
Defines functions gni_search

Documented in gni_search

#' @title Search for taxonomic names using the Global Names Index
#' @description Uses the Global Names Index, see http://gni.globalnames.org
#' @export
#' @param sci (character) required. Name pattern you want to search
#' for. WARNING: Does not work for common names. Search term may include
#' following options (Note: can, uni, gen, sp, ssp, au, yr work only for
#' parsed names)
#' * `*`	wild card - Search by part of a word (E.g.: planta*)
#' * `exact` exact match	- Search for exact match of a literal string
#'  (E.g.: exact:Parus major)
#' * `ns` name string- Search for literal string from its beginning (other
#'  modifiers will be ignored) (E.g.: ns:parus maj*)
#' * `can` canonical form- Search name without authors (other modifiers will
#'  be ignored)	(E.g.: can:parus major)
#' * `uni` uninomial- Search for higher taxa	(E.g.: uni:parus)
#' * `gen` genus - Search by genus epithet of species name (E.g.: gen:parus)
#' * `sp` species - Search by species epithet (E.g.: sp:major)
#' * `ssp` subspecies - Search by infraspecies epithet (E.g.: ssp:major)
#' * `au` author - Search by author word	(E.g.: au:Shipunov)
#' * `yr` year - Search by year (E.g.: yr:2005)
#' @param per_page Number of items per one page (numbers larger
#' than 1000 will be decreased to 1000) (default is 30).
#' @param page Page number you want to see (default is 1).
#' @param justtotal Return only the total results found.
#' @param parse_names If `TRUE`, use [gni_parse()] to parse
#' names. Default: `FALSE`
#' @param search_term Deprecated, see `sci`
#' @param ... Curl options passed on to [crul::verb-GET]
#' @author Scott Chamberlain
#' @return data.frame of results.
#' @seealso [gnr_datasources()], [gni_search()]
#' @keywords globalnamesindex names taxonomy
#' @references http://gni.globalnames.org/
#' https://github.com/dimus/gni/wiki/api
#' @details Note that you can use fuzzy searching, e.g., by attaching an
#' asterisk to the end of a search term. See the first two examples below
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' gni_search(sci = "ani*")
#' gni_search(sci = "ama*", per_page = 3, page = 21)
#' gni_search(sci = "animalia", per_page = 8, page = 1)
#' gni_search(sci = "animalia", per_page = 8, page = 1, justtotal=TRUE)
#' gni_search(sci = "Cyanistes caeruleus", parse_names=TRUE)
#' # pass on curl options
#' gni_search(sci = "ani*", verbose = TRUE)
#' }
gni_search <- function(sci, per_page = NULL, page = NULL,
  justtotal = FALSE, parse_names = FALSE, search_term = NULL, ...) {

  pchk(search_term, "sci")
	query <- tc(list(search_term = sci, per_page = per_page,
        page = page))
  cli <- crul::HttpClient$new(paste0(gni_base(), "name_strings.json"),
    headers = tx_ual, opts = list(...))
  tt <- cli$get(query = argsnull(query))
	out <- jsonlite::fromJSON(tt$parse("UTF-8"), FALSE)

	if (justtotal) {
	} else {
	  df <- dt2df(lapply(out$name_strings, function(x)
	    data.frame(t(data.frame(c( checknull(x[["name"]]), checknull(x[["id"]]),
	                    checknull(x[["lsid"]]), checknull(x[["uuid_hex"]]),
	                    checknull(x[["resource_url"]]) ))))), idcol = FALSE)
	  df <- colClasses(df, "character")
	  if (NROW(df) != 0) {
	    names(df) <- c("name","id","lsid","uuid_hex","resource_url")

    if (parse_names) {
      data.frame(df, gni_parse(as.character(df$name)),
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    } else {

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taxize documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:13 p.m.