
Defines functions which_class generate_random_dataset generate_linear_dataset generate_xor_dataset noisy_xor probdist.cd probdist.bh probdist.hl probdist.tv probdist.kl probdist.ry probdist.l1 probdist.l2 simple_clustering distance_mat_stages find_stage tree_idx uni_idx new_label

Documented in distance_mat_stages find_stage generate_linear_dataset generate_random_dataset generate_xor_dataset new_label noisy_xor probdist.bh probdist.cd probdist.hl probdist.kl probdist.l1 probdist.l2 probdist.ry probdist.tv simple_clustering tree_idx uni_idx which_class

#' New label
#' give a safe-to-add label that is not in \code{labels}.
#' @param labels vector of labels.
#' @return a string label that is different from each \code{labels}.
#' @keywords internal
new_label <- function(labels) {
  k <- 1 + length(labels)
  labels <- as.character(labels)
  while (TRUE) {
    if (!(as.character(k) %in% labels)) {
    k <- k + 1

#' Unique id from named list
#' @param x a named list.
#' @return A named list with unique ids.
#' @keywords internal
uni_idx <- function(x) {
  nn <- names(x)
  x <- lapply(seq_along(x), function(i) {
    paste0(nn[i], ":", x[[i]])
  names(x) <- nn

#' return path index
#' @param path a path from root in the tree.
#' @param tree a symmetric tree given as a list of levels.
#' @param complete logical, if \code{TRUE} the complete indexing 
#'                 is returned.
#' @details Compute the integer index of the node associated with the
#' given path in a symmetric tree defined by \code{tree}.
#' @return an integer, the index of the node corresponding to \code{path}
#' @keywords internal
tree_idx <- function(path, tree, complete = FALSE) {
  k <- length(path)
  ls <- sapply(tree, length)
  is <- vapply(1:k, FUN = function(i) {
    (1:ls[i])[ tree[[i]] %in% path[i]  ]
  }, FUN.VALUE = 1)
  if (k <= 1) {
  if (complete) {
    sum(vapply(1:(k - 1), FUN = function(i) {
      prod(ls[(i + 1):(k)])
    }, FUN.VALUE = 1) * is[1:(k - 1)]) + is[k]
  } else {
    sum(vapply(1:(k - 1), FUN = function(i) {
      prod(ls[(i + 1):(k)])
    }, FUN.VALUE = 1) * (is[1:(k - 1)] - 1)) + is[k]

#' Find the stage of the path
#' no checking is done.
#' @param object a staged event tree object.
#' @param path vector of the path.
#' @return the stage name corresponding of the path.
#' @keywords internal
find_stage <- function(object, path) {
  k <- length(path)
  ix <- tree_idx(path = path, tree = object$tree)
  l <- length(object$stages[[sevt_varnames(object)[k + 1]]])
  ### stages can be defined in a reduced vector
  return(object$stages[[sevt_varnames(object)[k + 1]]][(ix - 1) %% l + 1])

#' Compute the distance matrix
#' Compute the matrix of distances between probabilities,
#' e.g the transition probabilities for a given variable in a
#' staged event tree.
#' @param x list of conditional probabilities for each stage.
#' @param distance the distance function e.g. \code{\link{probdist.kl}}.
#' @return The matrix with the distances between stages.
#' @keywords internal
distance_mat_stages <- function(x, distance = probdist.kl) {
  d <- length(x)
  M <- matrix(nrow = d, ncol = d, 0)
  for (i in 1:d) {
    for (j in 1:i) {
      M[i, j] <- distance(x[[i]], x[[j]])
  M <- M[lower.tri(M)]
  class(M) <- "dist"
  attr(M, "Size") <- length(x)
  attr(M, "Labels") <- names(x)

#' Perform a simple clustering in 2 groups
#' clustering in 2 groups is performed starting
#' from a distance (positive, symmetric) matrix
#' @param M matrix of distance.
#' @return a list with component \code{I} and \code{J} 
#'          (the two clusters).
#' @keywords internal
simple_clustering <- function(M) {
  nm <- colnames(M)
  ## first we find the two indxs that return the maximum distance.
  idx <- which.max(M)
  i <- ceiling(idx / dim(M)[1])
  j <- idx - (i - 1) * dim(M)[1]
  todo <- (1:(dim(M)[1]))[-c(i, j)] ## index to assign to cluster
  I <- c(nm[i]) # initialize clusters
  J <- c(nm[j]) # initialize clusters
  for (k in todo) {
    ## assign other indxs to the closest cluster
    if (M[k, i] < M[k, j]) {
      I <- c(I, nm[k])
    } else {
      J <- c(J, nm[k])
    "1" = I,
    "2" = J

#' Distances between probabilities
#' @param x vector of probabilities.
#' @param y vector of probabilities.
#' @details Functions to compute distances between probabilities:
#' * \code{lp}: the \eqn{L^p} distance, \eqn{||x - y||_p^p} for \eqn{p = 1,2}
#' * \code{ry}: the symmetric Renyi divergence of order \eqn{\alpha = 2} 
#' * \code{kl}: the symmetrized Kullback-Leibler divergence
#' * \code{tv}: the total variation or \eqn{L^1} norm
#' * \code{hl}: the (squared) Hellinger distance
#' * \code{bh}: the Bhattacharyya distance
#' * \code{cd}: the Chan-Darwiche distance
#' @return The distance between \code{p} and \code{q}
#' @name probdist
#' @keywords internal

#' @rdname probdist
#' @keywords internal
probdist.l2 <- function(x, y) {
  (sum(abs(x - y)^2))^(1 / 2)

#' @rdname probdist
#' @keywords internal
probdist.l1 <- function(x, y) {
  sum(abs(x - y))

#' @rdname probdist
#' @keywords internal
probdist.ry <- function(x, y) {
  rmix <- (x == 0) & (y == 0)
  x <- x[!rmix]
  y <- y[!rmix]
  alpha <- 2
  (log(sum(x^(alpha) / y^(alpha - 1))) +
    log(sum(y^(alpha) / x^(alpha - 1)))) / (alpha - 1)

#' @rdname probdist
#' @keywords internal
probdist.kl <- function(x, y) {
  rmix <- (x == 0) & (y == 0)
  x <- x[!rmix]
  y <- y[!rmix]
  return(sum(x * (log(x) - log(y))) +
    sum(y * (log(y) - log(x))))

#' @rdname probdist
#' @keywords internal
probdist.tv <- function(x, y) {
  sum(abs(x - y))

#' @rdname probdist
#' @keywords internal
probdist.hl <- function(x, y) {
  sum((sqrt(x) - sqrt(y))^2)

#' @rdname probdist
#' @keywords internal
probdist.bh <- function(x, y) {
  -log(sum(sqrt(x * y)))

#' @rdname probdist
#' @keywords internal
probdist.cd <- function(x, y) {
  rmix <- (x == 0) & (y == 0)
  x <- x[!rmix]
  y <- y[!rmix]
  log(max(x / y)) - log(min(x / y))

#' noisy xor function
#' @param x a vector of +1 and -1.
#' @param eps the uniform noise amount.
#' @return the computed noisy xor.
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom stats runif
noisy_xor <- function(x, eps = 0) {
  return(sign(prod(x) + runif(
    n = 1, min = -eps, max = eps

#' Generate a xor dataset
#' @param n number of variables.
#' @param N number of observations.
#' @param eps error.
#' @return The xor dataset with \code{n} + 1 variables, where the first one is
#' the class variable \code{C} computed as a noisy xor.
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @examples
#' DD <- generate_xor_dataset(n = 5, N = 1000, eps = 1.2)
generate_xor_dataset <- function(n = 2,
                                 N = 100,
                                 eps = 1.2) {
  DD <- data.frame(observation = 1:N)
  for (i in 1:n) {
    DD[[paste("X", i, sep = "")]] <- sample(
      c(-1, +1),
      prob = runif(2, min = 0, max = 1),
      size = N,
      replace = TRUE
  DD$C <- apply(
    MARGIN = 1,
    FUN = function(x) {
      return(noisy_xor(x = x[-1], eps = eps))
  DD <- DD[, -1]
  for (i in 1:(n + 1)) {
    DD[[i]] <- factor(DD[[i]], levels = c(-1, 1))

#' Generate a random binary dataset for classification
#' Randomly generate a simple classification problem.
#' @param n number of variables.
#' @param N number of observations.
#' @param eps noise.
#' @param gamma numeric.
#' @param alpha numeric vector of length \code{n}.
#' @return A data.frame with \code{n} independent random variables and
#'  one class variable \code{C} computed as
#'  \code{sign(sum(x * alpha) + runif(1, -eps, eps) + gamma)}.
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @examples
#' DD <- generate_linear_dataset(n = 5, 1000)
generate_linear_dataset <-
  function(n = 2,
           N = 10000,
           eps = 1.2,
           gamma = runif(1, min = -n, max = n),
           alpha = runif(n, min = -n, max = n)) {
    DD <- data.frame(observation = 1:N)
    for (i in 1:n) {
      DD[[paste("X", i, sep = "")]] <- sample(c(-1, +1),
        prob = runif(2),
        size = N,
        replace = TRUE
    DD$C <- apply(
      MARGIN = 1,
      FUN = function(x) {
          sum(x[-1] * alpha) + runif(
            n = 1,
            min = -eps,
            max = eps
          ) + gamma
    DD$C[DD$C == 0] <- 1
    DD <- DD[, -1]
    for (i in 1:(n + 1)) {
      DD[[i]] <- factor(DD[[i]], levels = c(-1, 1))

#' Generate a random binary dataset
#' Randomly generate a data.frame of independent binary variables.
#' @param n number of variables.
#' @param N number of observations.
#' @return A data.frame with \code{n} independent random variables.
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @examples
#' DD <- generate_random_dataset(n = 5, 1000)
generate_random_dataset <-
  function(n = 2,
           N = 10000) {
    DD <- data.frame(observation = 1:N)
    for (i in 1:n) {
      DD[[paste("X", i, sep = "")]] <- sample(c(-1, +1),
        prob = runif(2),
        size = N,
        replace = TRUE
    DD <- DD[, -1]
    for (i in 1:(n)) {
      DD[[i]] <- factor(DD[[i]], levels = c(-1, 1))

#' Find maximum value
#' @param x numerical, the log-probabilities.
#' @param character the levels to be returned same length as x.
#' @return factor.
#' @keywords internal
which_class <- function(x, levels) {
  y <- seq_along(x)[x == max(x)]
  if (length(y) > 1L) {
    ix <- sample(y, 1L)
  } else {
    ix <- y
  factor(levels[ix], levels = levels)

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