#' @include helpFunctions.R
#' @include Other.R
#' Asymptotic variance matrix for the Gumbel model.
#' Computes the asymptotic variance matrix for the Gumbel model, estimated using the pairwise M-estimator or the weighted least squares estimator.
#' @param indices A \eqn{q} x \eqn{d} matrix containing at least 2 non-zero elements per row, representing the values in which we will evaluate the stable tail dependence function. For \code{method = Mestimator}, this matrix should contain exactly two ones per row.
#' @param par The parameter of the Gumbel model.
#' @param method Choose between "Mestimator" and "WLS".
#' @return A \code{q} by \code{q} matrix.
#' @seealso \code{\link{selectGrid}}
#' @references Einmahl, J.H.J., Kiriliouk, A., Krajina, A., and Segers, J. (2016). An Mestimator of spatial tail dependence. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology), 78(1), 275-298.
#' @references Einmahl, J.H.J., Kiriliouk, A., and Segers, J. (2018). A continuous updating weighted least squares estimator of tail dependence in high dimensions. Extremes 21(2), 205-233.
#' @details The matrix \code{indices} can be either user defines or returned by \code{selectGrid}. For \code{method = "Mestimator"}, only a grid with exactly two ones per row is accepted, representing the pairs to be used.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' indices <- selectGrid(c(0,1), d = 3, nonzero = c(2,3))
#' AsymVarGumbel(indices, par = 0.7, method = "WLS")
AsymVarGumbel<-function(indices, par, method){
if(method == "Mestimator" && any(rowSums(indices) != 2)){
warning("indices must contain exactly two ones per row for method = Mestimator")
} else if(par <= 0 || par > 1){
warning("par must be between zero and one")
} else{
if(method == "Mestimator"){
return(AsymVarMestimatorGumbel(indices = indices, theta = par))
} else if(method == "WLS"){
return(AsymVarWLSGumbel(theta = par, indices = indices))
} else{
warning("invalid method")
WLSestimatorGumbel <- function(x, indices, k, biascorr, k1, tau, covMat) {
ranks <- apply(x, 2, rank)
totL<-apply(indices, 1, function(j) stdfEmpCorr(ranks, k = k,tau = tau, k1 = k1, cst = j))
} else{
totL<-apply(indices, 1, function(j) stdfEmp(ranks, k = k, cst = j))
theta <- stats::optimize(f = WLSminimizeGumbel,interval = c(0.01,0.999), totlist = totL,
indices = indices)
phidot <- psiWLSGumbel(theta$minimum, indices)
GammaMat <- AsymVarWLSGumbel(indices = indices, theta = theta$minimum)
temp <- solve(t(phidot) %*% phidot) %*% t(phidot)
covMatrix <- (temp %*% GammaMat %*% t(temp)) / k
return(list(theta = theta$minimum, covMatrix = covMatrix, value = theta$objective))
MestimatorGumbel <- function(x, indices, k, covMat){
q <- nrow(indices)
ranks <- apply(x, 2, rank)
tuples <- lapply(seq(1:q), function(I) ranks[,indices[I,] == TRUE])
totL <- unlist(lapply(tuples, function(i) stdfEmpInt(i,k=k)))
theta <- stats::optimize(f = MestimatorMinimizeGumbel, interval = c(0.01,0.999), q = q, totlist = totL)
phidot <- psiMestimatorGumbel(theta$minimum, q)
GammaMat <- AsymVarMestimatorGumbel(indices = indices, theta = theta$minimum)
temp <- solve(t(phidot) %*% phidot) %*% t(phidot)
covMatrix <- (temp %*% GammaMat %*% t(temp)) / k
return(list(theta = theta$minimum, covMatrix = covMatrix, value = theta$objective))
#' Estimation of the parameter of the Gumbel model
#' Estimation the parameter of the Gumbel model, using either the pairwise M-estimator or weighted least squares (WLS).
#' @param x An \eqn{n} x \eqn{d} data matrix.
#' @param indices A \eqn{q} x \eqn{d} matrix containing at least 2 non-zero elements per row, representing the values in which we will evaluate the stable tail dependence function. For \code{method = Mestimator}, this matrix should contain exactly two ones per row.
#' @param k An integer between 1 and \eqn{n - 1}; the threshold parameter in the definition of the empirical stable tail dependence function.
#' @param method Choose between \code{Mestimator} and \code{WLS}.
#' @param biascorr For \code{method = "WLS"} only. If \code{TRUE}, then the bias-corrected estimator of the stable tail dependence function is used. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param k1 For \code{biascorr = TRUE} only. The value of \eqn{k_1} in the definition of the bias-corrected estimator of the stable tail dependence function.
#' @param tau For \code{biascorr = TRUE} only. The parameter of the power kernel.
#' @param covMat A Boolean variable. If \code{TRUE} (the default), the covariance matrix is calculated. Standard errors are obtained by taking the square root of the diagonal elements.
#' @details The matrix \code{indices} can be either user defined or returned by \code{selectGrid}. For \code{method = "Mestimator"}, only a grid with exactly two ones per row is accepted, representing the pairs to be used.
#' @return For \code{WLS}, a list with the following components:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \code{theta} \tab The estimator with weight matrix identity. \cr
#' \code{covMatrix} \tab The estimated covariance matrix for the estimator. \cr
#' \code{value} \tab The value of the minimized function at \code{theta}. \cr
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{selectGrid}}
#' @references Einmahl, J.H.J., Kiriliouk, A., and Segers, J. (2018). A continuous updating weighted least squares estimator of tail dependence in high dimensions. Extremes 21(2), 205-233.
#' @references Einmahl, J.H.J., Kiriliouk, A., Krajina, A., and Segers, J. (2016). An Mestimator of spatial tail dependence. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology), 78(1), 275-298.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Generate data with theta = 0.5
#' set.seed(1)
#' n <- 1000
#' cop <- copula::gumbelCopula(param = 2, dim = 3)
#' data <- copula::rCopula(n = n,copula = cop)
#' ## Transform data to unit Pareto margins
#' x <- apply(data, 2, function(i) n/(n + 0.5 - rank(i)))
#' ## Define indices in which we evaluate the estimator
#' indices <- selectGrid(c(0,1), d = 3)
#' EstimationGumbel(x, indices, k = 50, method = "WLS", biascorr = TRUE)
EstimationGumbel <- function(x, indices, k, method, biascorr = FALSE, k1 = (nrow(x) - 10),tau = 5,covMat=TRUE) {
if(method == "Mestimator" && biascorr == TRUE){
warning("biascorr can only be used for method = WLS")
} else{
if(method == "Mestimator"){
if(any(rowSums(indices) != 2)){
warning("For method = Mestimator, only pairs are accepted: adjust indices accordingly")
} else{
return(MestimatorGumbel(x, indices = indices, k = k, covMat = covMat))
} else if(method == "WLS"){
return(WLSestimatorGumbel(x, indices = indices, k = k, biascorr = biascorr, k1 = k1, tau = tau,covMat=covMat))
} else{
warning("invalid method")
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