
Defines functions calculateMixture

Documented in calculateMixture

# TODO: Option to use a minimum RFU for dropped out alleles?
# TODO: Quite complicated code, rewrite using matrix calculations?
# TODO: Implement ignore.case etc.

# CHANGE LOG (last 20 changes)
# 07.07.2022: Fixed "...URLs which should use \doi (with the DOI name only)".
# 06.08.2017: Added audit trail.
# 30.09.2016: Fixed a sample name mathcing bug (now really works as check subsetting in gui).
# 29.08.2014: Added check for uniqueness between reference datasets.
# 28.08.2014: Fixed bug in drop-out of minor in If 3: AA:AB | (A-B)/(A+B).
# 06.07.2014: First version.

#' @title Calculate Mixture.
#' @description
#' Calculate Mx, drop-in, and % profile for mixtures.
#' @details Given a set of mixture results, reference profiles for the
#' major component, and reference profile for the minor component the
#' function calculates the mixture proportion (Mx), the average Mx, the
#' absolute difference D=|Mx-AvgMx| for each marker, the percentage
#' profile for the minor component, number of drop-ins.
#' The observed and expected number of free alleles for the minor component
#' (used to calculate the profile percentage) is also given.
#' NB! All sample names must be unique within and between each reference dataset.
#' NB! Samples in ref1 and ref2 must be in 'sync'. The first sample in
#' ref1 is combined with the first sample in ref2 to make a mixture sample.
#' For example: ref1 "A" and ref2 "B" match mixture samples "A_B_1", "A_B_2"
#' and so on.
#' NB! If reference datasets have unequal number of unique samples the smaller
#' dataset will limit the calculation.
#' Mixture proportion is calculated in accordance with:
#' \cr Locus style (minor:MAJOR) | Mx
#' \cr AA:AB | (A-B)/(A+B)
#' \cr AB:AA | (2*B)/(A+B)
#' \cr AB:AC | B/(B+C)
#' \cr AA:BB | A/(A+B)
#' \cr AB:CC | (A+B)/(A+B+C)
#' \cr AB:CD | (A+B)/(A+B+C+D)
#' \cr AB:AB | NA - cannot be calculated
#' \cr AA:AA | NA - cannot be calculated
#' @param data list of data frames in 'slim' format with at least columns
#'  'Sample.Name', 'Marker', and 'Allele'.
#' @param ref1 data.frame with known genotypes for the major contributor.
#' @param ref2 data.frame with known genotypes for the minor contributor.
#' @param ol.rm logical TRUE removes off-ladder alleles (OL), FALSE count
#'  OL as drop-in.
#' @param ignore.dropout logical TRUE calculate Mx also if there are
#'  missing alleles.
#' @param debug logical indicating printing debug information.
#' @return data.frame with columns 'Sample.Name', 'Marker', 'Style', 'Mx',
#'  'Average', 'Difference', 'Observed', 'Expected', 'Profile', and 'Dropin'.
#' @export
#' @references
#' Bright, Jo-Anne, Jnana Turkington, and John Buckleton.
#' "Examination of the Variability in Mixed DNA Profile Parameters for the
#'  Identifiler Multiplex."
#'  Forensic Science International: Genetics 4, no. 2 (February 2010): 111-14.
#'  doi:10.1016/j.fsigen.2009.07.002.
#' \doi{10.1016/j.fsigen.2009.07.002}

calculateMixture <- function(data, ref1, ref2, ol.rm = TRUE,
                             ignore.dropout = TRUE, debug = FALSE) {
  if (debug) {
    print(paste("IN:", match.call()[[1]]))

  # CHECK DATA ----------------------------------------------------------------

  # Check dataset.
  if (sum(grepl("Allele", names(data))) > 1) {
    stop("'data' must be in 'slim' format.",
      call. = TRUE
  if (!"Sample.Name" %in% names(data)) {
    stop("'data' must contain a column 'Sample.Name'.",
      call. = TRUE
  if (!"Marker" %in% names(data)) {
    stop("'data' must contain a column 'Marker'.",
      call. = TRUE
  if (!"Allele" %in% names(data)) {
    stop("'data' must contain a column 'Allele'.",
      call. = TRUE
  if (!"Height" %in% names(data)) {
    warning("'data' must contain a column 'Height' to calculate Mx.",
      call. = TRUE

  # Check ref1.
  if (sum(grepl("Allele", names(ref1))) > 1) {
    stop("'ref1' must be in 'slim' format.",
      call. = TRUE
  if (!"Sample.Name" %in% names(ref1)) {
    stop("'ref1' must contain a column 'Sample.Name'.",
      call. = TRUE
  if (!"Marker" %in% names(ref1)) {
    stop("'ref1' must contain a column 'Marker'.",
      call. = TRUE
  if (!"Allele" %in% names(ref1)) {
    stop("'ref1' must contain a column 'Allele'.",
      call. = TRUE

  # Check ref2.
  if (sum(grepl("Allele", names(ref2))) > 1) {
    stop("'ref2' must be in 'slim' format.",
      call. = TRUE
  if (!"Sample.Name" %in% names(ref2)) {
    stop("'ref2' must contain a column 'Sample.Name'.",
      call. = TRUE
  if (!"Marker" %in% names(ref2)) {
    stop("'ref2' must contain a column 'Marker'.",
      call. = TRUE
  if (!"Allele" %in% names(ref2)) {
    stop("'ref2' must contain a column 'Allele'.",
      call. = TRUE

  # Check flags.
  if (!is.logical(ol.rm)) {
    stop("'ol.rm' must be logical.", call. = TRUE)
  if (!is.logical(ignore.dropout)) {
    stop("'ignore.dropout' must be logical.", call. = TRUE)

  # PREPARE -----------------------------------------------------------------

  # Check height.
  if (!is.numeric(data$Height)) {
    data$Height <- as.numeric(data$Height)
    message("'Height' converted to numeric.")

  # Result counter.
  i <- 1

  # Create result vectors.
  resSample <- vector()
  resMarker <- vector()
  resObs <- vector()
  resExp <- vector()
  resDropin <- vector()
  resMx <- vector()
  resAvgMx <- vector()
  resProfile <- vector()
  resStyle <- vector()

  # Get all unique sample names and marker names.
  sampleNamesRef1 <- unique(ref1$Sample.Name)
  sampleNamesRef2 <- unique(ref2$Sample.Name)

  # Check uniqueness between reference datasets.
  if (length(intersect(sampleNamesRef1, sampleNamesRef2)) != 0) {
    stop("Reference sample names must be unique both within and between reference datasets",
      call. = TRUE

  # Get number of samples.
  if (length(sampleNamesRef1) != length(sampleNamesRef2)) {
    warning(paste("Reference datasets have unequal number of unique samples!",
      "The smaller dataset will limit the calculation",
      sep = "\n"

  if (debug) {

  if (ol.rm) {
    # Remove off-ladder rows from dataset.
    tmp1 <- nrow(data)
    data <- data[data$Allele != "OL", ]
    tmp2 <- nrow(data)
    message(paste("Off-ladder alleles removed (",
      tmp1 - tmp2, " rows).",
      sep = ""

  # CALCULATE -----------------------------------------------------------------

  # Get minimum number of samples.
  smpl <- min(length(sampleNamesRef1), length(sampleNamesRef2))

  # Loop over unique reference sample names.
  for (r in seq(1:smpl)) {
    # Create combined regex name.
    combRegex <- paste(".*", sampleNamesRef1[r], ".*", sampleNamesRef2[r], ".*", sep = "")
    # Select current mixture samples.
    selection <- grepl(combRegex, data$Sample.Name)

    # Enter loop only if matching samples.
    if (any(selection)) {
      # Get unique mixture samples and marker names.
      sampleNames <- unique(data$Sample.Name[selection])
      markerNames <- unique(data$Marker[selection])

      if (debug) {

      # Loop over all sample names.
      for (s in seq(along = sampleNames)) {
        # Progress.
        message(paste("Calculate mixture for sample:", sampleNames[s]))

        # Loop over all marker names.
        for (m in seq(along = markerNames)) {
          if (debug) {
              "Calculate for sample", sampleNames[s],
              "marker", markerNames[m]

          # Get reference alleles.
          selR1 <- ref1$Sample.Name == sampleNamesRef1[r]
          selR1 <- selR1 & ref1$Marker == markerNames[m]
          ref1a <- unique(ref1$Allele[selR1])

          selR2 <- ref2$Sample.Name == sampleNamesRef2[r]
          selR2 <- selR2 & ref2$Marker == markerNames[m]
          ref2a <- unique(ref2$Allele[selR2])

          # Shared alleles.
          sharedAlleles <- intersect(ref1a, ref2a)
          nbShared <- length(sharedAlleles)

          # Expected alleles.
          expAlleles <- union(ref1a, ref2a)

          # Alleles not shared.
          unsharedMajor <- setdiff(ref1a, ref2a)
          unsharedMinor <- setdiff(ref2a, ref1a)

          # Check if expected minor alleles are observed.
          selS <- data$Sample.Name == sampleNames[s]
          selS <- selS & data$Marker == markerNames[m]
          observedAlleles <- data$Allele[selS]
          observedHeights <- data$Height[selS]

          # Count observed minor alleles.
          obsMinor <- sum(unsharedMinor %in% observedAlleles)

          # First count drop-in artefacts...
          dropin <- setdiff(observedAlleles, expAlleles)
          # ..then remove artefacts from heights, and finally from alleles.
          observedHeights <- observedHeights[observedAlleles %in% expAlleles]
          observedAlleles <- observedAlleles[observedAlleles %in% expAlleles]

          # Count total unshared alleles.
          totalUnshared <- sum(length(unsharedMajor), length(unsharedMinor))

          if (debug) {

          # Option to calculate only when no dropout.
          if (ignore.dropout | all(expAlleles %in% observedAlleles)) {
            if (totalUnshared > 0) {
              # At least one unshared allele.
              # Calculate mixture proportion Mx.

              # Initiate.
              style <- NULL
              nominator <- NULL
              denominator <- NULL

              if (length(sharedAlleles) == 0) {
                # Mx can be calculated.

                if (totalUnshared == 2) {
                  style <- "AA:BB"
                } else if (totalUnshared == 3) {
                  style <- "AB:CC"
                } else if (totalUnshared == 4) {
                  style <- "AB:CD"
                } else {
                  style <- paste(
                    "unshared alleles not handled!"

                if (debug) {
                  print("If 1: AA:BB, AB:CC, AB:CD")

                # Sum peak heights for major and minor alleles.
                nominator <- sum(observedHeights[observedAlleles %in% ref2a], na.rm = TRUE)
                denominator <- sum(observedHeights, na.rm = TRUE)
              } else if (length(sharedAlleles) == 1 && totalUnshared == 2) {
                # Mx can be calculated.
                style <- "AB:AC"

                if (debug) {
                  print("If 2: AB:AC | B/(B+C)")

                # Sum peak heights for non-shared major and minor alleles.
                nominator <- sum(observedHeights[observedAlleles %in% unsharedMinor], na.rm = TRUE)
                denominator <- sum(observedHeights[!observedAlleles %in% sharedAlleles], na.rm = TRUE)
              } else if (length(sharedAlleles) == 1 && length(unsharedMinor) == 0) {
                # Mx can be calculated.
                style <- "AA:AB"

                if (debug) {
                  print("If 3: AA:AB | (A-B)/(A+B)")

                # Get values.
                nominator <- round(observedHeights[observedAlleles %in% sharedAlleles] -
                  observedHeights[observedAlleles %in% unsharedMajor], 0)
                denominator <- sum(observedHeights, na.rm = TRUE)

                # Replace negative values with 0.
                if (length(nominator) == 0 || nominator < 0) {
                  nominator <- 0

                  if (debug) {
                    print("Replaced negative or missing nominator with 0!")
              } else if (length(sharedAlleles) == 1 && length(unsharedMajor) == 0) {
                # Mx can be calculated.
                style <- "AB:AA"

                if (debug) {
                  print("If 4: AB:AA | (2*B)/(A+B)")

                # Get values.
                nominator <- 2 * observedHeights[observedAlleles %in% unsharedMinor]
                denominator <- sum(observedHeights, na.rm = TRUE)

                # Replace missing value with 0.
                if (length(nominator) == 0) {
                  nominator <- 0

                  if (debug) {
                    print("Replaced missing nominator with 0!")
              } else {
                style <- "Unhandled locus style"

                  "Unhandled locus style for locus",
                  "in sample",

              if (debug) {

              # Calculate mixture proportion.
              mx <- nominator / denominator
            } else {
              # No unshared alleles.
              # Mx cannot be calculated.
              mx <- NA

              if (length(sharedAlleles) == 1) {
                style <- "AA:AA"
              } else if (length(sharedAlleles) == 2) {
                style <- "AB:AB"
              } else {
                style <- paste(
                  "shared alleles not handled!"

              if (debug) {
                print("No unshared alleles!")
          } else {
            # Dropout of an allele.
            # Mx cannot be calculated.
            mx <- NA
            style <- "Dropout"

            if (debug) {
              print("Dropout of an allele!")

          if (debug) {

          # Save in result vectors.
          resSample[i] <- sampleNames[s]
          resMarker[i] <- markerNames[m]
          resObs[i] <- obsMinor
          resExp[i] <- length(unsharedMinor)
          resDropin[i] <- length(dropin)
          resMx[i] <- mx
          resStyle[i] <- style

          # Increase counter.
          i <- i + 1
        } # End of marker loop.

        # Calculate average Mx for current sample.
        avgMx <- mean(resMx[resSample == sampleNames[s]], na.rm = TRUE)

        # Calculate percent profile for current sample.
        tmpObs <- sum(resObs[resSample == sampleNames[s]])
        tmpExp <- sum(resExp[resSample == sampleNames[s]])
        tmpProfile <- (tmpObs / tmpExp) * 100

        # Save in result vectors.
        resAvgMx[resSample == sampleNames[s]] <- avgMx
        resProfile[resSample == sampleNames[s]] <- tmpProfile
      } # End of sample loop.
    } else {
      # No matching mixture sample, go to next reference sample.
  } # End of reference sample loop.

  # Calculate the difference D=|Mx-mean(Mx)| for current sample.
  resD <- abs(resMx - resAvgMx)

  # Create dataframe.
  res <- data.frame(
    Sample.Name = resSample,
    Marker = resMarker,
    Style = resStyle,
    Mx = resMx,
    Average = resAvgMx,
    Difference = resD,
    Observed = resObs,
    Expected = resExp,
    Profile = resProfile,
    Dropin = resDropin,
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE

  # Update audit trail.
  res <- auditTrail(obj = res, f.call = match.call(), package = "strvalidator")

  if (debug) {
    print(paste("EXIT:", match.call()[[1]]))

  # Return result.

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strvalidator documentation built on July 26, 2023, 5:45 p.m.