#' @title Degrees to Radians
#' @description Helper functions to transform between angles in degrees and
#' radians.
#' @param deg (array of) angles in degrees.
#' @param rad (array of) angles in radians.
#' @returns numeric. angle in degrees or radians.
#' @examples
#' deg2rad(seq(-90, 90, 15))
#' rad2deg(seq(-pi / 2, pi / 2, length = 13))
#' @name angle-conversion
#' @rdname angle-conversion
#' @export
rad2deg <- function(rad) {
# stopifnot(is.numeric(rad))
rad * 180 / pi
#' @rdname angle-conversion
#' @export
deg2rad <- function(deg) {
# stopifnot(is.numeric(deg))
deg * pi / 180
#' @title Trigonometric Functions in Degrees
#' @description Trigonometric functions expecting input in degrees.
#' @param x,x1,x2 Numeric or complex vectors.
#' @returns scalar or vector of numeric values.
#' @keywords internal
#' @name trigon
dir2ax <- function(x) {
(x / 2) %% 180
ax2dir <- function(x) {
(2 * x) %% 360
#' @rdname trigon
sind <- function(x) {
sinpi(x / 180)
#' @rdname trigon
cosd <- function(x) {
cospi(x / 180)
#' @rdname trigon
tand <- function(x) {
sinpi(x / 180) / cospi(x / 180)
#' @rdname trigon
asind <- function(x) {
asin(x) * 180 / pi
#' @rdname trigon
acosd <- function(x) {
acos(x) * 180 / pi
#' @rdname trigon
atand <- function(x) {
atan(x) * 180 / pi
#' @rdname trigon
atan2d <- function(x1, x2) {
atan2(x1, x2) * 180 / pi
#' @rdname trigon
cot <- function(x) {
1 / tan(x)
#' @rdname trigon
cotd <- function(x) {
1 / tand(x)
#' Quadrant-specific inverse of the tangent
#' Returns the quadrant specific inverse of the tangent
#' @param x,y dividend and divisor that comprise the sum of sines and cosines,
#' respectively.
#' @references Jammalamadaka, S. Rao, and Ambar Sengupta (2001). Topics in
#' circular statistics. Vol. 5. world scientific.
#' @returns numeric.
#' @name spec_atan
#' @rdname spec_atan
#' @export
atan2_spec <- function(x, y) {
# if (y > 0 && x >= 0) {
# atan(x / y)
# } else if (y == 0 && x > 0) {
# pi / 2
# } else if (y < 0) {
# atan(x / y + pi)
# } else if (y > 0 && x < 0) {
# atan(x / y) + 2 * pi
# } else if (y == 0 && x == 0) {
# Inf
# }
y > 0 && x >= 0 ~ atan(x / y),
y == 0 && x > 0 ~ pi / 2,
y < 0 ~ atan(x / y + pi),
y > 0 && x < 0 ~ atan(x / y) + 2 * pi,
y == 0 && x == 0 ~ Inf
#' @rdname spec_atan
#' @export
atan2d_spec <- function(x, y) {
atan2_spec(x, y) * 180 / pi
#' @title Angle Between Two Vectors
#' @description Calculates the angle between two vectors
#' @param x,y Vectors in Cartesian coordinates. Can be vectors of three numbers
#' or a matrix of 3 columns (x, y, z)
#' @returns numeric. angle in degrees
#' @export
#' @examples
#' u <- c(1, -2, 3)
#' v <- c(-2, 1, 1)
#' angle_vectors(u, v)
angle_vectors <- function(x, y) {
if (length(x) == length(y)) {
angle.d <- rad2deg(
acos(sum(x * y) / (sqrt(sum(x * x)) * sqrt(sum(y * y))))
hav <- function(x) {
sin(x / 2)^2
ahav <- function(x) {
2 * asin(sqrt(x))
#' Angle along great circle on spherical surface
#' Smallest angle between two points on the surface of a sphere, measured along
#' the surface of the sphere
#' @param lat1,lat2 numeric vector. latitudes of point 1 and 2 (in radians)
#' @param lon1,lon2 numeric vector. longitudes of point 1 and 2 (in radians)
#' @details \describe{
#' \item{\code{"orthodrome"}}{based on the spherical law of cosines}
#' \item{\code{"haversine"}}{uses haversine formula that is
#' optimized for 64-bit floating-point numbers}
#' \item{\code{"vincenty"}}{uses Vincenty formula for an ellipsoid
#' with equal major and minor axes}
#' }
#' @returns numeric. angle in radians
#' @references
#' * Imboden, C. & Imboden, D. (1972). Formel fuer Orthodrome und Loxodrome bei
#' der Berechnung von Richtung und Distanz zwischen Beringungs- und
#' Wiederfundort.
#' *Die Vogelwarte* **26**, 336-346.
#' * Sinnott, Roger W. (1984). Virtues of the Haversine. *Sky and telescope*
#' **68**(2), 158.
#' Vincenty, T. (1975). Direct and inverse solutions of geodesics on the
#' ellipsoid with application of nested equations. *Survey Review*, **23**(176),
#' 88<U+2013>93. \doi{10.1179/sre.1975.23.176.88}.
#' * \url{}
#' * \url{}
#' @name spherical_angle
#' @examples
#' berlin <- c(52.52, 13.41)
#' calgary <- c(51.04, -114.072)
#' orthodrome(berlin[1], berlin[2], calgary[1], calgary[2])
#' haversine(berlin[1], berlin[2], calgary[1], calgary[2])
#' vincenty(berlin[1], berlin[2], calgary[1], calgary[2])
#' @rdname spherical_angle
#' @export
orthodrome <- function(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2) {
dlon <- lon2 - lon1
acos(sin(lat1) * sin(lat2) + cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) * cos(dlon))
#' @rdname spherical_angle
#' @export
haversine <- function(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2) {
dlon <- lon2 - lon1
havdlat <- hav(lat2 - lat1)
havdlat + (1 - havdlat - hav(lat2 + lat1)) * hav(dlon)
#' @rdname spherical_angle
#' @export
vincenty <- function(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2) {
dlon <- lon2 - lon1
y <- sqrt(
(cos(lat2) * sin(dlon))^2 + (cos(lat1) * sin(lat2) - sin(lat1) * cos(lat2) * cos(dlon))^2
x <- sin(lat1) * sin(lat2) + cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) * cos(dlon)
atan2(y, x)
ddistance <- function(theta1, phi1, theta2, phi2, r = earth_radius()) {
# Method after to Ziegler & Heidbach: (2017)
x1 <- r * cos(theta1) * cos(phi1)
y1 <- r * cos(theta1) * sin(phi1)
z1 <- r * sin(theta1)
x2 <- r * cos(theta2) * cos(phi2)
y2 <- r * cos(theta2) * sin(phi2)
z2 <- r * sin(theta2)
sqrt((x1 - x2)^2 + (y1 - y2)^2 + (z1 - z2)^2) # distance in km
#' Distance between points
#' Returns the great circle distance between a location and all grid point in km
#' @param lat1,lon1 numeric vector. coordinate of point(s) 1 (degrees).
#' @param lat2,lon2 numeric vector. coordinates of point(s) 2 (degrees).
#' @param r numeric. radius of the sphere (default = 6371.0087714 km, i.e. the
#' radius of the Earth)
#' @param method Character. Formula for calculating great circle distance,
#' one of:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{"haversine"}}{great circle distance based on the haversine
#' formula that is optimized for 64-bit floating-point numbers (the default)}
#' \item{\code{"orthodrome"}}{great circle distance based on the spherical law of cosines}
#' \item{\code{"vincenty"}}{distance based on the Vincenty formula for an
#' ellipsoid with equal major and minor axes}
#' \item{"euclidean"}{Euclidean distance (not great circle distance!)}
#' }
#' @returns numeric vector with length equal to `length(lat1)`
#' @export
#' @seealso [orthodrome()], [haversine()], [vincenty()]
#' @examples
#' dist_greatcircle(lat1 = 20, lon1 = 12, lat2 = c(50, 30), lon2 = c(40, 32))
#' dist_greatcircle(
#' lat1 = 20, lon1 = 12, lat2 = c(50, 30), lon2 = c(40, 32),
#' method = "orthodrome"
#' )
#' dist_greatcircle(
#' lat1 = 20, lon1 = 12, lat2 = c(50, 30), lon2 = c(40, 32),
#' method = "vincenty"
#' )
#' dist_greatcircle(
#' lat1 = 20, lon1 = 12, lat2 = c(50, 30), lon2 = c(40, 32),
#' method = "euclidean"
#' )
dist_greatcircle <- function(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2,
r = earth_radius(),
method = c("haversine", "orthodrome", "vincenty", "euclidean")) {
method <- match.arg(method)
stopifnot(is.numeric(r), length(lat1) == length(lon1), length(lat2) == length(lat2))
lat1 <- deg2rad(lat1)
lon1 <- deg2rad(lon1)
lat2 <- deg2rad(lat2)
lon2 <- deg2rad(lon2)
if (method == "haversine") {
d <- haversine(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2) * r
} else if (method == "orthodrome") {
d <- orthodrome(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2) * r
} else if (method == "vincenty") {
d <- vincenty(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2) * r
} else {
d <- ddistance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, r)
#' @title Azimuth Between two Points
#' @description Calculate initial bearing (or forward azimuth/direction) to go
#' from point `a` to point `b` following great circle arc on a
#' sphere.
#' @param lat_a,lat_b Numeric. Latitudes of a and b (in degrees).
#' @param lon_a,lon_b Numeric. Longitudes of a and b (in degrees).
#' @details [get_azimuth()] is based on the spherical law of tangents.
#' This formula is for the initial bearing (sometimes referred to as
#' forward azimuth) which if followed in a straight line along a great circle
#' arc will lead from the start point `a` to the end point `b`.
#' \deqn{\theta = \arctan2 (\sin \Delta\lambda
#' \cos\psi_2, \cos\psi_1 \sin\psi_1-\sin\psi_1 \cos\psi_2 \cos\Delta\lambda)}
#' where \eqn{\psi_1, \lambda_1} is the start point, \eqn{\psi_2},
#' \eqn{\lambda_2} the end point (\eqn{\Delta\lambda} is the difference in
#' longitude).
#' @returns numeric. Azimuth in degrees
#' @references \url{}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' berlin <- c(52.517, 13.4) # Berlin
#' tokyo <- c(35.7, 139.767) # Tokyo
#' get_azimuth(berlin[1], berlin[2], tokyo[1], tokyo[2])
get_azimuth <- function(lat_a, lon_a, lat_b, lon_b) {
la <- deg2rad(lat_a)
lb <- deg2rad(lat_b)
dphi <- deg2rad(lon_b - lon_a)
cos_lb <- cos(lb)
y <- sin(dphi) * cos_lb
x <- cos(la) * sin(lb) - sin(la) * cos_lb * cos(dphi)
theta <- atan2d(y, x)
# theta <- atand(y / x) + 360
(theta + 360) %% 360
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