as.tblBlocks: Promote a Data Frame to a 'tblblocks' Object

View source: R/as.dfObj.bare.R

as.tblBlocksR Documentation

Promote a Data Frame to a tblblocks Object


Promote a data frame to a tblBlocks object. This is an internal function not intended to be called by package users.





A data frame, with each row representing one table block. See dfSpecs for the required columns and types, and tblBlocks for a description of these columns.


Normally a standard set of structure-based blocks is created from a tblEntries object via function tblBlocks. This function allows blocks to be created or edited directly in a data frame.

A block is simply a rectangular set of contiguous table cells. Any number of blocks may be defined, and blocks may overlap. A block may be empty (nr and/or nc equal to 0, and corresponding arow* and acol* values set to NA.) id must not contain semicolons.

Columns arow1, arow2, acol1 and acol2 refer to row and column numbers in the augmented row-column grid of the table; see adim for more information.

In addition to the required columns listed above, x should contain any other columns that will be used by a blockStyle to add graphical properties to blocks. These should be listed in the match_columns attribute of the style.

If x is already a tblBlocks object, this function does some validity checks. If x is NULL, a valid but empty tblBlocks object is returned.


An S3 object of class tblBlocks. It is just the data frame x with the additional class tblBlocks (after checking that x contains the necessary columns), and attribute rowgroupSize. The latter is copied from x if present and set to NA if not.

See Also


tablesgg documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:02 a.m.