
Defines functions .getSpatFactor .makeSpatFactor .getSpatDF .makeSpatDF

.makeSpatDF <- function(d) {
	x <- methods::new("Rcpp_SpatDataFrame")
	nms <- colnames(d)
	for (i in 1:ncol(d)) {
		if (inherits(d[[i]], "character")) {
			s <- d[[i]]
			s[is.na(s)] <- "____NA_+"
			x$add_column_string(enc2utf8(s), nms[i])
		} else if (inherits(d[[i]], "integer")) {
			v <- d[[i]]
			# min long (should query what it is on the system?)
			v[is.na(v)] <- -2147483648
			x$add_column_long(v, nms[i])
		} else if (inherits(d[[i]], "logical")) {
			v <- as.integer(d[[i]])
			v[is.na(v)] <- 2
			x$add_column_bool(v, nms[i])
		} else if (inherits(d[[i]], "numeric")) {
			x$add_column_double(d[[i]], nms[i])
		} else if (inherits(d[[i]], "Date")) {
			x$add_column_time(as.numeric(as.POSIXlt(d[[i]])), nms[i], "days", "")
		} else if (inherits(d[[i]], "factor")) {
			f <- .makeSpatFactor(d[[i]])
			x$add_column_factor(f, nms[i])
		} else if (inherits(d[[i]], "POSIXt")) {
			tz <- if (nrow(d) > 0) { attr(d[[i]][1], "tzone") } else { "" }
			if (is.null(tz)) tz <- ""
			x$add_column_time(as.numeric(d[[i]]), nms[i], "seconds", tz)
		} else {
			v <- try(as.character(d[[i]]))
			if (!inherits(v, "try-error")) {
				x$add_column_string(enc2utf8(v), nms[i])

.getSpatDF <- function(x, check.names = FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, ...) {
	d <- x$values()

	f <- sapply(d, class) == "Rcpp_SpatFactor"
	if (any(f)) {
		f <- which(f)
		for (i in f) {
			d[[i]] <- .getSpatFactor(d[[i]])
	d <- data.frame(d, check.names=check.names, stringsAsFactors=stringsAsFactors, ...)
	if (ncol(d) == 0) return(d)

	s <- which(sapply(d, function(i) inherits(i, "character")))
	for (i in s) {
		d[[i]][d[[i]]=="NA"] <- NA
		Encoding(d[[i]]) <- "UTF-8"
	#ints <- which(x$itype == 1)
	#for (i in ints) d[[i]] <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(d[[i]]))
	#bools <- which(x$itype == 3)
	#for (i in bools) d[[i]] <- suppressWarnings(as.logical(d[[i]]))
	times <- x$itype == 4
	if (any(times)) {
		steps <- x$get_timesteps()
		zones <- x$get_timezones()
		for (i in which(times)) {
			d[[i]] <- strptime("1970-01-01", "%Y-%m-%d", tz = "UTC") + d[[i]]
			if (!(zones[i] %in% c("", "UTC"))) {
				attr(d[[i]], "tzone") = zones[i]
			if (steps[i] == "days") {
				d[[i]] <- as.Date(d[[i]])

.makeSpatFactor <- function(x) {
	i <- as.integer(x)
	i[is.na(i)] <- 0
	SpatFactor$new(i, levels(x), is.ordered(x))

.getSpatFactor <- function(x) {
	i <- x$values
	i[i==0] <- NA
	if (isTRUE(x$ordered)) {
		ordered(x$labels[i], x$labels)	
	} else {
		factor(x$labels[i], x$labels)

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