sink.G <- function(G, sink = NULL){
groups <- components(G, "weak")
members <- groups$membership
w <- which(names(members) == sink) <- which(members == members[w])
node.members <- attributes(V(G))$names[]
subgraph(G, node.members)
stream.order <- function(G, sink = NULL, method = "strahler"){
oldG <- G
isl <- isle(G)
G <- isl$new.graph
order.rule <- function(G, tracker, j.input, n.join, method = "strahler"){
temp <- ego(G, j.input, order = 1, mode = "in")
n.neighbor <- unlist(lapply(temp, function(x) x[-1]))
w <- which(colnames(tracker) %in% names(n.neighbor))
ord <- tracker[w]
sord <- all(outer(ord, ord, "-") == 0)
if(method == "strahler") {
if(sord){out <- ord[1] + 1} else out <- max(ord)
if(method == "shreve") {
out <- sum(ord)
lout <- list()
if({sp <- data.frame(j.input = out); names(sp) <- j.input} else{
sp1 <- shortest_paths(G, from = j.input, to = n.join)$vpath
sp2 <- unlist(sp1)
sp <- sp2[-length(sp2)]}
lout$sp <- sp
lout$out <- out
nodes <- attributes(V(G))$names
tracker <- matrix(NA, ncol = length(nodes))
colnames(tracker) <- nodes
} else{
groups <- components(G, "weak")
if(groups$no > 1){
G <- sink.G(G, sink = sink)
nodes <- attributes(V(G))$names
tracker <- matrix(NA, ncol = length(nodes))
colnames(tracker) <- nodes
di <- degree(G, mode = "in")
joins <- names(which(di >= 2))
if(length(joins) == 0){tracker <- t(apply(tracker,2,function(x)x = 1))}
source <- sources(G, sink = sink)
list.out <- vector(mode='list', length = length(source))
# loop 1: create list containing paths from sources to joins
for(i in 1:length(source)){
for(j in 1:length(joins)){
sp <- suppressWarnings(shortest_paths(G, from = source[i], to = joins[j]))
if(length(sp$vpath[[1]]) >= 1){
list.out[[i]][[j]] <- names(unlist(sp$vpath))
# loop 2: organize list.out
for(i in 1:length(source)){
if(length(list.out[[i]]) == 0){
list.out[[i]] <- names(unlist(shortest_paths(G, from = source[i], to = sink)$vpath))
u <- unlist(lapply(list.out[[i]], is.null))
w <- which(u)
if(length(w) > 0) list.out[[i]] <- list.out[[i]][-w]
merge <- vector(mode='list', length = length(source))
# loop 3: further organize list.out
for(i in 1:length(merge)){
temp <- list.out[[i]]
names(temp) <- lapply(temp, function(x)x[length(x)])
if(length(list.out[[i]]) > 1){
o <- order(unlist(lapply(temp, length)), decreasing = F)
tempo <- temp[o]
merge[[i]] <- tempo
else merge[[i]] <- list.out[[i]]
names(merge) <- source
# define order of source catchments to be 1
step1 <- lapply(merge, function(x)x[[1]])
step2 <- lapply(step1, function(x)x[-length(x)])
step3 <- as.vector(unlist(step2))
w <- which(colnames(tracker) %in% step3)
tracker[w] <- 1
if(length(joins) == 1){
nas <- which(
tracker[nas] <- ifelse(method == "strahler", 2, degree(G, joins, "in"))
# distances of joins to other joins
dw <- distances(G, v = joins, to = sink)
o <- order(dw, decreasing = T)
joinso <- names(dw[o,])
d <- distances(G, joinso, joinso, "out")
a <- apply(d, 1, function(x) min(x[x!=0]))
out <- 1:length(a)
# loop 4: define nearest join to other joins
for(i in 1:nrow(d)){
if(a[i] == Inf){out[i] <- NA}
else{out[i] <- colnames(d)[which(d[i,]==a[i])]
nearest.join <- cbind(joinso,out)
colnames(nearest.join) <- c("join", "next.join")
# loop 5: run stream order decision algorithm
for(i in 1:nrow(nearest.join)){
orr <- order.rule(G = G, tracker = tracker, j.input = nearest.join[i,][1],
n.join = nearest.join[i,][2], method = method)
w <- which(colnames(tracker) %in% names(orr$sp))
tracker[w] <- orr$out
} <- which(
tracker[] <- max(tracker, na.rm = TRUE)
#row.names(tracker) <- "stream.order"
out <- t(tracker)
nodes <- attributes(V(oldG))$names
for(i in 1:length(isl$splits)){
m <- match(isl$[[i]], row.names(out))
w <- which(row.names(out) == isl$[i])
out1 <- as.matrix(out[-m,])
inodes <- nodes[which(!(nodes %in% row.names(out1)))]
out2 <- matrix(nrow = length(inodes), ncol = 1, data = out[w,])
row.names(out2) <- inodes
out <- rbind(out1, out2)}
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