Defines functions HDR.matching print.hdr HDR.arcsine HDR.nbinom HDR.pois HDR.binom HDR.geom HDR.hyper HDR.unif HDR.exp HDR.weibull HDR.gamma HDR.chisq HDR.beta HDR.f HDR.cauchy HDR.t HDR.lnorm HDR.norm

Documented in HDR.arcsine HDR.beta HDR.binom HDR.cauchy HDR.chisq HDR.exp HDR.f HDR.gamma HDR.geom HDR.hyper HDR.lnorm HDR.matching HDR.nbinom HDR.norm HDR.pois HDR.t HDR.unif HDR.weibull

#' Highest density region (HDR)
#' \code{HDR.xxxx} returns the highest density region (HDR) for a chosen distribution.
#' This function computes the highest density region (HDR) for a univariate distribution in the \code{stats} package.  The functions for
#' the HDR for different distributions are named in the form \code{HDR.xxxx} where the \code{xxxx} refers to the distribution
#' (e.g., \code{HDR.chisq}, \code{HDR.gamma}, \code{HDR.norm}, etc.).  The user can use any univariate distribution in the \code{stats} package,
#' and the function accepts parameters from the specified distribution (see table below).  The output of the function is an interval of classes
#' \code{hdr} and \code{interval} giving the highest density region and some related information pertaining to the distribution and the
#' computation of the HDR (for information on intervals, see the \code{sets} package). If the input distribution is continuous then the
#' HDR is a real interval, and if the input distribution discrete then the HDR is a discrete interval.  For non-trivial cases the computation
#' is done by optimisation using the \code{nlm} function.
#' \tabular{lccc}{
#'   Using \code{stats} \tab Continuous    \tab        \tab       \cr
#'   HDR.arcsine \tab min      \tab max    \tab       \cr
#'   HDR.beta    \tab shape1   \tab shape2 \tab ncp   \cr
#'   HDR.cauchy  \tab location \tab scale  \tab       \cr
#'   HDR.chisq   \tab df       \tab ncp    \tab       \cr
#'   HDR.exp     \tab rate     \tab        \tab       \cr
#'   HDR.f       \tab df1      \tab df2    \tab ncp   \cr
#'   HDR.gamma   \tab shape    \tab rate   \tab scale \cr
#'   HDR.lnorm   \tab meanlog  \tab sdlog  \tab       \cr
#'   HDR.norm    \tab mean     \tab sd     \tab       \cr
#'   HDR.t       \tab df       \tab ncp    \tab       \cr
#'   HDR.unif    \tab min      \tab max    \tab       \cr
#'   HDR.weibull \tab shape    \tab scale  \tab       \cr
#'    \tab     \tab   \tab       \cr
#'   Using \code{stats} \tab Discrete      \tab        \tab       \cr
#'   HDR.binom   \tab size     \tab prob   \tab       \cr
#'   HDR.geom    \tab prob     \tab        \tab       \cr
#'   HDR.hyper   \tab m        \tab n      \tab k     \cr
#'   HDR.nbinom  \tab size     \tab prob   \tab mu    \cr
#'   HDR.pois    \tab lambda   \tab        \tab       \cr 
#'    \tab     \tab   \tab       \cr
#'   Using \code{extraDistr} \tab \tab     \tab       \cr
#'   HDR.betapr  \tab shape1   \tab shape2 \tab scale \cr
#'   HDR.fatigue \tab alpha    \tab beta   \tab mu    \cr
#'   HDR.gompertz\tab shape    \tab scale  \tab       \cr
#'   HDR.gpd     \tab mu,location\tab sigma, scale\tab shape, xi\cr
#'   HDR.huber   \tab mu       \tab sigma  \tab epsilon \cr
#'   HDR.kumar   \tab a,shape1 \tab b,shape2 \tab     \cr
#'   HDR.tnorm   \tab mean     \tab sd     \tab a, b, min, max \cr
#'    \tab     \tab   \tab       \cr
#'   Using \code{invgamma} \tab \tab       \tab       \cr
#'   HDR.invchisq\tab df       \tab ncp    \tab       \cr
#'   HDR.invexp  \tab rate     \tab        \tab       \cr
#'   HDR.invgamma\tab shape    \tab rate   \tab scale \cr
#'    \tab     \tab   \tab       \cr
#'   Using \code{VGAM} \tab    \tab        \tab       \cr
#'   HDR.benini  \tab shape    \tab y0     \tab scale \cr
#'   HDR.frechet \tab shape    \tab scale  \tab location\cr
#'   HDR.gengamma\tab  d, shape1 \tab k, shape2 \tab rate, scale \cr
#'   HDR.gumbelII\tab shape    \tab scale  \tab       \cr
#'   HDR.lgamma  \tab shape    \tab scale  \tab location\cr
#'   HDR.matching   \tab size  \tab prob   \tab trials & approx      \cr
#'   }
#' The table above shows the parameters in each of the distributions.  Some have default values, but most need to be specified.  (For the gamma
#' distribution you should specify either the \code{rate} or \code{scale} but not both.)
#' @param cover.prob The probability coverage for the HDR (scalar between zero and one).  The significance level for the HDR i is \code{1-cover.prob}.  
#' @param shape1,shape2,ncp,location,scale,df,rate,df1,df2,meanlog,sdlog,mean,sd,min,max,shape,size,prob,m,n,k,mu,lambda,alpha,beta,sigma,xi,epsilon,a,b,y0,d,trials,approx Distribution parameters.
#' @inheritParams checkIterArgs 
#' @return An interval object with classes \code{hdr} and \code{interval} containing the highest density region and related information.
#' @name HDR

# Continous Distributions

#' @examples
#' HDR.norm(.95)
#' @rdname HDR
HDR.norm <- function(cover.prob, mean = 0, sd = 1,
                     gradtol = 1e-10, steptol = 1e-10, iterlim = 100) {

  #Check inputs
  if (!is.numeric(mean))    { stop('Error: mean should be numeric') }
  if (length(mean) != 1)    { stop('Error: mean should be a single value'); }
  if (!is.numeric(sd))      { stop('Error: sd should be numeric') }
  if (length(sd) != 1)      { stop('Error: sd should be a single value'); }
  if (sd < 0)               { stop('Error: sd is negative'); }

  #Set text for distribution
  DIST <- ifelse(((mean == 0)&(sd == 1)),
                 paste0('standard normal distribution'),
                 paste0('normal distribution with mean = ', mean,
                        ' and standard deviation = ', sd));

  hdr(cover.prob, unimodal, Q = qnorm, f = dnorm, distribution = DIST,
               mean = mean, sd = sd,
               gradtol = gradtol, steptol = steptol, iterlim = iterlim); }

#' @rdname HDR
HDR.lnorm <- function(cover.prob, meanlog = 0, sdlog = 1,
                      gradtol = 1e-10, steptol = 1e-10, iterlim = 100) {

  #Check inputs
  if (!is.numeric(meanlog)) { stop('Error: meanlog should be numeric') }
  if (length(meanlog) != 1) { stop('Error: meanlog should be a single value'); }
  if (!is.numeric(sdlog))   { stop('Error: sdlog should be numeric') }
  if (length(sdlog) != 1)   { stop('Error: sdlog should be a single value'); }
  if (sdlog < 0)            { stop('Error: sdlog is negative'); }

  #Set text for distribution
  DIST <- ifelse(((meanlog == 0)&(sdlog == 1)),
                 paste0('standard log-normal distribution'),
                 paste0('log-normal distribution with log-mean = ', meanlog,
                        ' and log-standard deviation = ', sdlog));

  hdr(cover.prob, unimodal, Q = qlnorm, f = dlnorm, distribution = DIST,
           meanlog = meanlog, sdlog = sdlog,
           gradtol = gradtol, steptol = steptol, iterlim = iterlim); }

#' @rdname HDR
HDR.t <- function(cover.prob, df, ncp = 0,
                  gradtol = 1e-10, steptol = 1e-10, iterlim = 100) {

  #Check inputs
  if (!is.numeric(df))      { stop('Error: df should be numeric') }
  if (length(df) != 1)      { stop('Error: df should be a single value'); }
  if (df < 0)               { stop('Error: df is negative'); }
  if (!is.numeric(ncp))     { stop('Error: ncp should be numeric') }
  if (length(ncp) != 1)     { stop('Error: ncp should be a single value'); }
  if (ncp < 0)              { stop('Error: ncp is negative'); }

  #Set text for distribution
  DIST <- ifelse(ncp == 0,
                 paste0('Student\'s T distribution with ', df, ' degrees-of-freedom'),
                 paste0('Student\'s T distribution with ', df,
                        ' degrees-of-freedom and non-centrality parameter = ', ncp));

  hdr(cover.prob, unimodal, Q = qt, f = dt, distribution = DIST,
               df = df, ncp = ncp,
               gradtol = gradtol, steptol = steptol, iterlim = iterlim); }

#' @rdname HDR
HDR.cauchy <- function(cover.prob, location = 0, scale = 1,
                       gradtol = 1e-10, steptol = 1e-10, iterlim = 100) {

  #Check inputs
  if (!is.numeric(location)) { stop('Error: location should be numeric') }
  if (length(location) != 1) { stop('Error: location should be a single value'); }
  if (!is.numeric(scale))    { stop('Error: scale should be numeric') }
  if (length(scale) != 1)    { stop('Error: scale should be a single value'); }
  if (scale < 0)             { stop('Error: scale is negative'); }

  #Set text for distribution
  DIST <- ifelse(((location == 0)&(scale == 1)),
                 paste0('standard Cauchy distribution'),
                 paste0('Cauchy distribution with location = ', location,
                        ' and scale = ', scale));

  hdr(cover.prob, unimodal, Q = qcauchy, f = dcauchy, distribution = DIST,
           location = location, scale = scale,
           gradtol = gradtol, steptol = steptol, iterlim = iterlim); }

#' @rdname HDR
HDR.f <- function(cover.prob, df1, df2, ncp = 0,
                  gradtol = 1e-10, steptol = 1e-10, iterlim = 100) {

  #Check inputs
  if (!is.numeric(df1))     { stop('Error: df1 should be numeric') }
  if (length(df1) != 1)     { stop('Error: df1 should be a single value'); }
  if (df1 < 0)              { stop('Error: df1 is negative'); }
  if (!is.numeric(df2))     { stop('Error: df2 should be numeric') }
  if (length(df2) != 1)     { stop('Error: df2 should be a single value'); }
  if (df2 < 0)              { stop('Error: df2 is negative'); }
  if (!is.numeric(ncp))     { stop('Error: ncp should be numeric') }
  if (length(ncp) != 1)     { stop('Error: ncp should be a single value'); }
  if (ncp < 0)              { stop('Error: ncp is negative'); }

  #Set text for distribution
  DIST <- ifelse(ncp == 0,
                 paste0('F distribution with ', df1,
                        ' numerator degrees-of-freedom and ', df2,
                        ' denominator degrees-of-freedom'),
                 paste0('F distribution with ', df1,
                        ' numerator degrees-of-freedom and ', df2,
                        ' denominator degrees-of-freedom and non-centrality parameter = ', ncp));

  modality <- if(df1 <= 2) monotone else unimodal;

  HDR <- hdr(cover.prob, modality, qf, df, distribution = DIST,
                  df1 = df1, df2 = df2, ncp = ncp,
                  decreasing = TRUE,
                  gradtol = gradtol, steptol = steptol, iterlim = iterlim);

  HDR; }

#' @rdname HDR
HDR.beta <- function(cover.prob, shape1, shape2, ncp = 0,
                     gradtol = 1e-10, steptol = 1e-10, iterlim = 100) {

  #Check inputs
  if (!is.numeric(shape1))  { stop('Error: shape1 should be numeric') }
  if (length(shape1) != 1)  { stop('Error: shape1 should be a single value'); }
  if (shape1 < 0)           { stop('Error: shape1 is negative'); }
  if (!is.numeric(shape2))  { stop('Error: shape2 should be numeric') }
  if (length(shape2) != 1)  { stop('Error: shape2 should be a single value'); }
  if (shape2 < 0)           { stop('Error: shape2 is negative'); }
  if (!is.numeric(ncp))     { stop('Error: ncp should be numeric') }
  if (length(ncp) != 1)     { stop('Error: ncp should be a single value'); }
  if (ncp < 0)              { stop('Error: ncp is negative'); }

  #Set text for distribution
  DIST <- ifelse(ncp == 0,
                 ifelse(((shape1 == 1) && (shape2 == 1)),
                        'standard uniform distribution',
                        paste0('beta distribution with shape1 = ', shape1,
                               ' and shape2 = ', shape2)),
                 paste0('beta distribution with shape1 = ', shape1,
                        ' and shape2 = ', shape2,
                        ' and non-centrality parameter = ', ncp));

  decreasing <- FALSE;

  #Compute HDR in monotone decreasing case
  if ((shape1 <= 1) && (shape2 >  1)) {
    modality <- monotone;
    decreasing <- TRUE;}

  #Compute HDR in monotone increasing case
  if ((shape1 >  1) && (shape2 <= 1)) {
    modality <- monotone;}

  #Compute HDR in uniform case
  if ((shape1 == 1) && (shape2 == 1)) {
    modality <- unimodal;}

  #Compute HDR in unimodal case
  if ((shape1 > 1) && (shape2 > 1)) {
    modality <- unimodal;}

  #Compute HDR in bimodal case
  if ((shape1 < 1) && (shape2 < 1)) {
    modality <- bimodal;}

  HDR <- hdr(cover.prob, modality, Q = qbeta, f = dbeta, distribution = DIST,
                  shape1 = shape1, shape2 = shape2, ncp = ncp,
                  decreasing = decreasing,
                  gradtol = gradtol, steptol = steptol, iterlim = iterlim);

  HDR; }

#' @rdname HDR
HDR.chisq <- function(cover.prob, df, ncp = 0,
                      gradtol = 1e-10, steptol = 1e-10, iterlim = 100) {

  #Check inputs
  if (!is.numeric(df))      { stop('Error: df should be numeric') }
  if (length(df) != 1)      { stop('Error: df should be a single value'); }
  if (df < 0)               { stop('Error: df is negative'); }
  if (!is.numeric(ncp))     { stop('Error: ncp should be numeric') }
  if (length(ncp) != 1)     { stop('Error: ncp should be a single value'); }
  if (ncp < 0)              { stop('Error: ncp is negative'); }

  #Set text for distribution
  DIST <- ifelse(ncp == 0,
                 paste0('chi-squared distribution with ', df, ' degrees-of-freedom'),
                 paste0('chi-squared distribution with ', df,
                        ' degrees-of-freedom and non-centrality parameter = ', ncp));

  #Compute HDR in monotone case;
  if (df <= 2) {
    modality = monotone; }

  #Compute HDR in unimodal case;
  if (df > 2) {
    modality <- unimodal; }

  HDR <- hdr(cover.prob, modality, Q = qchisq, f = dchisq, distribution = DIST,
                  df = df, ncp = ncp,
                  gradtol = gradtol, steptol = steptol, iterlim = iterlim);

  HDR; }

#' @rdname HDR
HDR.gamma <- function(cover.prob, shape, rate = 1, scale = 1/rate,
                      gradtol = 1e-10, steptol = 1e-10, iterlim = 100) {

  #Check inputs
  if (!is.numeric(shape))   { stop('Error: shape should be numeric') }
  if (length(shape) != 1)   { stop('Error: shape should be a single value'); }
  if (shape < 0)            { stop('Error: shape is negative'); }
  if (!is.numeric(rate))    { stop('Error: rate should be numeric') }
  if (length(rate) != 1)    { stop('Error: rate should be a single value'); }
  if (rate < 0)             { stop('Error: rate is negative'); }
  if ((!missing(rate) && !missing(scale))) {
    if (abs(rate*scale - 1) < 1e-15)
      warning('specify rate or scale but not both') else
        stop('Error: specify rate or scale but not both'); }
  if (!is.numeric(scale))   { stop('Error: scale should be numeric') }
  if (length(scale) != 1)   { stop('Error: scale should be a single value'); }
  if (scale < 0)            { stop('Error: scale is negative'); }

  #Set text for distribution
  DIST <- ifelse((shape == 1),
                 paste0('exponential distribution with scale = ', scale),
                 paste0('gamma distribution with shape = ', shape,
                        ' and scale = ', scale));

  #Compute HDR in monotone case;
  if (shape <= 1) { modality <- monotone; }

  #Compute HDR in unimodal case;
  if (shape > 1) { modality <- unimodal; }

  HDR <- hdr(cover.prob, modality, Q = qgamma, f = dgamma, distribution = DIST,
                  shape = shape,  scale = scale,
                  gradtol = gradtol, steptol = steptol, iterlim = iterlim);

  HDR; }

#' @rdname HDR
HDR.weibull <- function(cover.prob, shape, scale = 1,
                        gradtol = 1e-10, steptol = 1e-10, iterlim = 100) {

  #Check inputs
  if (!is.numeric(shape))   { stop('Error: shape should be numeric') }
  if (length(shape) != 1)   { stop('Error: shape should be a single value'); }
  if (shape < 0)            { stop('Error: shape is negative'); }
  if (!is.numeric(scale))   { stop('Error: scale should be numeric') }
  if (length(scale) != 1)   { stop('Error: scale should be a single value'); }
  if (scale < 0)            { stop('Error: scale is negative'); }

  #Set text for distribution
  DIST <- ifelse((shape == 1),
                 paste0('exponential distribution with scale = ', scale),
                 paste0('Weibull distribution with shape = ', shape,
                        ' and scale = ', scale));

  #Compute HDR in monotone case;
  if (shape <= 1) { modality <- monotone; }

  #Compute HDR in unimodal case;
  if (shape > 1) { modality <- unimodal; }

  HDR <- hdr(cover.prob, modality, Q = qweibull, f = dweibull, distribution = DIST,
                      shape = shape, scale = scale,
                      decreasing = TRUE,
                      gradtol = gradtol, steptol = steptol, iterlim = iterlim);

  HDR; }

#' @rdname HDR
HDR.exp <- function(cover.prob, rate,
                    gradtol = 1e-10, steptol = 1e-10, iterlim = 100) {

  #Check inputs
  if (!is.numeric(rate))    { stop('Error: rate should be numeric') }
  if (length(rate) != 1)    { stop('Error: rate should be a single value'); }
  if (rate < 0)             { stop('Error: rate is negative'); }

  #Set text for distribution
  DIST <- paste0('exponential distribution with scale = ', 1/rate);

  #Compute the HDR
  hdr(cover.prob, monotone, Q = qexp, f = dexp, distribution = DIST,
           rate = rate,
           decreasing = TRUE);}

#' @rdname HDR
HDR.unif <- function(cover.prob, min = 0, max = 1,
                     gradtol = 1e-10, steptol = 1e-10, iterlim = 100) {

  #Check inputs
  if (!is.numeric(min))   { stop('Error: min should be numeric') }
  if (length(min) != 1)   { stop('Error: min should be a single value'); }
  if (!is.numeric(max))   { stop('Error: max should be numeric') }
  if (length(max) != 1)   { stop('Error: max should be a single value'); }
  if (min > max)          { stop('Error: min is greater than max'); }

  #Set text for distribution
  DIST <- ifelse(((min == 1)&(max == 1)),
                 paste0('standard continuous uniform distribution'),
                 paste0('continuous uniform distribution with minimum = ', min,
                        ' and maximum = ', max));

  hdr(cover.prob, unimodal, Q = qunif, f = dunif, distribution = DIST,
           min = min, max = max,
           gradtol = gradtol, steptol = steptol, iterlim = iterlim); }

#' @rdname HDR
HDR.hyper <- function(cover.prob, m, n, k,
                      gradtol = 1e-10, steptol = 1e-10, iterlim = 100) {

  #Check inputs
  if (!is.numeric(m))  { stop('Error: m should be numeric') }
  if (length(m) != 1)  { stop('Error: m should be a single value'); }
  if (m < 1)           { stop('Error: m should be at least one'); }
  if (!is.numeric(n))  { stop('Error: n should be numeric') }
  if (length(n) != 1)  { stop('Error: n should be a single value'); }
  if (n < 1)           { stop('Error: n should be at least one'); }
  if (!is.numeric(k))  { stop('Error: k should be numeric') }
  if (length(k) != 1)  { stop('Error: k should be a single value'); }
  if (k < 1)           { stop('Error: k should be at least one'); }
  if (k > n + m)       { stop('Error: k is greater than n + m'); }

  #Set text for distribution
  DIST <- paste0('hypergeometric distribution with ', m, ' white balls, ', n,
                 ' black balls, and ', k, ' balls drawn');

  hdr(cover.prob, modality=discrete.unimodal, Q = qhyper, F = phyper, distribution = DIST,
           m = m, n = n, k = k,
           gradtol = gradtol, steptol = steptol, iterlim = iterlim); }

#' @rdname HDR
HDR.geom <- function(cover.prob, prob,
                     gradtol = 1e-10, steptol = 1e-10, iterlim = 100) {

  #Check inputs
  if (!is.numeric(prob))  { stop('Error: prob should be numeric') }
  if (length(prob) != 1)  { stop('Error: prob should be a single value'); }
  if (prob < 0)           { stop('Error: prob should be between zero and one'); }
  if (prob > 1)           { stop('Error: prob should be between zero and one'); }

  #Set text for distribution
  DIST <- paste0('geometric distribution with probability = ', prob);

  hdr(cover.prob, discrete.unimodal, Q = qgeom, F = pgeom, distribution = DIST,
                        prob = prob,
                        gradtol = gradtol, steptol = steptol, iterlim = iterlim); }

#' @rdname HDR
HDR.binom <- function(cover.prob, size, prob,
                      gradtol = 1e-10, steptol = 1e-10, iterlim = 100) {

  #Check inputs
  if (!is.numeric(size))  { stop('Error: size should be numeric') }
  if (length(size) != 1)  { stop('Error: size should be a single value'); }
  if (size < 0)           { stop('Error: size is negative'); }
  if (!is.numeric(prob))  { stop('Error: prob should be numeric') }
  if (length(prob) != 1)  { stop('Error: prob should be a single value'); }
  if (prob < 0)           { stop('Error: prob should be between zero and one'); }
  if (prob > 1)           { stop('Error: prob should be between zero and one'); }

  #Set text for distribution
  DIST <- paste0('binomial distribution with size = ', size,
                 ' and probability = ', prob);

  hdr(cover.prob, discrete.unimodal, Q = qbinom, F = pbinom, distribution = DIST,
           size = size, prob = prob,
                        gradtol = gradtol, steptol = steptol, iterlim = iterlim); }

#' @rdname HDR
HDR.pois <- function(cover.prob, lambda,
                     gradtol = 1e-10, steptol = 1e-10, iterlim = 100) {

  #Check inputs
  if (!is.numeric(lambda)) { stop('Error: lambda should be numeric') }
  if (length(lambda) != 1) { stop('Error: lambda should be a single value'); }
  if (lambda < 0)          { stop('Error: lambda is negative'); }

  #Set text for distribution
  DIST <- paste0('Poisson distribution with rate = ', lambda);

  hdr(cover.prob, discrete.unimodal, Q = qpois, F = ppois, distribution = DIST,
                        lambda = lambda,
                        gradtol = gradtol, steptol = steptol, iterlim = iterlim); }

#' @rdname HDR
HDR.nbinom <- function(cover.prob, size, prob, mu,
                       gradtol = 1e-10, steptol = 1e-10, iterlim = 100) {

  #Check inputs
  if (!is.numeric(size)) { stop('Error: size should be numeric') }
  if (length(size) != 1) { stop('Error: size should be a single value'); }
  if (size < 0)          { stop('Error: size is negative'); }
  if ((missing(prob))&(missing(mu)))
  { stop('Error: Must specify either prob or mu'); }
  if (!(missing(prob)))  {
    if (!is.numeric(prob)) { stop('Error: prob should be numeric') }
    if (length(prob) != 1) { stop('Error: prob should be a single value'); }
    if (prob < 0)          { stop('Error: prob should be between zero and one'); }
    if (prob > 1)          { stop('Error: prob should be between zero and one'); }}
  if ((!missing(prob))&(!missing(mu)))
  { stop('Error: Both prob and mu are specified'); }
  if (!(missing(mu)))    {
    if (!is.numeric(mu))   { stop('Error: mu should be numeric') }
    if (length(mu) != 1)   { stop('Error: mu should be a single value'); }
    if (mu < 0)            { stop('Error: mu is negative'); }}

  #Simplify probability functions (with stipulated parameters)
  # NOTE we are doing this here because p/qnbinom require mu to be *missing* (not NULL)
  if (!(missing(prob)))  {
    QQ <- function(L, ...) { qnbinom(L, size, prob = prob); }
    FF <- function(L, ...) { pnbinom(L, size, prob = prob); } }
  if (missing(prob)   )  {
    QQ <- function(L, ...) { qnbinom(L, size, mu = mu); }
    FF <- function(L, ...) { pnbinom(L, size, mu = mu); } }

  #Set text for distribution
  DIST <- ifelse(!missing(prob),
                 paste0('negative binomial distribution with size = ',
                        size, ' and probability = ', prob),
                 paste0('negative binomial distribution with size = ',
                        size, ' and mean = ', mu));

  hdr(cover.prob, discrete.unimodal, 
           #Q = qnbinom, F = pbinom, 
           Q = QQ, F = FF, 
           distribution = DIST,
           #size = size, prob = prob, mu = mu,
           gradtol = gradtol, steptol = steptol, iterlim = iterlim); }

#' @rdname HDR
HDR.arcsine <- function(cover.prob, min = 0, max = 1,
                        gradtol = 1e-10, steptol = 1e-10, iterlim = 100) {
  #Check inputs
  if (!is.numeric(min))     { stop('Error: min should be numeric') }
  if (length(min) != 1)     { stop('Error: min should be a single value'); }
  if (!is.numeric(max))     { stop('Error: max should be numeric') }
  if (length(max) != 1)     { stop('Error: max should be a single value'); }
  if (min > max)            { stop('Error: min is larger than max'); }
  #Set text for distribution
  DIST <- ifelse(((min == 0)&(max == 1)),
                 'standard arcsine distribution',
                 paste0('arcsine distribution with minimum = ', min, 
                        ' and maximum = ', max));
  #Compute HDR using beta(1/2, 1/2) distribution
  betaHDR <- hdr(cover.prob, modality=bimodal, Q = qbeta, f = dbeta, distribution = DIST,
                 shape1 = 1/2, shape2 = 1/2,
                 gradtol = gradtol, steptol = steptol, iterlim = iterlim);
  betaHDR[] <- (max-min)*betaHDR + min; 

#' @export
print.hdr <- function(x, ...) {
  object <- x
  #Print description of HDR
  cat('\n        Highest Density Region (HDR) \n \n');
  cat(paste0(sprintf(100*attributes(object)$probability, fmt = '%#.2f'), '%'),
      'HDR for', attributes(object)$distribution, '\n');
  #Print method
  if (!is.na(attributes(object)$method)) {
    cat(attributes(object)$method, '\n'); }
  #Print HDR interval
  if ('interval' %in% class(c(object))) { 
    invisible(c(object)) } else {
      if ('set' %in% class(c(object))) { 
        invisible(c(object)) } }
  cat('\n'); }

#' @rdname HDR
HDR.matching <- function(cover.prob, size, trials = 1, prob = 0, approx = (trials > 100)) {

  #Check inputs
  if (!is.numeric(trials))                  stop('Error: Input trials should be a positive integer')
  if (!is.numeric(size))                    stop('Error: Size parameter should be a non-negative integer')
  if (!is.numeric(prob))                    stop('Error: Probability parameter should be numeric')
  if (!is.logical(approx))                  stop('Error: Input approx should be a single logical value')
  if (length(trials) != 1)                  stop('Error: Input trials should be a single positive integer')
  if (length(size) != 1)                    stop('Error: Size parameter should be a single non-negative integer')
  if (length(prob) != 1)                    stop('Error: Probability parameter should be a single numeric value')
  if (length(approx) != 1)                  stop('Error: Input approx should be a single logical value')
  if (trials == Inf)                        stop('Error: Input trials must be finite')
  m <- as.integer(trials)
  if (m != trials)                          stop('Error: Input trials should be a positive integer')
  if (m <= 0)                               stop('Error: Input trials should be a positive integer')
  if (size < Inf) { n <- as.integer(size) } else { n <- Inf }
  if (n != size)                            stop('Error: Size parameter should be a non-negative integer')
  if (n < 0)                                stop('Error: Size parameter should be a non-negative integer')
  if (prob < 0)                             stop('Error: Probability parameter should be between zero and one')
  if (prob > 1)                             stop('Error: Probability parameter should be between zero and one')

  ################################# TRIVIAL CASES ########################################

  #Deal with trivial case where n = 0
  #Distribution is a point-mass on zero
  if (n == 0) { 

  #Deal with trivial case where n = 1
  #Distribution is a point-mass on m
  if (n == 1) { 
    LOGPROBS.TOTAL <- rep(-Inf, m+1)
    LOGPROBS.TOTAL[m+1] <- 0 }

  #Deal with special case where prob = 1
  #Distribution is a point-mass on n*m
  if (prob == 1) {
    LOGPROBS.TOTAL <- rep(-Inf, n*m+1)
    LOGPROBS.TOTAL[n*m+1] <- 0 }
  #Deal with case where n = Inf and prob = 0
  #Distribution is Poisson with rate m
  if ((n == Inf)&(prob == 0)) {
    HHH  <- stat.extend::HDR.pois(cover.prob = cover.prob, lambda = m)
    DIST <- ifelse(prob == 0, 
                   paste0('classical matching distribution with ', m, ' trials with size = Inf'),
                   paste0('matching distribution with ', m, 
                          ' trials with size = Inf and matching probability = ', round(prob, 4)))
    attr(HHH, 'distribution') <- DIST
    return(HHH) }
  #Deal with special case where n = Inf and prob > 0
  #Distribution is a point-mass on infinity
  if ((n == Inf)&(prob > 0)) {
    stop('Error: Distribution is a point-mass on infinity') }

  ############################### NON-TRIVIAL CASES ######################################

  #Deal with non-trivial cases
  if ((n > 1)&(prob < 1)) {
    #Compute distribution of sample total
    if (approx) {
      #Compute normal approximation to generalised matching distribution
      MEAN <- 1 + n*prob - prob^n
      VAR  <- 1 - prob^(2*n) + n*(prob - prob^2 - prob^(n-1) - prob^n + 2*prob^(n+1))
      LOGPROBS.TOTAL <- dnorm(0:(n*m), mean = m*MEAN, sd = sqrt(m*VAR), log = TRUE)
    } else {
      #Deal with non-trivial case where 1 < n < Inf and prob = 0
      #Set up vector of log-probabilities for the distribution
      if ((n < Inf)&(prob == 0)) {
        LOGPROBS <- rep(-Inf, n+1)
        LOGPROBS[n+1] <- -lfactorial(n)
        for (i in 1:n) {
          k <- n-i
          T1 <- log(n-k-1) + LOGPROBS[k+2]
          T2 <- ifelse(k < n-1, log(k+2) + LOGPROBS[k+3], -Inf)
          LOGPROBS[k+1] <- log(k+1) - log(n-k) + matrixStats::logSumExp(c(T1, T2)) }
        LOGPROBS <- LOGPROBS - matrixStats::logSumExp(LOGPROBS) }
      #Deal with non-trivial where 0 < prob < 1
      #Set up vector of log-probabilities for the distribution
      if ((prob > 0)&(prob < 1)) {
        #Compute a matrix of classical log-probability values
        BASE.LOGPROBS <- matrix(-Inf, nrow = n+1, ncol = n+1)
        rownames(BASE.LOGPROBS) <- sprintf('size[%s]',  0:n)
        colnames(BASE.LOGPROBS) <- sprintf('match[%s]', 0:n)
        BASE.LOGPROBS[1,1] <- 0
        for (nn in 1:n) {
          BASE.LOGPROBS[nn+1, nn+1] <- -lfactorial(nn)
          for (i in 1:nn) {
            k <- nn-i
            T1 <- log(nn-k-1) + BASE.LOGPROBS[nn+1, k+2]
            T2 <- ifelse(k < nn-1, log(k+2) + BASE.LOGPROBS[nn+1, k+3], -Inf)
            BASE.LOGPROBS[nn+1, k+1] <- log(k+1) - log(nn-k) +
              matrixStats::logSumExp(c(T1, T2)) }
          BASE.LOGPROBS[nn+1, ] <- BASE.LOGPROBS[nn+1, ] -
            matrixStats::logSumExp(BASE.LOGPROBS[nn+1, ]) }
        #Set matrix M
        M <- matrix(-Inf, nrow = n+1, ncol = n+1)
        rownames(M) <- sprintf('k[%s]', 0:n)
        colnames(M) <- sprintf('l[%s]', 0:n)
        for (k in 0:n) {
          for (l in 0:k) {
            M[k+1, l+1] <- BASE.LOGPROBS[n-l+1, k-l+1] } }
        #Compute vector of log-probability values
        LOGPROBS <- rep(-Inf, n+1)
        LOGBINOM <- dbinom(0:n, size = n, prob = prob, log = TRUE)
        for (k in 0:n) {
          LOGPROBS[k+1] <- matrixStats::logSumExp(LOGBINOM + M[k+1, ]) }
        LOGPROBS <- LOGPROBS - matrixStats::logSumExp(LOGPROBS) }
      #Compute log-probabilities for sample total
      LOGPROBS.TOTAL.ALL <- matrix(-Inf, nrow = m, ncol = n*m+1)
      if (m > 1) {
        for (t in 2:m) {
          for (s in 0:(n*t)) {
            k  <- 0:min(s, n)
            s0 <- s - k
            T1 <- LOGPROBS.TOTAL.ALL[t-1, s0+1]
            T2 <- LOGPROBS[k+1]
            LOGPROBS.TOTAL.ALL[t, s+1] <- matrixStats::logSumExp(T1 + T2) }
            matrixStats::logSumExp(LOGPROBS.TOTAL.ALL[t, ]) } } 

  #Set density function
  DENS <- function(x) {
    if (x %in% 0:(n*m)) { exp(LOGPROBS.TOTAL[x+1]) } else { 0 } }
  #Set distribution name
  DIST <- ifelse(prob == 0, 
                 paste0('classical matching distribution with ', m, ' trials with size = ', n),
                 paste0('matching distribution with ', m, ' trials with size = ', n, 
                        ' and matching probability = ', round(prob, 4)))
  #Return HDR output
  HDR <- stat.extend::HDR.discrete(cover.prob = cover.prob, f = DENS, 
                                   supp.min = 0, supp.max = n*m,
                                   distribution = DIST)
  HDR }

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stat.extend documentation built on Nov. 23, 2021, 5:06 p.m.