
Defines functions get_when mark_when_file_done is_when_file_done get_when_cache_file get_when_cache_path

get_startup_time <- local({
  now <- NULL
  function() {
    if (is.null(now)) {
      time <- Sys.getenv("R_STARTUP_TIME", "")
      time <- getOption("startup.time", time)
      if (is.character(time)) {
        if (nzchar(time)) {
          now <<- tryCatch({
          }, error = function(ex) {
            warning("Failed to parse 'R_STARTUP_TIME' as a timestamp: ",
                    squote(time), ". The reason was: ", conditionMessage(ex))
      } else if (!inherits(time, "POSIXct")) {
        stop("Option 'startup.time' is of an unknown mode: ", mode(time))
      if (is.null(now)) {
        now <<- Sys.time()

get_when_cache_path <- function(when) {
  when <- match.arg(when, choices = known_when_keys, several.ok = TRUE)
  cache_path <- get_user_dir(which = "cache", create = TRUE)
  path <- file.path(cache_path, when)

get_when_cache_file <- function(pathname, when) {
  stop_if_not(length(pathname) == 1L, is_file(pathname))
  when <- match.arg(when, choices = known_when_keys)
  path <- get_when_cache_path(when = when)
  if (!is_dir(path)) dir.create(path, recursive = TRUE)

  ## Poor-man's file ID
  fi <- file.info(pathname)
  fi <- lapply(fi, FUN = unclass)
  is_numeric <- unlist(lapply(fi, FUN = is.numeric), use.names = FALSE)
  fi <- fi[is_numeric]
  fi <- unlist(fi, use.names = FALSE)
  file_id <- paste(c(basename(pathname), fi), collapse = "-")
  when_pathname <- file.path(path, file_id)
  attr(when_pathname, "pathname") <- pathname
  attr(when_pathname, "when") <- when

is_when_file_done <- function(when_pathname) {
  if (!is_file(when_pathname)) {
    return(structure(FALSE, last_processed = as.POSIXct(NA)))
  when <- attr(when_pathname, "when")
  stop_if_not(length(when) == 1L, is.character(when), !is.na(when))
  fi <- file.info(when_pathname)
  mtime <- fi[["mtime"]]

  done <- NA
  if (when == "once") {
    format <- "%t"  ## Trick to produce equal output
  } else if (when == "hourly") {
    format <- "%Y-%m-%d %H"
  } else if (when == "daily") {
    format <- "%Y-%m-%d"
  } else if (when == "weekly") {
    format <- "%Y %V"
  } else if (when == "fortnightly") {
    format <- "%Y %V"
    now_time <- get_startup_time()
    last_year <- format(mtime, format = "%Y")
    last_week <- as.integer(format(mtime, format = "%V"))
    last_fortnight <- floor(last_week / 2)
    now_year <- format(now_time, format = "%Y")
    now_week <- as.integer(format(now_time, format = "%V"))
    now_fortnight <- floor(now_week / 2)
    last <- sprintf("%s %02d", last_year, last_fortnight)
    now <- sprintf("%s %02d", now_year, now_fortnight)
    done <- (last >= now)
##    R.utils::mstr(list(pathname = attr(when_pathname, "pathname"), when = when, last = last, now = now, done = done))
  } else if (when == "monthly") {
    format <- "%Y %m"
  } else {
    stop("Unknown value on argument 'when': ", squote(when))

  if (is.na(done)) {
    last <- format(mtime, format = format)
    now <- format(get_startup_time(), format = format)
    done <- (last >= now)
##    R.utils::mstr(list(pathname = attr(when_pathname, "pathname"), when = when, last = last, now = now, done = done))

  attr(done, "last_processed") <- mtime

mark_when_file_done <- function(when_pathname) {
  pathname <- attr(when_pathname, "pathname")
  timestamp <- format(get_startup_time(), format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS3 %z")
  cat(file = when_pathname, pathname, "\n", timestamp, "\n", sep = "")

get_when <- function(pathname) {
  stop_if_not(length(pathname) == 1L, is.character(pathname), !is.na(pathname))

  ## Identify files specifying this <key>=<value>
  op <- "="
  pattern <- sprintf(".*[^a-z]*(when)%s([^=,/]*).*", op)
  if (!grepl(pattern, pathname, fixed = FALSE)) return(character(0L))

  pathname <- gsub("[.](r|R)$", "", pathname)
  file <- unlist(strsplit(pathname, split = "[,/]", fixed = FALSE), use.names = FALSE)
  when <- gsub(pattern, "\\2", file)

  ## Keep unique 'when' conditions
  when <- unique(when)
  ## Drop unknown 'when' conditions
  when <- intersect(when, known_when_keys)


#' Reset all or parts of the "when" cache
#' @param when (character vector) Specifies for which "when" frequencies
#' the cache should be reset.  The default is to reset all of them.
#' @return (invisible) The pathnames of the "when" cache files removed.
#' @export
reset_when_cache <- local({
  ## Backport
  if (getRversion() < "3.0.0") dir <- function(..., no..=TRUE) base::dir(...)
  function(when = c("once", "hourly", "daily", "weekly", "fortnightly", "monthly")) {
    paths <- get_when_cache_path(when = when)
    exists <- vapply(paths, FUN = is_dir, FUN.VALUE = FALSE)
    paths <- paths[exists]
    pathnames <- dir(paths, full.names = TRUE, all.files = TRUE, include.dirs = TRUE, no.. = TRUE)
    for (path in paths) unlink(path, recursive = TRUE)

known_when_keys <- eval(formals(reset_when_cache)[["when"]])

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startup documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:38 p.m.