
#                                                                        #
#  SPRINT: Simple Parallel R INTerface                                   #
#  Copyright © 2008,2010 The University of Edinburgh                    #
#                                                                        #
#  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify  #
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  #
#  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or     #
#  any later version.                           			             #
#                                                                        #
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       #
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        #
#  GNU General Public License for more details.                          #
#                                                                        #
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     #
#  along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.or/licenses/>.   #
#                                                                        #

#================= Sample data =================

filename_ <- "pstringDist_result.out"
strings <- c("lazy", "HaZy", "rAzY")
other.strings <- c("lazy", "Hazy")

# test XStringSet dimnames check
#test.stringDistDimnames <- function()
#	x0 <- c("GTAT", "TTGA", "AGAG")
#	width(x0)
#	x1 <- BStringSet(x0)
#	expected_result <- stringdistmatrix(x1, x1, method="h")
#	actual_result <- pstringdistmatrix(x1, x1, method="h")
#	checkTrue(all.equal(expected_result, actual_result[,], check.attributes=FALSE), 
#			  "pstringdistmatrix and stringdistmatrix with BStringSet.")
#	checkEquals(dimnames(expected_result), dimnames(actual_result[,]), "Test labels on dist")

# Checking with different args
test.stringDistAllArgs <- function()
{	expected_result <- stringdistmatrix(strings, strings, method="h")
	actual_result <- pstringdistmatrix(strings, strings, method="h", filename=filename_)
	checkTrue(all.equal(expected_result, actual_result[,], check.attributes=FALSE), 
			  "pstringdistmatrix and stringdistmatrix with list of strings.")
	system(paste("rm -f ", filename_))

# Checking with different args
test.stringDistDataArgOnly <- function()
	expected_result <- stringdistmatrix(strings, strings, method="h")
	actual_result  <- pstringdistmatrix(filename=filename_, a=strings, b=strings, method="h")#args in different orders
	checkTrue(all.equal(expected_result, actual_result[,], check.attributes=FALSE), 
			  "pstringdistmatrix and stringdistmatrix with list of strings.")
	system(paste("rm -f ", filename_))

test.wrongMethodArg <- function()
	expected_message = "pstringdistmatrix only supports the hamming method. Please choose method=\"h\"."
	checkException(pstringdistmatrix(a=strings, b=strings, method="lv"), 
				   "An exception should be raised when pstringDist is passed a method other than hamming")
	checkTrue(as.logical(grep(expected_message, geterrmessage())), 
			  "Expected error message when non-hamming method passed to pstringDist.")

#  tests that pstringDist returns correct dimnames
test.stringDistPhageWithNames <- function()
	strings <- phiX174Phage
	expected_result <- stringdistmatrix(strings, strings, method="h")
	actual_result <- pstringdistmatrix(strings, strings, method="h", filename=filename_)
	strLength <- length(strings)
	checkTrue(all.equal(expected_result, actual_result[,], check.attributes=FALSE), 
			  "pstringdistmatrix and stringdistmatrix should give same simple results")
	system(paste("rm -f ", filename_))

test.stringDistPhi <- function()
#	DNAStringSet
	strings <- srPhiX174[1:4]
	strLength <- length(strings)
	expected_result <- stringdistmatrix(strings, strings, method="h")
	actual_result <- pstringdistmatrix(strings, strings, method="h", filename=filename_)
	checkTrue(all.equal(expected_result, actual_result[,], check.attributes=FALSE), 
			  "pstringdistmatrix and stringdistmatrix should give same simple results for a DNAStringSet")
	system(paste("rm -f ", filename_))

test.differentInputs <- function(){
	expected_message = "pstringdistmatrix only works when both input sets of strings are the same."
	checkException(pstringdistmatrix(strings, other.strings, method="h"), 
				   "An exception should be raised when pstringdistmatrix is passed 2 different sets of strings")
	checkTrue(as.logical(grep(expected_message, geterrmessage())), 
			  "Expected error message when 2 different sets of strings passed to pstringdistmatrix.")
# TODO this is the test for when the code does handle 2 diff lists of strings.	
#	expected_result <- stringdistmatrix(strings, other.strings, method="h")
#	actual_result <- pstringdistmatrix(strings, other.strings, method="h")
#	checkTrue(all.equal(expected_result, actual_result[,], check.attributes=FALSE), 
#			  "pstringdistmatrix and stringdistmatrix should be able to compare 2 different lists of strings.")

# Commenting out this test as the stringdistmatrix function gives infinity as some of its answers now.

test.AllInputs <- function(){
	expected_result <- stringdistmatrix(strings, strings, method="h", weight=c(0.5,1,1,1),  ncores=1)
	actual_result <- pstringdistmatrix(strings, strings, method="h", weight=c(0.5,1,1,1),  ncores=1) 
  print(paste("actual result ",actual_result[,]))
	checkTrue(all.equal(expected_result, actual_result[,], check.attributes=FALSE), 
			  "pstringdistmatrix should ignore unnecessary parameters.")

test.maxDistError <- function(){	
	expected_message = "maxDist is not used by pstringdistmatrix. Please set maxDist=0, or remove the maxDist parameter."
	checkException(pstringdistmatrix(strings, strings, method="h", maxDist=1), 
				   "An exception should be raised when pstringDist is passed maxDist>0")
	checkTrue(as.logical(grep(expected_message, geterrmessage())), 
			  "Expected error message when maxDist>0 passed to pstringdistmatrix.")

test.ErrorIfNCores <- function(){
	expected_message = "ncores is not used by pstringdistmatrix. Please refer to the SPRINT user guide for how to run in parallel."
	checkException(pstringdistmatrix(a=strings, b=strings, method="h", ncores=4), 
				   "An exception should be raised when pstringDist is passed ncores>1")
	checkTrue(as.logical(grep(expected_message, geterrmessage())), 
			  "Expected error message when ncores>1 passed to pstringdistmatrix.")

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sprint documentation built on May 30, 2017, 8:25 a.m.