
# failed on CRAN

#if (terra::gdal() >= "2.3.0") {
#  fl <- system.file("ex/test.grd", package="terra")
#  tst <- terra::rast(fl)
#  terra::crs(tst) <- "EPSG:28992"
#  tf <- tempfile(fileext=".grd")
#  terra::writeRaster(tst, tf)
#  tst1 <- terra::rast(tf)
#  if (terra::gdal() > "3.4.2") {
#    expect_identical(terra::crs(tst, describe=TRUE)[1:3],
#        terra::crs(tst1, describe=TRUE)[1:3])
#  } else {
#    expect_false(isTRUE(all.equal(terra::crs(tst, describe=TRUE)[1:3],
#        terra::crs(tst1, describe=TRUE)[1:3])))
#  }

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terra documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:33 p.m.