
Defines functions kappa.init stm.init

#Initializing Functions
#major differences here are:
# (1) better option setting
# (2) returning beta as well as mu, sigma, lambda etc.

stm.init <- function(documents, settings) {
  K <- settings$dim$K
  V <- settings$dim$V
  A <- settings$dim$A
  N <- settings$dim$N
  mode <- settings$init$mode
  nits <- settings$init$nits 
  alpha <- settings$init$alpha 
  eta <- settings$init$eta 
  burnin <- settings$init$burnin 
  maxV <- settings$init$maxV
  #Different Modes
  if(mode=="LDA") {
    resetdocs <- lapply(documents, function(x) {
                        x[1, ] <- as.integer(x[1, ] - 1)
    mod <- lda::lda.collapsed.gibbs.sampler(resetdocs, K, 1:V, 
                                       num.iterations=nits, burnin=burnin, 
                                       alpha=alpha, eta=eta)
    beta <- as.numeric(mod$topics) + eta #recasting to avoid overflow
    beta <- matrix(beta, nrow=K)
    beta <- beta/rowSums(beta)
    theta <- as.numeric(mod$document_expects) #these are actually sums not expects
    theta[theta==0] <- .01 #stabilize the 0's for the log case
    theta <- matrix(theta, nrow=K) #reorganize
    Ndoc <- colSums(theta) #get word counts by doc
    theta <- t(theta)/Ndoc  #norm to proportions
    lambda <- log(theta) - log(theta[,K]) #get the log-space version
    lambda <- lambda[,-K, drop=FALSE] #drop off the last column
    rm(theta) #clear out theta
    mu <- colMeans(lambda) #make a globally shared mean
    mu <- matrix(mu, ncol=1)
    sigma <- cov(lambda)    
  if(mode=="Random" | mode=="Custom") {
    #Random initialization or if Custom, initalize everything randomly
    mu <- matrix(0, nrow=(K-1),ncol=1)
    sigma <- diag(20, nrow=(K-1))
    beta <- matrix(rgamma(V * K, .1), ncol = V)
    beta <- beta/rowSums(beta)
    lambda <- matrix(0, nrow=N, ncol=(K-1))
  if(mode=="Spectral" | mode=="SpectralRP") {
    verbose <- settings$verbose
    if(K >= V) stop("Spectral initialization cannot be used for the overcomplete case (K greater than or equal to number of words in vocab)")
    # (1) Prep the Gram matrix
    if(verbose) cat("\t Calculating the gram matrix...\n")
    docs <- doc.to.ijv(documents)
    mat <- Matrix::sparseMatrix(docs$i,docs$j, x=docs$v)
    wprob <- Matrix::colSums(mat)
    wprob <- wprob/sum(wprob)
    if(mode=="Spectral") {
      keep <- NULL
      if(!is.null(maxV)) {
        if(verbose) cat(sprintf("\t Using only %i most frequent terms during initialization...\n", maxV))
        keep <- order(wprob, decreasing=TRUE)[1:maxV]
        mat <- mat[,keep]
        wprob <- wprob[keep]
      Q <- gram(mat)
      #verify that there are no zeroes
      Qsums <- rowSums(Q)
      if(any(Qsums==0)) {
        #if there are zeroes, we want to remove them for just the anchor word procedure.
        temp.remove <- which(Qsums==0)
        if(is.null(keep)) {
         keep <- which(Qsums!=0)
        } else {
         keep <- keep[which(Qsums!=0)]
        Q <- Q[-temp.remove,-temp.remove]
        Qsums <- Qsums[-temp.remove]
        wprob <- wprob[-temp.remove]
      Q <- Q/Qsums
    } else {
      keep <- NULL #we have to set this because it is referenced later.
      Q <- gram.rp(mat, s=settings$init$s, p=settings$init$p, 
                   d.group.size=settings$init$d.group.size, verbose=verbose)
    # (2) anchor words
    if(K!=0) {
      if(verbose) cat("\t Finding anchor words...\n \t")
      anchor <- fastAnchor(Q, K=K, verbose=verbose)
    } else {
      if(verbose) cat("\t Finding anchor words...\n \t")
      anchor <- tsneAnchor(Q, verbose=verbose, 
                           perplexity=settings$init$tSNE_perplexity) #run the Lee and Mimno (2014) algorithm
      K <- length(anchor) # update K
    # (3) recoverL2
    if(verbose) cat("\n\t Recovering initialization...\n \t")
    beta <- recoverL2(Q, anchor, wprob, verbose=verbose, recoverEG=settings$init$recoverEG)$A
    if(!is.null(keep)) {
      #if there were zeroes, reintroduce them
      #add in a little noise here. essentially summed over the vocab
      #it should only be .1% of the total.
      beta.new <- matrix(0, nrow=K, ncol=V)
      beta.new[,keep] <- beta
      beta.new <- beta.new + .001/V
      beta <- beta.new/rowSums(beta.new)  
    # (4) generate other parameters
    mu <- matrix(0, nrow=(K-1),ncol=1)
    sigma <- diag(20, nrow=(K-1))
    lambda <- matrix(0, nrow=N, ncol=(K-1))
    if(verbose) cat("Initialization complete.\n")
  #turn beta into a list and assign it for each aspect
  beta <- rep(list(beta),A)
  model <- list(mu=mu, sigma=sigma, beta=beta, lambda=lambda)
  #initialize the kappa vectors
  if(!settings$kappa$LDAbeta) {
    model$kappa <- kappa.init(documents, K, V, A, interactions=settings$kappa$interactions)
  #For custom models we already have a random init, now fill in beta
  if(mode=="Custom") {
    newbeta <- settings$init$custom
    if(!is.list(newbeta)) stop("Custom beta input is not a list")
    if(length(newbeta)!=length(beta)) stop("Custom beta list is not the same length as model specification")
    if(any(dim(newbeta[[1]])!=dim(beta[[1]]))) stop("Dimensions of custom beta do not match model specification")
    if(sum(newbeta[[1]][1,])==1) stop("It looks like you provided an unlogged version of custom beta. See documentation")
    #okay at this point we probably have checked it enough- copy it over.
    model$beta <- lapply(newbeta, exp)

# Kappa initialization
kappa.init <- function(documents, K, V, A, interactions) {
  kappa.out <- list()
  #Calculate the baseline log-probability (m)
  freq <- matrix(unlist(documents),nrow=2) #break it into a matrix
  freq <- split(freq[2,], freq[1,]) #shift into list by word type
  m <- unlist(lapply(freq, sum)) #sum over the word types
  m <- m/sum(m)
  #m <- log(m)
  m <- log(m) - log(mean(m)) #logit of m
  kappa.out$m <- m
  #Defining parameters
  aspectmod <- A > 1
  if(aspectmod) {
    interact <- interactions 
  } else {
    interact <- FALSE
  #Create the parameters object
  parLength <- K + A*aspectmod + (K*A)*interact
  kappa.out$params <- vector(mode="list",length=parLength)
  for(i in 1:length(kappa.out$params)) {
    kappa.out$params[[i]] <- rep(0, V)
  #Create a running sum of the kappa parameters starting with m
  kappa.out$kappasum <- vector(mode="list", length=A)
  for (a in 1:A) {
    kappa.out$kappasum[[a]] <- matrix(m, nrow=K, ncol=V, byrow=TRUE)
  #create covariates. one element per item in parameter list.
    #generation by type because its conceptually simpler
  if(!aspectmod & !interact) {
    kappa.out$covar <- list(k=1:K, a=rep(NA, parLength), type=rep(1,K))
  if(aspectmod & !interact) {
    kappa.out$covar <- list(k=c(1:K,rep(NA,A)), a=c(rep(NA, K), 1:A), type=c(rep(1,K), rep(2,A)))      
  if(interact) {
    kappa.out$covar <- list(k=c(1:K,rep(NA,A), rep(1:K,A)), 
                        a=c(rep(NA, K), 1:A, rep(1:A,each=K)), 
                        type=c(rep(1,K), rep(2,A), rep(3,K*A)))            

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stm documentation built on June 24, 2024, 5:18 p.m.