get_mp_bio: Extract biography of specific MPs

View source: R/get_mp_bio.R

get_mp_bioR Documentation

Extract biography of specific MPs


A function for retrieving biography of Norwegian MPs from the parliament API


get_mp_bio(mpid = NA, good_manners = 0)



Character string indicating the id of the MP to retrieve.


Integer. Seconds delay between calls when making multiple calls to the same function


A list with ten data frames:

  1. $root (main data on the MP)

    response_date Date of data retrieval
    version Data version from the API
    id Id of the MP
  2. $literature (all literature the MP contributed to)

    year Year of entry publication
    description Description of the publication
    last_name MP's last name
    more_years Not described in the API
    publisher Publisher
    first_name First name of the MP
    place Place of publication
    title Title of the publication
    type MP's role in publication (author etc)
  3. $leave_of_absence (times the MP was on leave)

    from_date Start date of leave
    reason Reason for leave
    to_date End of leave
    type Type of leave
    sub_last_name Substitute MP last name (id not recorded)
    sub_first_name Substitute MP first name
  4. $personalia (the MP's personalia)

    seniority_aar Number of years in parliament
    seniority_dager Number of extra days (addition to years)
    county_of_birth Birth county of the MP
    municipality_of_birth Birth municipality of the MP
    eulogy_date Eulogy date of the MP, when applicable
  5. $father (the MP's father personalia)

    death_year Father's year of death
    last_name Father's last name
    birth_year Father's year of birth
    first_name Father's first name
    profession Father's profession
  6. $mother (the MP's mother personalia)

    death_year Mother's year of death
    last_name Mother's last name
    birth_year Mother's year of birth
    first_name Mother's first name
    profession Mother's profession
  7. $parl_periods (parliamentary periods the MP has held a seat)

    from_date Date MP held seat from
    county County the MP represented
    party_id Party id for the MP's party
    rep_number Representative number (within the whol parliament)
    parl_period_id Id of the parliamentary period
    to_date Date MP held a seat to
    type Type of representation
  8. $parl_positions (parliamentary positions held by the MP)

    from_year Year MP held position from
    from_date Date MP held position from
    committee_id Id of the position (in committee, cabinet, delegation, etc)
    committee_name Position name
    committee_type Position type
    sorting Not described in the API
    parl_period_id Parliamentary period the position was held (cabinet data missing)
    to_year Year MP held position to
    to_date Date MP held position to
  9. $vocation (vocation and education of the MP outside of parliament)

    several_periods_text Text description if the vocation was held for several periods
    from_year Year MP held vocation from
    from_year_unknown Logical indication for whether the start year is unknown
    note Note for vocation
    name Name of vocation
    to_year Year MP held vocation to
    to_year_unknown Logical indication for whether the end year is unknown
    type Vocation type (10 = education, 20 = work)
  10. $other_positions (other positions held outside parliament)

    several_periods_text Text description if the vocation was held for several periods (removed from API)
    from_year Year MP held vocation from
    from_year_sorting Not described in API (removed from API)
    from_year_unknown Logical indication for whether the start year is unknown
    max_to_year The last possible time the MP held the position (removed from API)
    note Note for position
    min_to_year The earliest possible time the MP held the position (removed from API)
    level Not described in API
    organization Organization holding the position
    place Place of the position
    to_year Year MP held position to
    to_year_unknown Logical indication for whether the end year is unknown
    type Position type
    position Position name/description

See Also

get_mp get_parlperiod_mps get_mp_pic get_session_mp_speech_activity


## Not run: 

# Request one MP by id

## End(Not run)

stortingscrape documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:10 a.m.