get_session_meetings: Retrieve all meetings for a specified parliamentary session

View source: R/get_session_meetings.R

get_session_meetingsR Documentation

Retrieve all meetings for a specified parliamentary session


A function for retrieving meetings from a specific parliamentary session


get_session_meetings(sessionid = NA, good_manners = 0)



Character string indicating the id of the session to request all votes from


Integer. Seconds delay between calls when making multiple calls to the same function


A data.frame with the following variables:

response_date Date of data retrieval
version Data version from the API
session_id Session id
agenda_number Agenda number within the session
footnote Footnotes for the meeting
meeting_id Meeting id
no_meeting_text Description of why there was no meeting, if relevant
evening_meeting Whether the meeting was an evening meeting or not
note Note for the meeting
meeting_date Date the meeting took place
meeting_order Indicator for meeting order
meeting_place Where the meeting took place
transcript_id Id for transcript (usually empty)
additional_agenda Logical indicator for whether there was additional agenda to the meeting

See Also

get_meeting_agenda get_question_hour


## Not run: 

meet <- get_session_meetings("2013-2014")

## End(Not run)

stortingscrape documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:10 a.m.