element_entry: Specify Visual Properties for Table Entries and their Cells

View source: R/elements.bare.R

element_entryR Documentation

Specify Visual Properties for Table Entries and their Cells


Specify a set of graphical properties that can be used to display table entries and the cells that contain them.


element_entry(text=NULL, family=NULL, fontface=NULL, colour=NULL, 
    alpha=NULL, size=NULL, hjust=NULL, vjust=NULL, angle=NULL, 
    lineheight=NULL, color=NULL, hpad=NULL, vpad=NULL, fill=NULL, 
    fill_alpha=NULL, border_size=NULL, border_colour=NULL, 
    border_color=NULL, minwidth=NULL, maxwidth=NULL, enabled=NULL, 
    textspec=NULL, inherit.blank=FALSE)



Scalar character string, the text to be displayed for the entries.

family, fontface, color, alpha, size, hjust, vjust, angle, lineheight

Scalar values for the graphical properties that are used to display the text of table entries. Values will be passed to ggplot2::geom_text.

hpad, vpad

Amount of blank space to add on the left and right (hpad) and top and bottom (vpad) of the entry text, in millimeters. This is to keep entry text from being too close to the cell borders.

fill, fill_alpha, border_size, border_color

Scalar graphical properties for the _cells_ that contain table entries. These will be passed to ggplot2::geom_rect under the names fill, alpha, linewidth, and colour, respectively.

colour, border_colour

Aliases for color, border_color.

minwidth, maxwidth

Minimum, maximum width for cell(s) spanned by an entry. Positive values represent absolute sizes in millimeters, and should include any padding. Negative values are interpreted as multiples of the natural width of the entry text, without padding. Use values of -1 for minwidth and Inf for maxwidth to prevent text wrapping. Values closer to 0 encourage wrapping. See ?elements for more information and restrictions on these properties.


Logical scalar, controlling whether the entry is displayed (TRUE) or not (FALSE). This applies to both the entry text and the cells that contain it.


Character string indicating any special features of the text in text. Currently supported values are "plain", "plotmath", and "markdown". "plotmath" indicates that the entry text contains mathematical notation as described in ?plotmath. "markdown" means the text may contain markdown or HTML tags to control its appearance; this requires the ggtext package.




This function is modeled on the element_* functions used in ggplot2 to specify graphical properties in themes. It is primarily used to create the value on the right-hand side of an assignment involving the props<- group of setter functions.

The text content of an entry is perhaps not strictly a graphical property, but it is convenient to have an easy way to modify it. Note that like all other properties, the provided value must be a single value (character string), not a longer vector of values.

Justification of text within a cell is specified by properties hjust and vjust. Their interpretation is with respect to the boundaries of the cell: 0 means justification toward the left/top of the cell, 1 means toward the right/bottom, and 0.5 means centered. This is different from the interpretation in ?ggplot2::geom_text, where the justification is with respect to an (x, y) point. Note that padding (hpad, vpad) is added _after_ justification, so for example hjust=0 will put the text at a distance hpad from the left border of its cell.

Quantitative properties (size, lineheight, hpad, etc) may be specified using the ggplot2 function rel(). This function indicates that the value is to be interpreted as a multiplier to be applied to whatever the current value of the property is. For example lineheight=rel(1.2) specifies that the lineheight property of an entry is to be increased by 20% from its current value.


An object of S3 classes element_entry and element.

See Also

element_hvrule, element_block, element_refmark; elements for more detail about the available graphical properties; props<-, propsa<-, propsd<-.


plt <- plot(iris2_tab, title="Summary statistics for the iris data", 
            subtitle="Shown with default graphical properties")

props(plt, id="body") <- element_entry(fontface=3, fill="gray")
props(plt, id="subtitle,1") <- 
      element_entry(text="Entry properties changed by 'props<-'",
                    fill="gray", color="red")

tablesgg documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:02 a.m.