
Defines functions hglm_predict fit_hglm_model fit_hglm_occupancy_models

Documented in fit_hglm_occupancy_models

#' @include internal.R

#' Fit hierarchical generalized linear models to predict occupancy
#' Estimate probability of occupancy for a set of features in a set of
#' planning units. Models are fitted as hierarchical generalized linear models
#' that account for for imperfect detection (following Royle & Link 2006)
#' using JAGS (via [runjags::run.jags()]). To limit over-fitting,
#' covariate coefficients are sampled using a Laplace prior distribution
#' (equivalent to L1 regularization used in machine learning contexts)
#' (Park & Casella 2008).
#' @param jags_n_samples `integer` number of sample to generate per chain
#'   for MCMC analyses.
#'   See documentation for the `sample` parameter
#'   in [runjags::run.jags()] for more information).
#'   Defaults to 10,000 for each feature.
#' @param jags_n_thin `integer` number of thinning iterations for MCMC
#'   analyses.
#'   See documentation for the `thin` parameter
#'   in [runjags::run.jags()] for more information).
#'   Defaults to 100 for each feature.
#' @param jags_n_burnin `integer` number of warm up iterations for MCMC
#'   analyses.
#'   See documentation for the `burnin` parameter
#'   in [runjags::run.jags()] for more information).
#'   Defaults to 10,000 for each feature.
#' @param jags_n_chains `integer` total number of chains for MCMC analyses.
#'   See documentation for the `n.chains` parameter
#'   in [runjags::run.jags()] for more information).
#'   Defaults to 4 for each fold for each feature.
#' @param jags_n_adapt `integer` number of adapting iterations for MCMC
#'   analyses.
#'   See documentation for the `adapt` parameter
#'   in [runjags::run.jags()] for more information).
#'   Defaults to 1,000 for each feature.
#' @inheritParams fit_xgb_occupancy_models
#' @details
#'  This function (i) prepares the data for model fitting,
#'  (ii) fits the models, and (iii) assesses the performance of the
#'   models. These analyses are performed separately for each
#'  feature. For a given feature:
#'  \enumerate{
#'  \item The data are prepared for model fitting by partitioning the data using
#'  k-fold cross-validation (set via argument to `n_folds`). The
#'  training and evaluation folds are constructed
#'  in such a manner as to ensure that each training and evaluation
#'  fold contains at least one presence and one absence observation.
#'  \item A model for fit separately for each fold (see
#'  `inst/jags/model.jags` for model code). To assess convergence,
#'  the multi-variate potential scale reduction factor
#'  (MPSRF) statistic is calculated for each model.
#'  \item The performance of the cross-validation models is evaluated.
#'  Specifically, the TSS, sensitivity, and specificity statistics are
#'  calculated (if relevant, weighted by the argument to
#'  `site_weights_data`). These performance values are calculated using
#'  the models' training and evaluation folds. To assess convergence,
#'  the maximum MPSRF statistic for the models fit for each feature
#'  is calculated.
#' }
#' @section Dependencies:
#' This function requires the
#' [JAGS software](https://mcmc-jags.sourceforge.io/) to be installed.
#' For information on installing the JAGS software, please consult
#' the documentation for the \pkg{rjags} package.
#' @references
#' Park T & Casella G (2008) The Bayesian lasso.
#' *Journal of the American Statistical Association*, 103: 681--686.
#' Royle JA & Link WA (2006) Generalized site occupancy models allowing for
#' false positive and false negative errors. *Ecology*, 87: 835--841.
#' @return A `list` object containing:
#' \describe{
#' \item{models}{`list` of `list` objects containing the models.}
#' \item{predictions}{[tibble::tibble()] object containing
#'  predictions for each feature.}
#' \item{performance}{[tibble::tibble()] object containing the
#'  performance of the best models for each feature. It contains the following
#'  columns:
#'  \describe{
#'  \item{feature}{name of the feature.}
#'  \item{max_mpsrf}{maximum multi-variate potential scale reduction factor
#'    (MPSRF) value for the models. A MPSRF value less than 1.05 means that all
#'    coefficients in a given model have converged, and so a value less than
#'    1.05 in this column means that all the models fit for a given feature
#'    have successfully converged.}
#'  \item{train_tss_mean}{
#'    mean TSS statistic for models calculated using training data in
#'    cross-validation.}
#'  \item{train_tss_std}{
#'    standard deviation in TSS statistics for models calculated using training
#'    data in cross-validation.}
#'  \item{train_sensitivity_mean}{
#'    mean sensitivity statistic for models calculated using training data in
#'    cross-validation.}
#'  \item{train_sensitivity_std}{
#'    standard deviation in sensitivity statistics for models calculated using
#'    training data in cross-validation.}
#'  \item{train_specificity_mean}{
#'    mean specificity statistic for models calculated using training data in
#'    cross-validation.}
#'  \item{train_specificity_std}{
#'    standard deviation in specificity statistics for models calculated using
#'    training data in cross-validation.}
#'  \item{test_tss_mean}{
#'    mean TSS statistic for models calculated using test data in
#'    cross-validation.}
#'  \item{test_tss_std}{
#'    standard deviation in TSS statistics for models calculated using test
#'    data in cross-validation.}
#'  \item{test_sensitivity_mean}{
#'    mean sensitivity statistic for models calculated using test data in
#'    cross-validation.}
#'  \item{test_sensitivity_std}{
#'    standard deviation in sensitivity statistics for models calculated using
#'    test data in cross-validation.}
#'  \item{test_specificity_mean}{
#'    mean specificity statistic for models calculated using test data in
#'    cross-validation.}
#'  \item{test_specificity_std}{
#'    standard deviation in specificity statistics for models calculated using
#'    test data in cross-validation.}
#'  }}
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # set seeds for reproducibility
#' set.seed(123)
#' # simulate data for 200 sites, 2 features, and 3 environmental variables
#' site_data <- simulate_site_data(n_sites = 30, n_features = 2, prop = 0.1)
#' feature_data <- simulate_feature_data(n_features = 2, prop = 1)
#' # print JAGS model code
#' cat(readLines(system.file("jags", "model.jags", package = "surveyvoi")),
#'     sep = "\n")
#' # fit models
#' # note that we use a small number of MCMC iterations so that the example
#' # finishes quickly, you probably want to use the defaults for real work
#' results <- fit_hglm_occupancy_models(
#'    site_data, feature_data,
#'    c("f1", "f2"), c("n1", "n2"), c("e1", "e2", "e3"),
#'    "survey_sensitivity", "survey_specificity",
#'    n_folds = rep(5, 2),
#'    jags_n_samples = rep(250, 2), jags_n_burnin = rep(250, 2),
#'    jags_n_thin = rep(1, 2), jags_n_adapt = rep(100, 2),
#'    n_threads = 1)
#' # print model predictions
#' print(results$predictions)
#' # print model performance
#' print(results$performance, width = Inf)
#' }
#' @export
fit_hglm_occupancy_models <- function(
  site_data, feature_data,
  site_detection_columns, site_n_surveys_columns,
  feature_survey_sensitivity_column, feature_survey_specificity_column,
  jags_n_samples = rep(10000, length(site_detection_columns)),
  jags_n_burnin = rep(1000, length(site_detection_columns)),
  jags_n_thin = rep(100, length(site_detection_columns)),
  jags_n_adapt = rep(1000, length(site_detection_columns)),
  jags_n_chains = rep(4, length(site_detection_columns)),
  n_folds = rep(5, length(site_detection_columns)),
  n_threads = 1, seed = 500, verbose = FALSE) {
  # assert that arguments are valid
    ## site data
    inherits(site_data, "sf"), nrow(site_data) > 0, ncol(site_data) > 0,
    ## feature data
    inherits(feature_data, "data.frame"), nrow(feature_data) > 0,
    ncol(feature_data) > 0,
    ## site_detection_columns
    length(site_detection_columns) > 0,
    all(assertthat::has_name(site_data, site_detection_columns)),
    length(site_detection_columns) == nrow(feature_data),
    ## site_n_surveys_columns
    length(site_n_surveys_columns) > 0,
    all(assertthat::has_name(site_data, site_n_surveys_columns)),
    length(site_n_surveys_columns) == nrow(feature_data),
    ## site_env_vars_columns
    all(assertthat::has_name(site_data, site_env_vars_columns)),
    ## feature_survey_sensitivity_column
    all(assertthat::has_name(feature_data, feature_survey_sensitivity_column)),
    ## feature_survey_specificity_column
    all(assertthat::has_name(feature_data, feature_survey_specificity_column)),
    ## n_folds
    all(n_folds > 0),
    length(n_folds) == nrow(feature_data),
    ## jags_n_samples
    length(jags_n_samples) == nrow(feature_data),
    all(jags_n_samples > 0),
    ## jags_n_thin
    length(jags_n_thin) == nrow(feature_data),
    all(jags_n_thin > 0),
    ## jags_n_burnin
    length(jags_n_burnin) == nrow(feature_data),
    all(jags_n_burnin > 0),
    ## jags_n_chains
    length(jags_n_chains) == nrow(feature_data),
    all(jags_n_chains > 0),
    ## jags_n_adapt
    length(jags_n_adapt) == nrow(feature_data),
    all(jags_n_adapt > 0),
    ## seed
    ## n_threads
    assertthat::is.count(n_threads), assertthat::noNA(n_threads))
  ## validate survey data
  validate_site_detection_data(site_data, site_detection_columns)
  validate_site_n_surveys_data(site_data, site_n_surveys_columns)

  # drop geometry
  site_data <- sf::st_drop_geometry(site_data)

  # convert env data to model matrix format
  site_env_data <-
    as.matrix(stats::model.matrix(~ . - 1,
      data = site_data[, site_env_vars_columns]))

  # prepare folds
  f <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(feature_data)), function(i) {
    n_surveys <- site_data[[site_n_surveys_columns[i]]]
    idx <- seq_along(n_surveys)
      prop_detected = site_data[[site_detection_columns[i]]][n_surveys > 0],
      n_total = n_surveys[n_surveys > 0],
      n = n_folds[i], idx[n_surveys > 0], seed = seed)

  # prepare data
  d <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(feature_data)), function(i) {
    lapply(seq_len(n_folds[i]), function(k) {
      # extract data
      sens <- feature_data[[feature_survey_sensitivity_column]][i]
      spec <- feature_data[[feature_survey_specificity_column]][i]
      n_surveys <- site_data[[site_n_surveys_columns[i]]]
      n_det <- round(site_data[[site_detection_columns[i]]] * n_surveys)
      n_nondet <-
        round((1 - site_data[[site_detection_columns[i]]]) * n_surveys)
      site_data <- tibble::tibble(n_det = n_det, n_nondet = n_nondet,
                                  n_surveys = n_surveys, idx = seq_along(n_det))
      # prepare fitting fold data (actually used for model fitting)
      train_data <- site_data[f[[i]]$train[[k]], , drop = FALSE]
      y_fit <- matrix(-1, nrow = nrow(train_data),
                        ncol = max(train_data$n_surveys))
      for (j in seq_len(nrow(train_data))) {
        y_fit[j, seq_len(train_data$n_surveys[j])] <-
          c(rep(1, train_data$n_det[j]), rep(0, train_data$n_nondet[j]))
      x_fit <- site_env_data[train_data$idx, , drop = FALSE]
      # prepare train fold data (only used for model evaluation)
      y_train <- c(rep(1, nrow(train_data)), rep(0, nrow(train_data)))
      x_train <- site_env_data[c(train_data$idx, train_data$idx), ,
                               drop = FALSE]
      w_train <- c(train_data$n_det / train_data$n_surveys,
                  train_data$n_nondet / train_data$n_surveys)
      # prepare test fold data
      test_data <- site_data[f[[i]]$test[[k]], , drop = FALSE]
      y_test <- c(rep(1, nrow(test_data)), rep(0, nrow(test_data)))
      x_test <- site_env_data[c(test_data$idx, test_data$idx), ,
                               drop = FALSE]
      w_test <- c(test_data$n_det / test_data$n_surveys,
                  test_data$n_nondet / test_data$n_surveys)
      # return data
      list(fit = list(y = y_fit, x = x_fit),
           train = list(y = y_train, x = x_train, w = w_train),
           test = list(y = y_test, x = x_test, w = w_test))

  # fit models
  ## create iterator
  model_cmbs <- plyr::ldply(seq_len(nrow(feature_data)), function(i) {
    expand.grid(spp = i, fold = seq_len(n_folds[i]),
                chain = seq_len(jags_n_chains[i]))
  model_cmbs$idx <- seq_len(nrow(model_cmbs))
  ## prepare cluster
  if (n_threads > 1) {
    cl <- start_cluster(n_threads,
      c("model_cmbs", "d", "feature_data", "seed",
        "jags_n_samples", "jags_n_burnin", "jags_n_thin", "jags_n_adapt",
    on.exit(try(stop_cluster(cl), silent = TRUE), add = TRUE)
  ## main processing
  m_raw <- plyr::llply(
    .parallel = n_threads > 1,
    .paropts = list(.packages = "surveyvoi"),
    .progress = ifelse(n_threads > 1, "none", "text"),
    function(cm) {
    i <- model_cmbs$spp[[cm]]
    f <- model_cmbs$fold[[cm]]
    ch <- model_cmbs$chain[[cm]]
      data = d[[i]][[f]]$fit,
      survey_sensitivity =
      survey_specificity =
      n_samples = jags_n_samples[i],
      n_burnin = jags_n_burnin[i],
      n_thin = jags_n_thin[i],
      n_chains = 1,
      n_adapt = jags_n_adapt[i],
      verbose = verbose,
      seed = seed + i + f + ch)
  ## kill cluster
  if (n_threads > 1) {
    cl <- stop_cluster(cl)

  # combine models into single model object (quietly)
  m <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(feature_data)), function(i) {
    lapply(seq_len(n_folds[i]), function(k) {
      ii <- model_cmbs$idx[model_cmbs$spp == i & model_cmbs$fold == k]

  # assess models
  perf <- plyr::ldply(seq_len(nrow(feature_data)), function(i) {
    out <- plyr::ldply(seq_len(n_folds[i]), function(k) {
      ## extract fold training and test data
      x_train_k <- d[[i]][[k]]$train$x
      x_test_k <- d[[i]][[k]]$test$x
      y_train_k <- d[[i]][[k]]$train$y
      y_test_k <- d[[i]][[k]]$test$y
      w_train_k <- d[[i]][[k]]$train$w
      w_test_k <- d[[i]][[k]]$test$w
      survey_sens <- feature_data[[feature_survey_sensitivity_column]][[i]]
      survey_spec <- feature_data[[feature_survey_specificity_column]][[i]]
      ## make predictions
      p_train_k <- hglm_predict(m[[i]][[k]], x_train_k)
      p_test_k <- hglm_predict(m[[i]][[k]], x_test_k)
      ## calculate performance
      perf_train_k <- rcpp_model_performance(
        y_train_k, p_train_k, w_train_k, survey_sens, survey_spec)
      perf_test_k <- rcpp_model_performance(
        y_test_k, p_test_k, w_test_k, survey_sens, survey_spec)
      ## calculate performance
        mpsrf = m[[i]][[k]]$psrf$mpsrf,
        train_tss = perf_train_k[[1]],
        train_sensitivity = perf_train_k[[2]],
        train_specificity = perf_train_k[[3]],
        test_tss = perf_test_k[[1]],
        test_sensitivity = perf_test_k[[2]],
        test_specificity = perf_test_k[[3]])
    data.frame(feature = site_detection_columns[i],
               max_mpsrf = max(out$mpsrf, na.rm = TRUE),
               train_tss_mean = mean(out$train_tss),
               train_tss_std = stats::sd(out$train_tss),
               train_sensitivity_mean = mean(out$train_sensitivity),
               train_sensitivity_std = stats::sd(out$train_sensitivity),
               train_specificity_mean = mean(out$train_specificity),
               train_specificity_std = stats::sd(out$train_specificity),
               test_tss_mean = mean(out$test_tss),
               test_tss_std = stats::sd(out$test_tss),
               test_sensitivity_mean = mean(out$test_sensitivity),
               test_sensitivity_std = stats::sd(out$test_sensitivity),
               test_specificity_mean = mean(out$test_specificity),
               test_specificity_std = stats::sd(out$test_specificity),
               stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  perf <- tibble::as_tibble(perf)

  # make model predictions
  pred <- vapply(m, FUN.VALUE = numeric(nrow(site_env_data)), function(x) {
    rowMeans(vapply(x, FUN.VALUE = numeric(nrow(site_env_data)), function(y) {
      c(hglm_predict(y, site_env_data))
  colnames(pred) <- site_detection_columns
  pred <- tibble::as_tibble(pred)

  # return results
  list(models = m,
       predictions = pred,
       performance = perf)

#' @noRd
fit_hglm_model <- function(data, survey_sensitivity, survey_specificity,
  n_samples, n_thin, n_burnin, n_chains, n_adapt, verbose, seed) {
  # assert arguments are valid
    assertthat::is.flag(verbose), assertthat::noNA(verbose))
  # prepare JAGS data
  jags_data <- list(
    n_vars = ncol(data$x),
    train_n_sites = nrow(data$x),
    train_n_obs = vapply(
      seq_len(nrow(data$y)), FUN.VALUE = integer(1), function(i) {
        sum(data$y[i, ] > -0.5)
    sens = survey_sensitivity,
    spec = survey_specificity,
    train_model_matrix = data$x,
    train_obs = data$y)
  # set JAGS RNG
  withr::with_seed(seed, {
    jags_inits <- list(.RNG.name="base::Wichmann-Hill",
                       .RNG.seed = sample.int(1e+5, 1))
  # run JAGS
  suppressWarnings({withr::with_seed(seed, {
      model = system.file("jags", "model.jags", package = "surveyvoi"),
      data = jags_data, monitor = c("coefs"),
      n.chains = 1, sample = n_samples, burnin = n_burnin,
      thin = n_thin, adapt = n_adapt, inits = list(jags_inits))

#' @noRd
hglm_predict <- function(model, x) {
  c(stats::plogis(x %*% unname(model$summaries[, "Median"])))

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