
## ---- echo = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
p <- c(10, 10, 10)  #Dimension of tensor.
n <- length(p) #Order of the tensor.

cov_list <- list()
normalized_cov_list <- list()  #Same as cov_list, but scaled down to determinant 1.
sig2_total <- 1
rho <- 0.7
for (mode_index in 1:n) {
    cov_list[[mode_index]] <-
      rho ^ abs(outer(1:p[mode_index], 1:p[mode_index], "-"))
    scale_cov <- det(cov_list[[mode_index]]) ^ (1 / p[mode_index])
    sig2_total <- sig2_total * scale_cov
    normalized_cov_list[[mode_index]] <- cov_list[[mode_index]] / scale_cov

##Generate data with above covariance structure.
X <- atrans(array(rnorm(prod(p)), dim = p), lapply(cov_list, mhalf))

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
mcmc_out <- equi_mcmc(X, 1000) 
bayes_rule <- get_equi_bayes(mcmc_out$Phi_inv, mcmc_out$sigma)
cov_umree <- bayes_rule$Sig_hat
#Estimate of the "standard deviation" form for the total variation parameter.
sig_umree <- bayes_rule$b 

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
tak_est <- multiway_takemura(X, ortho_max = 3, print_mcmc = TRUE)
cov_takemura <- tak_est$B
sig_takemura <- tak_est$b

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
holq_x <- holq(X, print_diff = FALSE)
mle_x <- mle_from_holq(holq_x)
cov_mle <- mle_x$cov_mle
#The "standard deviation" form for the total variation parameter.
sig_mle <- mle_x$sig_mle 

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
get_moment <- function(X) {
    p <- dim(X)
    n <- length(p)
    cov_moment <- list()
    cov_chol_inv <- list()  ## used for getting scale est
    for (mode_index in 1:n) {
        cov_temp <- mat(X, mode_index) %*% t(mat(X, mode_index))
        cov_moment[[mode_index]] <- cov_temp/(det(cov_temp)^(1/p[mode_index]))
        cov_chol_inv[[mode_index]] <- t(backsolve(chol(cov_moment[[mode_index]]), 
    sig_moment <- sqrt(sum(atrans(X, cov_chol_inv)^2)/prod(p))
    return(list(cov_moment = cov_moment, sig_moment = sig_moment))
moment_x <- get_moment(X)
cov_moment <- moment_x$cov_moment
sig_moment <- moment_x$sig_moment

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
umree_loss <- multi_stein_loss_cov(cov_umree, normalized_cov_list, sig_umree, sqrt(sig2_total))
tak_loss <- multi_stein_loss_cov(cov_takemura, normalized_cov_list, sig_takemura, 
mle_loss <- multi_stein_loss_cov(cov_mle, normalized_cov_list, sig_mle, sqrt(sig2_total))
moment_loss <- multi_stein_loss_cov(cov_moment, normalized_cov_list, sig_moment, 

    "Multiway Takemura's Loss:", round(tak_loss), "\n",
    "             UMREE Loss:", round(umree_loss), "\n",  
    "               MLE Loss:", round(mle_loss), "\n",
    "            Moment Loss:", round(moment_loss), "\n"

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
cov_post <- convert_cov(mcmc_out)   

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
par(cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.axis = 1, mar = c(2.4,2.6,2,0.2), mgp = c(1.5,0.5,0))
## trace plot of total variation parameter
plot(cov_post[[2]], type = "l", ylab = expression(sigma^2),
     xlab = "Iteration", main = "Trace Plot")
abline(h = sig2_total, lty = 2, col = 2)
legend("topright", "True Parameter", lty = 2, col = 2, bty = "n")

## some more trace plots
random_trace <- function(cov_post, true_cov, p) {
    n <- length(p)
    mode_look <- sample(1:n, 1)
    x_look <- sample(1:p[mode_look], size = 1)
    y_look <- sample(1:p[mode_look], size = 1)
    plot(cov_post[[1]][[mode_look]][x_look, y_look, ], type = "l",
         xlab = "Iteration", 
         ylab = bquote(Sigma[.(mode_look)]["["][.(x_look)][","][.(y_look)]["]"]), 
         main = "Traceplot")
    abline(h = true_cov[[mode_look]][x_look, y_look], lty = 2, col = 2)
    legend("topright", "True Parameter", lty = 2, col = 2, bty = "n")

for(index in 1:4){
    random_trace(cov_post, normalized_cov_list, p)

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
par(cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.axis = 1, mar = c(2.4,2.6,2,0.2), mgp = c(1.5,0.5,0))
quantile_list <- list()
for (mode_index in 1:n) {
    quantile_list[[mode_index]] <- apply(cov_post[[1]][[mode_index]], c(1, 2), quantile, 
        probs = c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975))

par(cex.main = 0.7)
for (mode_index in 1:n) {
    upper_val <- c(quantile_list[[mode_index]][3, , ][lower.tri(diag(p[mode_index]), 
        diag = TRUE)])
    lower_val <- c(quantile_list[[mode_index]][1, , ][lower.tri(diag(p[mode_index]), 
        diag = TRUE)])
    median_val <- c(quantile_list[[mode_index]][2, , ][lower.tri(diag(p[mode_index]), 
        diag = TRUE)])
    num_cred <- p[mode_index] * (p[mode_index] + 1)/2
    plot(c(), xlim = c(1, num_cred), ylim = c(min(lower_val), max(upper_val)),
         xaxt = "n", 
         xlab = "Parameter", ylab = "Value",
         main = substitute(z~~Sigma[y],
                           list(z = "Medians and 95% Credible Intervals for",
                                y = mode_index)))
    arrows(1:num_cred, lower_val, 1:num_cred, upper_val, length = 0)
    points(1:num_cred, median_val, pch = 16, col = 2, cex = 0.4)
    points(1:num_cred, median_val, pch = 1, col = 1, cex = 0.4)
    abline(h = 0, lty = 2, col = 2)
    v_at <- cumsum(p[mode_index]:2) + 0.5
    abline(v = v_at, lty = 2)

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
A_list <- list()
for (mode_index in 1:n) {
    A_temp <- matrix(0, nrow = p[mode_index], ncol = p[mode_index])
    A_temp[lower.tri(A_temp)] <- rnorm(p[mode_index] * (p[mode_index] - 1)/2)
    diag(A_temp) <- rgamma(p[mode_index], shape = 1, rate = 1)
    A_temp <- A_temp/prod(diag(A_temp))^(1/p[mode_index])
    A_list[[mode_index]] <- A_temp
a_scale <- 10

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
X_transformed <- a_scale * atrans(X, A_list)

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
mcmc_out <- equi_mcmc(X, 10000) 
bayes_rule <- get_equi_bayes(mcmc_out$Phi_inv, mcmc_out$sigma)
cov_x <- bayes_rule$Sig_hat
sig_x <- bayes_rule$b 

mcmc_out <- equi_mcmc(X_transformed, 10000) 
bayes_rule <- get_equi_bayes(mcmc_out$Phi_inv, mcmc_out$sigma)
cov_x_t <- bayes_rule$Sig_hat
sig_x_t <- bayes_rule$b

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
#These two quantities should be close.
cat("                Total Variation of transformed data:", sig_x_t, "\n",
    "Transformation of total variation of original data:", sig_x * a_scale,

for (mode_index in 1:n) {
    par(ask = TRUE)
    x_val <- cov_x_t[[mode_index]][lower.tri(diag(p[mode_index]))]
    y_val <- (A_list[[mode_index]] %*% cov_x[[mode_index]] %*% 
    plot(x_val, y_val, xlab = "Transform of UMREE",
         ylab = "UMREE of Transformed Data", 
         main = "Covariance Estimates")
    mtext("(Should Lie on Line if Equivariant)")
    abline(c(0, 1))
    par(ask = FALSE)

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