
Defines functions wild.boot

Documented in wild.boot

#'Wild bootstrap for IRFs of identified SVARs
#'Calculating confidence bands for impulse response functions via wild bootstrap techniques (Goncalves and Kilian, 2004).
#'@param x SVAR object of class "svars"
#'@param distr character. If distr="rademacher", the Rademacher distribution is used to generate the bootstrap samples. If
#'       distr="mammen", the Mammen distribution is used. If distr = "gaussian", the gaussian distribution is used.
#'@param design character. If design="fixed", a fixed design bootstrap is performed. If design="recursive", a recursive design bootstrap is performed.
#'@param n.ahead Integer specifying the steps
#'@param nboot Integer. Number of bootstrap iterations
#'@param nc Integer. Number of processor cores
#'@param dd Object of class 'indepTestDist'. A simulated independent sample of the same size as the data.
#'roxIf not supplied, it will be calculated by the function
#'@param signrest A list with vectors containing 1 and -1, e.g. c(1,-1,1), indicating a sign pattern of specific shocks to be tested
#' with the help of the bootstrap samples.
#'@param signcheck Boolean. Whether the sign pattern should be checked for each bootstrap iteration.
#' Note that this procedure is computationally extremely demanding for high dimensional VARs, since the number of possible permutations of B is K!,
#'  where K is the number of variables in the VAR.
#'@param itermax Integer. Maximum number of iterations for DEoptim
#'@param steptol Integer. Tolerance for steps without improvement for DEoptim
#'@param iter2 Integer. Number of iterations for the second optimization
#'@param rademacher deprecated, use "design" instead.
#' @return A list of class "sboot" with elements
#' \item{true}{Point estimate of impulse response functions}
#' \item{bootstrap}{List of length "nboot" holding bootstrap impulse response functions}
#' \item{SE}{Bootstrapped standard errors of estimated covariance decomposition
#' (only if "x" has method "Cramer von-Mises", or "Distance covariances")}
#' \item{nboot}{Number of bootstrap iterations}
#' \item{distr}{Character, whether the Gaussian, Rademacher or Mammen distribution is used in the bootstrap}
#' \item{design}{character. Whether a fixed design or recursive design bootstrap is performed}
#' \item{point_estimate}{Point estimate of covariance decomposition}
#' \item{boot_mean}{Mean of bootstrapped covariance decompositions}
#' \item{signrest}{Evaluated sign pattern}
#' \item{sign_complete}{Frequency of appearance of the complete sign pattern in all bootstrapped covariance decompositions}
#' \item{sign_part}{Frequency of bootstrapped covariance decompositions which conform the complete predetermined sign pattern. If signrest=NULL,
#'  the frequency of bootstrapped covariance decompositions that hold the same sign pattern as the point estimate is provided.}
#' \item{sign_part}{Frequency of single shocks in all bootstrapped covariance decompositions which accord to a specific predetermined sign pattern}
#' \item{cov_bs}{Covariance matrix of bootstrapped parameter in impact relations matrix}
#' \item{method}{Used bootstrap method}
#' \item{VAR}{Estimated input VAR object}
#'@references Goncalves, S., Kilian, L., 2004. Bootstrapping autoregressions with conditional heteroskedasticity of unknown form. Journal of Econometrics 123, 89-120.\cr
#'   Herwartz, H., 2017. Hodges Lehmann detection of structural shocks -
#'        An analysis of macroeconomic dynamics in the Euro Area, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics
#'@seealso \code{\link{id.cvm}}, \code{\link{id.dc}}, \code{\link{id.garch}}, \code{\link{id.ngml}}, \code{\link{id.cv}} or \code{\link{id.st}}
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # data contains quarterly observations from 1965Q1 to 2008Q3
#' # x = output gap
#' # pi = inflation
#' # i = interest rates
#' set.seed(23211)
#' v1 <- vars::VAR(USA, lag.max = 10, ic = "AIC" )
#' x1 <- id.dc(v1)
#' summary(x1)
#' # impulse response analysis with confidence bands
#' # Checking how often theory based impact relations appear
#' signrest <- list(demand = c(1,1,1), supply = c(-1,1,1), money = c(-1,-1,1))
#' bb <- wild.boot(x1, nboot = 500, n.ahead = 30, nc = 1, signrest = signrest)
#' summary(bb)
#' # Plotting IRFs with confidance bands
#' plot(bb, lowerq = 0.16, upperq = 0.84)
#' # With different confidence levels
#' plot(bb, lowerq = c(0.05, 0.1, 0.16), upperq = c(0.95, 0.9, 0.84))
#' # Halls percentile
#' plot(bb, lowerq = 0.16, upperq = 0.84, percentile = 'hall')
#' # Bonferroni bands
#' plot(bb, lowerq = 0.16, upperq = 0.84, percentile = 'bonferroni')
#' }

wild.boot <- function(x, design = "fixed", distr = "rademacher", n.ahead = 20,
                      nboot = 500, nc = 1, dd = NULL, signrest = NULL, signcheck = TRUE, itermax = 300,
                      steptol = 200, iter2 = 50, rademacher = "deprecated"){

  # x: vars object
  # B: estimated covariance matrix from true data set
  # distr: whether the bootstraop works with gaussian, rademacher or mammen distribution
  # design: choice of recursive or fixed design for bootstrap
  # n.ahead: Time n.ahead for Irf
  # nboot: number of bootstrap replications
  if(x$method == "Cramer-von Mises distance" & is.null(dd)){
    dd <- copula::indepTestSim(x$n, x$K, verbose=F)

  sqrt.f <- function(Pstar, Sigma_u_star){
    yy <- suppressMessages(sqrtm(Sigma_u_hat_old))%*%solve(suppressMessages(sqrtm(Sigma_u_star)))%*%Pstar

  # gathering informations from vars object
  # in case original data came in different format than matrix or ts
  if(!inherits(x$y, c("matrix", "ts"))){
    y = as.matrix(x$y)
    y <- x$y
  p <- x$p
  obs <- x$n
  k <- x$K
  B <- x$B
  restriction_matrix = x$restriction_matrix
  restriction_matrix <- get_restriction_matrix(restriction_matrix, k)
  restrictions <- length(restriction_matrix[!is.na(restriction_matrix)])
  if(length(signrest) > k){
    stop('too many sign restrictions')

  # calculating covariance from actual VAR
  A <- x$A_hat
  Z <- t(YLagCr(y, p))

  if(x$type == 'const'){
    Z <- rbind(rep(1, ncol(Z)), Z)
  }else if(x$type == 'trend'){
    Z <- rbind(seq(p + 1, ncol(Z)+ p), Z)
  }else if(x$type == 'both'){
    Z <- rbind(rep(1, ncol(Z)), seq(p + 1, ncol(Z) + p), Z)
    Z <- Z

  u <- t(y[-c(1:p),]) - A %*% Z
  Sigma_u_hat_old <- tcrossprod(u)/(obs - 1 - k * p)

  ub <- u

  # creating new error terms
  errors <- list()

  if(rademacher != "deprecated"){
    if(rademacher == "TRUE"){
      warning("The argument 'rademacher' is deprecated and may not be supported in the future. Please use the argument 'distr' to decide upon a distribution.",
              call. = TRUE, immediate. = FALSE, noBreaks. = FALSE, domain = NULL)
    } else if(rademacher == "FALSE"){
      distr <- "gaussian"
      warning("The argument 'rademacher' is deprecated and may not be supported in the future. Please use the argument 'distr' to decide upon a distribution.",
              call. = TRUE, immediate. = FALSE, noBreaks. = FALSE, domain = NULL)
    } else{
      warning("Invalid use of deprecated argument 'rademacher'. Please use the argument 'distr' to decide upon a distribution!",
              call. = TRUE, immediate. = FALSE, noBreaks. = FALSE, domain = NULL)

  for(i in 1:nboot){
    ub <- u
    #my <- rnorm(1)
    if (distr == "rademacher") {
      my <- rnorm(n = ncol(u))
      my <- (my > 0) - (my < 0)
    } else if (distr == "mammen") {
      cu <- (sqrt(5)+1)/(2*sqrt(5))
      my <- rep(1,ncol(u))*(-(sqrt(5)-1)/2)
      uni <- runif(n = ncol(u), min = 0, max = 1)
      my[uni > cu] <- (sqrt(5)+1)/2
    } else if (distr == "gaussian") {
      my <- rnorm(n = ncol(u))
    errors[[i]] <- ub* my

  # Bootstrapfunction
  bootf <- function(Ustar1){

    if(design == "fixed"){
      Ystar <- t(A %*% Z + Ustar1)
      Bstar <- t(Ystar) %*% t(Z) %*% solve(Z %*% t(Z))
      Ustar <- Ystar - t(Bstar %*% Z)
      Sigma_u_star <- crossprod(Ustar)/(ncol(Ustar1) - 1 - k * p)

      varb <- list(y = Ystar,
                   coef_x = Bstar,
                   residuals = Ustar,
                   p = p,
                   type = x$type)
      class(varb) <- 'var.boot'

      if(x$method == "Non-Gaussian maximum likelihood"){
        temp <- id.ngml_boot(varb, stage3 = x$stage3, Z = Z, restriction_matrix = x$restriction_matrix)
      }else if(x$method == "Changes in Volatility"){
        temp <- tryCatch(id.cv_boot(varb, SB = x$SB, SB2 = x$SB2, Z = Z, restriction_matrix = x$restriction_matrix),
                         error = function(e) NULL)
      }else if(x$method == "Cramer-von Mises distance"){
        temp <- id.cvm(varb, itermax = itermax, steptol = steptol, iter2 = iter2, dd)
      }else if(x$method == "Distance covariances"){
        temp <- id.dc(varb, PIT=x$PIT)
      }else if(x$method == "GARCH"){
        temp <- tryCatch(id.garch(varb, restriction_matrix = x$restriction_matrix, max.iter = x$max.iter,
                                  crit = x$crit),
                         error = function(e) NULL)
      }else if(x$method == "Cholesky"){
        temp <- id.chol(varb, order_k = x$order_k)
        temp <- tryCatch(id.st_boot(varb, c_fix = x$est_c, transition_variable = x$transition_variable, restriction_matrix = x$restriction_matrix,
                                    gamma_fix = x$est_g, max.iter = x$iteration, crit = 0.01, Z = Z),
                         error = function(e) NULL)
    } else if (design == "recursive") {
      Ystar <- matrix(0, nrow(y), k)
      # adding pre sample values
      Ystar[1:p,] <- y[1:p,]

      if (x$type == 'const' | x$type == 'trend') {
        for (i in (p + 1):nrow(y)) {
          for (j in 1:k) {
            Ystar[i, j] <- A[j, 1] + A[j, -1] %*% c(t(Ystar[(i - 1):(i - p), ])) + Ustar1[j, (i - p)]
      } else if (x$type == 'both') {
        for (i in (p + 1):nrow(y)) {
          for (j in 1:k) {
            Ystar[i, j] <- A[j, 1] + A[j, 2] + A[j, -c(1, 2)] %*% c(t(Ystar[(i - 1):(i - p),])) + Ustar1[j, (i - p)]
      }else if (x$type == 'none') {
        for (i in (p + 1):nrow(y)) {
          for (j in 1:k) {
            Ystar[i, j] <- A[j, ] %*% c(t(Ystar[(i - 1):(i - p), ])) + Ustar1[j, (i - p)]

      # Delete pre sample values
      Ystar <- Ystar[-c(1:p), ]

      varb <- suppressWarnings(VAR(Ystar, p = x$p, type = x$type))
      Ustar <- residuals(varb)
      Sigma_u_star <- crossprod(Ustar)/(obs - 1 - k * p)

      if(x$method == "Non-Gaussian maximum likelihood"){
        temp <- id.ngml_boot(varb, stage3 = x$stage3, restriction_matrix = x$restriction_matrix)
      }else if(x$method == "Changes in Volatility"){
        if (length(x$SB) > 3) {
          SB <- x$SB[-c(1:p)]
        } else {
          SB <- x$SB
        temp <- tryCatch(id.cv_boot(varb, SB = SB, SB2 = x$SB2, restriction_matrix = x$restriction_matrix),
                         error = function(e) NULL)
      }else if(x$method == "Cramer-von Mises distance"){
        temp <- id.cvm(varb, itermax = itermax, steptol = steptol, iter2 = iter2, dd)
      }else if(x$method == "Distance covariances"){
        temp <- id.dc(varb, PIT=x$PIT)
      }else if(x$method == "Smooth transition"){
        temp <- id.st(varb, c_fix = x$est_c, transition_variable = x$transition_variable, restriction_matrix = x$restriction_matrix,
                      gamma_fix = x$est_g, max.iter = x$iteration, crit = 0.01)
      }else if(x$method == "GARCH"){
        temp <- tryCatch(id.garch(varb, restriction_matrix = x$restriction_matrix, max.iter = x$max.iter,
                                  crit = x$crit),
                         error = function(e) NULL)
      }else if(x$method == "Cholesky"){
        temp <- id.chol(varb, order_k = x$order_k)

      Pstar <- temp$B

      if (x$method != "Cholesky") {
          Pstar1 <- Pstar
          frobP <- frobICA_mod(Pstar1, B, standardize=TRUE)
          Pstar1 <- sqrt.f(Pstar, Sigma_u_star)
          diag_sigma_root <- diag(diag(suppressMessages(sqrtm(Sigma_u_hat_old))))

          frobP <- frobICA_mod(t(solve(diag_sigma_root)%*%Pstar1), t(solve(diag_sigma_root)%*%B), standardize=TRUE)
        Pstar <- Pstar1%*%frobP$perm
        temp$B <- Pstar

    ip <- irf(temp, n.ahead = n.ahead)
    return(list(ip, Pstar, temp$A_hat))

  bootstraps <- pblapply(errors, bootf, cl = nc)

  delnull  <-  function(x){
    x[unlist(lapply(x, length) != 0)]

  bootstraps <- lapply(bootstraps, function (x)x[any(!is.na(x))])
  bootstraps <- delnull(bootstraps)

  Bs <- array(0, c(k,k,length(bootstraps)))
  ipb <- list()

  ## Obtaining Bootstrap estimates of VAR parameter
  Aboot <- array(0, c(nrow(A), ncol(A),length(bootstraps)))

  for(i in 1:length(bootstraps)){
    Bs[,,i] <- bootstraps[[i]][[2]]
    ipb[[i]] <- bootstraps[[i]][[1]]
    Aboot[, , i] <- bootstraps[[i]][[3]]

  A_hat_boot <- matrix(Aboot, ncol = nrow(A)*ncol(A), byrow = TRUE)
  A_hat_boot_mean <- matrix(colMeans(A_hat_boot), nrow(A), ncol(A))

  # calculating covariance matrix of vectorized bootstrap matrices
  v.b <-  matrix(Bs, ncol = k^2, byrow = TRUE)
  cov.bs <- cov(v.b)

  # Calculating Standard errors for LDI methods
  #if(x$method == "Cramer-von Mises distance" | x$method == "Distance covariances"){
  SE <- matrix(sqrt(diag(cov.bs)),k,k)
  rownames(SE) <- rownames(x$B)
  #  SE <- NULL
  # }

  # Calculating Bootstrap means
  boot.mean <- matrix(colMeans(v.b),k,k)
  rownames(boot.mean) <- rownames(x$B)

  # Checking for signs
  if (signcheck == TRUE) {
    if(restrictions > 0 | x$method == 'Cholesky'){
        cat('Testing signs only possible for unrestricted model \n')
      sign.part <- NULL
      sign.complete <- NULL
        sign.mat <- matrix(FALSE, nrow = k, ncol = k)
        sign.complete <- 0
        sign.part <- rep(0, times = k)

        for(i in 1:length(bootstraps)){

          pBs <- permutation(Bs[,,i])
          sign.mat <-lapply(pBs, function(z){sapply(1:k, function(ii){all(z[,ii]/abs(z[,ii])  == x$B[,ii]/abs(x$B[,ii])) | all(z[,ii]/abs(z[,ii])  == x$B[,ii]/abs(x$B[,ii])*(-1))})})

          if(any(unlist(lapply(sign.mat, function(sign.mat)all(sign.mat == TRUE))))){
            sign.complete <- sign.complete + 1

          for(j in 1:k){
            check <- rep(FALSE, k)
            for(l in 1:k){
              check[l] <- any(all(pBs[[1]][,l]/abs(pBs[[1]][,l]) == x$B[,j]/abs(x$B)[,j]) | all(pBs[[1]][,l]/abs(pBs[[1]][,l]) == x$B[,j]/abs(x$B)[,j]*(-1)))
            if(sum(check) == 1){
              sign.part[[j]] <- sign.part[[j]] + 1
        nrest <- length(signrest)
        sign.part <- rep(list(0), nrest )
        sign.complete <- 0
        for(j in 1:length(bootstraps)){
          check.full <- 0
          for(i in 1:nrest){
            check <- rep(FALSE, length(signrest[[i]][!is.na(signrest[[i]])]))
            for(l in 1:k){
              check[l] <- any(all(Bs[!is.na(signrest[[i]]),l,j]/abs(Bs[!is.na(signrest[[i]]),l,j]) == signrest[[i]][!is.na(signrest[[i]])]) |
                                all(Bs[!is.na(signrest[[i]]),l,j]/abs(Bs[!is.na(signrest[[i]]),l,j]) == signrest[[i]][!is.na(signrest[[i]])]*(-1)))
            if(sum(check) == 1){
              sign.part[[i]] <- sign.part[[i]] + 1
              check.full <- check.full + 1
          if(check.full == nrest){
            sign.complete <- sign.complete + 1
        names(sign.part) <- names(signrest)
  } else {
    sign.part <- NULL
    sign.complete <- NULL

  ## Impulse response of actual model
  ip <- irf(x, n.ahead = n.ahead)

   result <- list(true = ip,
                 bootstrap = ipb,
                 SE = SE,
                 nboot = nboot,
                 distr = distr,
                 point_estimate = x$B,
                 boot_mean = boot.mean,
                 signrest = signrest,
                 sign_complete = sign.complete,
                 sign_part = sign.part,
                 cov_bs = cov.bs,
                 A_hat = x$A_hat,
                 design = design,
                 A_hat_boot_mean = A_hat_boot_mean,
                 Omodel = x,
                 boot_B = Bs,
                 rest_mat = restriction_matrix,
                 method = 'Wild bootstrap',
                 VAR = x$VAR,
                 signcheck = signcheck)
  class(result) <- 'sboot'

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