entries_by_block: Find the Entries that are Contained Within a Set of Table...

View source: R/entries_by_block.bare.R

entries_by_blockR Documentation

Find the Entries that are Contained Within a Set of Table Blocks


For each table block, find the entries that are completely or partially contained within it. This is an internal utility function, not intended to be called by package users.


entries_by_block(x, blocks, strict)



An object containing table entries, such as tblEntries or prEntries objects.


A tblBlocks object containing table blocks.


Logical scalar. If TRUE, only entries completely contained with a given block are included. If FALSE, entries that overlap the block but are not completely contained within it will also be included.


A list with one component per block in blocks. Component i contains a numeric vector with the indices of the entries in x that belong to block i.

tablesgg documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:02 a.m.