
Defines functions init_setup_rss

# Set default susie initialization.
init_setup_rss = function(p, L, prior_variance, residual_variance,
                          prior_weights, null_weight) {
  if (!is.numeric(prior_variance) || prior_variance < 0)
    stop("Prior variance should be positive number.")
  if(!is.null(residual_variance) &&
     (residual_variance > 1 | residual_variance < 0))
    stop("Residual variance should be a scaler between 0 and 1")
  if (is.null(residual_variance))
    residual_variance = 1
  if (is.null(prior_weights)){
    prior_weights = rep(1/p,p)
   if(all(prior_weights == 0)){
     stop("Prior weight should greater than 0 for at least one variable.")
   prior_weights = prior_weights / sum(prior_weights)
  if(length(prior_weights) != p)
    stop("Prior weights must have length p")
  if (p < L)
    L = p
  s = list(alpha  = matrix(1/p,nrow = L,ncol = p),
           mu     = matrix(0,nrow = L,ncol = p),
           mu2    = matrix(0,nrow = L,ncol = p),
           Rz     = rep(0,p),
           KL     = rep(as.numeric(NA),L),
           lbf    = rep(as.numeric(NA),L),
           lbf_variable = matrix(as.numeric(NA),L,p),
           sigma2 = residual_variance,
           V      = prior_variance,
           pi     = prior_weights)
  if (is.null(null_weight))
    s$null_index = 0
    s$null_index = p
  class(s) = "susie"

# Update a susie fit object in order to initialize susie model.
init_finalize_rss = function (s, R = NULL, Rz = NULL) {
  if(length(s$V) == 1)
    s$V = rep(s$V,nrow(s$alpha))

  # Check sigma2.
  if (!is.numeric(s$sigma2))
    stop("Input residual variance sigma2 must be numeric")

  # Avoid problems with dimension if input is a 1 x 1 matrix.
  s$sigma2 = as.numeric(s$sigma2)
  if (length(s$sigma2) != 1)
    stop("Input residual variance sigma2 must be a scalar")
  if (s$sigma2 <= 0)
    stop("residual variance sigma2 must be positive (is your var(y) zero?)")

  # Check prior variance.
  if (!is.numeric(s$V))
    stop("Input prior variance must be numeric")
  if (!all(s$V >= 0))
    stop("prior variance must be non-negative")
  if (!all(dim(s$mu) == dim(s$mu2)))
    stop("dimension of mu and mu2 in input object do not match")
  if (!all(dim(s$mu) == dim(s$alpha)))
    stop("dimension of mu and alpha in input object do not match")
  if (nrow(s$alpha) != length(s$V))
    stop("Input prior variance V must have length of nrow of alpha in ",
         "input object")

  # Update Rz.
  if (!missing(Rz))
    s$Rz = Rz
  if (!missing(R))
    s$Rz = compute_Xb(R,colSums(s$mu * s$alpha))

  # Reset KL and lbf.
  s$KL = rep(as.numeric(NA),nrow(s$alpha))
  s$lbf = rep(as.numeric(NA),nrow(s$alpha))
  class(s) = "susie"

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susieR documentation built on March 7, 2023, 6:11 p.m.