
Defines functions print.survPresmooth presmooth control.presmooth

Documented in control.presmooth presmooth print.survPresmooth

control.presmooth <- function(n.boot = c(5000, 1000),
                              q.weight = c(0.2, 0.8),
                              k = 1,
                              length.grid.bw.plugin = 100,
                              length.grid.ise = 100,
                              pilot.par.ini = NULL,
                              save.data = FALSE,
                              save.mise = FALSE,
                              na.action = na.omit) {
    list(n.boot = n.boot, q.weight = q.weight, k = k, length.grid.bw.plugin = length.grid.bw.plugin, length.grid.ise = length.grid.ise, pilot.par.ini = pilot.par.ini, save.data = save.data, save.mise = save.mise, na.action = na.action)

presmooth <- function(times,
                      dataset = NULL,
                      estimand = c("S", "H", "f", "h"),
                      bw.selec = c("fixed", "plug-in", "bootstrap"),
                      presmoothing = TRUE,
                      fixed.bw = NULL,
                      grid.bw.pil = NULL,
                      grid.bw = NULL,
                      kernel = c("biweight", "triweight"),
                      bound = c("none", "left", "right", "both"),
                      x.est = NULL,
                      control = control.presmooth()) {
    na.action <- control$na.action
    ## Define the 'internal' data frame
    dfr <-
        if (is.null(dataset))
            na.action(data.frame(times, status))
            na.action(dataset[, c(deparse(substitute(times)), deparse(substitute(status)))])
    names(dfr) <- c("t", "d")
    dfr$t <- as.numeric(dfr$t)
    dfr$d <- as.integer(dfr$d)
    dfr <- dfr[order(dfr$t, 1 - dfr$d),]
    dup <- as.integer(duplicated(dfr$t))
    if (length(kernel) > 1)
        kernel <- kernel[1]
    n.kernel <- pmatch(kernel, c("biweight", "triweight"))
    if (is.na(n.kernel))
        stop("'kernel' argument must be one of 'biweight', 'triweight'")
        kernel <- switch (n.kernel, "biweight", "triweight")
    ## Constants: c1: second moment of the kernel; c2: integral of the squared kernel, c_K; c3: integral of the squared second derivative of the kernel; c4 
    const <- switch (n.kernel, list(c1 = 1/7, c2 = 5/7, c3 = 45/2, c4 = 15/7, c5 = 25/231), list(c1 = 1/9, c2 = 350/429, c3 = 35, c4 = 35/11, c5 = 245/2574))
    if (length(estimand) > 1)
        estimand <- estimand[1]
    n.estimand <- match(estimand, c("S", "H", "f", "h"))
    if (is.na(n.estimand))
        stop("'estimand' argument must be one of 'S', 'H', 'f', 'h'")
    if (length(bound) > 1)
        bound <- bound[1]
    n.bound <- pmatch(bound, c("none", "left", "right", "both"))
    if (is.na(n.bound)) 
        stop("'bound' argument must be one of 'none', 'left', 'right', 'both'")
        bound <- switch (n.bound, "none", "left", "right", "both")
    if (length(bw.selec) > 1)
        bw.selec <- bw.selec[1]
    n.bw.selec <- pmatch(bw.selec, c("fixed", "plug-in", "bootstrap"))
    if (is.na(n.bw.selec))
        stop("'bw.selec' argument must be one of 'fixed', 'plug-in', 'bootstrap'")
        bw.selec <- switch (n.bw.selec, "fixed", "plug-in", "bootstrap")
    if ((n.bw.selec == 1) & (!presmoothing) & (n.estimand >= 3)) {
        if (is.null(fixed.bw) || length(fixed.bw) != 2)
            stop("'fixed.bw' must be non-null and of length 2")
            if (fixed.bw[1] != 0) {
                warning("'presmoothing' is FALSE, but the presmoothing fixed bandwidth is not 0: fixed.bw[1] set to 0")
                fixed.bw[1] <- 0
    allcens <- FALSE
    if (sum(dfr$d) == 0) {
        warning("All the times are censored: estimation is not possible")
        allcens <- TRUE
        n.bw.selec <- 1
        bw.selec <- NA
        fixed.bw <- if (n.estimand <= 2) NA else c(NA,NA)
    if ((!presmoothing) & (n.estimand %in% 1:2)) {
        fixed.bw <- 0
        if (n.bw.selec != 1) {
            warning("No bandwidth selection performed when 'presmoothing' is 'FALSE' and 'estimand' is 'S' or 'H'. Input processed as if 'bw.selec' were 'fixed' with 'fixed.bw' equal to 0.")
            n.bw.selec <- 1
            bw.selec <- "fixed"
    n <- dim(dfr)[[1]]
    if (n.estimand <= 2) {
        if (!is.null(x.est))
            warning("'x.est' values overriden: only estimates at observed times are given")
        x.est <- dfr$t
        if (is.null(x.est))
            x.est <- seq(min(dfr$t), quantile(dfr$t, 0.9), length.out = 50)
    le.x.est <- length(x.est)
    q.w <- quantile(dfr$t, control$q.weight)
    cond <- (dfr$t > q.w[1]) & (dfr$t < q.w[2])
    range.t <- diff(range(dfr$t))
    forh <- n.estimand >= 3
    ## check the correction of grid.bw.pil
    if ((((n.bw.selec == 2) & (n.estimand <= 2)) | (n.bw.selec == 1)) & !is.null(grid.bw) & !allcens)
        warning("No grid of pilot bandwidths is needed (the value of 'grid.bw.pil' is ignored)")
    if (((n.bw.selec == 2) & forh) | (n.bw.selec == 3)) {
        ## Default grid where the first pilot bandwidth will be selected
        if (is.null(grid.bw.pil))
            grid.bw.pil <- 
                if (q.w[1] < (q.w[2]/10))
                    q.w[1] * (q.w[2]/q.w[1])^seq(0, 1, by = 0.01)
                    q.w[2]/10 * 10^seq(0, 1, by = 0.01)
        le.bw.pilot <- length(grid.bw.pil)
        ## pilot bandwidth selected by cross-validation
        ls.cv <- .C("lscv", dfr$t, dfr$d, n, grid.bw.pil, le.bw.pilot, n.kernel, lscv = numeric(le.bw.pilot), PACKAGE = "survPresmooth")$lscv
        pilot.bw1 <- grid.bw.pil[which.min(ls.cv)]
    ## check the correction of grid.bw
    if (n.bw.selec !=  3 & !is.null(grid.bw) & !allcens)
        warning(paste("No grid of bandwidths is needed when 'bw.selec =", paste("\"", bw.selec, "\"'", sep = ""), "(the value of 'grid.bw' is ignored)"))
    if (!(forh & presmoothing) & is.list(grid.bw) & length(grid.bw) > 1)
        warning("Only one grid of bandwidths is needed (the second one has been discarded)")
    if (forh & presmoothing & ((is.list(grid.bw) & length(grid.bw) == 1) | is.numeric(grid.bw))) {
        warning("Two grid of bandwidthds are needed, not only one (the given grid has been duplicated)")
        if (is.numeric(grid.bw)) grid.bw <- list(grid.bw)
        grid.bw[[2]] <- grid.bw[[1]] 
    if (((n.bw.selec == 3) & forh) | (n.bw.selec == 2)) {
        ## Initial parameter estimates of a simple Weibull model for the observed lifetimes, based on the method of moments
        shape0 <- uniroot(function(x) var(dfr$t) - (mean(dfr$t)/ gamma(1+1/x))^2*(gamma(1+2/x) - (gamma(1+1/x))^2), interval = c(0.02, 20))$root
        scale0 <- mean(dfr$t)/gamma(1+1/shape0)
        pilot.par.ini <- 
            if (is.null(control$pilot.par.ini))
                c(1/shape0, scale0, shape0, scale0, shape0 , 1/scale0, 1/3, 1/3)
        pilot.bw2.integrand <- function(x, par, modif = as.integer(0)) {
            .C("pilot2forhintegrand", x, length(x), par, length(par), modif, pilot2hint = numeric(length(x)), PACKAGE = "survPresmooth")$pilot2hint
    ## Bandwidth computation
    switch (
        bw <- fixed.bw,	## fixed
            ## Plug-in
            le.plugin <- as.integer(ifelse(control$length.grid.bw.plugin %% 2 == 0, control$length.grid.bw.plugin - 1, control$length.grid.bw.plugin))
            grid.plugin <- seq(q.w[1], q.w[2], length.out = le.plugin)
            step.plugin <- (grid.plugin[le.plugin] - grid.plugin[1])/(le.plugin-1)
            esf <- 1 - ecdf(dfr$t)(grid.plugin) + 1/n
            switch (
                S =,
                H = {
                    ## Pilot
                    ## A logistic model is supposed for the probability of non-censoring
                    logistfit <- glm(d ~ t , family = binomial, data = dfr)
                    coef.logis <- logistfit$coefficients 
                    p <- as.numeric(predict(logistfit, newdata = data.frame(t = grid.plugin), type = "response"))
                    if (all(p > 0.999) | all(p < 0.001)) { ## 1st if-else
                        warning("Pilot bandwidth computation problem. Estimated p is constantly equal to 0 or 1: selected bandwidth taken as the largest value")
                        pilot.bw <- NULL
                        bw <- control$k * range.t
                    else {
                        if (exp(coef.logis[1]) > .Machine$double.xmax^.1 | exp(coef.logis[1] + grid.plugin[le.plugin]*coef.logis[2]) > .Machine$double.xmax^.1) { ## 2nd if-else
                            warning("Computational problems due to overflow: no presmoothing done")               
                            pilot.bw <- NULL
                            bw <- 0
                        else {
                            ## Fit a simple Weibull model for observed lifetimes
                            llikplugH <- function(p, x) {
                                -sum(dweibull(x, p[1], p[2], log = TRUE))
                            estparplug <- optim(c(shape0, scale0), llikplugH, method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = 1e-8, x = dfr$t)$par
                            ## Computation of C1 and C2 according to formulas (2.154) and (2.155) on page 87 of Lopez de Ullibarri's thesis
                            C1fun1 <- function(x, t, n, coef, par) {
                                .C("c1integrand1", x, length(x), t, n, coef, par, c1fun1 = numeric(length(x)), PACKAGE = "survPresmooth")$c1fun1
                            C1fun2 <- function(x, t, n, coef, par) {
                                .C("c1integrand2", x, length(x), t, n, coef, par, c1fun2 = numeric(length(x)), PACKAGE = "survPresmooth")$c1fun2
                            n.d0 <- min(which(dfr$d == 0), na.rm = TRUE)
                            if (length(n.d0) == 0)
                                n.d0 <- n
                            C1integrand1 <- C1integrand2 <- numeric(le.plugin)
                            for (i in 1:le.plugin) {
                                C1integrand1[i] <- integrate(C1fun1, lower = if (i==1) min(dfr$t[n.d0]*0.99, grid.plugin[1]/2) else grid.plugin[i-1], upper = grid.plugin[i], t = dfr$t, n = n, coef = coef.logis, par = estparplug, subdivisions = 10000, stop.on.error = FALSE)$value
                                C1integrand2[i] <- integrate(C1fun2, lower = if (i==1) min(dfr$t[n.d0]*0.99, grid.plugin[1]/2) else grid.plugin[i-1], upper = grid.plugin[i], t = dfr$t, n = n, coef = coef.logis, par = estparplug, subdivisions = 10000, stop.on.error = FALSE)$value
                            C1integrand <- cumsum(C1integrand1) * cumsum(C1integrand2)
                            C1 <- const$c1 / 2 * step.plugin * .C("simpson", C1integrand, le.plugin, integral = numeric(1), PACKAGE = "survPresmooth")$integral
                            C2pre <- p * (1 - p) * dweibull(grid.plugin, estparplug[1], estparplug[2]) / esf^2
                            C2 <- const$c4 / 4 * step.plugin * .C("simpson", C2pre, le.plugin, integral = numeric(1), PACKAGE = "survPresmooth")$integral
                            ## Formula on page 91 of Lopez de Ullibarri's thesis, modified by considering an empirical upper bound (trying to avoid the sporadical ocurrence of exceedingly large bandwidths)
                            pilot.bw1 <- (C2/C1 * ifelse(C1 < 0, -1 , 3/2) / n)^(1/5)
                            ## Computation of D1 and D2 according to formulas (2.237) and (2.238) on page 125 of Lopez-de-Ullibarri's thesis
                            Dintegrand <- .C("dintegrand", grid.plugin, le.plugin, t, n, logistfit$coefficients, estparplug, p, d1int = numeric(le.plugin), d2int = numeric(le.plugin), PACKAGE = "survPresmooth")[c("d1int", "d2int")]
                            D1 <- const$c1 * step.plugin * .C("simpson", Dintegrand$d1int, le.plugin, integral = numeric(1), PACKAGE = "survPresmooth")$integral
                            D2 <- -const$c2 * step.plugin * .C("simpson", Dintegrand$d2int, le.plugin, integral = numeric(1), PACKAGE = "survPresmooth")$integral
                            ## Formula on page 127 of Lopez de Ullibarri's thesis, modified by considering an empirical upper bound (trying to avoid the sporadical ocurrence of too large bandwidths)
                            pilot.bw2 <- (D2/D1 * ifelse(D1 < 0, 1/2 , -1) / n)^(1/3)
                            pilot.bw <- pmin(c(pilot.bw1, pilot.bw2), control$k * range.t)
                            ## Bandwidth (computed according to formulas on page 17 of Lopez-de-Ullibarri's thesis)
                            p.nw <- .C("nadarayawatson", dfr$t, n, dfr$t, dfr$d, n, pilot.bw[2], n.kernel, phat = numeric(n), PACKAGE = "survPresmooth")$phat
                            if (all(p.nw[cond] > 0.999) | all(p.nw[cond] < 0.001)) { # 3rd if-else
                                warning("Bandwidth computation problem. Estimated p is constantly equal to 0 or 1: selected bandwidth taken as the largest value")
                                pilot.bw <- NULL
                                bw <- control$k * range.t
                            else {
                                esf2 <- 1 - ecdf(dfr$t)(dfr$t) + 1/n
                                Q <- sum(p.nw[cond] * (1 - p.nw[cond]) / esf2[cond]^2) / n
                                funalpha1 <- function(x, t, d, n, bw, kern) {
                                    .C("alphaintegrand", t, d, n, x, length(x), bw, bw, kern, alphaint = numeric(length(x)), PACKAGE = "survPresmooth")$alphaint
                                prealpha <- numeric(le.plugin)
                                for (i in 1:le.plugin)
                                    prealpha[i] <- integrate(funalpha1, lower = if (i == 1) 0 else grid.plugin[i-1], upper = grid.plugin[i], t = dfr$t, d = dfr$d, n = n, bw = pilot.bw[1], kern = n.kernel, subdivisions = 10000, stop.on.error = FALSE)$value
                                alpha <- cumsum(prealpha)
                                A <- step.plugin * .C("simpson", alpha^2, le.plugin, integral = numeric(1), PACKAGE = "survPresmooth")$integral
                                ## The same modification than for pilot bandwidths is incorporated
                                bw <- if (A < 1e-6 & Q < 1e-6) 0 else min((const$c5 * Q / A / 2 / const$c1^2 / n)^(1/3), control$k * range.t)
                            } ## 3rd if-else
                        } ## 2nd if-else
                    } ## 1st if-else
                f = {
                    ## Pilot
                    ## suppressWarnings() is necessary to avoid some annoying but irrelevant warnings...
                    llikplugf <- function(p, x, d) {
                        -sum(suppressWarnings(log(d * (p[7] * dweibull(x, p[1], p[2]) + p[8] * dweibull(x, p[3], p[4]) + (1-p[7]-p[8]) * dweibull(x, p[5], p[6])) + (1-d) * (p[7] * pweibull(x, p[1], p[2], lower.tail = FALSE) + p[8] * pweibull(x, p[3], p[4], lower.tail = FALSE) +(1-p[7]-p[8]) * pweibull(x, p[5], p[6], lower.tail = FALSE)))))
                    ## Redefinition of llikplugf for a mixture of only two components
                    llikplugf2 <- function(p, x, d) {
                        -sum(suppressWarnings(log(d * (p[5] * dweibull(x, p[1], p[2]) + (1 - p[5]) * dweibull(x, p[3], p[4])) + (1 - d) * (p[5] * pweibull(x, p[1], p[2], lower.tail = FALSE) + (1-p[5]) * pweibull(x, p[3], p[4], lower.tail = FALSE)))))
                    ## Redefinition of llikplugf according to a simple Weibull model
                    llikplugf3 <- function(p, x, d) {
                        -sum(suppressWarnings(log(d * dweibull(x, p[1], p[2]) + (1 - d) * pweibull(x, p[1], p[2], lower.tail = FALSE))))
                    estparplug <- constrOptim(pilot.par.ini, llikplugf, grad = NULL, x = dfr$t, d= rep(1, n), ui = rbind(c(rep(0, 6), -1, -1), c(1, rep(0,  7)), c(0, 1, rep(0, 6)), c(rep(0, 2), 1, rep(0, 5)), c(rep(0, 3), 1, rep(0, 4)), c(rep(0, 4), 1, rep(0, 3)), c(rep(0, 5), 1, 0, 0), c(rep(0, 6), 1, 0), c(rep(0, 7), 1), c(rep(0, 6), -1, 0), c(rep(0, 7), -1)), ci = c(-1, rep(0, 8), -1, -1))$par
                    ## If one component of the mixture is negligible, refit with a mixture of only 2 Weibulls
                    if (any(estparplug[7] < 0.1, estparplug[8] < 0.1, 1 - estparplug[7] - estparplug[8] < 0.1)) {
                        estparplug <- constrOptim(c(pilot.par.ini[1:4], 0.5), llikplugf2, grad = NULL, x = dfr$t, d = rep(1, n), ui = rbind(c(1, rep(0,  4)), c(0, 1, rep(0, 3)), c(rep(0, 2), 1, rep(0, 2)), c(rep(0, 3), 1, 0), c(rep(0, 4), 1), c(rep(0, 4), -1)), ci = c(rep(0, 5), -1))$par
                    ## Again, if one of the 2-component-mixture is negligible, refit with only 1 Weibull
                    if (estparplug[5] < 0.1 | estparplug[5] > 0.9) {
                        estparplug <- constrOptim(c(pilot.par.ini[3:4]), llikplugf3, grad = NULL, x = dfr$t, d = rep(1, n), ui = rbind(c(1, 0), c(0, 1)), ci = rep(0, 2))$par
                    ## Formula (4.76) for b_1 on page 236 of A. Jacome's thesis
                    pilot.bw2 <- (const$c3 / const$c1 / n / integrate(pilot.bw2.integrand, q.w[1], q.w[2], par = estparplug)$value)^(1/7)
                    estparplug2 <- constrOptim(pilot.par.ini, llikplugf, grad = NULL, x = dfr$t,d = dfr$d, ui = rbind(c(rep(0, 6), -1, -1), c(1, rep(0,  7)), c(0, 1, rep(0, 6)), c(rep(0, 2), 1, rep(0, 5)), c(rep(0, 3), 1, rep(0, 4)), c(rep(0, 4), 1, rep(0, 3)), c(rep(0, 5), 1, 0, 0), c(rep(0, 6), 1, 0), c(rep(0, 7), 1), c(rep(0, 6), -1, 0), c(rep(0, 7), -1)), ci = c(-1, rep(0, 8), -1, -1))$par
                    if (any(estparplug2[7] < 0.1, estparplug2[8] < 0.1, 1 - estparplug2[7] - estparplug2[8] < 0.1)) {
                        estparplug2 <- constrOptim(c(pilot.par.ini[1:4], 0.5), llikplugf2, grad = NULL, x = dfr$t, d = dfr$d, ui = rbind(c(1, rep(0,  4)), c(0, 1, rep(0, 3)), c(rep(0, 2), 1, rep(0, 2)), c(rep(0, 3), 1, 0), c(rep(0, 4), 1), c(rep(0, 4), -1)), ci = c(rep(0, 5), -1))$par
                    if (estparplug2[5] < 0.1 | estparplug2[5] > 0.9) {
                        estparplug2 <- constrOptim(c(pilot.par.ini[3:4]), llikplugf3, grad = NULL, x = dfr$t, d = dfr$d, ui = rbind(c(1, 0), c(0, 1)), ci = rep(0, 2))$par
                    intf3sq <- integrate(pilot.bw2.integrand, q.w[1], q.w[2], par = estparplug2)$value
                    ## If f is replaced by h*p*(1-F)/(1-H), 3rd pilot bandwidth in Jacome's thesis is unnecessary
                    km <- .C("presmestim", dfr$t, n, dfr$t, n, as.double(0), as.integer(0), as.integer(0), as.numeric(dfr$d), as.integer(0), as.integer(1), pest = numeric(n), PACKAGE = "survPresmooth")$pest
                    fact <- sum((km[cond] / (1 - ecdf(dfr$t)(sort(dfr$t)[cond])))^2 * (dfr$d[order(dfr$t)][cond] == 1))/n
                    pilot.bw3 <- (const$c3 * fact / const$c1 / n / intf3sq)^(1/7)
                    pilot.bw <- pmin(c(pilot.bw1, pilot.bw2, pilot.bw3), control$k * range.t)
                    ## Bandwidth
                    if (presmoothing) {
                        ## Computation of the 5 integrals in psi(L)
                        funalpha2 <- function(x, t, d, n, bw, kern) {
                            .C("alphaintegrand", t, d, n, x, length(x), bw[1], bw[2], kern, alphaint = numeric(length(x)), PACKAGE = "survPresmooth")$alphaint
                        prealpha <- numeric(le.plugin)
                        for (i in 1:le.plugin)
                            prealpha[i] <- integrate(funalpha2, lower = if (i == 1) 0 else grid.plugin[i - 1], upper = grid.plugin[i], t = dfr$t, d = dfr$d, n = n, bw = pilot.bw[1:2], kern = n.kernel, subdivisions = 10000, stop.on.error = FALSE)$value
                        alpha <- cumsum(prealpha)
                        ## In termsmise.c f replaced by h*p*(1-F)/(1-H)
                        ints1to5 <- .C("termsmise", dfr$t, dfr$d, n, esf, grid.plugin, le.plugin, step.plugin, pilot.bw, n.kernel, n.estimand, alpha, int1 = numeric(1), int2 = numeric(1), int3 = numeric(1), int4 = numeric(1), int5 = numeric(1), PACKAGE = "survPresmooth")[paste("int", 1:5, sep = "")]
                        ## The objective function is formula (3.180) for AMISE in Lopez-de-Ullibarri's thesis
                        ## When minimizing, an empirical upper bound is considered, trying to avoid the sporadical ocurrence of exceedingly large bandwidths
                        bw <- pmin(constrOptim(pilot.bw[-3], function(pars, n, kern, c1, c2, n.est, ints) .C("funplugin", pars[1], pars[2], n, kern, c1, c2, n.est, ints$int1, ints$int2, ints$int3, ints$int4, ints$int5, fplug = numeric(1), PACKAGE = "survPresmooth")$fplug, grad = NULL, n = n, kern = n.kernel, c1 = const$c1, c2 = const$c2, n.est = n.estimand, ints = ints1to5, ui = rbind(c(1, 0), c(0, 1)), ci = c(0, 0))$par, control$k *range.t)
                    else {
                        ## computation of the 2 integrals of the AMISE (instead of the 5 of the general case)
                        ints1to2 <- .C("termsmisenopresmooth", dfr$t, dfr$d, n, esf, grid.plugin, le.plugin, step.plugin, pilot.bw, n.kernel, n.estimand, int1 = numeric(1), int2 = numeric(1), PACKAGE = "survPresmooth")[c("int1","int2")]
                        bw <- c(0, min((const$c2 * ints1to2$int2 / n / const$c1^2 / ints1to2$int1)^(1/5), control$k * range.t))
                h = {
                    ## Pilot
                    ## Log-likelihood function (a mixture of three Weibulls is considered as model for the distribution of lifetimes)
                    ## suppressWarnings() is necessary to avoid some annoying but irrelevant warnings...
                    llikplugh <- function(p, x) {
                        -sum(suppressWarnings(log(p[7] * dweibull(x, p[1], p[2]) + p[8] * dweibull(x, p[3], p[4]) + (1-p[7]-p[8]) * dweibull(x, p[5], p[6]))))
                    ## Optimization with constrOptim() allows to take into account the constraint for the mixture weights (p[1] + p[2] <= 1)
                    estparplug <- constrOptim(pilot.par.ini, llikplugh, grad = NULL, x = dfr$t, ui = rbind(c(rep(0, 6), -1, -1), c(1, rep(0,  7)), c(0, 1, rep(0, 6)), c(rep(0, 2), 1, rep(0, 5)), c(rep(0, 3), 1, rep(0, 4)), c(rep(0, 4), 1, rep(0, 3)), c(rep(0, 5), 1, 0, 0), c(rep(0, 6), 1, 0), c(rep(0, 7), 1), c(rep(0, 6), -1, 0), c(rep(0, 7), -1)), ci = c(-1, rep(0, 8), -1, -1))$par
                    ## If one component of the mixture is negligible, refit with a mixture of only 2 Weibulls
                    if (any(estparplug[7] < 0.1, estparplug[8] < 0.1, 1 - estparplug[7] - estparplug[8] < 0.1)) {
                        ## Redefinition of llikplugh for a mixture of only two components
                        llikplugh <- function(p, x) {
                            -sum(suppressWarnings(log(p[5] * dweibull(x, p[1], p[2]) + (1 - p[5]) * dweibull(x, p[3], p[4]))))
                        estparplug <- constrOptim(c(pilot.par.ini[1:4], 0.5), llikplugh, grad = NULL, x = dfr$t, ui = rbind(c(1, rep(0,  4)), c(0, 1, rep(0, 3)), c(rep(0, 2), 1, rep(0, 2)), c(rep(0, 3), 1, 0), c(rep(0, 4), 1), c(rep(0, 4), -1)), ci = c(rep(0, 5), -1))$par
                    ## Again, if one of the 2-component-mixture is negligible, refit with only 1 Weibull 
                    if (estparplug[5] < 0.1 | estparplug[5] > 0.9) {
                        ## Redefinition of llikplugh with a simple Weibull model
                        llikplugh <- function(p, x) {
                            -sum(suppressWarnings(log(dweibull(x, p[1], p[2]))))
                        estparplug <- constrOptim(c(pilot.par.ini[3:4]), llikplugh, grad = NULL, x = dfr$t, ui = rbind(c(1, 0), c(0, 1)), ci = rep(0, 2))$par
                    ## Formula (4.76) for b_1 on page 236 of Jacome's thesis
                    pilot.bw2 <- (const$c3 / const$c1 / n / integrate(pilot.bw2.integrand, q.w[1], q.w[2], par = estparplug)$value)^(1/7)
                    pilot.bw <- pmin(c(pilot.bw1, pilot.bw2), control$k * range.t)
                    ## Bandwidth
                    if (presmoothing) {
                        ints1to5 <- .C("termsmise", dfr$t, dfr$d, n, esf, grid.plugin, le.plugin, step.plugin, pilot.bw, n.kernel, n.estimand, as.double(0), int1 = numeric(1), int2 = numeric(1), int3 = numeric(1), int4 = numeric(1), int5 = numeric(1), PACKAGE = "survPresmooth")[paste("int", 1:5, sep = "")]
                        ## The objective function is formula (3.180) for AMISE in Lopez-de-Ullibarri's thesis
                        ## When minimizing, an empirical upper bound is considered, trying to avoid the sporadical ocurrence of exceedingly large bandwidths
                        bw <- pmin(constrOptim(pilot.bw, function(pars, n, kern, c1, c2, n.est, ints) .C("funplugin", pars[1], pars[2], n, kern, c1, c2, n.est, ints$int1, ints$int2, ints$int3, ints$int4, ints$int5, fplug = numeric(1), PACKAGE = "survPresmooth")$fplug, grad = NULL, n = n, kern = n.kernel, c1 = const$c1, c2 = const$c2, n.est = n.estimand, ints = ints1to5, ui = rbind(c(1, 0), c(0, 1)), ci = c(0, 0))$par, control$k * range.t)
                    else {
                        ## Computation of the 2 integrals of the AMISE (instead of the 5 of the general case)
                        ints1to2 <- .C("termsmisenopresmooth", dfr$t, dfr$d, n, esf, grid.plugin, le.plugin, step.plugin, pilot.bw, n.kernel, n.estimand, int1 = numeric(1), int2 = numeric(1), PACKAGE = "survPresmooth")[c("int1","int2")]
                        bw <- c(0, min((const$c2 * ints1to2$int2 / n / const$c1^2 / ints1to2$int1)^(1/5), control$k * range.t))
            ) ## End of switch(estimand)
        }, ## End of plugin
            ## Bootstrap
            ## Pilot
            ## Smoothing pilot bandwidth (only if estimand is "f" or "h")
            pilot.bw2 <- if (forh) { ## if 1
                             ## A mixture of three Weibulls is considered as model for the distribution of lifetimes
                             llikboot <- function(p, x, d) {
                                 -sum(suppressWarnings(log(d * (p[7] * dweibull(x, p[1], p[2]) + p[8] * dweibull(x, p[3], p[4]) + (1-p[7]-p[8]) * dweibull(x, p[5], p[6])) + (1-d) * (p[7] * pweibull(x, p[1], p[2], lower.tail = FALSE) + p[8] * pweibull(x, p[3], p[4], lower.tail = FALSE) +(1-p[7]-p[8]) * pweibull(x, p[5], p[6], lower.tail = FALSE)))))
                             ## Optimization with constrOptim() allows to take into account the constraint for the mixture weights (p[1] + p[2] <= 1)
                             estparboot <- constrOptim(pilot.par.ini, llikboot, grad = NULL, x = dfr$t,d = dfr$d, ui = rbind(c(rep(0, 6), -1, -1), c(1, rep(0,  7)), c(0, 1, rep(0, 6)), c(rep(0, 2), 1, rep(0, 5)), c(rep(0, 3), 1, rep(0, 4)), c(rep(0, 4), 1, rep(0, 3)), c(rep(0, 5), 1, 0, 0), c(rep(0, 6), 1, 0), c(rep(0, 7), 1), c(rep(0, 6), -1, 0), c(rep(0, 7), -1)), ci = c(-1, rep(0, 8), -1, -1))$par
                             ## If one component of the mixture is negligible, refit with a mixture of only 2 Weibulls
                             if (any(estparboot[7] < 0.1, estparboot[8] < 0.1, 1 - estparboot[7] - estparboot[8] < 0.1)) {
                                 llikboot <- function(p, x, d) {
                                     -sum(suppressWarnings(log(d * (p[5] * dweibull(x, p[1], p[2]) + (1 - p[5]) * dweibull(x, p[3], p[4])) + (1 - d) * (p[5] * pweibull(x, p[1], p[2], lower.tail = FALSE) + (1 - p[5]) * pweibull(x, p[3], p[4], lower.tail = FALSE)))))
                                 estparboot <- constrOptim(c(pilot.par.ini[1:4], 0.5), llikboot, grad = NULL, x = dfr$t, d = dfr$d, ui = rbind(c(1, rep(0,  4)), c(0, 1, rep(0, 3)), c(rep(0, 2), 1, rep(0, 2)), c(rep(0, 3), 1, 0), c(rep(0, 4), 1), c(rep(0, 4), -1)), ci = c(rep(0, 5), -1))$par
                             ## Again, if one of the 2-component-mixture is negligible, refit with only 1 Weibull
                             if (estparboot[5] < 0.1 | estparboot[5] > 0.9) {
                                 llikboot <- function(p, x, d) {
                                     -sum(suppressWarnings(log(d * dweibull(x, p[1], p[2]) + (1 - d) * pweibull(x, p[1], p[2], lower.tail = FALSE))))
                                 estparboot <- constrOptim(c(pilot.par.ini[3:4]), llikboot, grad = NULL, x = dfr$t, d = dfr$d, ui = rbind(c(1, 0), c(0, 1)), ci = rep(0, 2))$par
                             ## The same bandwidth for f and h: optimal bandwidth for estimating f without presmoothing, given by Sellero et al. (1999)
                             km <- .C("presmestim", dfr$t, n, dfr$t, n, as.double(0), as.integer(0), as.integer(0), as.numeric(dfr$d), as.integer(0), as.integer(1), pest = numeric(n), PACKAGE = "survPresmooth")$pest
                             if (any(dfr$d[order(dfr$t)][cond] == 1)) {
                                 fact <- sum((km[cond] / (1 - ecdf(dfr$t)(sort(dfr$t)[cond])))^2 * (dfr$d[order(dfr$t)][cond] == 1))/n
                                 intden <- integrate(pilot.bw2.integrand, q.w[1], q.w[2], par = estparboot, modif = as.integer(1))$value
                                 (const$c2 * fact / const$c1^2 / n / intden)^0.2
                             else {
                                 warning("All times between the percentiles specified by 'q.weight' are censored. Muller's pilot bandwidth is used")
                         } ## End of if 1
            pilot.bw <- pmin(c(pilot.bw1, pilot.bw2), control$k * range.t)
            ## Bandwith
            nboot.temp <- as.integer(control$n.boot)
            n.boot <- 
                if (length(nboot.temp) == 1)	
                    if (n.estimand <= 2) 
            le.ise <- as.integer(control$length.grid.ise)
            grid.ise <- seq(q.w[1], q.w[2], length.out = le.ise)
            step.ise <- (grid.ise[le.ise] - grid.ise[1])/(le.ise-1)
            if (is.null(grid.bw)) {
                grid.bw.1 <- control$k * range.t/10 * 10^seq(0, 1, by = 0.05)
                grid.bw.2 <- 
                    if (forh & presmoothing)
            else {
                grid.bw.1 <- 
                    if (is.list(grid.bw))
                        if (is.numeric(grid.bw)) 
                grid.bw.2 <- 
                    if (forh & presmoothing)
            le.bw.1 <- length(grid.bw.1)
            le.bw.2 <- length(grid.bw.2)
            if (presmoothing) {
                ## Estimates (with the pilot bandwidth) of:
                ## a) conditional probability of non-censoring
                p.hat <- .C("nadarayawatson", dfr$t, n, dfr$t, dfr$d, n, pilot.bw[1], n.kernel, phat = numeric(n), PACKAGE = "survPresmooth")$phat
                ## b) survival, density, hazard or cumulative hazard
                ps.dfr <- 
                    switch (
                        S = ,
                        H = .C("presmestim", grid.ise, le.ise, dfr$t, n, as.double(0), as.integer(0), as.integer(0), p.hat, dup, n.estimand, pest = numeric(le.ise), PACKAGE = "survPresmooth")$pest,
                        f = .C("presmdensfast", grid.ise, le.ise, dfr$t, n, pilot.bw[2], n.kernel, p.hat, dhat = numeric(le.ise), PACKAGE = "survPresmooth")$dhat,
                        h = .C("presmtwfast", grid.ise, le.ise, dfr$t, n, pilot.bw[2], n.kernel, dup, p.hat, hhat = numeric(le.ise), PACKAGE = "survPresmooth")$hhat
                ## Compute bootstrapped presmoothed estimates 
                mise <- .C("isevect", dfr$t, dfr$d, n, n.boot, grid.ise, le.ise, grid.bw.1, le.bw.1, if (is.null(grid.bw.2)) as.double(0) else grid.bw.2, if (is.null(grid.bw.2)) as.integer(0) else le.bw.2, n.kernel, dup, n.estimand, p.hat, ps.dfr, as.integer(presmoothing), ise = numeric(if (forh) le.bw.1*le.bw.2 else le.bw.1), PACKAGE = "survPresmooth")$ise / n.boot
            else {
                ## as.numeric(dfr$d) is passed instead of p.hat
                ps.dfr <- 
                    if (n.estimand == 3)
                        .C("presmdensfast", grid.ise, le.ise, dfr$t, n, pilot.bw[2], n.kernel, as.numeric(dfr$d), dhat = numeric(le.ise), PACKAGE = "survPresmooth")$dhat
                    if (n.estimand == 4)
                        .C("presmtwfast", grid.ise, le.ise, dfr$t, n, pilot.bw[2], n.kernel, dup, as.numeric(dfr$d), hhat = numeric(le.ise), PACKAGE = "survPresmooth")$hhat
                mise <- .C("isevect", dfr$t, dfr$d, n, n.boot, grid.ise, le.ise, as.double(0), as.integer(0), grid.bw.1, le.bw.1, n.kernel, dup, n.estimand, as.double(0), ps.dfr, as.integer(presmoothing), ise = numeric(le.bw.1), PACKAGE = "survPresmooth")$ise / n.boot
            ## Return the bandwidth minimizing the mise
            pos.min.mise <- max(which(mise == min(mise)))
            bw <- pmin(if (forh) if (presmoothing) c(grid.bw.1[(pos.min.mise - 1)%%le.bw.1 + 1], grid.bw.2[(pos.min.mise - 1)%/%le.bw.1 + 1]) else c(0, grid.bw.1[pos.min.mise]) else grid.bw.1[pos.min.mise], control$k * range.t)
        } ## End of bootstrap
    ) ## End of switch(n.bw.selec)
    ## Estimate
    ## With fixed presmoothing bandwidth = 0, non-presmoothed estimates are obtained
    p <- 
        if (any(is.na(bw)))
            if (bw[1] == 0) 
            .C("nadarayawatson", dfr$t, n, dfr$t, dfr$d, n, bw[1], n.kernel, phat = numeric(n), PACKAGE = "survPresmooth")$phat
    if (forh & (n.bound == 4) & (max(x.est) > bw[2]) & all((x.est < bw[2]) | (max(dfr$t) - x.est < bw[2])))
        warning("Possibly anomalous estimate due to a too large smoothing bandwidth: try correcting only one of the two boundary effects")
    estim <- 
        if (any(is.na(bw)))
            .C("presmestim", x.est, le.x.est, dfr$t, n, if (forh) bw[2] else as.double(0), if (forh) n.kernel else as.integer(0), if (forh) n.bound else as.integer(0), p, dup, n.estimand, pest = numeric(le.x.est), PACKAGE = "survPresmooth")$pest
    ps <- list(call = match.call(), data = if (control$save.data) dfr, q.weight = q.w, bw.selec = bw.selec, presmoothing = presmoothing, bound = bound, mise = if ((n.bw.selec == 3) & control$save.mise) if (forh & presmoothing) matrix(mise*step.ise, nrow = le.bw.1, ncol = le.bw.2) else mise*step.ise, grid.pil =  if (((n.bw.selec == 2) & forh) | (n.bw.selec == 3)) grid.bw.pil, pilot.bw = if (n.bw.selec != 1) pilot.bw, bandwidth = bw, grid.bw = if (n.bw.selec == 3 & (forh | presmoothing)) if (forh & presmoothing) list(grid.bw.1 = grid.bw.1, grid.bw.2 = grid.bw.2) else list(grid.bw = grid.bw.1), p.hat = p, x.est = x.est, estimand = estimand, estimate = estim)
    class(ps) <- "survPresmooth"

print.survPresmooth <- function(x,
                                long = FALSE,
                                more = NULL,
                                ...) {
    dots <- list(...)
    if (class(x) != "survPresmooth") 
        stop("x object must be of class survPresmooth")
    cat("\nCall: ")
    cat(paste(if (x$presmoothing) "P" else "Non-p","resmoothed estimation of the", sep = ""),      
        switch (
            S = "survival function, S(t)",
            H = "cumulative hazard function, H(t)",
            f = "density function, f(t)",
            h = "hazard function, h(t)"
        ), "\n\n")
    df <- data.frame(x$x.est, x$estimate)
    colnames(df) <- c("t", paste(x$estimand, "(t)", sep = ""))
    if (long)
        print(df, ...)
        if (nrow(df) <= 100) 
            print(df, ...)
    else {
        print(head(df), ...)
        cat(" ...\n")
        cat("(Some output has been omitted for brevity: to get all the output set 'long=TRUE' in a call to 'print()')\n")
    cat("\nBandwidth selection method:", x$bw.selec, "\n")
    cat("\tpresmoothing:\t", ifelse(is.null(dots$digits), x$bandwidth[1], round(x$bandwidth[1], dots$digits)), "\n")
    if (length(x$bandwidth) == 2)
        cat("\tsmoothing:\t", ifelse(is.null(dots$digits), x$bandwidth[2], round(x$bandwidth[2], dots$digits)), "\n")
    if (x$estimand == "f" | x$estimand == "h")
        cat("\nBoundary effect corrected:", x$bound, "\n")
    more <- setdiff(more, c("call", "presmoothing", "estimand", "x.est", "estimate", "bandwidth", "bound"))
    if (!is.null(more)) {
        ext.names <- c(data = "Data", q.weight = "Range of the weight function", mise = "Bootstrap MISE", grid.pil = "Grid for the pilot bandwidth", pilot.bw = "Pilot bandwidth(s)", grid.bw = "Grid for bandwidth selection", p.hat = "Estimate of the conditional probability of uncensoring")
        comps <- c("data", "q.weight", "mise", "grid.pil", "pilot.bw", "grid.bw", "p.hat")
        inx <- more %in% comps
        if (any(inx)) {
            invisible(sapply(1:length(more[inx]), function(s) {
                cat(paste("\n", ext.names[more][inx][s], ":\n", sep = ""))
                print(x[[more[inx][s]]], ...)
            if (!all(inx))
                if (sum(!inx) == 1 )
                    warning(paste(more[!inx], "is not a component of x"))
                    warning(paste(paste(more[!inx], collapse = ", "), "are not components of x"))
            if (sum(!inx) == 1 )
                warning(paste(more[!inx], "is not a component of x"))
            warning(paste(paste(more[!inx], collapse = ", "), "are not components of x"))

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survPresmooth documentation built on Oct. 6, 2021, 5:18 p.m.