get_session_hearings: Retrieve hearings in specified session

View source: R/get_session_hearings.R

get_session_hearingsR Documentation

Retrieve hearings in specified session


A function for retrieving all hearings in a specified parliamentary session.


get_session_hearings(sessionid = NA, good_manners = 0, cores = 1)



Character string indicating the id of the parliamentary session to retrieve.


Integer. Seconds delay between calls when making multiple calls to the same function




A list with four elements:

  1. $root (hearing meta data)

    response_date Date of data retrieval
    version Data version from the API
    session_id Session id
  2. $hearing (main data on the hearing)

    deadline_date Deadline date for hearing
    status Data version from the API
    hearing_id Hearing id
    input_deadline Deadline date for input
    written Logical indication of whether the input was written
    application_deadline Deadline date for application to hearing
    start_date Start date for hearing
    status_pub Publication status for hearing
    status_info_text Status information text
    type Type of hearing
    committee_id Committee id for committee responsible for hearing
  3. $hearing_case_info (named list by hearing id with information on the case(s) belonging to the hearing)

    hearing_id Hearing id
    case_reference Text reference for case
    case_id Case id
    case_short_title Short title for case
    case_publication URL for front end web-page publication
    case_title Full title for case
  4. $hearing_date (named list by hearing id with date(s) the hearing was held)

    hearing_id Hearing id
    date Date of hearing
    place Where the hearing was held

See Also

get_hearing_input get_hearing_program get_written_hearing_input


## Not run: 

hear <- get_session_hearings("2010-2011")

## End(Not run)

stortingscrape documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:10 a.m.