make_header_entries: Convert a Matrix of Headers to Table Entries, with Merging of...

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make_header_entriesR Documentation

Convert a Matrix of Headers to Table Entries, with Merging of Runs


Given a matrix of row or column headers, create a corresponding set of table entries, optionally with runs of repeated values merged into single entries. This is an internal utility function, not intended to be called by package users.


make_header_entries(x, xhier, which_head, offset, mergeRuns)



A character matrix containing header text. The orientation and dimensions should match those used for storing the corresponding header in textTable objects (and also the way headers are displayed). Thus for row headers there is one column per header _layer_ (outermost layer to innermost from left to right), and the number of rows matches the number of rows in the table body. For column headers there is one _row_ per layer (outermost to innermost from top to bottom), and the number of columns matches the table body.


List of data frames containing information about the hierarchical structure of the header. Function headerRuns creates such a list.


Character string indicating whether x contains "row" or "col"umn headers.


Two-element numeric vector. The first element is the offset to be added to row numbers of x to convert them to arow* values in the table's expanded row-column grid. The second element is the offset to be added to column numbers of x to convert them to acol* values.


Numeric scalar, specifying how deeply in the header hierarchy runs of repeated values will be merged into single entries. Thus a value of 0 means no header cells will be merged, a value of 1 means only repeats in the outermost header layer will be merged, 2 means repeats in the outermost two layers will be merged, and so on. (Determination of repeated values respects the header hierarchy; see headerRuns.)


headlayer and level_in_layer in the returned data frame are based on xhier, which is not affected by mergeRuns. Thus when mergeRuns is less than the number of header layers (so some runs are not merged), there may be multiple entries with the same headlayer and level_in_layer values. Entry ID's will be unique however.


A data frame with a row for each header entry, and most of the columns needed for a tblEntries object. It has an additional attribute i,j which is a two-column matrix containing the row and column numbers in x associated with each entry. (Minimum i, j values are used for entries that span multiple rows or columns.)

See Also

headerRuns; tblEntries and tblBlocks (which use this function)

tablesgg documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:02 a.m.