
biplot.sprmda <-
  function(x, comps=c(1,2), colors=list(scores1="orange",scores2="darkgreen", loadings="red",background="gray84"),textsize=6,arrowshapes=c(25,.03), labelpos=0.35, ...)
    # biplot.sprm automatically generates Sparse Partial Robust M regression Biplots
    # inputs : x, a "sprm" class SPRM regression object 
    #          comps: a length 2 vector containing the corresponding 2 components 
    #          colors: a list containing the desired scores (can be a vector of length n), loadings and background colors as strings
    #          textsize: the text size in which to print the scores and loading names
    #          arrowshapes: a length 2 vector containing the angle of the arrowheads and their relative length in npc  
	#          labelpos: determines distance of the arrow label to the arrowhead 
    # written by Sven Serneels, BASF Corp., December 2013. 
    # Amended for ggplot variable scope issue Jan. 2014. 
    #  require(ggplot2)
    #  require(grid)
    V1 <- V2 <- V3 <- V4 <- V5 <- NULL
      stop("The SPRM-DA biplot function can only be applied to sprmda class objects")
    if (x$inputs$a<max(comps)){
      stop("Total number of componets in the model is smaller than specified components in comps.")
    c1 <- comps[1]
    c2 <- comps[2]
    colors$scores <- ifelse(x$inputs$y0==1,colors$scores1, colors$scores2)
    plotscores <- as.data.frame(x$scores[,comps])
    colnames(plotscores) <- c(paste("Comp",c1,sep=""),paste("Comp",c2,sep=""))
    plotscalingfactors <- (apply(x$scores[,comps],2,max)-apply(x$scores[,comps],2,min))/(apply(x$loadings[,comps],2,max)-apply(x$loadings[,comps],2,min))*0.8
    plotloadings <- as.data.frame(x$loadings[,comps])
    colnames(plotloadings) <- c("V1", "V2")
    navars <- setdiff(1:nrow(plotloadings),x$used.vars[[2*comps[2]]])
    plotloadings[navars,] <- NA
    plotloadings[,1] <- plotloadings[,1]*plotscalingfactors[1]
    plotloadings[,2] <- plotloadings[,2]*plotscalingfactors[2]
    npl <- nrow(plotloadings)
    plotloadings$V3 <- rep(0,npl)
    plotloadings$V4 <- plotloadings$V1+sign(plotloadings$V1)* labelpos
    plotloadings$V5 <- plotloadings$V2+sign(plotloadings$V2)* labelpos
    plotty <- ggplot()
    plotty <- plotty + geom_text(data=plotscores, aes_string(x=colnames(plotscores)[1],y=colnames(plotscores)[2]), size=textsize,label=rownames(plotscores),color=colors$scores) 
    plotty <- plotty + labs(title=paste(names(x$YMeans)," Sparse PRM Components ", c1," and ",c2," Biplot"),x=colnames(plotscores)[1],y=colnames(plotscores)[2])
    plotty <- plotty + geom_segment(data=plotloadings,aes(x=V3,y=V3,xend=V1,yend=V2),color=colors$loadings,arrow=ggplot2::arrow(angle=arrowshapes[1],length=ggplot2::unit(arrowshapes[2],"npc")),na.rm=TRUE)
    plotty <- plotty + geom_text(data=plotloadings,aes(x=V4,y=V5),color=colors$loadings,label=rownames(plotloadings),size=textsize,na.rm=TRUE)
    plotty <- plotty + theme(panel.background=element_rect(fill=colors$background),plot.title=element_text(size=rel(1.5),face="bold"))

Try the sprm package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

sprm documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:57 a.m.