
setMethod("princomp", signature(x="SpatRaster"),
	function(x, cor=FALSE, fix_sign=TRUE, use="pairwise.complete.obs", maxcell=Inf) {

		if (!hasValues(x)) {
			error("princomp", "x has no values")
		if (nlyr(x) < 2) {
			error("princomp", "The number of layers of x must be > 1")
		xcov <- layerCor(x, fun="cov", use=use, asSample=FALSE, maxcell=maxcell)
		if (any(is.na(xcov[["covariance"]]))) {
			error("princomp", "the covariance matrix has missing values")		

		model <- princomp(covmat=xcov$covariance, cor=cor, fix_sign=fix_sign)
		model$center <- diag(xcov$mean)
		n <- diag(xcov$n)
		if (cor) {
		## scale as population sd
			S <- diag(xcov$covariance)
			model$scale <- sqrt(S)
		model$n.obs <- stats::as.dist(xcov$n)

setMethod("prcomp", signature(x="SpatRaster"),
	function(x, retx = TRUE, center = TRUE, scale. = FALSE, tol = NULL, rank. = NULL, maxcell=Inf) {
		x <- na.omit(spatSample(x, maxcell, "regular"))
		prcomp(x, retx=retx, center=center, scale.=scale., tol=tol, rank.=rank.)

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terra documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:33 p.m.