
Defines functions tcplAppend

Documented in tcplAppend

# tcplAppend: Append rows to a table

#' @title Append rows to a table
#' @description
#' \code{tcplAppend} takes a data.table (dat) and appends the data.table into 
#' a database table. 
#' @param dat data.table, the data to append to a table
#' @param tbl Character of length 1, the table to append to
#' @param db Character of length 1, the database containing \code{tbl}
#' @param lvl Usually Integer to indicate what level to auto-increment
#' @note
#' This function is not exported and not intended to be used by the user.
#' @import DBI
#' @import data.table
#' @importFrom RMariaDB MariaDB
#' @importFrom utils read.csv read.table tail write.table

tcplAppend <- function(dat, tbl, db, lvl=NULL) {
  ## Variable-binding to pass R CMD Check
  created_date <- modified_date <- NULL
  db_pars <- NULL
  if (getOption("TCPL_DRVR") == "MySQL") {
    if (any(is.na(options()[c("TCPL_USER", "TCPL_HOST", "TCPL_PASS")]))) {
      stop("Must configure TCPL_USER, TCPL_HOST, and TCPL_PASS options. See ",
           "?tcplConf for more details.")
    db_pars <- list(drv = RMariaDB::MariaDB(),
                    user = getOption("TCPL_USER"),
                    password = getOption("TCPL_PASS"),
                    host = getOption("TCPL_HOST"),
                    dbname = db,
                    bigint = "numeric")
    additional_pars <- .Options[grepl("TCPL_(?!USER|HOST|DB|DRVR|HOST|PASS)",names(.Options),perl = TRUE)]
    names(additional_pars) <- tolower(gsub("TCPL_","",names(additional_pars)))
    db_pars <- append(db_pars,additional_pars)
    dbcon <- do.call(dbConnect, db_pars)

    dbWriteTable(conn = dbcon, 
                 name = tbl, 
                 value = dat, 
                 row.names = FALSE, 
                 append = TRUE)
    on.exit(dbDisconnect(dbcon), add = TRUE)
  if (getOption("TCPL_DRVR") == "tcplLite") {
  # Rather than write to db, write to appropriate csv in db dir  
    db_pars <- db
    fpath <- paste(db, tbl, sep='/') # Stitch together the dir path and the level table we're working on
    fpath <- paste(fpath, 'csv', sep='.')
    tbl_cols <- colnames(read.table(fpath, header=T, sep=',', fill=T))
    if (length(setdiff(tbl_cols,names(dat)))>0){
      setDT(dat)[, setdiff(tbl_cols, names(dat)) := NA]
    setcolorder(dat, tbl_cols)

    # Need to set the "<type><lvl>id" column. Don't have the luxury of the sql auto increment schema
    autoFlag <- T
    if (!is.null(lvl)) {
      if (lvl %in% 0L:6L) {
        if (startsWith(tbl, "mc")) {
          autoIncr <- paste0("m",lvl,"id")
        } else if (startsWith(tbl, "sc")) {
          autoIncr <- paste0("s", lvl, "id")
      } else if (lvl == "acid") {
        autoIncr <- "acid"
      } else if (lvl == "aeid") {
          autoIncr <- "aeid"
      } else if (lvl == "aid") {
        autoIncr <- "aid"
      } else if (lvl == "asid") {
        autoIncr <- "asid"
      } else {
        autoFlag <- F
      if (autoFlag == T){
        temp_dt <- read.csv(fpath, sep=',', header=T)
        if (length(temp_dt[,eval(autoIncr)]) == 0) {
          start = 1
        } else {
          start = tail(temp_dt[,eval(autoIncr)], 1) + 1
        end <- nrow(dat)+start-1
        dat[, eval(autoIncr)] <- seq.int(start,end)
    write.table(dat, file=fpath, append=T, row.names=F, sep=',', col.names=F)
  if (is.null(db_pars)) {
    stop(getOption("TCPL_DRVR"), " is not a supported database system. See ",
         "?tcplConf for more details.")


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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

tcpl documentation built on Oct. 7, 2023, 1:06 a.m.