sum <- ker.sum + ker
            num.related <- num.related + 1
          sum.adj.plane <- sum.adj.plane + adj.plane
        if ((j > maxpt) | (num.related == 0)){
        } else {
          loc.center <- sum.adj.plane/num.related                                        # Center of adjacent data. (local centering)
          cov.local <- S/ker.sum - (loc.center) %*% t(loc.center)                        # Locally kernel-weighted tangent covariance at scale h.
          if (sum(cohesive^2) > 0){
            cohesive <- cohesive/(sum(cohesive^2))^(1/2)                                  # Making cohesive unit vector.
          } else {
            cohesive <- c(0, 0)
          eivec <- eigen(cov.local)$vectors[, 1]                                          # Leading eigenvector of local tangent covariance.
          force1 <- cohesive * nu + eivec                                                 # Summation of cohesive and maximal variation.
          force2 <- cohesive * nu - eivec                                               
          if (sum(direc[j - 1, ] * eivec) >= 0){
            direc[j, ] <- force1/(sum(force1^2))^(1/2)                                    # Making unit vector.
          } else {
            direc[j, ] <- force2/(sum(force2^2))^(1/2)
          forward <- tau * direc[j, ]
          pt <- Expmap(forward)
          pt.sph <- Trans.sph(pt)
          Euc <- Rotate.inv(X[j, ], c(pt.sph[1], pt.sph[2]))                              # Euclidean point of X[j, ].
          X[j + 1, ] <- Trans.sph(Euc)                                                    # Get a spatial coordinate.
          j <- j + 1
       X <- na.omit(X)

       # backward direction step-----------------------------------------------------------------
       j <- 2                                                                              # Iteration of backward direction step.
          num.related <- ker <- ker.sum <- 0
          cov.local <- S <- matrix(c(0, 0, 0, 0), nrow = 2)
          cohesive <- matrix(0, nrow = 2, ncol = 1)
          sum.adj.plane <- c(0, 0)
          for (i in 1:num.data){
             dist <- geosphere::distGeo(Y[j, ], data[i, ])
             adj.plane <- c(0, 0)
             if (geosphere::distGeo(Y[j, ], data[i, ]) < H){
                adj <- Rotate(c(Y[j, 1], Y[j, 2]), c(data[i, 1], data[i, 2]))                 # Adjacent data of Y[j, ].
                adj.plane <- Logmap(adj)                                                      # Tangent plane coordinate of adjacent data.
                if ((kernel == "indicator") | (kernel == "Indicator")){
                  ker <- Kernel.indicator(dist/H)
                } else if ((kernel == "quartic") | (kernel == "Quartic")){
                  ker <- Kernel.quartic(dist/H)
                } else if ((kernel == "Gaussian") | (kernel == "gaussian")){
                  ker <- Kernel.Gaussian(dist/H)
                } else {
                  stop("kernal should be either quartic, indicator or Gaussian")
                cohesive <- cohesive + adj.plane * ker
                S <- S + adj.plane %*% t(adj.plane) * ker
                ker.sum <- ker.sum + ker
                num.related <- num.related + 1
             sum.adj.plane <- sum.adj.plane + adj.plane 
            if ((j > maxpt) | (num.related == 0)){                                           # Stop the procedure when there is no neighborhood points.
            } else {
              loc.center <- sum.adj.plane/num.related                                       # Center of adjacent data. (local centering)
              cov.local <- S/ker.sum - (loc.center) %*% t(loc.center)                       # Local tangent covariance at scale h.
              eivec <- eigen(cov.local)$vectors[, 1]                                        # Leading eigenvector of local tangent covariance.
              if (sum(cohesive^2) > 0){
                cohesive <- cohesive/(sum(cohesive^2))^(1/2)                                # Making cohesive unit vector.
              } else {
                cohesive <- c(0, 0)
              force1 <- cohesive * nu + eivec                                               # Summation of cohesive and maximal variation.
              force2 <- cohesive * nu - eivec                                     
              if (sum(direc2[j - 1, ] * eivec) >= 0){
                direc2[j, ] <- force1/(sum(force1^2))^(1/2)
              } else {
                direc2[j, ] <- force2/(sum(force2^2))^(1/2)
              backward <- tau * direc2[j, ]
              pt <- Expmap(backward)
              pt.sph <- Trans.sph(pt)
              Euc <- Rotate.inv(Y[j, ], c(pt.sph[1], pt.sph[2]))                             # Euclidean point of Y[j, ].
              Y[j + 1, ] <- Trans.sph(Euc)                                                   # Transform three-dimensional Euclidean coordinate into spherical coordinate (longitude,latitude).
              j <- j + 1
        Y <- na.omit(Y)                                                                    # Deleting NA.
        Y.rev <- Y                                                                         # Y row reverse.
        for (i in 1:nrow(Y.rev)){
           temp <- nrow(Y.rev)
           Y.rev[i, ] <- Y[temp + 1 - i, ]
        dim.redu.temp <- rbind(Y.rev, X)                                                   # Connected componemt of dimension reduction.
        dim.redu <- rbind(as.matrix(na.omit(dim.redu)), dim.redu.temp)                     # Sum of connected component of dimension reduction.
        line <- rbind(as.matrix(na.omit(line)), geosphere::makeLine(dim.redu.temp))        # Line of dim.redu.
        proj <- geosphere::dist2Line(data, dim.redu, distfun = geosphere::distGeo)         # proj[, 2:3] are projection point.
        data <- data[proj[, 1] > H, , drop = F]                                            # Remaining data set.
       dim.redu.LPG[[num.curves + 1]] <- dim.redu.temp                                      # Storage of dim.redu.temp.
       num.curves <- num.curves + 1
     # plot the result
     sphereplot::rgl.sphgrid(col.long = 'black', col.lat = 'black', radaxis = FALSE)                         
     sphereplot::rgl.sphpoints(data.raw, radius = 1, col = col1, size = 12)
     sphereplot::rgl.sphpoints(dim.redu, radius = 1, col = col2, size = 4)
     sphereplot::rgl.sphpoints(line, radius = 1, col = col3, size = 6)
     fit <- list(num.curves = num.curves, prin.curves = dim.redu.LPG, line = line)


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