get_question: Parliamentary question

View source: R/get_question.R

get_questionR Documentation

Parliamentary question


A function for retrieving single parliamentary questions by id. For retrieving the whole debate over a question, the get_publication function has to be used


get_question(questionid = NA, good_manners = 0)



Character string indicating the id of the session to request interpellations from


Integer. Seconds delay between calls when making multiple calls to the same function


A data.frame with the following variables:

response_date Date of data retrieval
version Data version from the API
justification Justification for question
answ_by_id Id for answering minister
answ_by_minister_id Id for department of answering minister
answ_by_minister_title Title for department of answering minister
answ_date Date question was asked
answ_on_belhalf_of Id of minister answered on behalf of, when relevant
answ_on_belhalf_of_minister_id Id of department answered on behalf of, when relevant
answ_on_belhalf_of_minister_title Title of department answered on behalf of, when relevant
agenda_number Agenda number in meeting
moved_to Date moved to
id Question id
correct_person_id Not documented in API
correct_person_minister_id Not documented in API
correct_person_minister_title Not documented in API
sendt_date Date question was sent
session_id Session id
question_text Full question text
question_from_id Id of MP asking the question
qustion_number Question number
qustion_to_id Id of minister the question was asked to
qustion_to_minister_id Department id of minister the question was asked to
qustion_to_minister_title Department title of minister the question was asked to
answer_text Answer text (often empty)
title Question title
type Question type

See Also

get_question_hour get_publication


## Not run: 
# An example of a possible workflow

## Retreive sessions
sessions <- get_parlsessions()

## Retreive all interpellations for a particular session
qsesh <- get_session_questions(sessions$id[9], q_type = "interpellasjoner")

## Retreve detailed information on all interpellations in that session
library(pbmcapply) # for progress bar. never use paralell on scraping
int1213 <- pbmclapply(qsesh$id, function(x){
    get_question(x, good_manners = 2)
}, mc.cores = 1)

quest1213 <-, int1213)

## End(Not run)

stortingscrape documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:10 a.m.