
Defines functions get_confessional_timing launch_confessional_app get_castaway_image

Documented in get_castaway_image get_confessional_timing launch_confessional_app

# assigning global variables
utils::globalVariables(c("action", "castaway", "castaway_id", "confessional_count", "confessional_time",
                         "duration", "episode", "start", "time", "time_between", "version_season",
                         "season_summary", "n_start", "n_stop", "global_id", "id0", "confApp",
                         "original_tribe", "season", "tribe_colour", "tribe_status", "value",
                         "num", "tribe"))

#' Castaway images
#' Returns the URL for the image of the specified castaways by their `castaway_id`
#' and season / version they were in
#' @param castaway_ids Castaway ID
#' @param version_season Version season key for the season they played
#' @return Character vector of URLs
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' survivoR::castaways %>%
#'   filter(version_season == "US42") %>%
#'   mutate(castaway_image = get_castaway_image(castaway_id, version_season))
get_castaway_image <- function(castaway_ids, version_season) {

#' Launch Confessional App
#' Launches the confessional timing app in either a browser or viewer. Default is set to
#' browser. The user is required to provide a path for which the time stanps are recoreded.
#' @param browser Open in browser instead of viewer. Default \code{TRUE}
#' @param path Parent directory for output files. Default is a sub-folder \code{'confessional-timing'}
#' in the current working directory.
#' @param write Write to disc. Default \code{TRUE}.
#' @return An active R shiny application
#' @export
#' @importFrom purrr set_names map
#' @importFrom shinycssloaders withSpinner
#' @importFrom readr read_csv write_csv write_lines
#' @importFrom shinyjs extendShinyjs useShinyjs
#' @importFrom DT datatable renderDT DTOutput
#' @importFrom crayon green
#' @importFrom lubridate now
#' @import shiny
#' @examples
#' ## Only run this example in interactive R sessions
#' if(interactive()) {
#'   # launch app
#'   launch_confessional_app()
#' }
launch_confessional_app <- function(browser = TRUE, path = NULL, write = TRUE) {

  confApp <<- new.env()
  confApp$default_path <- ifelse(is.null(path), file.path(getwd(), "confessional-timing"), path)
  confApp$allow_write <- write

  app <- shinyApp(conf_app_ui, conf_app_server)
  runApp(app, launch.browser = browser)


#' Confessional time
#' Takes the output of the times recorded from the Shiny app and aggregates to the final
#' confessional times and confessional counts. \code{confessional_time} is the total duration
#' in seconds for the episode. \code{confessional_count} is the number of confessionals
#' recorded to be at least 10 seconds apart.
#' @param x Either a data frame or path(s) to the csv file containing all the time stamps from the Shiny app
#' @param .vs Version season
#' @param .episode Episode
#' @param .mda Missing duration adjustment (MDA) in seconds. If either start or stop is missing from the
#' records, the missing value is imputed with a 3 second adjustment by default.
#' @return data frame
#' @export
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom purrr map_dfr map_chr
#' @importFrom stringr str_pad
#' @importFrom readr read_csv cols
#' @importFrom glue glue
#' @examples
#' # After running app and recording confessionals, run...
#' # Example from a saved timing file
#' library(readr)
#' path <- system.file(package = "survivoR", "extdata/US4412.csv")
#' df_us4412 <- read_csv(path)
#' get_confessional_timing(df_us4412, .vs = "US44", .episode = 12)
get_confessional_timing <- function(x, .vs, .episode, .mda = 3) {

  .vse <- paste0(.vs, str_pad(.episode, side = "left", width = 2, pad = 0))

  if(is.data.frame(x)) {

    df_time <- x %>%
        mutate(file_id = 1)

  } else {

    df_time <- map_dfr(x, ~{
      read_csv(.x, col_types = cols(), col_names = TRUE) %>%
        mutate(file_id = which(x == .x)) %>%
        set_names(c("global_id", "id", "castaway", "action", "time", "file_id"))


  df_time <- df_time %>%
      id0 = id,
      id = glue("ID{str_pad(file_id, side = 'left', width = 2, pad = 0)}{str_pad(id, side = 'left', width = 3, pad = 0)}")
      ) %>%
    select(-global_id) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    group_by(action, id) %>%
    slice_min(time) %>%
    pivot_wider(names_from = action, values_from = time) %>%
      start = coalesce(start, stop - 3),
      stop = coalesce(stop, start + 3),
      duration = as.numeric(difftime(stop, start, units = "secs"))

  # count confessionals
  df_conf <- df_time %>%
    arrange(castaway, start, stop) %>%
    group_by(castaway) %>%
      time_between = as.numeric(difftime(start, lag(stop), units = "secs")),
      time_between = replace_na(time_between, 9999),
      confessional_count = as.numeric(time_between > 10)
    ) %>%
    summarise(confessional_count = sum(confessional_count))

  # check for in progress seasons
  if(!.vs %in% survivoR::season_summary$version_season) {
    in_progress_vs <- readLines("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/doehm/survivoR/master/dev/data/in-progress/vs.txt")
    online_file <- glue("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/doehm/survivoR/master/dev/data/in-progress/{.vs}-boot-mapping.csv")
    df_boot_mapping <- read_csv(online_file, show_col_types = FALSE)
  } else {
    df_boot_mapping <- survivoR::boot_mapping

  df_boot_mapping %>%
      version_season == .vs,
      episode == .episode
    ) %>%
    distinct(version_season, episode, castaway_id, castaway) %>%
      df_time %>%
        group_by(castaway) %>%
        summarise(confessional_time = round(sum(duration))) %>%
          version_season = .vs,
          episode = .episode
        ) %>%
          df_boot_mapping %>%
            filter(version_season == .vs) %>%
            distinct(castaway, castaway_id),
          by = "castaway"
        ) %>%
        select(version_season, episode, castaway_id, castaway, confessional_time),
      by = c("version_season", "episode", "castaway_id", "castaway")
    ) %>%
    left_join(df_conf, by = "castaway") %>%
      confessional_time = replace_na(confessional_time, 0),
      confessional_count = replace_na(confessional_count, 0)
    ) %>%


Try the survivoR package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

survivoR documentation built on July 9, 2023, 5:21 p.m.