load.corpus: Load text files

View source: R/load.corpus.R

load.corpusR Documentation

Load text files


Function for loading text files from a specified directory.


load.corpus(files = "all", corpus.dir = "", encoding = "UTF-8")



a vector of file names. The default value all is an equivalent to list.files().


a directory containing the text files to be loaded; if not specified, the current working directory will be used.


useful if you use Windows and non-ASCII alphabets: French, Polish, Hebrew, etc. In such a situation, it is quite convenient to convert your text files into Unicode and to set this option to encoding = "UTF-8". In Linux and Mac, you are always expected to use Unicode, thus you don't need to set anything.


The function returns an object of the class stylo.corpus. It is a list containing as elements the texts loaded.


Maciej Eder

See Also

stylo, classify, rolling.classify, oppose, txt.to.words


## Not run: 
# to load file1.txt and file2.txt, stored in the subdirectory my.files:
my.corpus = load.corpus(corpus.dir = "my.files",
                        files = c("file1.txt", "file2.txt") )

# to load all XML files from the current directory:
my.corpus = load.corpus(files = list.files(pattern="[.]xml$") )

## End(Not run)

stylo documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:37 a.m.

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