
Defines functions fit predictP1 fit.glm fit.speedglm predictP1.GLMmodel

#' @import data.table

# Generic for fitting the logistic (binomial family) GLM model
fit <- function(fit, ...) UseMethod("fit")

# Generic for predicting P(A=1|...) from either logistic (binomial family) GLM model or H2O model
predictP1 <- function(m.fit, ...) UseMethod("predictP1")

# S3 method for glm binomial family fit, takes BinDat data object:
fit.glm <- function(fit.class, fit, Xmat, Yvals, ...) {
  if (gvars$verbose) print("calling glm.fit...")
  if (nrow(Xmat) == 0L) {
    model.fit <- list()
    model.fit$coef = rep.int(NA_real_, ncol(Xmat))
    names(model.fit$coef) <- colnames(Xmat)
  } else {
    ctrl <- glm.control(trace = FALSE)
      model.fit <- stats::glm.fit(x = Xmat,
                                  y = Yvals,
                                  family = binomial() ,
                                  control = ctrl)
    }, GetWarningsToSuppress())

  fit$coef <- model.fit$coef;
  fit$fitfunname <- "glm";
  fit$linkfun <- "logit_linkinv";
  fit$nobs <- nrow(Xmat)

  if (gvars$verbose) {
    print("glm fits:")
  class(fit)[2] <- "GLMmodel"

# S3 method for speedglm binomial family fit, takes BinDat data object:
fit.speedglm <- function(fit.class, fit, Xmat, Yvals, ...) {
  if (gvars$verbose) print("calling speedglm.wfit...")
  if (nrow(Xmat) == 0L) {
    model.fit <- list()
    model.fit$coef = rep.int(NA_real_, ncol(Xmat))
    names(model.fit$coef) <- colnames(Xmat)
  } else {
    # method = c('eigen','Cholesky','qr')
    # row.chunk=NULL
    model.fit <- try(speedglm::speedglm.wfit(X = Xmat,
                                             y = Yvals,
#                                              method = 'eigen',
#                                              method = 'qr',
                                             method = 'Cholesky',
                                             family = binomial(),
                                             trace = FALSE),
                    silent = TRUE)
    }, GetWarningsToSuppress())

  if (inherits(model.fit, "try-error")) { # if failed, fall back on stats::glm
    message("speedglm::speedglm.wfit failed, falling back on stats:glm.fit; ", model.fit)
    return(fit.glm(fit.class, fit, Xmat, Yvals, ...))

  fit$coef <- model.fit$coef;
  fit$fitfunname <- "speedglm";
  fit$linkfun <- "logit_linkinv";
  fit$nobs <- nrow(Xmat)

  if (gvars$verbose) {
    print("speedglm fits:")
  class(fit)[2] <- "GLMmodel"

# Prediction for glmfit objects, predicts P(A = 1 | newXmat)
predictP1.GLMmodel <- function(m.fit, ParentObject, DataStorageObject, subset_idx, n, ...) {
  if (!missing(DataStorageObject)) {
    ParentObject$setdata(DataStorageObject, subset_idx = subset_idx, getoutvar = FALSE, getXmat = TRUE)
  Xmat <- ParentObject$getXmat
  assert_that(!is.null(Xmat)); assert_that(!is.null(subset_idx))
  # Set to default missing value for A[i] degenerate/degerministic/misval:
  # Alternative, set to default replacement val: pAout <- rep.int(gvars$misXreplace, newBinDatObject$n)
  pAout <- rep.int(gvars$misval, n)
  if (length(subset_idx) > 0) {
    if (!all(is.na(m.fit$coef))) {
      eta <- Xmat[,!is.na(m.fit$coef), drop = FALSE] %*% m.fit$coef[!is.na(m.fit$coef)]
      pAout[subset_idx] <- match.fun(FUN = m.fit$linkfun)(eta)
    } else {
      pAout[subset_idx] <- NaN

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#' R6 class for storing the design matrix and the binary outcome for a single GLM (logistic) regression
#' This R6 class can request, store and manage the design matrix Xmat, as well as the binary outcome Bin for the
#'  logistic regression P(Bin|Xmat).
#'  Can also be used for converting data in wide format to long when requested,
#'  e.g., when pooling across binary indicators (fitting one pooled logistic regression model for several indicators)
#'  The class has methods that perform queries to data storage R6 class DataStorageClass to get appropriate data columns & row subsets
#' @docType class
#' @format An \code{\link{R6Class}} generator object
#' @keywords R6 class
#' @details
#' \itemize{
#' \item{ID} - Vector of observation IDs, \code{1:n}, used for pooling.
#' \item{outvar} - Outcome name.
#' \item{predvars} - Predictor names.
#' \item{subset_vars} - Defines the subset which would be used for fitting this model (logical, expression or indices).
#' \item{subset_idx} - Subset \code{subset_vars} converted to logical vector.
#' }
#' @section Methods:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{new(reg)}}{Uses \code{reg} R6 \code{\link{RegressionClass}} object to instantiate a new storage container for a
#'   design matrix and binary outcome.}
#'   \item{\code{setdata()}}{...}
#' }
#' @section Active Bindings:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{emptydata}}{...}
#'   \item{\code{emptyY}}{...}
#'   \item{\code{emptySubset_idx}}{...}
#'   \item{\code{getXmat}}{...}
#'   \item{\code{getY}}{...}
#' }
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that is.count is.string is.flag
#' @export
BinomialGLM <- R6Class(classname = "BinomialGLM",
  cloneable = TRUE, # changing to TRUE to make it easy to clone input h_g0/h_gstar model fits
  portable = TRUE,
  class = TRUE,
  public = list(
    ParentModel = NULL,
    model_contrl = list(),
    params = list(),
    classify = NULL,
    fit.class = c("glm", "speedglm"),
    model.fit = list(coef = NA, fitfunname = NA, linkfun = NA, nobs = NA, params = NA),

    initialize = function(fit.algorithm, fit.package, ParentModel, ...) {
      self$ParentModel <- ParentModel
      self$classify <- ParentModel$classify
      self$model_contrl <- ParentModel$model_contrl

      # if (!("glm" %in% fit.algorithm)) warning("over-riding fit.algorithm option with 'glm', since fit.package was set to 'speedglm' or 'glm'")

      assert_that(any(c("glm", "speedglm") %in% fit.package))
      self$fit.class <- fit.package
      class(self$fit.class) <- c(class(self$fit.class), self$fit.class)

    fit = function(data, outvar, predvars, subset_idx, ...) {
      self$setdata(data, subset_idx = subset_idx, getXmat = TRUE, ...)
      self$model.fit$params <- self$params
      self$model.fit <- fit(self$fit.class, self$model.fit,
                               Xmat = private$Xmat,
                               Yvals = private$Yvals,
                               DataStorageObject = data,
                               outvar = outvar,
                               predvars = predvars,
                               subset_idx = subset_idx,
                               model_contrl = self$model_contrl, ...)

    predictP1 = function(data, subset_idx) {
      P1 <- predictP1(self$model.fit,
                      ParentObject = self,
                      DataStorageObject = data,
                      subset_idx = subset_idx,
                      n = self$ParentModel$n)

    # Sets Xmat, Yvals, evaluates subset and performs correct subseting of data
    # everything is performed using data$ methods (data is of class DataStorageClass)
    setdata = function(data, subset_idx, getoutvar = TRUE, getXmat = TRUE) {
      if (getoutvar) private$Yvals <- data$get.outvar(subset_idx, self$ParentModel$outvar) # Always a vector
      if (getXmat) self$define.Xmat(data, subset_idx)

    define.Xmat = function(data, subset_idx) {
      predvars <- self$ParentModel$predvars
      if (length(subset_idx) == 0L) {  # When nrow(Xmat) == 0L avoids exception (when nrow == 0L => prob(A=a) = 1)
        Xmat <- matrix(, nrow = 0L, ncol = (length(predvars) + 1))
        colnames(Xmat) <- c("Intercept", predvars)
      } else {
        # *** THIS IS THE ONLY LOCATION IN THE PACKAGE WHERE CALL TO DataStorageClass$get.dat.sVar() IS MADE ***
        if (length(predvars)==0L) {
          # Xmat <- as.matrix(rep.int(1L, sum(subset_idx)), ncol=1)
          Xmat <- as.matrix(rep.int(1L, length(subset_idx)), ncol=1)
        } else {
          Xmat <- as.matrix(cbind(Intercept = 1, data$get.dat.sVar(subset_idx, predvars)))
        colnames(Xmat)[1] <- "Intercept"
        # To find and replace misvals in Xmat:
        if (self$ParentModel$ReplMisVal0) Xmat[gvars$misfun(Xmat)] <- gvars$misXreplace
      private$Xmat <- Xmat

  active = list( # 2 types of active bindings (w and wout args)
    emptydata = function() { private$Xmat <- NULL},
    emptyY = function() { private$Yvals <- NULL},
    getXmat = function() {private$Xmat},
    getY = function() {private$Yvals}

  private = list(
    Xmat = NULL,
    Yvals = NULL

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stremr documentation built on May 30, 2017, 6:35 a.m.