
### Unit tests for the svyCreateTableOne
## Reference: http://adv-r.had.co.nz/Testing.html
## Created on: 2015-07-24
## Author: Kazuki Yoshida

### Structure
## expectations within tests within context

### Prepare environment

### Use oldsvyquantile when available

## 2020-07-30 via Thomas Lumley
## survey::svyquantile rewritten for survey 4.1
## To get the old behaviour you can simply call survey::oldsvyquantile() instead.
try_oldsvyquantile <- try(getFromNamespace(x = "oldsvyquantile", ns = "survey"))
if (is.function(try_oldsvyquantile)) {
    svyquantile <- survey::oldsvyquantile

### Context (1 for each file)
context("Unit tests for svy* user functions")

### Provide data

## Three-group dataset with matching weight (Li & Greene 2013)
datMw <- structure(list(E = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 2L,
2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L), C = c(1L,
1L, 2L, 2L, 3L, 3L, 4L, 4L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 3L, 3L, 4L, 4L, 1L,
1L, 2L, 2L, 3L, 3L, 4L, 4L), Y = c(0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0,
1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1), C1 = c(0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1
), C2 = c(0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0,
0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1), n = c(252L, 28L, 105L, 45L, 12L, 28L, 1L,
9L, 72L, 8L, 63L, 27L, 24L, 56L, 1L, 9L, 36L, 4L, 42L, 18L, 24L,
56L, 8L, 72L), Mw = c(0.1429, 0.1429, 0.4, 0.4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.5,
0.5, 0.6667, 0.6667, 0.5, 0.5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.5, 0.5, 0.125,
0.125)), class = "data.frame", .Names = c("E", "C", "Y", "C1",
"C2", "n", "Mw"), row.names = c(NA, -24L))

## Create individual level data
datMw <- datMw[rep(seq_along(datMw$n), datMw$n),]
## Introduce missingness
datMw[c(1,150), "Y"] <- NA
## Create a survey design object
datSvy <- svydesign(ids = ~ 1, data = datMw, weights = ~ Mw)

## Create a variable list
vars <- c("E", "C", "Y", "C1", "C2")
factorVars <- c("Y","C1")

### Tests
## A test should group together expectations for one functionality.

### Error handling

test_that("data assessment detects anomalies", {

    ## Error in ModuleStopIfNoVarsLeft(vars) (from modules.R#52) : No valid variables.
    ## In addition: Warning message:
    ## In ModuleReturnVarsExist(vars, data$variables) :
    ##   The data frame does not have: none  Dropped
    expect_warning(expect_error(svyCreateTableOne(vars = "non-existent", data = datSvy),
                                "No valid variables"),
                   "The data frame does not have: non-existent  Dropped")

    ## Error in StopIfNotSurveyDesign(data) :
    ##   The data argument needs to be a survey design object.
    expect_error(svyCreateTableOne(vars = c("E"), data = "not a svy object"),
                 "The data argument needs to be a survey design object")

    ## Data frame is not allowed
    expect_error(svyCreateTableOne(vars = c("E"), data = data.frame(E = c(1,2,3))),
                 "The data argument needs to be a survey design object")

    ## Error in ModuleReturnStrata(strata, data$variable) (from modules.R#84) :
    ##   None of the stratifying variables are present in the data frame.
    ## In addition: Warning message:
    ## In ModuleReturnVarsExist(strata, data) :
    ##   The data frame does not have: non-existent  Dropped
    expect_warning(expect_error(svyCreateTableOne(vars = vars, strata = c("non-existent"), data = datSvy),
                                "None of the stratifying variables are present in the data frame"),
                   "The data frame does not have: non-existent  Dropped")


### User-level functionalities

## Make categorical variables factors

## Create a table to test
mwOverall  <- svyCreateTableOne(vars = vars, data = datSvy, factorVars = factorVars)
mwInclNa   <- svyCreateTableOne(vars = vars, data = datSvy, factorVars = factorVars, includeNA = TRUE)
mwByE    <- svyCreateTableOne(vars = vars, strata = c("E"), data = datSvy, factorVars = factorVars)

## 2020-02-29
## The following test fails in matrix inversion (appropriately) under R 3.6.2.
## svyCreateTableOne
## svyCreateContTable
## ModuleTestSafe (This hides error in testing intentionally).
## svyGlmTermTest
## regTermTest(svyglm(E ~ ..strataVar.. (ExC1 6 categories), design)), )
##  beta <- coef(res)
##  V <- vcov(res) # 6x6 all elements numerically zeros
##                 # This is expected as E ~ E*C1 has perfect prediction.
##  chisq <- beta %*% solve(V) %*% beta # inversion by solve() fails
## Error in solve.default(V) :
##   Lapack routine dgesv: system is exactly singular: U[4,4] = 0
## p value for row variable E will be NA. Previously, it was <0.001.
## R 3.6.1 (2019-07-05) no mention of solve(). 3 solve() related errors don't happen.
## R 3.6.2 (2019-12-12) improved solve() and may have changed the behavior.
## 2020-07-25
## If solve(Vmat) errors, the resulting p value is going to be NA. If not, <0.001.
Vmat <- structure(c(8.75501633118467e-34, 1.46773954995106e-33, 1.17162059153476e-33,
                    8.75501633118467e-34, 8.75501633118467e-34, 1.46773954995106e-33,
                    9.16683246877479e-33, 1.36903323047896e-33, 1.46773954995106e-33,
                    1.46773954995106e-33, 1.17162059153476e-33, 1.36903323047896e-33,
                    5.21857968989081e-33, 1.17162059153476e-33, 1.17162059153476e-33,
                    8.75501633118467e-34, 1.46773954995106e-33, 1.17162059153476e-33,
                    8.75501633118467e-34, 8.75501633118467e-34, 8.75501633118467e-34,
                    1.46773954995106e-33, 1.17162059153476e-33, 8.75501633118467e-34,
                    8.75501633118467e-34), .Dim = c(5L, 5L))
logical_na_expected <- (class(try(solve(Vmat)))[1] == "try-error")

mwByEC1 <- svyCreateTableOne(vars = vars, strata = c("E","C1"), data = datSvy, factorVars = factorVars)

mwContOnlyByEC1 <- svyCreateTableOne(vars = c("E","C"), strata = c("E","C1"), data = datSvy, factorVars = factorVars)
mwCatOnlyByEC1 <- svyCreateTableOne(vars = c("Y","C1"), strata = c("E","C1"), data = datSvy, factorVars = factorVars)
mwByE_addOverall    <- svyCreateTableOne(vars = vars, strata = c("E"), data = datSvy, factorVars = factorVars, addOverall = TRUE)
mwByEC1_addOverall <- svyCreateTableOne(vars = vars, strata = c("E","C1"), data = datSvy, factorVars = factorVars, addOverall = TRUE)

## Specify variables for special handling
nonnormalVars <- c("C")
exactVars <- c("Y")

test_that("svyTableOne objects are always returned", {

    expect_equal(class(mwOverall),       c("svyTableOne","TableOne"))
    expect_equal(class(mwInclNa),        c("svyTableOne","TableOne"))
    expect_equal(class(mwByE),           c("svyTableOne","TableOne"))
    expect_equal(class(mwByEC1),         c("svyTableOne","TableOne"))
    expect_equal(class(mwContOnlyByEC1), c("svyTableOne","TableOne"))
    expect_equal(class(mwCatOnlyByEC1),  c("svyTableOne","TableOne"))
    ## Extra-Test addOverall
    expect_equal(class(mwByE_addOverall),         c("svyTableOne","TableOne"))
    expect_equal(class(mwByEC1_addOverall),         c("svyTableOne","TableOne"))


test_that("Missing percentages are correctly stored and printed", {

    ## Extract from dataset
    percentMissing <- unlist(lapply(datMw[vars], function(x) {sum(is.na(x)) / length(x) * 100}))
    ## Sanity check for the standard.
    expect_equal(length(percentMissing), length(vars))

    ## Unstratified table
    expect_equal(mwOverall$MetaData$percentMissing, percentMissing)
    ## Including NA as a category should not matter.
    expect_equal(mwInclNa$MetaData$percentMissing, percentMissing)
    ## Stratification should not matter
    expect_equal(mwByE$MetaData$percentMissing, percentMissing)
    expect_equal(mwByEC1$MetaData$percentMissing, percentMissing)
    ## addOverall should not matter
    expect_equal(mwByEC1_addOverall$MetaData$percentMissing, percentMissing)
    expect_equal(mwByE_addOverall$MetaData$percentMissing, percentMissing)

    ## Check printing
    ## Gold standard
    percentMissingString <- format(sprintf("%.1f", percentMissing), justify = "right")
    ## Function to drop empty elements like "" or "   ".
    DropEmptyString <- function(x) {
        ## as.character() drops names.
        as.character(Filter(f = function(elt) {
            !grepl("^ *$", elt)
        x = x))
    ## Check against gold standard
    expect_equal(DropEmptyString(print(mwOverall, missing = TRUE)[,"Missing"]),
    expect_equal(DropEmptyString(print(mwInclNa, missing = TRUE)[,"Missing"]),
    expect_equal(DropEmptyString(print(mwByE, missing = TRUE)[,"Missing"]),
    expect_equal(DropEmptyString(print(mwByEC1, missing = TRUE)[,"Missing"]),
    expect_equal(DropEmptyString(print(mwByE_addOverall, missing = TRUE)[,"Missing"]),
    expect_equal(DropEmptyString(print(mwByEC1_addOverall, missing = TRUE)[,"Missing"]),


test_that("printing of a svyTableOne object does not regress", {

    ## Expectations
    expect_equal_to_reference(print(mwByE, printToggle = TRUE),

    expect_equal_to_reference(print(mwOverall, printToggle = TRUE),

    expect_equal_to_reference(print(mwInclNa, printToggle = TRUE),

    ## 2020-02-29 Error due to solve() behavior change in R 3.6.2.
    if (logical_na_expected) {
        expect_equal_to_reference(print(mwByEC1, printToggle = TRUE),
    } else {
        expect_equal_to_reference(print(mwByEC1, printToggle = TRUE),

    expect_equal_to_reference(print(mwByE, catDigits = 3, contDigits = 4, pDigits = 5, printToggle = TRUE),

    expect_equal_to_reference(print(mwByE, test = FALSE, printToggle = TRUE),

    expect_equal_to_reference(print(mwByE, nonnormal = nonnormalVars, exact = exactVars, printToggle = TRUE),

    expect_equal_to_reference(print(mwByE, nonnormal = nonnormalVars, minMax = TRUE, printToggle = TRUE),

    expect_equal_to_reference(print(mwByE, catDigits = 3, noSpaces = TRUE, printToggle = TRUE),

    expect_equal_to_reference(print(mwByE, nonnormal = nonnormalVars, exact = exactVars, showAllLevels = TRUE, printToggle = TRUE),

    expect_equal_to_reference(print(mwByE, catDigits = 3, nonnormal = nonnormalVars, exact = exactVars, noSpaces = TRUE, showAllLevels = FALSE, quote = TRUE, printToggle = TRUE),

    ## 2020-02-29 Error due to solve() behavior change in R 3.6.2.
    if (logical_na_expected) {
    } else {


    ## Regression tests for addOverall
    expect_equal_to_reference(print(mwByE_addOverall, printToggle = TRUE, test = TRUE, smd = TRUE),

    ## 2020-02-29 Error due to solve() behavior change in R 3.6.2.
    if (logical_na_expected) {
        expect_equal_to_reference(print(mwByEC1_addOverall, printToggle = TRUE, test = TRUE, smd = TRUE),
    } else {
        expect_equal_to_reference(print(mwByEC1_addOverall, printToggle = TRUE, test = TRUE, smd = TRUE),

    ## Regression tests for formatOptions
        print(mwByE_addOverall, printToggle = TRUE, test = TRUE, smd = TRUE,
              formatOptions = list(big.mark = ",", big.interval = 2, decimal.mark = "D")),

    ## 2020-02-29 Error due to solve() behavior change in R 3.6.2.
    if (logical_na_expected) {
            print(mwByEC1_addOverall, printToggle = TRUE, test = TRUE, smd = TRUE,
                  formatOptions = list(big.mark = ",", big.interval = 2, decimal.mark = "D")),
    } else {
            print(mwByEC1_addOverall, printToggle = TRUE, test = TRUE, smd = TRUE,
                  formatOptions = list(big.mark = ",", big.interval = 2, decimal.mark = "D")),


test_that("printing of a svyTableOne$CatTable object do not regress", {

    ## Expectations
    expect_equal_to_reference(print(mwByE$CatTable, printToggle = TRUE),

    expect_equal_to_reference(print(mwOverall$CatTable, printToggle = TRUE),

    expect_equal_to_reference(print(mwInclNa$CatTable, printToggle = TRUE),

    expect_equal_to_reference(print(mwByEC1$CatTable, printToggle = TRUE),

    expect_equal_to_reference(print(mwByEC1$CatTable, digits = 3, pDigits = 5, printToggle = TRUE),

    expect_equal_to_reference(print(mwByEC1$CatTable, test = FALSE, printToggle = TRUE),

    expect_equal_to_reference(print(mwByE$CatTable, digits = 3, noSpaces = TRUE, printToggle = TRUE),

    expect_equal_to_reference(print(mwByE$CatTable, showAllLevels = TRUE, printToggle = TRUE),

    expect_equal_to_reference(print(mwByE$CatTable, explain = FALSE, printToggle = TRUE),

    expect_equal_to_reference(print(mwByE$CatTable, format = "f", printToggle = TRUE),

    expect_equal_to_reference(print(mwByE$CatTable, format = "p", printToggle = TRUE),

    expect_equal_to_reference(print(mwByE$CatTable, format = "pf", printToggle = TRUE),

    expect_equal_to_reference(print(mwByE$CatTable, cramVars = "Y", printToggle = TRUE),

    expect_equal_to_reference(print(mwByE$CatTable, noSpaces = TRUE, showAllLevels = TRUE, quote = TRUE, printToggle = TRUE),

    expect_equal_to_reference(print(mwByE_addOverall$CatTable, printToggle = TRUE, test = TRUE, smd = TRUE),

    expect_equal_to_reference(print(mwByEC1_addOverall$CatTable, printToggle = TRUE, test = TRUE, smd = TRUE),

    ## gmodels::CrossTable
    print(mwByEC1$CatTable, CrossTable = TRUE)
    expect_output(print(mwByEC1$CatTable, CrossTable = TRUE),
|                       N |
| Chi-square contribution |
|           N / Row Total |
|           N / Col Total |
|         N / Table Total |


test_that("printing of a svyTableOne$ContTable object do not regress", {

    ## Expectations
    expect_equal_to_reference(print(mwByE$ContTable, printToggle = TRUE),

    expect_equal_to_reference(print(mwOverall$ContTable, printToggle = TRUE),

    ## 2020-02-29 Error due to solve() behavior change in R 3.6.2.
    if (logical_na_expected) {
        expect_equal_to_reference(print(mwByEC1$ContTable, printToggle = TRUE),
    } else {
        expect_equal_to_reference(print(mwByEC1$ContTable, printToggle = TRUE),

    expect_equal_to_reference(print(mwByE$ContTable, digits = 3, pDigits = 5, printToggle = TRUE),

    expect_equal_to_reference(print(mwByE$ContTable, test = FALSE, printToggle = TRUE),

    expect_equal_to_reference(print(mwByE$ContTable, nonnormal = nonnormalVars, printToggle = TRUE),

    expect_equal_to_reference(print(mwByE$ContTable, nonnormal = nonnormalVars, minMax = TRUE, printToggle = TRUE),

    ## This does not make a difference here
    expect_equal_to_reference(print(mwByE$ContTable, noSpaces = TRUE, printToggle = TRUE),

    expect_equal_to_reference(print(mwByE$ContTable, explain = FALSE, printToggle = TRUE),

    expect_equal_to_reference(print(mwByE$ContTable, noSpaces = TRUE, showAllLevels = TRUE, quote = TRUE, printToggle = TRUE),

    expect_equal_to_reference(print(mwByE_addOverall$ContTable, printToggle = TRUE, test = TRUE, smd = TRUE),

    ## 2020-02-29 Error due to solve() behavior change in R 3.6.2.
    if (logical_na_expected) {
        expect_equal_to_reference(print(mwByEC1_addOverall$ContTable, printToggle = TRUE, test = TRUE, smd = TRUE),
    } else {
        expect_equal_to_reference(print(mwByEC1_addOverall$ContTable, printToggle = TRUE, test = TRUE, smd = TRUE),

test_that("printing of a svyTableOne object does not regress (readable)", {

    ## Expectations
    expect_known_output(print(mwByE, printToggle = TRUE),

    expect_known_output(print(mwOverall, printToggle = TRUE),

    expect_known_output(print(mwInclNa, printToggle = TRUE),

    ## 2020-02-29 Error due to solve() behavior change in R 3.6.2.
    if (logical_na_expected) {
        expect_known_output(print(mwByEC1, printToggle = TRUE),
    } else {
        expect_known_output(print(mwByEC1, printToggle = TRUE),

    expect_known_output(print(mwByE, catDigits = 3, contDigits = 4, pDigits = 5, printToggle = TRUE),

    expect_known_output(print(mwByE, test = FALSE, printToggle = TRUE),

    expect_known_output(print(mwByE, nonnormal = nonnormalVars, exact = exactVars, printToggle = TRUE),

    expect_known_output(print(mwByE, nonnormal = nonnormalVars, minMax = TRUE, printToggle = TRUE),

    expect_known_output(print(mwByE, catDigits = 3, noSpaces = TRUE, printToggle = TRUE),

    expect_known_output(print(mwByE, nonnormal = nonnormalVars, exact = exactVars, showAllLevels = TRUE, printToggle = TRUE),

    expect_known_output(print(mwByE, catDigits = 3, nonnormal = nonnormalVars, exact = exactVars, noSpaces = TRUE, showAllLevels = FALSE, quote = TRUE, printToggle = TRUE),

    ## 2020-02-29 Error due to solve() behavior change in R 3.6.2.
    if (logical_na_expected) {
    } else {


    ## Regression tests for addOverall
    expect_known_output(print(mwByE_addOverall, printToggle = TRUE, test = TRUE, smd = TRUE),

    ## 2020-02-29 Error due to solve() behavior change in R 3.6.2.
    if (logical_na_expected) {
        expect_known_output(print(mwByEC1_addOverall, printToggle = TRUE, test = TRUE, smd = TRUE),
    } else {
        expect_known_output(print(mwByEC1_addOverall, printToggle = TRUE, test = TRUE, smd = TRUE),

    ## Regression tests for formatOptions
        print(mwByE_addOverall, printToggle = TRUE, test = TRUE, smd = TRUE,
              formatOptions = list(big.mark = ",", big.interval = 2, decimal.mark = "D")),

    ## 2020-02-29 Error due to solve() behavior change in R 3.6.2.
    if (logical_na_expected) {
            print(mwByEC1_addOverall, printToggle = TRUE, test = TRUE, smd = TRUE,
                  formatOptions = list(big.mark = ",", big.interval = 2, decimal.mark = "D")),
    } else {
            print(mwByEC1_addOverall, printToggle = TRUE, test = TRUE, smd = TRUE,
                  formatOptions = list(big.mark = ",", big.interval = 2, decimal.mark = "D")),


### p value calculations

test_that("p values are correctly calculated", {

    ## svychisq
    pValuesTestChisq <- c(svychisq( ~ Y + E, datSvy)$p.value, svychisq( ~ C1 + E, datSvy)$p.value)
    ## Drop names X-squared X-squared
    names(pValuesTestChisq) <- NULL
    expect_equal(attr(mwByE$CatTable, "pValues")[, "pApprox"], pValuesTestChisq)

    ## no exact tests
    expect_equal(attr(mwByE$CatTable, "pValues")[, "pExact"], c(NA, NA))

    ## svyglm to do ANOVA equivalent (first is removed to avoid singularity error on i386)
    pValuesTestNormal <-
    c(svyTestNormal("C ~ factor(E)", datSvy, test.terms = "factor(E)", method = "Wald")$p.value,
      svyTestNormal("C2 ~ factor(E)", datSvy, test.terms = "factor(E)", method = "Wald")$p.value)
    expect_equal(attr(mwByE$ContTable, "pValues")[, "pNormal"][-1], pValuesTestNormal)
    expect_equal(attr(mwByE_addOverall$ContTable, "pValues")[, "pNormal"][-1], pValuesTestNormal)

    ## svyglm to do ANOVA equivalent
    ## Call stack
    ## svyTestNormal
    ##  svyGlmTermTest
    ##   survey::regTermTest
    ##    solve
    ##     solve.default
    ## solve.default() can error on some systems: i386, MLK, OpenBLAS
    ## system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition number = 5.45299e-17
    ## 2020-03-07 CRAN Additional issues on ATLAS MKL OpenBLAS likely for the same reason.
    ## Commenting out.
    ## if (R.Version()$arch != "i386") {
    ##     expect_equal(attr(mwByE$ContTable, "pValues")[, "pNormal"][1],
    ##                  svyTestNormal("E ~ factor(E)", datSvy, test.terms = "factor(E)", method = "Wald")$p.value)
    ## }

    ## svyranktest
    pValuesTestNonNormal <-
    c(svyTestNonNormal("E ~ factor(E)", datSvy)$p.value,
      svyTestNonNormal("C ~ factor(E)", datSvy)$p.value,
      svyTestNonNormal("C2 ~ factor(E)", datSvy)$p.value)
    expect_equal(attr(mwByE$ContTable, "pValues")[, "pNonNormal"], pValuesTestNonNormal)
    expect_equal(attr(mwByE_addOverall$ContTable, "pValues")[, "pNonNormal"], pValuesTestNonNormal)


### Correctness of data object and final print out

## Create svydesign and TableOne object
nhanesSvy <- svydesign(ids = ~ SDMVPSU, strata = ~ SDMVSTRA, weights = ~ WTMEC2YR, nest = TRUE, data = nhanes)
tab1 <- svyCreateTableOne(vars = c("HI_CHOL","race","agecat","RIAGENDR"),
                          strata = "RIAGENDR", data = nhanesSvy,
                          factorVars = c("race","RIAGENDR"))

### Gold standar data
## Sample size
outTotals <- svyby(formula = ~ tableone:::one(HI_CHOL), by = ~ RIAGENDR, design = nhanesSvy,
                   FUN = svytotal, na.rm = TRUE)
## Means
outMeans <- svyby(formula = ~ HI_CHOL, by = ~ RIAGENDR, design = nhanesSvy, FUN = svymean, na.rm = TRUE)
## Variances (for SD)
outVar <- svyby(formula = ~ HI_CHOL, by = ~ RIAGENDR, design = nhanesSvy, FUN = svyvar, na.rm = TRUE)
## Quantiles
outQt1 <- svyquantile( ~ HI_CHOL, subset(nhanesSvy, RIAGENDR == 1), quantiles = c(0.5,0.25,0.75,0,1), na.rm = TRUE)
outQt2 <- svyquantile( ~ HI_CHOL, subset(nhanesSvy, RIAGENDR == 2), quantiles = c(0.5,0.25,0.75,0,1), na.rm = TRUE)
## Tests
pTTest <- sprintf(" %.7f", as.vector(svyttest(HI_CHOL ~ RIAGENDR, nhanesSvy)$p.value))
pRankTest <- sprintf(" %.7f", as.vector(svyranktest(HI_CHOL ~ RIAGENDR, nhanesSvy)$p.value))

test_that("continuous data object and final print outs are numerically correct", {

### Continuous part
### Sample sizes
## Correctness of one() function for sample size against total weights
expect_equal(as.vector(by(nhanes$WTMEC2YR, nhanes$RIAGENDR, sum)),
## Numerical correctness
expect_equal(c(tab1$ContTable[[1]][,"n"], tab1$ContTable[[2]][,"n"]),
## print out correctness
expect_equal(as.vector(print(tab1$ContTable, printToggle = TRUE)[1,1:2]),
             sprintf("%.2f", outTotals[,2]))

### Means
## Numerical correctness
expect_equal(c(tab1$ContTable[[1]][,"mean"], tab1$ContTable[[2]][,"mean"]),

### Standard deviations
## Numerically
expect_equal(c(tab1$ContTable[[1]][,"sd"], tab1$ContTable[[2]][,"sd"]),
## print out (mean and sd)
expect_equal(as.vector(print(tab1$ContTable, digits = 2, printToggle = TRUE)[2,1:2]),
             sprintf("%.2f (%.2f)", outMeans[,2], sqrt(outVar[,2])))

### Quantiles
## median [p25, p75]
expect_equal(as.vector(print(tab1$ContTable, nonnormal = "HI_CHOL", printToggle = TRUE)[2,1:2]),
             c(do.call(sprintf, c(list(fmt = "%.2f [%.2f, %.2f]"), outQt1[1:3])),
               do.call(sprintf, c(list(fmt = "%.2f [%.2f, %.2f]"), outQt2[1:3]))))
## median [min,max]
expect_equal(as.vector(print(tab1$ContTable, nonnormal = "HI_CHOL", minMax = TRUE, printToggle = TRUE)[2,1:2]),
             c(do.call(sprintf, c(list(fmt = "%.2f [%.2f, %.2f]"), outQt1[c(1,4,5)])),
               do.call(sprintf, c(list(fmt = "%.2f [%.2f, %.2f]"), outQt2[c(1,4,5)]))))

### p-values
## t test
expect_equal(print(tab1$ContTable, pDigits = 7, printToggle = TRUE)[2,3],
             ## One space for <
## KW
expect_equal(print(tab1$ContTable, pDigits = 7, nonnormal = "HI_CHOL", printToggle = TRUE)[2,3],
             ## One space for <

### Gold standard for categorical
outFreq <- svytable( ~ race + RIAGENDR, nhanesSvy)
outPerc <- prop.table(outFreq, margin = 2)
## Take first three rows only as space pading is tedious to reproduce
outFP <- cbind(sprintf("%.3f (%.3f) ", outFreq[,1], (outPerc[,1] * 100)),
               sprintf(" %.3f ( %.3f) ", outFreq[,2], (outPerc[,2] * 100)))[1:3,]
outFP2 <- cbind(sprintf(" %.3f (%.3f) ", outFreq[,1], (outPerc[,1] * 100)),
                sprintf(" %.3f ( %.3f) ", outFreq[,2], (outPerc[,2] * 100)))[1:3,]
## Test
pChisq <- sprintf(" %.7f", as.vector(svychisq( ~ race + RIAGENDR, nhanesSvy)$p.value))

test_that("categorical data object and final print outs are numerically correct", {

### Categorical part

### Sample sizes
expect_equal(as.vector(print(tab1$CatTable, digits = 3, printToggle = TRUE)[1,1:2]),
             sprintf("%.3f", outTotals[,2]))
### Frequencies and percentages
matFP <- print(tab1$CatTable, digits = 3, printToggle = TRUE)[3:5,1:2]
dimnames(matFP) <- NULL
expect_equal(matFP, outFP)

### p-values
expect_equal(print(tab1$CatTable, pDigits = 7, printToggle = TRUE)[2,3],

test_that("mixed data object print outs are numerically correct", {

### Mixed object
## Mean and SD
expect_equal(as.vector(gsub("^ *", "", print(tab1, pDigits = 7)[2,1:2])),
             sprintf("%.2f (%.2f)", outMeans[,2], sqrt(outVar[,2])))
## normal test
expect_equal(print(tab1, pDigits = 7)[2,3], pTTest)
## nonnormal test
expect_equal(print(tab1, pDigits = 7, nonnormal = "HI_CHOL")[2,3], pTTest)

## Table
matFP <- print(tab1, catDigits = 3, printToggle = TRUE)[4:6,1:2]
dimnames(matFP) <- NULL
## column by column deleting spaces
expect_equal(matFP[,1], outFP2[,1])
expect_equal(gsub(" ", "", matFP[,1]), gsub(" ", "", outFP[,1]))
## chisq test
expect_equal(print(tab1, pDigits = 7, nonnormal = "HI_CHOL")[3,3],


test_that("summary method works without errors", {

    ## Expectations
    expect_output(summary(mwOverall), "### Summary of categorical variables ### ")
    expect_output(summary(mwInclNa), "<NA>")
    expect_output(summary(mwByE), "2 vs 3")
                  "Standardize mean differences")
                  "Standardize mean differences")
                  "Standardize mean differences")

    ## AddOverall Test
    expect_output(summary(mwByEC1_addOverall), "E:C1: Overall")
    expect_output(summary(mwByEC1_addOverall), "E:C1: 3:1")


test_that("svyrep.design is allowed", {

###  Replication weight data
    ## http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/library/replicate_weights.htm
    ## https://r-survey.r-forge.r-project.org/survey/html/svrepdesign.html

    ## Survival in cardiac arrest (in survey)

    ## use BRR replicate weights from Levy and Lemeshow
    repweights <- 2 * cbind(c(1,0,1,0,1,0),
    ## Suppress the following warning.
    ## In svrepdesign.default(data = scd, type = "BRR", repweights = repweights,  :
    ##   No sampling weights provided: equal probability assumed
    scdrep <- suppressWarnings(svrepdesign(data = scd, type = "BRR", repweights = repweights, combined.weights = FALSE))

    ## Standard construction
    ans_means <- svyby(formula = ~ alive, by = ~ ESA, design = scdrep, FUN = svymean)[,2]
    ans_sds   <- sqrt(svyby(formula = ~ alive, by = ~ ESA, design = scdrep, FUN = svyvar)[,2])
    ans_props <- svyby(formula = ~ I(ambulance - 1), by = ~ ESA, design = scdrep, FUN = svymean)[,2]

    ## Table construction
    tab1 <- svyCreateTableOne(vars = c("alive", "ambulance"), strata = c("ESA"),
                              factorVars = "ambulance", data = scdrep)
    tab1_print <- print(tab1, format = "p")

    ## Expectations
    expect_equal(as.character(tab1_print[2, 1:3]),
                 sprintf("%.2f (%.2f)", ans_means, ans_sds))

    expect_equal(as.character(gsub(" ", "", tab1_print[3, 1:3])),
                 sprintf("%.1f", ans_props * 100))


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tableone documentation built on April 15, 2022, 5:06 p.m.