
Defines functions PCC.reconstructModel

Documented in PCC.reconstructModel

PCC.reconstructModel <-
  function(x, omissionsAsReadings = FALSE, recoverNAs = TRUE, ask = TRUE, verbose = FALSE) {
    # Function to reconstruct the model for a group of witnesses.
    # Take in entry an
    # object of type PCC.buildGroups, with a list of vectors of wit. labels
    # (one for each group).
    # Gives back the vector containing the virtual model
    # values or the identification of the model, and the links between the
    # wit. in the group in the form of an edgelist
    # TODO(JBC): add an option to
    # include in the output the edgelength, computed as = to the number of
    # disagreement between a ms. and his model.
    # Added option recoverNAs (TRUE by default) which is an update to the method.
    # If used, when actual or virtual manuscripts are identified to a
    # reconstructed models, every NA they have is «recovered» by taking
    # the value of the model.
    # TODO: do we want to implement a:
    # \item{limit}{
    #   The maximum number of disagreements allowed to identify a wit.
    #  with the reconstructed model.
    #  Default: \code{0}.
    #  } ?
    groups = x$groups
    tableVariantes = x$database
    newDatabase = x$database
    modelsReconstructed = matrix(
      nrow = nrow(tableVariantes), 
      ncol = 0, 
      dimnames = list(dimnames(tableVariantes)[[1]]))
    # modelsToAdd is the list that will contain
    # only the reconstructed models that should be
    # added to the database.
    modelsToAdd = as.list(NULL)  
    # The edgelist that will contain the stemmatic information
    edgelist = matrix(c(character(0), character(0), character(0)), ncol = 3)
    # We create a matrix of models for each group, but we have
    # to create the labels first
    groupsLabels = NULL
    descripti = NULL
    #Create a vector with the common label of each group
    for (g in seq_len(length(groups))) {
      groupsLabels = c(groupsLabels, paste(groups[[g]], collapse = ""))
    #Create a matrix with the labels of the models for each group
    modelsByGroup = matrix(
      nrow = 1,
      ncol = length(groups),
      dimnames = list("Models",groupsLabels)
    for (i in 1:length(groups)) {
      # For each variantlocation
      myGroup = as.vector(groups[[i]])
      # The label of the virtual model could perhaps 
      # be replaced by a random alphanumeric of length 2 or 3?
      labelMyMss = paste(myGroup, collapse = "")  
      if (verbose) {
        cat("Now comparing group", labelMyMss,"\n")
      labelMyModel = paste("{", labelMyMss, "}", sep = "")
      myModel = matrix(
        nrow = nrow(tableVariantes),
        ncol = 1,
        dimnames = c(labels(tableVariantes)[1],
      for (j in seq_len(nrow(tableVariantes))) {
        # We compare the readings of the differents manuscripts of the group. if
        # length = 0, all is na, and the value for the model stays NA if length =
        # 1, only one reading, attributed to the model
        if #(length(levels(as.factor(tableVariantes[j, myGroup]))) ==
            tableVariantes[j, myGroup][!is.na(tableVariantes[j, myGroup])]
          ) == #a LOT faster
            1) {
          myModel[j,] = unique(tableVariantes[j,myGroup][!is.na(tableVariantes[j, myGroup])])
        # if length > 1, alors il faut trancher
        if (
              tableVariantes[j, myGroup][!is.na(tableVariantes[j, myGroup])]
            ) > 1) {
          # First thing to do is to see if some of the reading are singular
          # readings or omissions
          # The readings of my group:
          myReadings = unique(tableVariantes[j, myGroup][!is.na(tableVariantes[j, myGroup])])
          # The full VL
          myVL = tableVariantes[j,]  # We create a vector containing non-singular reading
          # Placeholder for readings shared with mss outside the group
          myCommonReading = NULL
          for (l in seq_len(length(myReadings))) {
            # We select readings that happens more than once in the whole tradition
            if (omissionsAsReadings == FALSE) {
              # Normal case, omissions are not considered as common readings
              if (length(myVL[myVL == myReadings[l] &
                              myVL != 0 & !is.na(myVL)]) > 1) {
                myCommonReading = c(myCommonReading, myReadings[l])
            if (omissionsAsReadings == TRUE) {
              # Option : omission are considered readings
              if (length(myVL[myVL == myReadings[l] &
                              !is.na(myVL)]) >
                  1) {
                myCommonReading = c(myCommonReading, myReadings[l])
          if (length(myCommonReading) > 1) {
                "More than one non-singular reading for the group ",
                " at VL ",
                ".\nThis is normally not possible and looks like a bug or inconsistency.", 
                "\nTry setting omissionsAsReadings to FALSE.",
                sep = ""
          if (length(myCommonReading) == 1) {
            # Only one common reading, that is affected to the model
            myModel[j,] = myCommonReading
          if (length(myCommonReading) == 0) {
            # If there is no common reading, the reading of the model remains
            # unassessable (NA)
            if (verbose) {
                "Reading not assessable for the group",
                "at VL",
                #"\nThis can happen sometimes."
      ##### STEP 2, compare witnesses to the model.
      ##### Now we have reconstructed the virtual
      ##### model for the group. We must proceed to compare it to: 
      ##### 1. all extant wit. in the group 
      ##### 2. all extant wit. outside the group 
      ##### And see if there is a match. 
      ##### NB (step 2 probably not necessary in most cases, because of 
      ##### severe disagreements).
      ##### If not, the virtual model is supposed to be a lost ms.
      extantModel = NULL
      # We bind the mss from the group with the virtual model
      myGroupAndModel = cbind(tableVariantes[, myGroup], myModel)  
      # We compare them 
      myGroupComp = PCC.disagreement(myGroupAndModel)
      for (m in seq_len(length(myGroup))) {
        #TODO: only 0 or add an option to treat NA as zeros? (deal 
        # with it in PCC.disagreement)
        if (myGroupComp$severeDisagreement[myGroup[m], labelMyModel] ==
            0 &&
            myGroupComp$benignDisagreement[myGroup[m], labelMyModel] ==
            0 &&
            (myGroupComp$omissionsOriented[myGroup[m], labelMyModel] ==
             0 |
             is.na(myGroupComp$omissionsOriented[myGroup[m], labelMyModel]))) {
          if (verbose) {
            cat(myGroup[m], "seems to be the model of group",
                        labelMyMss, "\n")
          extantModel = c(extantModel, myGroup[m])
        } else {
          if (verbose) {
              "severe disagreement(s),\n",
              "benign disagreement(s),\n",
              "\ntowards the virtual model.\nIt does not seem to be the model\n"
      # Now that the comparison is done, we verify that the results are
      # consistent, and proceed to affect the role of model to the good ms.
      # DEBUG: print(extantModel);
      keepVirtualModel = FALSE
      if (length(extantModel) > 1) {
          theModels = paste(extantModel, collapse = " ")
          message = paste(
            "More than one manuscript (",
            ") can be identified to the model of group ",
            ".\nThere is not enough data to decide (increase database if possible).",
            "\nDo you wish to: \n\tchose manually which manuscript is the model (C),",
            "\n\tor to keep the reconstructed virtual model as the model (K)",
            "\n\tor quit (Q) ?\n",
            sep = ""
          answered = FALSE
          while (answered == FALSE) {
            answerOne = readline("(C/K/Q)")
            if (answerOne != "C" &&
                answerOne != "K" && answerOne !=
                "Q") {
              print("Please enter C (choose), K (Keep) or Q (Quit).")
            if (answerOne == "Q") {
            if (answerOne == "C") {
              chosen = FALSE
              while (chosen == FALSE) {
                message = paste("You may choose one between",
                                ". Which one do you want?\n")
                answerTwo = readline(message)
                if (!answerTwo %in% extantModel) {
                  print(paste("Oops, you must choose one of", theModels))
                if (answerTwo %in% extantModel) {
                  extantModel = answerTwo
                  chosen = TRUE
                  answered = TRUE
            if (answerOne == "K") {
              answered = TRUE
        ### If we are not in interactive (ask=TRUE) mode
        ### or if the user has so chosen, we keep the 
        ### reconstructed model
        if(ask==FALSE || answerOne == "K"){
          # NB: we need || instead of | to stop evaluation if first
          # test is true (avoid answerOne not existing with ask FALSE)
          colnames(modelsByGroup)[i] = labelMyMss
          modelsByGroup[, i] = labelMyModel  
          # models[[i]] = myModel 
          #This seems to create a weird bug 
          # (again with R and its object classes...).
          # I'll try this for the moment :
          modelsToAdd[[i]] = as.matrix(myModel)
          keepVirtualModel = TRUE
      if (length(extantModel) == 1 && keepVirtualModel == FALSE) {
        if (verbose) {
            "is the only ms. inside the group that seems to be the model of group",
            labelMyMss, "\n"
        colnames(modelsByGroup)[i] = labelMyMss
        modelsByGroup[, i] = extantModel
        # option to recover NAs when a ms. of the database is identified with a just reconstructed model
        #first we test if the option is activated and NA's actually exist in the extant model
        if (recoverNAs == TRUE &&
              tableVariantes[, extantModel]
            ))) > 0)) {
          for (r in 1:nrow(tableVariantes)) {
            # for each reading, if it is NA in the ms. but not in the reconstructed model, we replace it.
            if ((is.na(tableVariantes[r, extantModel])) &&
                !is.na(myModel[r, ])) {
              # Debug:
                cat("Recovering reading of virtual model", 
                    labelMyModel, "at VL", r, "Value was", 
                    tableVariantes[r, extantModel], 
                    "will be", myModel[r,],"\n")
              tableVariantes[r, extantModel] = myModel[r, ]
      if (length(extantModel) == 0 && keepVirtualModel == FALSE) {
        # No ms. inside this group corresponds. We proceed to compare with mss
        # outside the group. 
        # NB & TODO(GLOBAL): this step (that we included in
        # the paper) is PROBABLY not necessary, nor algorithmically consistent.
        # How can the model be outside the group and
        # have no disagreement with the model, knowing that the virtual model is
        # reconstructed based on common readings to the mss of the group, and
        # that these are, at least once, unique to this group? Yet the complexity
        # of this principle is very high, and intuition hard, so we need to
        # check it.
        # TODO: this also creates a lot of redundancy in code. Clean it up?
        if (verbose) {
              "No ms inside group",
              "seems to be the model.\nWe will proceed to a comparison with mss outside the group."
          )  #NB: si nous voulons être rigoureux, il faut que la base de données inclue également les mss retirés aux étapes précédentes?
        # We create a database containing the model and the mss outside the group
        others = colnames(tableVariantes)[!colnames(tableVariantes) %in%
        # if there are still other manuscripts
        if (length(others) > 0) {
          othersAndModel = cbind(tableVariantes[, others, drop = FALSE],
                                 myModel)  # We compare them 
          myOthersComp = PCC.disagreement(othersAndModel)
          for (n in 1:length(others)) {
            if (myOthersComp$severeDisagreement[others[n], labelMyModel] ==
                0 &&
                myOthersComp$benignDisagreement[others[n], labelMyModel] ==
                0 &&
                  myOthersComp$omissionsOriented[others[n], labelMyModel] ==
                  0 |
                  is.na(myOthersComp$omissionsOriented[others[n], labelMyModel])
                )) {
              if (verbose) {
                cat(others[n], "seems to be the model.\n")
              extantModel = c(extantModel, others[n])
            } else {
              if (verbose) {
                  "severe disagreement(s),",
                  "benign disagreement(s),",
                  "towards the virtual model.\nIt does not seem to be the model\n"
          # Now that the comparison is done, we verify that the results are
          # consistent, and proceed to affect the role of model to the good ms.
          if (length(extantModel) > 1) {
            extantModel = paste(extantModel, collapse = "")
                "It appears that more than one manuscript (",
                ") can be the model of group ",
                ".\nThere is not enough data to decide.\n Stemma building will stop NOW.",
                sep = ""
          if (length(extantModel) == 1) {
            if (verbose) {
              cat(extantModel, "seems to be the model of this group\n")
            colnames(modelsByGroup)[i] = labelMyMss
            modelsByGroup[, i] = extantModel
            # option to recover NAs when a wit. of the database is 
            # identified with a just reconstructed model
            # first we test if the option is activated and NA's 
            # actually exist in the extant model
            if (recoverNAs == TRUE &&
                  tableVariantes[, extantModel]
                ))) > 0)) {
              for (r in 1:nrow(tableVariantes)) {
                # for each reading, if it is NA in the wit. 
                # but not in the reconstructed model, we replace it.
                if ((is.na(tableVariantes[r, extantModel])) &&
                    !is.na(myModel[r, ])) {
                  tableVariantes[r, extantModel] = myModel[r, ]
        } else {
          if(verbose){print("There are no other manuscript left in the database.\n")}
        if (length(extantModel) == 0) {
          # If length is STILL equal to 0, then the manuscript is lost, and we keep
          # the virtual model
          if (verbose) {
                "No extant ms. at all seems to be the model of the group",
                ".\nIt is presumably a lost ms."
          colnames(modelsByGroup)[i] = labelMyMss
          modelsByGroup[, i] = labelMyModel
          modelsToAdd[[i]] = as.matrix(myModel)
      ### Here we create the edgelist. 
      ### for each manuscript in the group
      for (p in 1:length(myGroup)) {
        # if he is not the model
        if (myGroup[p] != modelsByGroup[i]) {
          # we add a link between the model and him in the edgelist
          # as well as a calculation of distance:
          # total number of disagreements, and omissions both ways
          myDist = c(
          myDist[is.na(myDist)] = 0
          myDist = sum(myDist)
          edgelist = rbind(edgelist, c(modelsByGroup[i], myGroup[p], myDist))  
          # we add the wit. to the descripti (to be removed) list
          descripti = c(descripti, myGroup[p])
      modelsReconstructed = cbind(modelsReconstructed,myModel)
    # modelsToAdd is the list containing the database for each virtual model, if
    # and only if the virtual model could not be identified with an existing
    # one. In that case, we need to add this virtual model to the database for
    # further calculation.
    if (length(modelsToAdd) > 0) {
      for (x in 1:length(modelsToAdd)) {
        tableVariantes = cbind(tableVariantes, modelsToAdd[[x]])
    # Preparing the output
    output = as.list(NULL)
    output$fullDatabase = tableVariantes 
    # the new database
    nonDescripti = colnames(tableVariantes)[!colnames(tableVariantes) %in%
                                              descripti]  # We need to test if there are only descripti
    if (identical(nonDescripti, character(0))) {
      # debug:
      print("The stemma is complete")
      database = tableVariantes[, nonDescripti, drop = FALSE]
    } else {
      #NB: when you select from an object, R, coerces it to the lowest
      # possible form by default. That is, when you select one (and only one)
      # column from a matrix, it suddenly becomes a vector without colname...
      # So, to avoid that, you have to set ,drop = FALSE
      database = tableVariantes[, nonDescripti, drop = FALSE]
    output$database = database  
    # the edgelist
    # Debug: plot the stemma
    #  myNetwork = igraph::graph_from_edgelist(edgelist, directed = TRUE)
    #  igraph::plot.igraph(myNetwork, layout=layout_as_tree)
    output$edgelist = edgelist  # and the rest
    output$models = modelsReconstructed
    output$modelsByGroup = modelsByGroup

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