
Defines functions meta_analysis

Documented in meta_analysis

#' @title Random-effects meta-analysis
#' @name meta_analysis
#' @description
#' Parametric, non-parametric, robust, and Bayesian random-effects meta-analysis.
#' @param data A data frame. It **must** contain columns named `estimate` (effect
#'   sizes or outcomes)  and `std.error` (corresponding standard errors). These
#'   two columns will be used:
#'   - as `yi`  and `sei` arguments in `metafor::rma()` (for **parametric** test)
#'   or `metaplus::metaplus()` (for **robust** test)
#'   - as `y` and `SE` arguments in `metaBMA::meta_random()` (for **Bayesian**
#'   test).
#' @inheritParams one_sample_test
#' @inheritParams metaplus::metaplus
#' @inheritParams oneway_anova
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to the respective meta-analysis
#'   function.
#' @section Random-effects meta-analysis:
#' ```{r child="man/rmd-fragments/table_intro.Rmd"}
#' ```
#' ```{r child="man/rmd-fragments/corr_test.Rmd"}
#' ```
#' @returns
#' ```{r child="man/rmd-fragments/return.Rmd"}
#' ```
#' @note
#' **Important**: The function assumes that you have already downloaded the
#' needed package (`{metafor}`, `{metaplus}`, or `{metaBMA}`) for meta-analysis.
#' If they are not available, you will be asked to install them.
#' @autoglobal
#' @examplesIf identical(Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN"), "true") && requireNamespace("metafor", quietly = TRUE)
#' # setup
#' set.seed(123)
#' library(statsExpressions)
#' @examplesIf requireNamespace("metaplus", quietly = TRUE)
#' # let's use `mag` dataset from `{metaplus}`
#' data(mag, package = "metaplus")
#' dat <- dplyr::rename(mag, estimate = yi, std.error = sei)
#' # ----------------------- parametric -------------------------------------
#' meta_analysis(dat)
#' @examplesIf identical(Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN"), "true") && requireNamespace("metaplus", quietly = TRUE)
#' # ----------------------- robust ----------------------------------
#' meta_analysis(dat, type = "random", random = "normal")
#' @examplesIf identical(Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN"), "true") && requireNamespace("metaBMA", quietly = TRUE)
#' # ----------------------- Bayesian ----------------------------------
#' suppressWarnings(meta_analysis(dat, type = "bayes"))
#' @export
meta_analysis <- function(
    type = "parametric",
    random = "mixture",
    digits = 2L,
    conf.level = 0.95,
    ...) {
  type <- stats_type_switch(type)

  # nolint start: line_length_linter.
  c(.ns, .fn, .f.args) %<-% switch(type,
    parametric = list("metafor", "rma", list(yi = quote(estimate), sei = quote(std.error), ...)),
    robust = list("metaplus", "metaplus", list(yi = quote(estimate), sei = quote(std.error), random = random, ...)),
    bayes = list("metaBMA", "meta_random", list(y = quote(estimate), SE = quote(std.error), ...))
  # nolint end


  # construct a call and then extract a tidy data frame
  stats_df <- eval(call2(.fn = .fn, .ns = .ns, data = data, !!!.f.args)) %>%
    tidy_model_parameters(include_studies = FALSE, ci = conf.level)

  if (type != "bayes") stats_df %<>% mutate(effectsize = "meta-analytic summary estimate")
  if (type == "bayes") stats_df %<>% mutate(effectsize = "meta-analytic posterior estimate")

  add_expression_col(stats_df, n = nrow(data), n.text = list(quote(italic("n")["effects"])), digits = digits)

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statsExpressions documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:28 a.m.