##' Base64 encoding. By default uses the RFC 4648 dialect (file/url
##' encoding) where characters 62 and 63 are "-" and "_". Pass in "+"
##' and "/" to get the RFC 1421 variant (as in other R packages that
##' do base64 encoding).
##' @title Base64 encoding and decoding
##' @param x A string or vector of strings to encode/decode
##' @param char62 Character to use for the 62nd index
##' @param char63 Character to use for the 63rd index
##' @param pad Logical, indicating if strings should be padded with
##' \code{=} characters (as RFC 4648 requires)
##' @export
##' @examples
##' x <- encode64("hello")
##' x
##' decode64(x)
##' # Encoding things into filename-safe strings is the reason for
##' # this function:
##' encode64("unlikely/to be @ valid filename")
encode64 <- function(x, char62 = "-", char63 = "_", pad = TRUE) {
if (length(x) != 1L) {
return(vcapply(x, encode64, char62, char63, pad, USE.NAMES = FALSE))
tr <- c(LETTERS, letters, 0:9, char62, char63)
x <- as.integer(charToRaw(x))
n_bytes <- length(x)
n_blocks <- ceiling(n_bytes / 3L)
n_pad <- 3L * n_blocks - n_bytes
## The integer() call here pads the *input* to have the correct number
## of blocks of bytes.
x <- matrix(c(x, integer(3L * n_blocks - n_bytes)), 3L, n_blocks)
y <- matrix(integer(4 * n_blocks), 4L, n_blocks)
y[1L, ] <- bitwShiftR(x[1L, ], 2L)
y[2L, ] <- bitwOr(bitwShiftL(x[1L, ], 4L), bitwShiftR(x[2L, ], 4L))
y[3L, ] <- bitwOr(bitwShiftL(x[2L, ], 2L), bitwShiftR(x[3L, ], 6L))
y[4L, ] <- x[3L, ]
z <- tr[bitwAnd(y, 63L) + 1L]
if (n_pad > 0) {
len <- length(z)
z[(len - n_pad + 1):len] <- if (pad) "=" else ""
paste0(z, collapse = "")
##' @param error Throw an error if the decoding fails. If
##' \code{FALSE} then \code{NA_character_} values are returned for
##' failures.
##' @export
##' @rdname encode64
decode64 <- function(x, char62 = "-", char63 = "_", error = TRUE) {
if (length(x) != 1L) {
return(vcapply(x, decode64, char62, char63, error, USE.NAMES = FALSE))
if (!grepl("^[A-Za-z0-9_-]*=*$", x)) {
if (error) {
stop(sprintf("Input '%s' is not base64 (url) encoded", x))
} else {
## TODO: check that the string is correctly encoded before doing
## anything.
tr <- c(LETTERS, letters, 0:9, char62, char63)
## sub is the timesink here, followed by strsplit. charToRaw might be better.
x <- strsplit(sub("=+$", "", x), NULL)[[1]]
y <- match(x, tr) - 1L
n_byte <- length(y)
n_block <- ceiling(n_byte / 4L)
y <- matrix(c(y, integer(4L * n_block - n_byte)), 4L, n_block)
x <- matrix(integer(3 * n_block), 3, n_block)
x[1L, ] <- bitwOr(bitwShiftL(y[1L, ], 2L), bitwShiftR(y[2L, ], 4L))
x[2L, ] <- bitwOr(bitwShiftL(y[2L, ], 4L), bitwShiftR(y[3L, ], 2L))
x[3L, ] <- bitwOr(bitwShiftL(y[3L, ], 6L), y[4L, ])
x <- bitwAnd(x, 255L)
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