#' Class "report_mig_env"
#' Enables to compute an annual overview of fish migration and environmental
#' conditions in the same chart. Environmental conditions may trigger migration events, variation in flow
#' or temperatures can be plotted along migration to check graphically for a possible relation. To enable this,
#' environmental conditions are loaded from an "environmental monitoring station", which records environmental
#' parameters and is attached to a migratory station in the database.
#' This class enables both continuous output (temperature -flow) as well as discrete parameters (qualitative = moon
#' phase, type of operation of a gate, opening of a gate...) which will be displayed on the graph. Values are scaled so that
#' single plot can display migration numbers and environmental parameters. Environmental parameters when stored at a
#' time scale lower that a day are averaged per day, unless they are qualitative parameters, in which case only the first
#' event of the day is displayed on the annual plot.
#' @include report_mig_mult.R
#' @include report_env.R
#' @include create_generic.R
#' @include utilities.R
#' @slot report_mig_mult \link{report_mig_mult-class}
#' @slot report_env \link{report_env-class}
#' @author
#' @family report Objects
#' @keywords classes
#' @aliases report_mig_env
#' @keywords classes
#' @example inst/examples/report_mig_env-example.R
#' @author Cedric Briand \email{}
#' @family report Objects
#' @keywords classes
#' @export
Class = "report_mig_env",
representation =
representation(report_mig_mult = "report_mig_mult",
report_env = "report_env"),
prototype = prototype(
report_mig_mult = new("report_mig_mult"),
report_env = new("report_env")
rep1 = validObject(object@report_mig_mult, test = TRUE)
rep2 = validObject(object@report_env, test = TRUE)
return(ifelse(rep1 & rep2 , TRUE, c(1:2)[!c(rep1, rep2)]))
#' connect method for report_mig_env class
#' @param object An object of class \link{report_mig_env-class}
#' @param silent Default FALSE, if TRUE the program should no display messages
#' @return an object of report_mig_env class
#' @author Cedric Briand \email{}
#' @aliases summary.report_mig_env
signature = signature("report_mig_env"),
definition = function(object, silent = FALSE) {
r_mig_env <- object
r_mig_env@report_mig_mult <-
connect(r_mig_env@report_mig_mult, silent = silent)
r_mig_env@report_env <- connect(r_mig_env@report_env, silent = silent)
#' command line interface for report_env class
#' @param object An object of class \link{report_env-class}
#' @param dc A numeric or integer, the code of the dc, coerced to integer,see \link{choice_c,ref_dc-method}
#' @param taxa '2038=Anguilla anguilla',
#' these should match the ref.tr_taxon_tax referential table in the stacomi database, see \link{choice_c,ref_taxa-method}
#' @param stage 'AGJ=Yellow eel', 'AGG=Silver eel', 'CIV=glass eel'
#' @param stationMesure A character, the code of the monitoring station, which records environmental parameters \link{choice_c,ref_env-method}
#' @param datedebut The starting date as a character, formats like \code{\%Y-\%m-\%d} or \code{\%d-\%m-\%Y} can be used as input
#' @param datefin The finishing date of the report, for this class this will be used to calculate the number of daily steps.
#' @param silent Boolean default FALSE, if TRUE information messages not displayed.
#' @aliases choice_c.report_mig_env
#' @return An object of class \link{report_env-class} with data selected
#' @author Cedric Briand \email{}
signature = signature("report_mig_env"),
definition = function(object,
silent = FALSE) {
# code for debug
# dc=c(5,6,12); taxa=c("Anguilla anguilla");stage=c("AGJ","AGG","CIV");
# stationMesure=c("temp_gabion","coef_maree");
# datedebut="2008-01-01";datefin="2008-12-31";silent=FALSE
r_mig_env <- object
r_mig_env@report_mig_mult =
dc = dc,
taxa = taxa,
stage = stage,
datedebut = datedebut,
datefin = datefin,
silent = silent
r_mig_env@report_env = choice_c(
stationMesure = stationMesure,
datedebut = datedebut,
datefin = datefin,
silent = silent
#' charge method for report_mig_env class
#' #' Unique the other report classes where the charge method is only used by the graphical interface
#' to collect and test objects in the environment envir_stacomi, and see if the right choices have
#' been made in the graphical interface, this methods runs the \link{charge,report_mig_mult-method}
#' and needs to be called from the command line (see examples)
#' @param object An object of class \link{report_mig_env-class}
#' @param silent Should the function remain silent (boolean)
#' @return An object of class \link{report_mig_env-class} with data set from values assigned in \code{envir_stacomi} environment
#' @author Cedric Briand \email{}
#' @aliases charge.report_mig_env
signature = signature("report_mig_env"),
definition = function(object, silent = FALSE) {
# silent=FALSE
r_mig_env <- object
r_mig_env@report_mig_mult <-
charge(r_mig_env@report_mig_mult, silent = silent)
# the values for date are not initiated by the interface
get("timestep", envir_stacomi)@"dateDebut",
"timestep", envir_stacomi
r_mig_env@report_env <-
charge(r_mig_env@report_env, silent = silent)
#' Calculations for migration in the class \link{report_mig_env-class}
#' Runs the calcule method in \link{report_mig_mult-class}
#' @param object An object of class \link{report_mig_env-class}
#' @param silent Boolean default FALSE, if TRUE information messages not displayed
#' @aliases calcule.report_mig_env
#' @return \link{report_mig_env-class} with data in slot r_mig_env@report_mig_mult@calcdata
signature = signature("report_mig_env"),
definition = function(object, silent = FALSE) {
# silent=FALSE
r_mig_env <- object
r_mig_env@report_mig_mult <-
calcule(r_mig_env@report_mig_mult, silent = silent)
if (!silent)
"r_mig_env object is stocked into envir_stacomi environment\n",
domain = "R-stacomiR"
#' Plot method for report_mig_env
#' @param x An object of class \link{report_mig_env}
#' @param silent Stops displaying the messages.
#' @param color_station A named vector of station color (e.g. c("temp_gabion"="red","coef_maree"="blue","phases_lune"="green")) default null
#' @param color_dc A named vector giving the color for each dc default null (e.g. c("5"="#4D4D4D","6"="#E6E6E6","12"="#AEAEAE"))
#' @return Nothing, called for its side effect of plotting
#' @author Cedric Briand \email{}
#' @aliases plot.report_mig_env
#' @importFrom dplyr pull
#' @export
signature(x = "report_mig_env", y = "missing"),
definition = function(x,
color_station = NULL,
color_dc = NULL,
silent = FALSE) {
# color_station<-c("temp_gabion"="red","coef_maree"="blue","phases_lune"="green")
# color_dc=c("5"="#4D4D4D","6"="#E6E6E6","12"="#AEAEAE")
r_mig_env <- x
grdata <- fun_aggreg_for_plot(r_mig_env@report_mig_mult)
# we collect the dataset used to build the graph
taxa <- as.character(r_mig_env@report_mig_mult@taxa@data[
r_mig_env@report_mig_mult@taxa@data$tax_code %in%
r_mig_env@report_mig_mult@taxa@taxa_selected, "tax_nom_latin"]
stage <- as.character(r_mig_env@report_mig_mult@stage@data[
dc <- unique(grdata$DC)
stations <- r_mig_env@report_env@stationMesure@data
dc_code <- r_mig_env@report_mig_mult@dc@data$dc_code[match(dc, r_mig_env@report_mig_mult@dc@data$dc)]
# tableau conditions environnementales
tableauCE <- r_mig_env@report_env@data
if (nrow(tableauCE) == 0) {
"You don't have any environmental conditions within the time period\n",
domain = "R-stacomiR"
arret = TRUE
# we collect libelle and source of data from station
source <- unlist(lapply(regmatches(stations$stm_description,gregexpr("(?<=:([[:space:]])).*", stations$stm_description, perl =TRUE),invert=NA),
function(X) X[2]))
if (any( {
missing <- stations[,"stm_libelle"]
missing_and_selected <- missing[missing%in%r_mig_env@report_env@stationMesure@env_selected]
missing_and_selected <- paste(missing_and_selected, collapse=" , ")
warning(sprintf("the source of data is not present in column stm_description of table tj_stationmesure_stm for stations: %s. \n Please consider adding it by adding something like source: Banque hydro at the end of the line in table tj_stationmesure_stm column stm_description",
source[] <- "Not defined"
stations$source <- source
tableauCE <- merge(tableauCE,stations, by.x="env_stm_identifiant", by.y="stm_identifiant")
# (?<= ) lookbehind, get the string : with a space after but not capture it. .* capture anything after
# currently we've added the source of data within the stm_description string so as not to change the db
# regmatches, invert = NA returns a list with first elt matching and second non mathing
# we want the full list returned with NA when missing match
# the data can be in the POSIXct format, we need to round them
tableauCE$date <-
as.POSIXct(Hmisc::roundPOSIXt(tableauCE$env_date_debut, digits = "days"))
qualitative <- !$env_val_identifiant)
tableauCEquan <- tableauCE[!qualitative, ]
tableauCEqual <- tableauCE[qualitative, ]
if (nrow(unique(cbind(tableauCE$date, tableauCE$stm_libelle))) != nrow(tableauCE)) {
# do not cut character chain below...
"Attention, on one station :there are several entries for the same day : we will calculate average for numeric and use the first value for qualitative parameter" , sep ="")
arret = FALSE
# for quantitative parameters we group by date and station and use the average to
# extract one value per day
tableauCEquan <-
dplyr::select(tableauCEquan, date, stm_libelle, env_valeur_quantitatif) %>%
dplyr::group_by(date, stm_libelle) %>%
dplyr::summarize(valeur = mean(env_valeur_quantitatif)) %>%
# for qualitative value, when there are several values for the same date
# we arbitrarily select the first
tableauCEqual <-
dplyr::select(tableauCEqual, date, stm_libelle, env_val_identifiant) %>%
dplyr::group_by(date, stm_libelle) %>%
dplyr::summarize(valeur = first(env_val_identifiant)) %>%
} else {
# we want the same format as above
tableauCEquan <-
dplyr::select(tableauCEquan, date, stm_libelle, env_valeur_quantitatif) %>%
dplyr::rename(valeur = env_valeur_quantitatif)
tableauCEqual <-
dplyr::select(tableauCEqual, date, stm_libelle, env_val_identifiant) %>%
dplyr::rename(valeur = env_val_identifiant)
variables_quant <- unique(tableauCEquan$stm_libelle)
variables_qual <- unique(tableauCEqual$stm_libelle)
grdata <- fun_date_extraction(
nom_coldt = "debut_pas",
annee = FALSE,
mois = TRUE,
quinzaine = TRUE,
semaine = TRUE,
jour_an = TRUE,
jour_mois = FALSE,
heure = FALSE
# to rescale everything on the same graph
maxeff <- floor(log10(max(abs(grdata$effectif_total), na.rm = TRUE)))
for (i in 1:length(variables_quant)) {
diff = maxeff - round(log10(max(tableauCEquan[tableauCEquan$stm_libelle ==
variables_quant[i], "valeur"], na.rm = TRUE)))
if (diff != 0 & ! {
tableauCEquan[tableauCEquan$stm_libelle == variables_quant[i], "valeur"] <-
(tableauCEquan %>%
dplyr::filter(stm_libelle == variables_quant[i]) %>%
dplyr::select(valeur) %>% dplyr::pull()) * 10 ^ diff
variables_quant[i] <- paste(variables_quant[i], ".10^", diff, sep = "")
} # end if
} #end for
yqualitatif = (10 ^ (maxeff)) / 2
ylegend = gettextf(
"Number, %s, %s",
paste(variables_quant, collapse = ", "),
paste(variables_qual, collapse = ", ")
# treatment of data to group by dc
# if several taxa or stages are passed, they are aggregated with a warning
if (length(unique(taxa)) > 1)
"you have %s taxa in the report, those will be aggregated",
if (length(unique(stage)) > 1)
"you have %s stages in the report, those will be aggregated",
plotdata <-
dplyr::select(grdata, debut_pas, DC, effectif_total) %>% dplyr::rename(date =
debut_pas) %>%
dplyr::group_by(date, DC) %>% dplyr::summarize(effectif = sum(effectif_total)) %>%
# color scheme for station
cs <-
colortable(color = color_station[names(color_station)%in%tableauCE$stm_libelle],
vec = unique(tableauCE$stm_libelle),
palette = "Accent")
cs <- stacomirtools::chnames(cs, "name", "stm_libelle")
# color scheme for dc
cdc <-
colortable(color = color_dc[names(color_dc)%in%dc],
vec = dc,
color_function = "gray.colors")
cdc <- stacomirtools::chnames(cdc, "name", "DC")
# merging with colors for manual scales
plotdata <- killfactor(merge(plotdata, cdc, by = "DC"))
tableauCEquan <-
killfactor(merge(tableauCEquan, cs, by = "stm_libelle"))
tableauCEqual <-
killfactor(merge(tableauCEqual, cs, by = "stm_libelle"))
# source of data
source <- paste("source:",paste(unique(tableauCE$source), collapse=", "))
g <- ggplot(plotdata) +
geom_bar(aes(x = date, y = effectif, fill = color),
position = "stack",
stat = "identity") +
ylab(ylegend) +
geom_line(aes(x = date, y = valeur, colour = color),
data = tableauCEquan,
size = 1) +
x = date,
shape = valeur,
colour = color
y = yqualitatif,
data = tableauCEqual,
size = 3
) +
scale_fill_identity(name = gettext("DC"),
labels = dc_code,
guide = "legend") +
name = gettext("stations"),
labels = cs[, "stm_libelle"],
breaks = cs[, "color"],
guide = "legend"
) +
scale_shape(guide = "legend", name = gettext("Qualitative parm")) +
theme_bw() +
assign("g", g, envir_stacomi)
if (!silent)
"the ggplot object has been assigned to envir_stacomi, type g<-get('g',envir_stacomi)"
)# end function
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