
Defines functions indent_del indent_add write_snaps read_snaps snap_from_md snap_to_md

# data is list of character vectors
snap_to_md <- function(data) {
  h2 <- paste0("# ", names(data), "\n\n")
  code_block <- function(x) paste0(indent_add(x), collapse = "\n\n---\n\n")
  data <- vapply(data, code_block, character(1))

  paste0(h2, data, "\n\n", collapse = "")

snap_from_md <- function(lines) {
  lines <- gsub("\r", "", lines, fixed = TRUE)

  h2 <- grepl("^# ", lines)
  tests_group <- cumsum(h2)
  tests <- split(lines[!h2], tests_group[!h2])
  names(tests) <- gsub("^# ", "", lines[h2])

  split_tests <- function(lines) {
    sep <- grepl("^-{3,}", lines)
    case_group <- cumsum(sep)

    # Remove first line and last line, separator, line above and line below
    sep_loc <- which(sep)
    drop <- c(1, sep_loc, sep_loc + 1, sep_loc - 1, length(lines))

    cases <- unname(split(lines[-drop], case_group[-drop]))
    code_unblock <- function(x) paste0(indent_del(x), collapse = "\n")
    vapply(cases, code_unblock, character(1))

  lapply(tests, split_tests)

read_snaps <- function(path) {
  if (file.exists(path)) {
    lines <- brio::read_lines(path)
  } else {

write_snaps <- function(snaps, path, delete = FALSE) {
  snaps <- compact(snaps)
  if (length(snaps) == 0) {
    if (delete) {

  out <- snap_to_md(snaps)
  brio::write_file(out, path)

# Helpers -----------------------------------------------------------------

indent_add <- function(x, prefix = "    ") {
  paste0(prefix, gsub("\n", paste0("\n", prefix), x, fixed = TRUE))
indent_del <- function(x, prefix = "    ") {
  x <- gsub(paste0("^", prefix), "", x)
  x <- gsub(paste0("\n", prefix), "\n", x)

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testthat documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:38 a.m.