
Defines functions plotTensorBF plotKey plotlimitdata.tensor normU.max1 normX.max1 normK.max1

Documented in plotTensorBF

#' Plot Tensor Components
#' \code{plotTensorBF} shows the heatmap of components inferred by \code{\link{tensorBF}}.
#' @param res The learned tensorBF model.
#' @param Y The original input data to be plotted. If specified NULL,
#' the function plots the data reconstruction using \code{\link{reconstructTensorBF}} (default: NULL).
#' @param k the component number to visualize (default: 1).
#' @param modesOnAxis which mode to plot on each axis c(Yaxis,Xaxis,lateral). Defaults to c(1,2,3).
#' @param nTopFeatures The number of most relevant features to show for the data space
#'        visualizations in each of the modes. Defaults to c(5,15,3) for displaying top 10 features
#'        of \eqn{1^{st}} mode, 20 of \eqn{2^{nd}} mode and 5 of \eqn{3^{rd}} mode.
#' @param margins numeric vector of length 4 containing the margins (see par(mar= *))
#' @param cex.axis positive numbers, used as cex.axis (default: 1)
#' @param cols colors used for the image. Defaults to a blue-white-red color scale.
#' @param key logical indicating whether a color-key should be drawn.
#' @param plimit (optional) numerical number indicating the maximum absolute value to be plotted in the heatmap.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #Data generation
#' K <- 3
#' X <- matrix(rnorm(20*K),20,K)
#' W <- matrix(rnorm(30*K),30,K)
#' U <- matrix(rnorm(3*K),3,K)
#' Y = 0
#' for(k in 1:K) Y <- Y + outer(outer(X[,k],W[,k]),U[,k])
#'  Y <- Y + array(rnorm(20*30*3,0,0.25),dim=c(20,30,3))
#' #Run the method with default options
#' \dontrun{res1 <- tensorBF(Y)}
#' \dontrun{plotTensorBF(res = res1,Y=Y,k=1)}
plotTensorBF <- function(res, Y=NULL, k=1, modesOnAxis=c(1,2,3), nTopFeatures=c(5,15,3), margins=c(4,4,4,12), cex.axis=1, cols=colorRampPalette(c("blue","white","red"))(101), key=TRUE, plimit=NULL)
  if(is.null(res)) stop("Please specify a correct model object.")
  if(is.null(k)) stop("Please specify a correct value of component k to plot.")
  if(!is.numeric(k)) stop("k should be a positive numeric number.")
  if(k<1 || k>ncol(res$X))
    stop(paste0("K should be between: ",1," and ",ncol(res$X)))
  if(!is.logical(key)) stop("key should be a logical value of TRUE/FALSE.")
  if(!is.numeric(cex.axis) || cex.axis < 0.01) {
    warning("cex.axis should be a positive numeric value."); cex.axis = 1;

  if(length(dim(Y)) != length(modesOnAxis))
    stop(paste0("Number of modes specified is ",length(modesOnAxis),". Should be ",length(dim(Y)),"."))
  if(length(dim(Y)) != length(nTopFeatures))
    stop(paste0("Number of nTop feature count is ",length(nTopFeatures),". Should be ",length(dim(Y)),"."))
  if(4 != length(margins))
    stop(paste0("Number of margins count is ",length(margins),". Should be 4."))

  if(any( !(modesOnAxis %in% 1:length(dim(Y))) ))
    stop(paste0("Wrong value of mode specified in modesOnAxis. Should be unique values in the range of 1 to ",length(dim(Y))))

  if(!is.numeric(nTopFeatures) || any(is.na(nTopFeatures)) || any(nTopFeatures<1))
    stop("Wrong value of top features specified in nTopFeatures Should be positive numbers.")

  inds = which(nTopFeatures > dim(Y));
  if(length(inds)>0) {
    nTopFeatures[inds] = dim(Y)[inds]
    warning("Too high values in nTopFeatures. Plotting only the maximum number of available dimensions.")
    print("Plot for more than 50 features could be cluttered. Try reducing the values in nTopFeatures if the image is not clear.")

  if(is.null(Y)) {
    Y = reconstructTensorBF(res)
    print("Y not supplied. Plotting the reconstruction.")
  # adjusting for modes on different axis
  md = list()
  md$X = res$X
  md$U = res$U
  md$W = res$W#[[1]]
  if(2==modesOnAxis[1]) md$X = res$W#[[1]]
  if(3==modesOnAxis[1]) md$X = res$U
  if(1==modesOnAxis[2]) md$W = res$X
  if(3==modesOnAxis[2]) md$W = res$U
  if(1==modesOnAxis[3]) md$U = res$X
  if(2==modesOnAxis[3]) md$U = res$W#[[1]]
  Y = aperm(Y,modesOnAxis)
  nTopFeatures = nTopFeatures[modesOnAxis]
  mnames = c("X","W","U")[modesOnAxis]

  md <- normX.max1(md)
  md <- normU.max1(md)

		x.inds <- order(md$X[,k],decreasing=TRUE)[1:nTopFeatures[1]]
		x.inds <- order(md$X[,k],decreasing=FALSE)[1:nTopFeatures[1]]

	x.inds <- rev(x.inds) #reveresed for ploting purpose.
	w.inds.1 <- order(abs(md$W[,k]),decreasing=TRUE)[1:nTopFeatures[2]]

	dd = Y[x.inds,w.inds.1,1]
	  for(n3 in 2:nTopFeatures[3])
	    dd = rbind(dd,Y[x.inds,w.inds.1,n3])
	dd <- t(dd)

	w.inds.1 <- w.inds.1[hclust(dist(dd))$order] #reorder for clustering of genes
	cex.a = cex.axis*1.3
	  Y <- plotlimitdata.tensor(Y,limit=plimit)
	o.op <- par(mfcol=c(nTopFeatures[3]+key,1), oma=c(1,0,0,0.3),mar=c(0,margins[2],margins[3],margins[4])+0.2)
	col.brks <- 1:(length(cols) + 1)
	extreme <- max(abs(Y), na.rm = TRUE)
	col.brks <- seq(-extreme, extreme, length = length(col.brks))
	cell.label.pos = c(-8.3,-21.2,-29.4)
	m3Names = dimnames(Y)[[3]]
	for(o in 1:nTopFeatures[3])
  	if(o < nTopFeatures[3] && o > 1) { par(mar=c(margins[1]/2,margins[2],margins[3]/2,margins[4])+0.2); }
  	if(o == nTopFeatures[3]) par(mar=c(margins[1],margins[2],0,margins[4])+0.2)
  	dat <- Y[x.inds,w.inds.1,o]
  	axis(2,at=0.5,labels=paste(m3Names[o],"\n",mnames[3],": ",format(round(md$U[o,k],2),width=4,nsmall=2),sep=""),las=3,cex.axis=cex.a,tick=0)

  	if(o == 1){
  	if(o < nTopFeatures[3] && o > 1){
  	axis(4,at=seq(0,1,l=nrow(dat)),labels=paste(mnames[1],": ",format(round(md$X[x.inds,k],2),width=4)," ",rownames(dat),sep=""),las=1,cex.axis=cex.a)
	if(key) plotKey(cols,col.brks)

# perspTensor <- function(res,modelTrue,K=1)
# {
#   if(is.null(res)) stop("Please specify a correct model object.")
#   if(is.null(modelTrue)) stop("Please specify the True model object.")
#   if(is.null(K)) stop("Please specify a correct value of component K to plot.")
#   op <- par(mfrow=c(K,2))
#   for(i in 1:K){
#     persp(1:nrow(res$X), 1:nrow(res$U), res$X[,i]%*%t(res$U[,i]),col=bluered(70),theta=30,phi=35,xlab="Z",ylab="U",zlab="Model's Estimated Value",main=i)
#   }
#   par(op)
# }

plotKey <- function(col,v)
	op <- par(mar = par("mar")+0.5+c(-3,3,3,3))
	z=matrix(1:100, ncol=1)
	image((z), col=col, xaxt="n", yaxt="n")

plotlimitdata.tensor <- function(Y,limit=2)
	inds = which(Y > limit); if(length(inds)>0) Y[inds] <- limit
	inds = which(Y < (-limit)); if(length(inds)>0) Y[inds] <- (-limit)

normU.max1 <- function(model)
	ll <- normK.max1(model$U,model$W)
	model$U <- ll$U
	model$W <- ll$W

normX.max1 <- function(model)
	ll <- normK.max1(model$X,model$W)
	model$X <- ll$U
	model$W <- ll$W

normK.max1 <- function(U,W)
	L <- nrow(U)
	D <- nrow(W)
	if(L == 1)
		Ru <- as.vector(U)
		U <- U*outer(rep(1,L),1/Ru)
		W <- W*outer(rep(1,D),Ru)
		Ru.x <- apply(U,2,max)
		Ru.n <- apply(U,2,min)
		Ru <- Ru.x
		inds <- which(abs(Ru.n)  > Ru.x)
		if(length(inds)>0) Ru[inds] <- Ru.n[inds]
		U <- U*outer(rep(1,L),1/Ru)
		W <- W*outer(rep(1,D),Ru)

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tensorBF documentation built on May 1, 2019, 8:39 p.m.