
Defines functions bootstrap.estimates

Documented in bootstrap.estimates

##' bootstrap.estimates
##' Use a given bootstrap method to estimate sampling uncertainty from a given
##' estimator.
##' @param survey.data The dataset to use
##' @param survey.design A formula describing the design of the survey
##'                      (see Details below)
##' @param estimator.fn The name of a function which, given a dataset like
##'                     `survey.data` and arguments in `...`,
##'                     will produce an estimate of interest
##' @param bootstrap.fn Name of the method to be used to take
##'                     bootstrap resamples
##' @param num.reps The number of bootstrap replication samples to draw
##' @param weights Weights to use in estimation (or `NULL`, if none)
##' @param summary.fn (Optional) Name of a function which, given the set of estimates
##'                   produced by `estimator.fn`, summarizes them. If not specified, all of
##'                   the estimates are returned in a list.
##' @param parallel If `TRUE`, use the `plyr` library's `.parallel` argument to
##'                 produce bootstrap resamples and estimates in parallel
##' @param paropts If not `NULL`, additional arguments to pass along to the
##'                parallelization routine
##' @param verbose If `TRUE`, produce lots of feedback about what is going on
##' @param ... additional arguments which will be passed on to `estimator.fn`
##' @return If `summary.fn` is not specified, then return the list of estimates
##'         produced by `estimator.fn`; if `summary.fn` is specified, then return
##'         its output
##' @details
##' The formula describing the survey design should have the form
##' `~ psu_v1 + psu_v2 + ... + strata(strata_v1 + strata_v2 + ...)`,
##' where `psu_v1, ...` are the variables identifying primary sampling units (PSUs)
##' and `strata_v1, ...` identifies the strata
##' @export
##' @examples
##' # example using a simple random sample
##' survey <- MU284.surveys[[1]]
##' estimator <- function(survey.data, weights) {
##'   plyr::summarise(survey.data,
##'                   T82.hat = sum(S82 * weights))
##' }
##' ex.mu284 <- bootstrap.estimates(
##'    survey.design = ~1,
##'    num.reps = 10,
##'    estimator.fn = estimator,
##'    weights='sample_weight',
##'    bootstrap.fn = 'srs.bootstrap.sample',
##'    survey.data=survey)
##' \dontrun{
##' idu.est <- bootstrap.estimates(
##'   ## this describes the sampling design of the
##'   ## survey; here, the PSUs are given by the
##'   ## variable cluster, and the strata are given
##'   ## by the variable region
##'   survey.design = ~ cluster + strata(region),
##'   ## the number of bootstrap resamples to obtain
##'   num.reps=1000,
##'   ## this is the name of the function
##'   ## we want to use to produce an estimate
##'   ## from each bootstrapped dataset
##'   estimator.fn="our.estimator",
##'   ## these are the sampling weights
##'   weights="indweight",
##'   ## this is the name of the type of bootstrap
##'   ## we wish to use
##'   bootstrap.fn="rescaled.bootstrap.sample",
##'   ## our dataset
##'   survey.data=example.survey,
##'   ## other parameters we need to pass
##'   ## to the estimator function
##'   d.hat.vals=d.hat,
##'   total.popn.size=tot.pop.size,
##'   y.vals="clients",
##'   missing="complete.obs")
##' }
bootstrap.estimates <- function(survey.data,

  ## Wishlist / TODO
  ## * estimator.fn/bootstrap.fn and summary.fn are treated differently
  ##         (one expects characters, one expects an actual fn. fix!)
  ## * write description block, including estimator.fn, bootstrap.fn,
  ##         summary.fn, more?

  ## get the weights
  weights <- get.weights(survey.data, weights)

  ## build up a single call to obtain an actual bootstrap
  ## replicate; we'll call this once for each one...
  boot.call <- match.call()

  boot.arg.idx <- match(c("survey.data",
  boot.call <- boot.call[c(1,boot.arg.idx)]

  boot.call[[1]] <- get.fn(bootstrap.fn)

  ## also build up a call to obtain an estimate from the data
  est.call <- match.call(expand.dots=TRUE)

  ## these are the args we *won't* use when we call the estimator
  ## (ie, we use them here or in the bootstrap fn instead)
  est.arg.idx <- match(c("survey.design",
                         ## don't use survey.data b/c we're going to pass
                         ## in a bootstrap resample each time instead...
  est.call <- est.call[-est.arg.idx]
  est.call[[1]] <- get.fn(estimator.fn)

  ## get the bootstrap samples
  boot.idx <- eval(boot.call, parent.frame())

  ## produce our estimate for each one
  res <- plyr::llply(boot.idx,

               function(this.rep) {

                 ## use the resampled indices to construct
                 ## a full resampled dataset
                 tmpdat <- survey.data[this.rep$index,]
                 tmpweights <- weights[this.rep$index]

                 ## apply the weight.scale to the estimation weights
                 tmpweights <- tmpweights * this.rep$weight.scale

                 ## add the information about which rows in the individual dataset
                 ## these resamples come from as an attribute
                 attr(tmpdat, "resampled.rows.orig.idx") <- this.rep$index

                 est.call[["survey.data"]] <- tmpdat
                 est.call[["weights"]] <- tmpweights

                 ## call estimator.fn to produce an estimate from
                 ## the bootstrap-resampled dataset
                 this.est <- eval(est.call, parent.frame(2))


  ## if the user specified a summary function, use it
  if (! is.null(summary.fn)) {

    this.sf <- get.fn(summary.fn)
    res <- do.call(this.sf, list(res))




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surveybootstrap documentation built on Jan. 9, 2023, 5:06 p.m.