make_rowgroups: Group Rows of a Table into Sets of Fixed Size

View source: R/make_rowgroups.bare.R

make_rowgroupsR Documentation

Group Rows of a Table into Sets of Fixed Size


Create blocks representing groups of consecutive rows of a table, of specified size. (This is an internal utility function, not intended to be called directly by package users.)


make_rowgroups(stdblks, rowheadruns, rowgroupSize)



A data frame containing the standard set of table blocks created by tblBlocks (without row groups). Specifically, the row header hierarchy blocks rowblock/A/i/j and rowblock/C/i/j are required, along with rowhead_and_body.


A list with one data frame per layer of row headers (from outer to inner), containing information about the hierarchical structure of the row headers.


Numeric scalar. If not 0 or NA, blocks will be created by grouping consecutive rows of the table body into sets of this size.


This is an internal support function for tblBlocks and tblHvrules. The code relies on the standard naming of table blocks in tblBlocks.

When a table has many rows within a given level of the row header hierarchy, the table may be easier to read if rows are grouped into smaller sets of fixed size (groups of 5, for example), with some extra space inserted between groups. To facilitate this, this function creates blocks representing such groups. The block type is "rowblock" and subtype is "G".

Grouping respects the row header hierarchy: the innermost header layer that has runs of repeated values is identified (layer i say), and grouping is done separately within each of its levels. The block representing a row group spans all columns of the table body as well as row header layers out to layer i-1. Block ID's have the form rowblock/G/i/j/k, where j is the level number (within layer i) that contains the group, and k is the group number within that level. Thus i, j, and k are the values of headlayer, level_in_layer, and group_in_level for the block.

However if the table has no row headers, or none of the row header layers have runs of repeated values, table rows are simply grouped into sets of size rowgroupSize. headlayer and level_in_layer will be NA for the group blocks, and block ID's will have the form rowblock/G///k, where k is the group number (and value of group_in_level).


An S3 object of class tblBlocks, containing (just) the newly created row group blocks. These have type "rowblock" and subtype "G".

If rowgroupSize is not a finite positive value, the returned object will have no blocks (no rows).

See Also

tblBlocks; headerRuns creates the list required by argument rowheadruns.

tablesgg documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:02 a.m.