Man pages for spls
Sparse Partial Least Squares (SPLS) Regression and Classification

ci.splsCalculate bootstrapped confidence intervals of SPLS...
coefplot.splsPlot estimated coefficients of the SPLS object
correct.splsCorrect the initial SPLS coefficient estimates based on...
cv.sgplsCompute and plot the cross-validated error for SGPLS...
cv.splsCompute and plot cross-validated mean squared prediction...
cv.splsdaCompute and plot cross-validated error for SPLSDA...
lymphomaLymphoma Gene Expression Dataset
miceMice Dataset
plot.splsPlot the coefficient path of SPLS regression
predict.sgplsMake predictions or extract coefficients from a fitted SGPLS...
predict.splsMake predictions or extract coefficients from a fitted SPLS...
predict.splsdaMake predictions or extract coefficients from a fitted SPLSDA...
print.sgplsPrint function for a SGPLS object
print.splsPrint function for a SPLS object
print.splsdaPrint function for a SPLSDA object
prostateProstate Tumor Gene Expression Dataset
sgplsFit SGPLS classification models
splsFit SPLS regression models
splsdaFit SPLSDA classification models
spls-internalInternal SPLS functions
yeastYeast Cell Cycle Dataset
spls documentation built on May 6, 2019, 1:09 a.m.